June 26, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John
Lenaerts (JL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz,
Recording Secretary.
Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman.
Michael Brewster related that a month ago, the BOS wrote a letter on his
behalf regarding the accountability of the State for $250 M for child support.
He noted that they are matched dollar for dollar for any revenue they bring
in. “Where does that money go?” They are stealing from the poor people
and they are not accountable. He noted that on the news recently, it was
noted that there are 937 children abused each year in this State. I have asked
where this money is going and they will not answer me. We have a right-toknow.
The judges and Health and Human Services are involved. I would
like you to write another letter regarding this and go after Health and Human
Services. They are trafficking children. They did it to my child. They did it
to me.
(AM) related that the last letter we sent is the way we can help you. I do not
see us doing anything more.
Lachlin Grey noted that the current use issue is not on the Agenda.
(AM) explained that we had not yet gotten an answer back on our questions
and it will be explored at a later date.
Close Public Input
(LS) related that the Agenda she got on Friday did not include the 7:15 P.M.
appointment and when and why was it put on the Agenda. (PS) noted that
BOS had previously discussed this and that it was to be put on a future
Agenda regarding her abatement refund for 2005 and 2006, therefore it is on
tonight. (EV) added ZBA Alternate selection.
6:15 P.M. – Supt. Bachelder, Drainage on Fayette Street and Work on
Thompson Road (Meals on Wheels).
George related that there is a catch basis system, which goes down under the
weaving company that we have been working on to unplug. This ends up
flooding Mr. Blackman’s property and he cannot even mow his grass. It
also goes through other properties as well. To replace it so it does not go
under the weaving company would cost about $1,500 in materials, which he
is willing to buy, and it would entail us just doing the labor. It is our system
but he would just like it out of there. (AM) noted that it probably would be a
wise thing to do. Are there any legal complications regarding easement and
would we need a new one? (PS) noted it would depend on whether it was
originally noted as site specific. George related that it does not. He related
it really belongs to the Town and Town is responsible for it. Gil would buy
the materials and we would do the labor. (AM) related that George should
proceed with this.
George also related that Meals on Wheels had contacted him several times
regarding a “delivery” that they make on Thompson Road to a disabled
individual that cannot get out. The road is not maintained and they had
requested that we do something with this road so they are able to get to this
individual. George noted it is really a driveway problem. There are currently
boards across the driveway entrance area. We can back drag that section of
the road, which will help some, and fill in the potholes. Meals on Wheels has
called me about 4-5 times regarding this and I advised them that I would
have to check with BOS on this. The road is rough. It would take about 45
minutes to back drag the road and would “solve our problem” for a while.
This person is disabled. Questions were asked as to how long they had
resided there and if there was anyone else living on the road. George did not
know how long disabled resident had resided there and related that there
were other people living on that road. George noted that it was a trailer that
sits down on the left. Board was reluctant to go forward with this so as not
to set a precedent but due to the circumstances agreed that George could do
the back dragging on the road, but not get into the driveway area.
6:30 P.M. – Ralph Eckhardt, Tilton Hill Road
Mr. Eckhardt related that his first complaint was that he had received a letter
from the Board of Selectman and it was not even signed.
He related that the town does not maintain the ditch. It was suggested that
he put in a drywell but wanted to know what would happen if that does not
work. He related that the drain runs about 8-9 months a year and the garage
behind it is wet. He did not feel that a drywell would take care of it.
George related that when the complaint came in, he went down with Mike
McLaughlin, Building Inspector, to talk to Mr. Eckhardt regarding this
problem as the run-off was causing ice build-up on the road, which makes
for dangerous driving conditions. There is an ice problem every winter and
someone is going to get hurt. The problem is that the Town would be liable
for this. It has been an ongoing issue and other BOS have not addressed it. I
think a drywell would take care of the majority of it and cannot believe that
it would not address this problem.
(EV) questioned where house drain goes? Mr. Eckhardt related that it is on
the west side of the house and flows into the culvert, but water cannot drain
uphill. (EV) noted that it could be pumped up there, but Mr. Eckhardt
related it would be too expensive. Mr. Eckhardt suggested a catch basin but
George related that it would be a significant impact to do this. (LS) asked
Mr. Eckhardt if he expected that the Town should be responsible for this
water drainage from his property? “Are you willing to pay for the culvert?”
Mr. Eckhardt related he would for the part in front of his property.
(LS) noted that she had paid for those on her property. “Is it right for Town
to pay for it on your property?” Mr. Eckhardt noted that he could only go as
far as his property line. It was related that the drywell would be the best
solution and should take care of leaching the water away from the road.
George noted that he had spoken to Mr. Eckhardt’s contractor and he felt
that it could be done so it would handle a large volume of water.
Mr. Eckhardt agreed that he would put in the drywell and noted that it would
probably NOT be done in 60 days but would be done before winter, as he
would have to work around the contractor’s schedule. It was noted that a
Permit would not be required.
Mr. Eckhardt also noted that when George and Mike came to talk to him
about this issue, they came in the wrong way. It is a one-way street and they
should not be allowed to come in the wrong way. Some of my customers
have been “tagged” for just that at $100 a piece. If others cannot come in
that way, they should not be allowed to come in that way also.
Mr. Eckhardt’s other issue concerned the fact that Mike McLaughlin was
wearing “a badge”. He noted that he sees red when he sees a badge. He
noted that he should be wearing a photo ID, with a job description attached
to it. “I realize this costs money, but it would protect resident and BI.”
(AM) noted that these were good suggestions.
7:00 P.M. – Fire Chief Johnson, Ambulance Abatements
Chief Johnson noted that had reviewed the ambulance abatements, which
was last done in 2003. What we are seeking to do is essentially write off
$347,839.67, which includes uncollectable funds, and the adjustments,
which accrue on a monthly basis. To be more accurate, the Accounts
Receivable. (PS) explained that this expresses the monies that are the
difference between the allowable insurance reimbursement and the amount
actually charged. It was noted that costs vary according to where you are
located. (PS) noted that fewer than 50% of the charges are written off in the
adjustments. The smaller amount is uncollectable payments.
(LS) suggested Cara contact Greg Colby about this. It is really internal
accounting only as there are really no monies involved. Chief Johnson
related that this would allow us to start off with a clean slate and make the
accounting more realistic. (AM) questioned whether this figure would show
up somewhere else? (LS) Absolutely, Receivables and Revenue.
(AM) related that BOS should clean this up and the procedure for doing this
should be written down for future BOS to follow. (LS) again reiterated that
Cara should talk to Greg Colby, Accounts Officers at Plodzik and Sanders
regarding the procedure for this. It may require that a revised financial
statement be done, as this is a large sum of money. (PS) to discuss with
Chief Johnson further discussed the possibility of utilizing a collection
service for the unpaid patient portion of bills for people who can afford to
pay this portion. He related that Health and Welfare Department should
have some kind of procedure for those individuals who are unable to provide
this payment.
Chief Johnson also related that he would like to see ambulance services
provided by the Town for volunteers and their immediate families be
allowed an abatement for these services. He related that volunteers save us
money by their efforts and this would be a “good will” method of saying
thank you. He related that these services are usually only provided
occasionally and really would not be an issue. He noted that there is an
“unwritten assumption” on the part of most volunteers presently concerning
this, but there is nothing in writing to this effect. He noted that in the Town
of Lebanon, it is written policy. He felt it should be in a recordable format
so that there would be no dispute about this.
(AM) noted that it would really be unfair to do it for one department and not
another and should include fire and ambulance full-time employees as well
as other Town employees. He questioned whether Town was satisfied with
Concord Hospital services. All agreed that they were. He felt that Town
needs some type of policy and form, that charges would be waived for
anything above what insurance pays. It should not just be for Welfare
recipients. (AM) noted that he adamantly is against collection agencies. He
related that the we should try to collect what we can. (PS) noted that the
effort and public relations costs a nominal amount of money. Chief related
that the amount of collection would not be worth the aggravation. (AM)
suggested that Chief put together a policy so that all full-time, part-time
employees and volunteers would be covered and would waive the fee
beyond the insurance payment. This should also include guidelines for
7:15 P.M. – Wendy Sauvageau, Property Assessment
Ms. Sauvageau related that she and her boyfriend have been living in the
house for over 15 years. She related that he previously did the taxes and she
had applied for an abatement for one year in the past. She related that Purvis
did the assessment and never came in and only did a drive-by. She stated
that only 50% of the house was completed, not 75% as originally noted. She
related that this is a lot of money and she would like some kind of
reimbursement for past taxes – 2005/6.
(PS) noted that as he understood it, an abatement was filed for 2007 and
Board acted upon that abatement. The Board has no authority to
retroactively refund past taxes. Appeal would have to be made through State
Board of Land and Tax Appeals.
Ms. Sauvageau related that she did not understand how they came up with
the figures they did as the house is a shell with no electricity or septic.
There are only windows, a door and a roof. (PS) advised her to call Cara for
information on the State Board information.
Action Items
1. Letter of resignation – Cedric Dustin
(AM) He is just telling us about his appointment as Town Moderator.
(PS) to write letter of thank you for his service on the Budget Committee.
2. Teen Institute – Two Tuitions – Drug Account
Chief is unavailable and this will be tabled until he can be present.
3. Zoning Board of Adjustment Alternate
(EV) related that the Zoning Board now has an opening for alternate, as
Dave Simpson no longer lives in town. (AM) questioned whether to
advertise or do we have a list we can draw from. It was agreed to advertise
and (PS) to do.
1. Letter from Chichester Board of Selectman
(AM) noted that Pittsfield had agreed to share information to look at
common town problems and solutions. (PS) will contact Chichester noting
that we are willing to participate and to get back to us with a plan.
2. Channel 24 update process
(PS) As you will note by her E-Mail, Donna Keeley has offered her services
in connection with this update process. (LS) Though we very much
appreciate her offer, Metrocast should figure this out for us and give us some
guidance as to how the system works. “If it is usurping what we want to do,
it is not worth it.” (EV) noted that there should be something in writing for
future individuals who will be working with the system. (AM) noted that
Metrocast had agreed to help us out with this. It is located in the Town Hall
and if it is complicated then they need to change their software. Paul, can
you contact them in this regard? (Agreed)
Don Chase related, “If you can picture what Dee is trying to do, it would be
equivalent to your typing on a keyboard and having no monitor in front of
you. It requires a TV to see what you are doing.”
1. Trust Fund acceptance, Foss Family Scholarship
(PS) related that an E-Mail from Town Attorney related that they had
questions and since this is not their expertise, Town might want to follow
through with State Attorney General. They may recommend Board, prior to
acceptance, hire someone who is in tune with trust documents. (AM) noted
that Town should accept it and then hire attorney, if necessary. “I think we
are making it more complicated than it has to be.”
(EV) Motion to accept Foss Family Scholarship trust fund and if necessary
later hire attorney. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
2. Bill Smith, Town acceptance of Shingle Mill Brook Road – Update
from Paul
(PS) noted that he has no report as yet on this.
3. Wall for Food Pantry
(AM) related that he had memo from Mike that putting it up where
suggested should not be a problem. He can go ahead with this when he is
ready to do this.
4. Summer Pool Employees
(PS) noted that the background checks are being worked on.
(AM) questioned whether these individuals were on the payroll, and they
obviously are, since the pool is staffed and open. (LS) noted that we would
like to know whom we are hiring. “We shouldn’t get applications night
before pool is to open.” (PS) noted that he agreed. He was not aware that
Board had policy of background checks. (LS) noted that this was mentioned
last year – background checks and present employees to us. (AM) Is it in
writing? I assume people are working. I think we can motion with an ok to
hire contingent on background checks. It is not their fault. (LS) noted
people at pool know we want to know about these people and this happens
every time. (AM) I agree. (EV) suggested a memo be sent to Parks and
Recreation that this must be done prior to pool being opened.
(EV) Motion to accept summer pool employees contingent on their passing
background checks and memo be sent to Chairman of Parks and Recreation
that in the future, this has to be done in advance of pool opening.
(JL) Second. Carried 2-1 (LS).
(JL) noted that we should have written policy and that this be done well in
advance in future. (EV) noted that it is done for the protection of the kids
and it is not about money.
(AM) noted that it might be a good idea to develop a calendar, similar to
State calendar, which denotes when “certain” things have to be done. All
agreed it would be a good idea.
5. Town Hall Sign, Update from Paul
(PS) the sign has been retrieved. The question now is what to do with sign?
Should it go to the Historical Society, and should it be reconditioned?
(AM) We should let the Historical Society know about it and Don Chase’s
offer to rehab it. We can do something with it at a later date.
Don Chase noted that the Historical Society is aware of it. I have
reconsidered the rehab part of it as it changes its value. After talking to Liz
about it, she had suggested hanging it in the Town Hall foyer. (JL)
questioned where it has been. It was noted it was being stored at the
Highway Department. (EV) Historical Society should be notified that we
are keeping ownership of it and it is only being stored there.
6. First Congregational Church, Letter of Request
Nothing new, tabled until later date.
7. Pittsfield Player’s Tax Exemption, Tabled 4/17/07
Nothing new on this.
(AM) noted that Foss family should be assured that Town is thankful for this
trust. Board of Trustees are writing a letter of thanks and BOS should do
this also. (PS) to do.
1. Elderly Exemption Renewal (Late) – Weldon
(PS) This is a late elderly exemption that has been filed. It is all in order.
(LS) Motion to accept elderly exemption for Weldon. (JL) Second.
Carried 3-0.
(LS) Motion to accept Accounts Payable for week ending June 30, 2007.
(EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LS) noted that there were two questions? Check for Central New
Hampshire Special Ops grant in the amount of $2500. Paul to find out about
this. (EV) noted that we did not agree to do this as it came up after the fact.
The second check involved mileage reimbursement for Welfare. Hold this
one for breakdown.
Marg Chambers – final agreement, make sure it is.
(LS) Motion to accept Payroll for week ending June 30, 2007. (EV) Second.
Carried 2-l (LS)
(LS) Motion to accept Minutes of June 19, 2007. (JL) Second. Carried 3-0.
Maurice Wells noted that the driveway on Thompson Road needed to be
fixed and that is what the problem is. (AM) related that Town does not work
on any private property. He noted that he thought we could “bend a little bit
on this.” He related that he owns land and they tore up a culvert and Town
replaced it on a Class 6 road. It was a safety issue. He noted that he would
like to donate $1500 to Mr. Eckhardt’s “problem.” (AM) advised him that
this would not be something that is for us to become involved in. It is
between you and Mr. Eckhardt. You can talk to George as to what is going
on. He related that he did not want to talk to George.
He also noted that in a previous year Town Report it is noted that George
Bachelder was appointed in 1981. He was appointed in 1987 and he worked
for D. Grey. In his report of 1987, he was talking about projects of paved
road, ditches and culverts that were completed in 1987. He related that there
is ten feet from Ralph’s property line to center of road. A lot belongs to the
Town. There was an issue up there about foundation drains about four
years ago. John Snedeker is not in compliance. You can see written
compliance on Ralph’s. (LS) assured him it was just that there is poor
drainage into the road. He requested that Board look at several lots and the
driveway situation. (PS) related that he should talk to George about this as
he has driveway permits. He related that he thought there was something
wrong as a driveway permit system was accepted by BOS on July 29, 1987
and again noted he did not want to talk to George.
(LS) Motion to go into non-public session according to NH
RSA 91-A:3, II (b). (EV) Second. Carried 3-0. Board polled and all
Public Session adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
Approved: July 10, 2007
____________________________ _________________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date