June 22, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:02 P.M. by Denise Morin, Chairman.


Denise Morin (DM), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Eric Nilsson, (EN), Don Chase, (DC) Board received prior notification of his non-attendance.


George Gray, High Street, noted that he has an issue with an individual shooting in their back yard from a house directly in back of his property. “I talked to Police Officer Kane and he gave me a copy of Criminal Code, Chapter 644.” (See Attachment #1.) I met the gentleman and he led me to believe he was the only one shooting. He assured me that he was within 300 ft. which is legal. He must have fired 120-130 rounds, maybe more. I understand why people shoot; I do shooting myself. I confronted him; he noted he works in security and needs to keep his up his accuracy. This neighbor noted that before he bought the property, he checked on the ability to shoot in that area. We talked about it and he eventually did “throw me off his property.” Somehow, Joey Darrah gave him permission to shoot also. I think it is a pretty compact area and it is pretty nerve-wracking to continually hear the shooting. On top of that, his son is home on leave and he bought him a rifle and they were shooting that as well.

(DM) When you spoke with Sgt. Cain, what did he say to you? Mr. Gray: That this gentleman is allowed to shoot in that area as far as he is concerned. He is within legal area as High Street ends the compact area of Town. I am pretty nervous about this. (DM) Let us look into it a little bit. We will have the Police Chief determine why it is legal. (PS) to contact Chief Wharem to research, note in writing, and cc BOS.

Mr. Gray left at 6:10 P.M.

(EV) This is a big concern. There are very few trees back there.

Close Public Input


(PS) Building Inspector, Intent to Cut, Contract for Sidewalk Repair and Abatement.


2. Intent to Cut

Mr. Charles Moreno, Forrester, was present. He related that he is the Town Forrester and “my project was to complete the Forest Management Plan, which I have done.” It has given me an opportunity to see what is out there. I collected information from fourteen different parcels (about 135 acres) and it gave me the chance to view the properties. The Management Plan contains information pertaining to environment, forest timber, water, and recreation area. Some of the areas are quite remote and are quite rugged.

We have had a good spring and I have lined up a logging crew for the thinning out of the area with revenue to the Town with the hope that revenue can be reinvested in other parts of the land. The logging crew is all ready to go and I am hopeful that the Intent to Cut can be signed tonight. The conditions for cutting are right.

(FH) When did the Conservation Commission take over these properties? (EV) They manage all of the Town’s forest land. The Forrester study involves all the properties and this Board has full control over them. Mr. Moreno: Some of the areas are very remote and have not been tampered with. Also, the properties are very interesting and rugged in some parts.

(FH) Motion to approve Intent to Cut Tax Map R26, Lots 8, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17; Tax Map R10 Lot 7; Tax Map R11, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 17, and 18. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

3. Abatement

(PS) This is an abatement that was filed on time but there was some dispute as to the heating system within the property. Board discussed that because of assumptions on the part of the assessors, that it was necessary to review abatement three times. Why was it not noted at the first review?

(EV) Motion to approve abatement Tax Map 18, Lot 14. (DM) Second.
After Discussion: Carried 2-1 (FH).

Discussion: It was noted that the assessors should have been more thorough the first time they reviewed property.

(EV) We should send a note to the assessors questioning why it took three times to straighten out this abatement. (PS) to do.

Board members (3) also noted that there is no policy in place regarding how many votes are required to pass a motion when only three members of Board are present, which is a quorum.

4. Bid for Sidewalk Repairs

(PS) George has submitted two quotes for repair of some of the sidewalks on South Main Street, Main Street above Joy Street, Main and Elm Streets. This is part of the block grant.

(FH) Motion to approve Clairmont Asphalt Paving & Excavation, LLC in the amount of $6,600 for sidewalk repairs as noted. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

5. Building Inspector

(DM) Board is in receipt of a resignation letter from Kyle Parker, Building Inspector, effective July 2, 2010.

(EV) Motion to accept resignation of Kyle Parker, Building Inspector, effective July 2, 2010. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

Board noted that BI has been coming under a lot of “fire” lately because of not being knowledgeable about a lot of things. (DM) A letter of “Thank You” should be sent to him for past services.

Board agreed that advertising for BI would begin as soon as possible with no deadline date for applying, but until an individual is hired for the position.

Board also discussed whether part-time BI from other adjoining towns might be available, salary that could be offered, who will cover position in the interim after Kyle leaves, if Deputy Building Inspector would be available for this, and Suncook Valley Regional Town Association’s view on utilizing same BI for several towns.

(PS) To initiate advertising article, check with Kyle as to whether he will stay in position until someone is hired and talk to (EN) regarding filling position as Deputy Building Inspector if Kyle cannot remain in position for a short period after resignation date.

1. Job Descriptions

(EV) I am disappointed that only three members of the Board are present tonight. Fred, do you have an idea what you want to do? (FH) Start at the beginning and go through the whole thing. We and many others do not know and realize what every position does. (DM) If the others felt that it was so important, why are they not here tonight? (FH) It has been two years since we had this done. We could take one department a week and review.

(PS) Generally, I think the nuance in this report by LGC and the assignment of particular values as noted on Page 24 really “stinks.” How they came up with it I do not know. Did someone look at this with LGC?

(DM) I do not understand the factors and the labor grade system here. The major reason this was done was so we could look at having another secretary in the office and who does what. It was for restructuring the office personnel. (EV) Some positions are over loaded and some duties should be shifted into other positions.

Board discussed salaries as related to the labor grade and (PS) noted that whatever step it is, is what you have to give to individual. (FH) “That is stupid. What if it goes beyond?” (DM) You cannot change a Union position that has been bargained. The control is in the hiring and not the step. (EV) Maybe we should just set up criteria tonight as to how we would like to work on this. (PS) If you are going to do that, then the person occupying the position should be present so you can discuss with employee simultaneously. (DM) This was done basically for staffing during budget season. (PS) I can call LGC to discuss with them. (DM) I do not know what they could offer. The decision is with us. It was done to try and alleviate the duties of different individuals.

Board ultimately agreed that these Job Descriptions could be used as a reference during hiring process and at time of budget negotiations perhaps for a part-time secretary. Job Descriptions will no longer be on the Agenda as Old Business and no further meetings will be held to discuss these.

(FH) People should talk to the employees in the different offices to find out what they do and they would be surprised as the amount of tasks that are required, the expertise and special training needed, and what has to be and is accomplished.

6. Other

HSA Inspector Office: Board noted that in the past it was determined that HSA Inspector’s office would be moved to Police Department. (EV) Welfare office is quite large and more than enough space is there. HSA, if necessary, could eventually be moved downstairs rather than to the PD since these two departments are somewhat related.

Tax Liens: (FH) reminded Board that the Tax Liens have gone out.

Quorum: Board members (3) also noted that there is no policy in place regarding how many votes are required to pass a motion when a quorum exists and members are absent.


(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.


(EV) Mr. Gray, who was here earlier about the shooting, is right. The compact area should be pushed out. There is a lot of open space out there.

(EV) The Police Chief did attend the Suncook Valley Regional Town Association meeting.


(EV) Motion to adjourn. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M.

Approved: July 6, 2010

____________________________ ___________________
Denise Morin, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on June 22, 2010, transcribed and publicly posted on June 23, 2010.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

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