June 24, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.







Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Linda Small, Vice-Chairman.

Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Larry Konopka, Chairman




(DM) Drug and Alcohol Community Coalition – Response Letters; (EV) Suncook Valley Regional Meeting; (LKe) Septage, Paving Balance, Foreclosure Notices, Meeting with BI, Job Descriptions.





1. Resignation of Josh Brehm – EMT

(EV) Motion to accept resignation of Josh Brehm with regret. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Combination of Entities Agreement – Health Insurance

(LKe) There is an indication that the combination of communities and solid waste districts would realize savings of health insurance since it would be a much larger pool. It allows for each community to select/change plans. As cautioned in the cover letter, this could change if things in the economy change. Right now it would be advantageous. Savings for a family plan could potentially be up to 20% ($275.). If a participating Town has a major health issue, it could result in change in costs. A two-year minimum sign-up requirement exists, but after that period, Towns can drop out. (LS) “If rate changes, after the second year, Pittsfield could drop out.” (LKe) It is suggested that all entities respond by August 1st. (EV) It would commit all to a January 1, 2009 cycle start. (DM) Is this the first time this has ever been offered? (LKe) noted that LGC was asked to consider this as it would be more advantageous to group together and LGC agreed. (EV) I think it is a good idea. (JL) requested Board allow time to review information more thoroughly before deciding. (EV) We have to be sure we want to do this. (LKe) related it is all about saving money and it could be anywhere from

12-20%. (LS) agreed that this was quite a bit.

Board agreed that they would review the information and it would be on the Agenda again next week for decision.

3. Purchase of New Ambulance

(LKe) The Chief has summarized what they have and experienced concerning the bid, which includes lots of details and specs. Basically, it is a Chevy 2500 heavy-duty truck and includes one of their primary details of a sliding side-entry door. The only company which bid was Braun.

Fire Chief Johnson covered the process of selection and specs, which was developed by a committee of individuals who work with this equipment and included their input. There were four different units viewed but it was felt that the sliding side door was essential. Operation of equipment on highways is the second largest cause of deaths of operators. Pricing is well within the budget – $192,000. (EV) “What is the difference between the 2003 one and this new one offered by Braun?” Jen Tedcastle related that it basically has the same body but is longer, otherwise has an identical set-up. Chief Johnson explained that with the standardization of equipment, it makes it easier to function. (LS) What is the timeframe? Chief Johnson related that it will be available in about 180 days from date order is placed. It is a diesel engine.

(DM) Motion to approve purchase of new ambulance $157,000, trade-in $6,545. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

4. Assessing Software Merge

(LKe) explained that this was mentioned briefly last week and has to do with the new assessing software. Avitar system entails a slightly different process in that it rounds figures up/down (usually to the preceding/next $100) according to the assessment. (Each assessment is a little different.) Cara is requesting your approval to manually check these changes where applicable.

(EV) Motion to approve Avitar software system rounding off of assessments and Cara checking accordingly. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(EV) Some will go up and some will go down. (LKe) noted that in the end “it is a wash.” (DM) questioned whether taxpayers could be notified? (LKe) noted that it would be a monumental task. (LS) Could we have a notice placed in paper advising taxpayers? It was agreed that this could be done. (EV) It was a good choice using Cross Country and the Avitar system.

5. Fire Department Hiring Recommendation

(LKe) Chief Johnson has provided a new candidate.

Chief Johnson related that he was pleased to recommend for the position, Lyle Deanne. He has been through the hiring process twice; the first time he was not a paramedic, which was necessary for the position. He explained his qualifications, and skill levels, motivation, and ability to begin immediately. “He is one of our most active volunteer members.” He has been in Pittsfield all his life and will be staying in Pittsfield. He has been with the Fire Department since 2003 and an EMT since 2005.

(JL) Motion to approve hiring of Lyle Deanne to Fire Department.

(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

6. WWTP Personnel Structure Change

(LKe) In a memo from WWTP Superintendent, he proposes a change in the personnel structure by adding an Assistant Superintendent. This individual would back him up in his absence and would switch from being Chief Operator to Assistant Superintendent. Retention of the additional position would remain as is. (EV) This means that it would still be a three-person operation. (LKe) It makes sense to have an individual who is able to step in when necessary. This is a specialized skill. As you know, Ron Vien was on the verge of doing other things prior to this. (EV) This would work out well, as there is always someone who is capable of “filling in.” (LKe) He will probably have to hire an entry-level position. (JL) What about the pay scale? (LKe) noted that it would be the same as other Assistant Superintendent positions. (LS) “What do we have to do to make this all work?”

Board agreed to table this matter to acquire more specifics including Union comments.

7. Welfare Lien, Tax Map R6, Lot 5-1

(DM) Motion to approve Welfare Lien, Tax Map R6, Lot 5-1 for $167.11. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.


8. Tax Abatement Requests: R4, Lot 2-24; R4, Lot 2-3; R43, Lot 10-1, R10, Lot 8-8, and R19, Lot 3.

(LKe) noted that these are pick-ups by the assessor and as people call in inquiring about tax bills. He noted that R4, Lot 2-24 was Carl Wallman who was in last week concerning a proposal by the BTLA. (LS) related that

R19, Lot 3 is confusing, as it does not match the current value from Cross Country. (LKe) suggested this one be held out to acquire an explanation.

(JL) Motion to approve abatements Tax Map R4, Lot 2-24, R4, Lot 2-3, R43, Lot 10-1, and R10, Lot 8-8. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

9. Land Use Change Tax Warrant: R43, Lot 7, R20, Lot 7-4, R20, Lot 7-5 and R20, Lot 7-6.

(LKe) These are properties which were in current use and taken out, 10% penalty collected and charging Town Clerk with pursuing this.

(DM) Motion to approve Land Use Change Tax Warrant: R43, Lot 7, R20, Lot 7-4, R20, Lot 7-5, and R20, Lot 7-6. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.

10. Contract Award for Electrical Service to Salt Shed on Public Works Lane.

(LKe) This is for lighting for operations at the Salt Shed. We have and will lay the conduit, but other installations are required. Mike has the specs and we have three bids. All bidders had the same spec requirements. Heffernan Electric is the lowest bidder.

(EV) Motion to award bid for the Salt Shed electrical contract to Heffernan Electric for $7,715. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(DM) questioned what was available in the budget for this. It was noted that there were more than sufficient funds for this purpose.


1. NHDOT Letter Dated 6-11-08 – Advising of Increasing Fuel Administrative Cost

(LKe) For the brief period of time for use of the fueling station, there is an increase of five cents for gas and ten cents for diesel due to administrative costs to meet DES Guidelines.

2. NHDOT Letter Date 6-16-08 – Advising of Fuel Station Shut Down, Removal of Damaged Quonset Hut and NH Route 28/107 Intersections.

(LKe) This letter contains better news than before regarding the fuel station shut down and removal of the damaged Quonset Hut. They are probably going to put it out to bid due to the asbestos. We will probably not be able to use it past the first week of August. Therefore, we need to find a source. Also, they will be offering the parcel of land for sale in about a year should the Town desire to purchase it. As I noted previously, other State agencies would have first bid and then the Town of Pittsfield.

(EV) noted that at the Suncook Valley Town Meeting, it was related that Barnstead was hit the hardest on this and then Pittsfield. Barnstead is very interested in talking to us regarding this and maybe even Strafford. This was discussed with Blueberry Express. Currently, they only carry regular gasoline so that there are other tanks available there. Maybe this could be discussed at the next Department Head meeting to get their input as to what we should do. (LKe) related that he had already discussed this with Department Heads. Currently there is a 5,00-gallon tank at the DPW, which is certainly not sufficient for all necessary vehicles but could be utilized at night. George is checking on costs for above ground tanks and we need to check with vendors. (EV) “My question to Board, is what do we want to do about Barnstead?” (DM) Maybe, each Town would have to work out what reimbursement for gas should be. (EV) I would like to see this done with a Town business if we could. (LKe) I think the best bet would be to establish something for Pittsfield now and then work on the long-term issue. (LS) “Leon, could you do the footwork on this?” Agreed.

(LKe) There is also the change of Carroll Street STOP sign, which has been accomplished. The speed has been lowered on Route 28/107 from 50 to 40 MPH. DOT is still looking at intersection and is considering alternatives, maybe turn pockets. (LS) “Thank you, Leon, for all your efforts regarding these road changes.”

3. Police Department Arrest Log June 1st to June 14th

(LKe) It is a relatively brief log – young folks, same problem.

4. Staff Meeting Notes June 17, 2008

As noted.

5. Plodzik & Sanderson E-Mail – Audit Completion

(LKe) They have completed working on the audit and will be issuing report about September 1, 2008 – six months earlier than previously. They will be working on sample statements for us.

6. Drug and Alcohol Community Coalition

(DM) The letters will be written to people directly – informational

letter – requesting they come in and talk to us.

7. Suncook Valley Regional Meeting

(EV) At the meeting, David Hynes, DRA, presented the idea of towns sharing assessment costs – cooperative assessment districts. These would be assessors that would work directly for the town(s).

8. Septage

(LKe) There was a question asked last week regarding payment to Septic Disposal System once a month for septage and what does the Town get out of it. There is an eight cents per gallons charge. Septage is picked up, processed to a kind of compost and spread in various areas on slopes.

(JL) There is a $100 administration fee. (LKe) Yes, per hauler. This is not a lot of money. This started as a pilot program. (LS) noted that the Town has put a lot of time and money into this and we need to look at it more.

9. Paving Balance

(LKe) The work on Upper City Road did not cost as much as anticipated and there are materials left over which can be used on Fairview, which needs it. (LS) This was scheduled to be done this year? (LKe) Yes. This is just FYI.

10. Foreclosure Notices

(LKe) indicated that new foreclosure notices come in regularly. The individual firms could be holding the foreclosures so there is no guarantee that these are the only foreclosures. They are difficult to interpret and are all from different mortgage companies and brokers.


1. Abatement Recommendations


2. Application to Operate a Coin Operated Amusement Device – Zoya’s Restaurant


3. Appointments to CNHRPC

(LKe) The Planning Board has recommended representatives for appointment to CNHRPC.

(JL) Motion to approve Gerard Leduc and Tom Hitchcock as Town of Pittsfield representatives to CNHRPC. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

4. Town Investment Police )

5. Capital Improvement Plan )

6. Space Needs Study ) All Pending

7. WWTP Plan Status )

8. Sidewalk Improvement Plan Status )

9. Application for Discretionary Preservation Easement – Gingras

(LKe) An appointment has been scheduled for viewing property on Wednesday, June 25th at 2:30 P.M.

10. Management Analysis for GASB34



1. Notice of Intent to Cut – Tax Map R6, Lot 7-1

(EV) Motion to approve Notice of Intent to Cut, Tax Map R6, Lot 7-1. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Notice of Intent to Cut, Tax Map R6, Lot 9

(DM) Motion to approve Notice of Intent to Cut, Tax Map R6, Lot 9.

(JL) Second. Carried 4-0.


(DM) Motion to approve Direct Deposit and Payroll. (EV) Second.

(EV) What about the swimming pool people? There were some return employees and two new ones. We have had no input on the background checks and they are essentially working for Town. (LKe) noted Chief was supposed to take care of this. (LS) I suggest we not approve these two paychecks as they are not legitimate employees – Brianna King and Brendon Ward.

(DM) Withdraw Motion to approve Direct Deposit and Payroll. (EV) Withdraw Second.

(DM) Motion to approve Direct Deposit and Payroll except for paychecks for Brianna King and Brendon Ward. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Leon, could you please check on this?

(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.


Public Session Minutes of June 17, 2008

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of June 17, 2008. (DM) Second. After discussion regarding name changes and wording:

Carried 4-0.

Non-Public Session of June 17, 2008

(DM) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of June 17, 2008. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. Meeting with Mike McLaughlin, Building Inspector

(LKe) noted that Mike has suggested meeting with the Board on Wednesday, July 16th. Board agreed to meet with him on this day at

4:30 P.M.

2. Job Descriptions

(LKe) questioned whether job descriptions should be accomplished for all Town employees or just Town Hall employees. (LS) suggested all employees. (DM) noted it would be unfair to single out just those at the Town Hall. (LKe) noted that he had checked with LGC and they routinely do classifications. He noted he would check further.


Maurice Wells noted that regarding septage, at a Town meeting a while ago, didn’t we appropriate $800,000? (LKe) explained that $600,000 had been appropriated for improvements. Mr. Wells commented that we have spent over $3 M down there since 2001/2. (LS) We have made a lot of improvements down there and when Ron comes in soon, he will have that information.

Mr. Wells questioned if Bill Goss is still under contract? (LKe) noted that the contract that was originally signed ends this year. Mr. Wells questioned why did Board give Bill Goss a six-month extension? (LKe) noted he did not think he was here at the time. Mr. Wells noted that he thought he was and he would try and find the Minutes from that time.

(JL) noted that it has been difficult to find people to help with watering the flowers. He noted that there are monies in the flower fund. “You cannot get volunteers but if you are willing to pay, you usually can find someone.” It was suggested that he talk to Chief Wharem and perhaps, individuals who need to do community service, either through the Court or school, could be found.

Close Public Input

(DM) Motion to Adjourn. Withdrawn

(DM) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II (a).

(JL) Second. Carried 4-0. Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed.

Board to go into Non-Public Session at 7:45 P.M. Short Break

Board resumed Public Session at 7:55 P.M.

(DM) Motion to seal the Non-Public Session Minutes of June 24, 2008.

(JL) Second. Carried 4-0.


(JL) Motion to adjourn. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.

Approved: July 1, 2008

_______________________________ ____________________

Linda Small, Vice-Chairman Date