June 23, 2010 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
June 23, 2010

1. Meeting opened at 5:34.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Susan Muenzinger (SM), Ted Mitchell (TM), Helen Schiff (HS),
Ellen Barbasso (EB), Paul Skowron (PS), Matt Monahan (MM) from SNHRPC, and
Scott Ward (SW).

3. Minutes from June 9, 2010 accepted and approved.

4. USDA Funds for Community Infrastructure
A. Suggestion was made that we apply for multiservice police/fire/rescue building
B. Park and ride better example of what we are doing
1. Apply for off-street parking and bus stop
2. Check with the state see if they can help us with site plan, get materials, and labor
a. EV and MM will meet with someone to discuss this
b. Who do they use for construction-try to get reasonable rate
3. Check with Brown Engineering for a site plan

5. Wi-Fi Advertising
A. Review who is currently advertising
B. Get them to renew for another year
C. Contact other businesses to see if they will advertise.
D. MM will see what the number of hits are per month

6. Public Hearing for Plan NH
A. There will be an open Selectmens meeting Tuesday July 6, 2010
B. Money is needed to pay for Plan Charette-about $5,000
C. Check who came to meeting in October for Plan NH
D. MM will invite them and those who signed up for the Newsletter

7. Other
A. WKXL-Concord
1. EV called and left a message-no response
2. Wants to get an interview to promote Plan NH for Pittsfield
B. There are some properties for sale on Rt 28

8. Next meeting July 7, 2010.

9. Meeting closed at 6:36 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary