June 26, 2012 Minutes

June 26, 2012, 7:20 pm

Present: Dana Sansom, Chairman, Sylvia Wallace, Treasurer,, Nancy Fogg, Trustee Alternate, Roza Benoit, Director, Mary Schelble, Secretary.

Trustees gathered at 6:40 pm to conduct the Walkabout to examine the exterior and interior of the building for any problems. The formal meeting was called to order at 7:20 pm.

Findings of the Walkabout:
? The floor tiles in the kitchen area have bumps in them, most likely indicating water seepage.
? In the Staff Room, there is mold on the walls and the rug is wet with stains from rain water seepage in that corner. A dehumidifier is running in the room.
? In the Furnace Room we noted spots on the piping wrap, indicating leakage.
? The side handicap walkway wall next to the building needs to be re-mortered as well as the cornerstone.
? The light towards the roof on the front left corner of the building is full of water and does not work.
? The entrance columns are eroding.
? The paint around the entrance door is peeling.
? There are tile cracks on the top floor near the entrance to the back hallway.
? Magnetic fire doors that close automatically in case of fire would greatly improve air circulation, saving money for heating and cooling and improving communication between floors.

Acceptance of Minutes: Moved and seconded (Sylvia, Mary) to accept non-public minutes of May 15, 2012 as corrected. (Dana/Sylvia)

Moved to accept the May 15, 2012 public minutes as written. (Dana/Sylvia)

Moved to publically post two non-public minutes of April 23, 2012 and May 15, 2012. (Mary/Sylvia)

Public Hearing
In accordance with RSA 202-A:4-ciii to put before the public the action to be taken on monies received from a 2012 grant from the E.P. Sanderson Fund, motion made to accept all monies on this grant. (Mary /Sylvia)

Old Business:
? Welcome to Nancy Fogg, Alternate – The chairman extended a welcome to our new trustee alternate. This was her first meeting as an alternate and we are grateful to have her with us.
? Window restoration update – Sylvia left a message for Andy Roeper regarding when he would start restoration of the windows that are still to be done. She expects to get his answer soon.
? Sanderson Fund update – The director told the trustees that she will be purchasing an Easy CAT program to augment the basic cataloguing already on the Atriuum program with a cost of $600 plus an annual fee of $100 to maintain it. Dana suggested that another grant be considered for the next year so we can apply to the Sanderson Fund in a timely way.
? Upcoming deadlines – The director said that she would begin setting up the budget so we will have time to consider it and be prepared for the timelines of the Town on budgets.
? Reports from Trustee Conference Seminars – The trustees and director reported on the conferences they had attended May 21, 2012 for the annual NHLTA Conference in Bedford NH. We went to different ones. These were excellent programs and the trustees will be including some suggestions in the review of Library policies.
? Report from Labor Law Workshop – The director attended a conference on Labor Law and felt that we were in compliance with the laws but it helped her understanding of the implementation.
? Card Catalogues – Mary requested that the trustees consider the request of offers to purchase two card catalogues the library has for sale. She will proceed to accept the bids.

Director’s and Treasurer’s Reports: Reviewed and accepted after discussion.

New Business:
? Thank you to Staff – The trustees requested that the Director thank all the staff for all the new things they have learned with the defribillator class being held recently and the new Atriuum program being installed and now in use. We appreciate all the work they have done on these two big projects.
? CLIF Grant – The director announced that we have been the recipients of a CLIF Grant (Children’s Literacy Foundation) for $1000 for books. This was in coordination with the Pittsfield Grade School’s receiving a grant from that program; town libraries are included in monies.
? Public Service Policy was reviewed by the director and changed with a motion of approval for the additional paragraph (Dana/Mary)

Next Meeting: July 17, 2012 7:00 pm

Adjournment: Moved and seconded (Mary/Dana) to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 pm.