June 21, 2011 Minutes

June 21, 2011, 7:06 pm

Present: Dana Sansom, Chairman, Sylvia Wallace, Treasurer, Roza Benoit, Director, Mary Schelble, Secretary
Acceptance of Minutes: Moved and seconded (Sylvia/Dana) to accept with corrections the minutes of the May 17, 2011 meeting.
Old Business:
• Library Goals
– The director suggested that there be a written plan for short and long term goals for the library. The plan is that for the next meeting the three trustees come in with ideas concerning their thoughts for the building, public services, staffing and what the public will want in the next five years. Also any other ideas along that line may be included for discussion.
• Updating Policies
– Circulation Policy – It was moved that the Circulation Policy as updated by the director and amended by the trustees be accepted on this date. (Mary/Dana)
– Equipment Use Policy – It was moved to accept the Equipment Use Policy as presented. (Dana/Mary)
– Volunteer Policy – The policy and paperwork presented are to be reviewed and revised by the trustees and considered at the July meeting.
Director’s and Treasurer’s Reports: Reviewed and accepted after discussion.
New Business:
• Memorial Gifts – Gifts received to date in memory of former trustee, patron and friend of the library, Ralph Van Horn, total $470. A letter will be sent to the family in thanks for suggesting the donations. Also thank you letters are being sent to each donor. The decision was made to use the money towards the purchase of an AED defibrillator with later consideration being made concerning the further monies needed to come to the total price $735 of an AED..

Further discussion was held regarding a CPR certification class that will be conducted by the Pittsfield Fire Chief in the near future for library personnel and others involved with the library (Friends of the Library, trustees) if they are interested. Certified personnel are needed in order to have an AED in the building.
• The director updated the trustees on the hours of the person hired as a temp to cover the hours of an employee on sick leave. The director also discussed the other programs that are going on and their statuses.
• Discussion was held regarding the new windows that are being installed. For the first time in many years, the windows were open on this warm evening with a lovely breeze. Mr. Roeper is installing them and has completed the front room windows.
• The Book Sale conducted by the Friends of the Josiah Carpenter Library was discussed and reviewed.

Adjournment: It was moved and seconded to adjourn at 8:50 pm. (Sylvia/Dana)

Next Meeting: July 19, 2011 7 pm
Submitted by: Mary Schelble, Secretary