June 21, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield School Board
June 21, 2007
Pittsfield Middle High School
Members Present: Scott Brown, Chairperson
Chris Ward
Gary Colby
Leslie Vogt
Mary Paradise
Others Present: Dr. William Compton, Superintendent
Toby Eaton, Business Administrator
Karen Erlandson, Principal, PMHS
Jeff DeLois, Administrator, PMHS
Mark Jarvis, Director of Student Services, PMHS
Dr. John Freeman, Principal, PES
Tobi Chassie, Director of Student Services, PES
Chairperson Brown called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.
On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted
unanimously to approve the minutes of June 7, 2007 as written.
Dr. Freeman added Assessment Committee information. Mr. Eaton added an
action item regarding lunch price comparisons. Dr. Compton added NH DOE
approval designation and personnel issues in non-public. Mr. Jarvis added the
end-of-year discipline report.
A. Assessment Committee
Dr. Freeman asked the Board for further consideration of their request of the
Pittsfield School Board 1 June 21, 2007
Assessment Committee to provide comparison data with other school districts.
He distributed a handout regarding The Child Well-Being Index (CWBI), which
separated districts into quintiles according to CWBI scores. Mr. Colby
suggested that they use the following districts: Colebrook, Farmington, Milton.
B. Spring Reading Test Results
Dr. Freeman explained that according to the Developmental Reading
Assessment, 89% of the sixth grade children are reading at or above the grade
level benchmark. This is in comparison with 20% of children leaving our first
grade in 1999 who were at or above the grade level benchmark. Dr. Freeman
stated that these are extraordinary data, demonstrating the success of the Four
Blocks Literacy Framework implementation.
A. Resignation
Ms. Erlandson reported that Jennifer Patsos has submitted her letter of
resignation. On a motion made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Colby, the
Board voted unanimously to accept the resignation of Ms. Patsos. The Board
thanked Ms. Patsos for her eight years of dedicated service.
Megan Maxwell has resigned from her position as Library Assistant. On a
motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted
unanimously to accept the resignation of Ms. Maxwell.
Mr. Jarvis reported that Paula Bain has resigned from her position as
educational assistant. On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr.
Ward, the Board voted unanimously to accept the resignation of Ms. Bain.
B. Nomination
Ms. Erlandson recommended the nomination of Heidi Fisher as a middle school
English teacher. On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Ms. Vogt,
the Board voted unanimously to accept the nomination and hire Ms. Fischer.
C. Donations
Colby Sawyer College has donated several pieces of technology to the Pittsfield
School District. On a motion made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms.
Paradise, the Board accepted the gift of computer equipment from Colby
Sawyer College. Dr. Compton agreed to send a note of thanks.
D. Discipline Report
Mr. Jarvis reviewed the fourth quarter discipline report with the Board. The data
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showed a demonstration of improvement in behavior.
E. Graduation Ceremonies
Ms. Erlandson thanked the School Board for their participation in the graduation
exercises. She stated that compliments were received from several sources.
F. .5 FTE English Language Arts Teacher
Ms. Erlandson distributed a chart demonstrating the rationale for an additional
.5 FTE in English Language Arts. She summarized the need for the teacher by
comparing the need with that of current staffing patterns in Social Studies,
Mathematics, and Science. Dr. Compton added that there was money in the
budget to support the position as a result of changes in staffing. Ms. Paradise
stated concern for adding a position at this point, rather than waiting for the
budget process to proceed, as usual. Ms. Vogt stated her concern for the fact
that the Pittsfield Elementary School lost its librarian in the budget cuts.
Discussion ensued regarding the advantages and disadvantages of adding the
position of .5 FTE English Language Arts teacher. On a motion made by Ms.
Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to increase
the current .5 English Language Arts teacher to full time as recommended.
A. Director of Student Services
Dr. Compton summarized his recommendation regarding the reorganization of
the administrative structure for the Director of Student Services. He further
detailed his proposal with items pertaining to the salary structure and stated that
job descriptions would be developed if the plan were approved. The proposal
includes that the Athletic Director be returned to a building level position with a
stipend. Ms. Paradise stated her concern of whether the role of Athletic
Director could be successfully filled given the recent circumstances surrounding
that position. Mr. Colby suggested that the consideration of this change be
framed in the context of the SAU withdrawal and the positive changes that can
be created as a result.
On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board
voted unanimously to restructure the current two special education
administration positions into one director of student services (preK through 12)
and one coordinator of student services (preK through 12).
On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board
voted unanimously to change the current structure of one administrator/athletics
director to two positions of assistant principal and a stipend position of athletic
Pittsfield School Board 3 June 21, 2007
Dr. Compton recommended that the Board accept the nomination of Tobi
Chassie as the PreK-12 Director of Student Services. On a motion by Ms.
Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted unanimously to appoint
Ms. Chassie to the position of PreK-12 Director of Student Services.
Dr. Compton recommended that the Board appoint Lois Stevens as the
coordinator of Student Services PreK-12. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise
and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
appointment of Ms. Stevens to the position of PreK-12 Coordinator of Student
The title of position of administrator/athletic director will be changed to Assistant
Dr. Compton asked for approval of the Board to negotiate salaries using the
ranges presented in his June 21st memo. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and
seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to allow Dr. Compton to
negotiate contracts with the PreK-12 Director of Student Services and the PreK-
12 Coordinator of Student Services using the ranges presented.
Mr. Brown suggested that a strategy be developed to inform the Budget
Committee, the public, and staff of the changes that have been approved. It
was decided that Dr. Compton would attend the next meeting of the Budget
Dr. Compton recommended the nomination of Jaclyn Hookway for a position of
special education teacher position. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and
seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to hire Ms. Hookway.
B. Hiring Authority
Ms. Vogt suggested that the Board give authority to the Superintendent to hire
during the summer when there are fewer opportunities for the Board to meet.
On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted
unanimously to give the Superintendent the authority to hire during July and
August to expedite the process of filling vacancies.
C. Strategic Plan
On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board
voted unanimously to accept the strategic plan as proposed by the Strategic
Planning Committee and Superintendent. Mr. Colby thanked the Committee for
their time on the plan. Dr. Compton stated that he would be sending notes of
thanks to the members who volunteered their time on this endeavor.
D. Sick Bank Requests
Deborah Doscher requested the use of days from the sick bank due to the birth
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of her daughter. Discussion ensued about the criteria that must be met to use
the sick bank. The Sick Bank Committee approved her application for
additional days from the bank with a vote of two to one. Mr. Brown asked that
Dr. Compton review the issue with the school attorney. On a motion made by
Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to approve
Dr. Compton reviewing the matter with the attorney and making the decision
based on his research.
E. Bids
Mr. Eaton reviewed the bids that have been received for fuel. He
recommended that the bid from Fred Fuller Oil Company, Inc. be accepted at
the rate of $2.195 per gallon. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and
seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to accept the
recommendation of the Business Administrator to accept the bid from Fuller Oil
Company, Inc. for fuel.
Mr. Eaton reviewed the bid that was received for special education
transportation. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Ward, the
Board voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of Mr. Eaton to accept
the bid from H.A. Marston, Inc for special education transportation.
F. Budget Transfers
Mr. Eaton provided information to the Board regarding transfers that have been
made in the FY 2007 budget.
G. Meal Cost Comparison
Mr. Eaton provided information regarding the cost of meals in neighboring
districts. He recommended an increase in fees for the 2007-2008 school year.
Mr. Brown inquired into the practice of some towns contracting the food service
out and allegedly saving money. Mr. Ward asked if there was access to
professionals that could come in to assess the situation and subsequently make
recommendations. Mr. Eaton stated that a company could be asked to present
a proposal for the Board to consider. Discussion ensued regarding the size of
the increase. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Ms Vogt,
the Board voted unanimously to change the fees to breakfast at PMHS – $1.40,
lunch at PMHS – $2.25, breakfast at PES – $1.15, and lunch at PES – $2.00.
The Board requested that Mr. Eaton pursue investigating alternate methods of
providing school lunches.
H. Facility Management
Dr. Compton informed the Board that the NH Department of Education’s
Commissioner’s Public School Approval Designation Report has determined
that the elementary school has been approved with distinction and the middle
and high school have been conditionally approved due to minor issues relative
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to health and fire inspections being on file. Dr. Compton will investigate the
issue further.
A. Drake Field & Facilities – None
B. Selectmen Liaison – None
C. Budget – None
D. SAU Planning
Mr. Brown reported that the SAU Planning Committee recently met. The
Committee visited Superintendent Michael Morgan from Barrington, who has a
similar situation as Pittsfield. In the meantime, Ms. Vogt and Mr. Ward met with
the PES and PMHS administration to receive their input. The work of the
Committee is nearly finished and the final work will be presented at a future
E. Negotiations – None
Mr. Brown reported that the Foss Family has established a scholarship fund for
graduates of PMHS. More information will be forthcoming.
Mr. Brown thanked Mr. Eaton for his service as Business Administrator during this
year and wished him the best of luck in his new job.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 19, 2007 at 5:30 at the Pittsfield
Middle High School.
XI. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None
At 7:45 p.m., a motion was made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Ms. Vogt, to
enter into non-public session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously to
enter into a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A: 3 II (c)
[Personnel, Student, and Legal Matters].
A motion was made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Ms. Vogt to come out of the
non-public session. The Board was polled and voted to come out of the non-public
session at 8:18 p.m.
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On a motion made by Mrs. Paradise and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted
unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary
Pittsfield School Board 7 June 21, 2007