June 27, 2006 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Meeting Minutes

Town of Pittsfield
Board of Selectmen
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, New Hampshire
June 27, 2006
Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Donna Keeley, Edward Vien, Linda Small, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Pat Heffernan, John Topouzoglou, Jen Tedcastle, Jim Dodge, George Bachelder, and Laural Collier.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, June 27, 2006 at 6:02PM in the Town Hall by Chairman Arthur Morse.

Public Input


Agenda Review

The Board members discussed items to add to the agenda.

Appointment – George Bachelder

The Board discussed the engineering proposal for building the salt shed on the Belcastro lot. George explained that the proposal would look at the whole site and described the building that he was looking to build. The Board discussed different types of buildings with George.

Selectwoman Keeley asked George if PSNH was informing George before poles were set. He stated that they had not been for the past year. The Board discussed sending a letter to PSNH about it.

The Town Administrator explained that this was a request for signs to be placed on Eaton Road warning of a hearing-impaired person ahead. George stated that the Town had not been placing such signs in the past and that UNH had recommended against doing so at training class. The Board discussed placing a sign.

The Board discussed the Shaw Road Bridge. George stated that he had an estimate of $72,000, but that FEMA would not pay for a replacement because the repair cost was less than 50% of the replacement cost.

New Business

Chairman Morse requested that the New Business and Old Business be broken into Action and Informational Items.
Economic Development Committee – The Town Administrator stated that the Planning Board and Zoning Boards would address their appointments at their next meetings. The Board discussed making appointments and inviting the people to the meeting on July 11th. Selectwoman Small offered two new names for consideration – Ellen Barbasso and Cynthia Thompson. A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to appoint James Hetu, Penny Taylor, Wayne Gallup, Daren Nielsen, John McDowell, Susan Munn, Earl Wingate, Pat Heffernan, Paul Colby, Todd Drew, Ellen Barbasso, and Cynthia Thompson to the Economic Development Committee, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.
Clattenburg Sign Request –A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to send a letter to Mr. Clattenburg denying the request to have the Town place signs and grant him permission to place signs if they consult with George first, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 3 to 0.
SRF/Grant Applications – A motion was made to authorize Chairman Morse to sign the pre-application forms for State Wastewater Grants for the SolarBee Aerators, Phase II Upgrades, and the Septage Receiving Project by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 3 to 0. A motion was made to approve the SRF application and authorize the Town Administrator to sign the form by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0.
Food Pantry – The Board discussed the Town Administrator’s recommendations regarding filing for the food pantry to gain charitable status. The Board agreed with his recommendations and discussed getting a new Federal ID# for the Food Pantry.
Mahood Letter – The Board discussed sending a response letter. The Town Administrator was to draft the letter.
Old Business

1. Roof Project – The Town Administrator stated that the repair work did not fix the problem.

2. Town Hall Furnace – The Board discussed whether to look at replacing the furnace this year or wait until the next Town Meeting to ask for the funds. The Board discussed using the Town Hall capital reserve fund to pay for the repairs. The Board decided to have the Town Administrator contact the Department of Revenue Administration about expending from the reserve fund and legal counsel about whether court approval would be needed for a Special Town Meeting.

3. Office Space for the Building Inspector – Selectman Vien stated that the food pantry was in the process of being moved over. The Town Administrator stated that the USDA inspector had been in to look at the Food Pantry today.

4. Ambulance Liability – The Town Administrator had started drafting a policy.

5. Light Duty Policy – The Town Administrator contacted the unions about reviewing the policy and commenting on it.

6. Building Inspector Interviews – The Board discussed dates to interview candidates for the Building Inspector position and decided on 5PM on July 6th.

7. Local Health Committee – Town Administrator gave Chief Wharem’s recommendation that the Board post the citizen positions. The Board discussed the appointment process and decided that Chief Wharem should give the Board a list of names to choose from.

8. Fuel Bids – The Board decided to wait after getting the current pre-buy rates. The Town Administrator was to check on the rates in a month.

9. DOL Letter – The Board discussed how to ensure that the Safety Summary Form was submitted to the Department of Labor on time in the future.

10. Purvis Software Conversion – The Town Administrator stated that Rod Wood informed him that Purvis & Associates had not had any success in converting the assessing data over to the new software. Selectwoman Small stated that the Town should choose the software to fit the Town’s needs and have control over the data entry. A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to instruct Purvis & Associates to hold off on the data conversion this year, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 3 to 0.

11. Welfare Policy Revisions – A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to hold a public hearing on July 18th on the amendment to the General Assistance Guidelines, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 3 to 0.

12. Generator – Selectman Vien asked if the Town would have any interest in the donation of a generator. The Board discussed the generator. A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to accept the donation of the generator, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 2 to 0 w/ Selectman Vien abstaining.

Applications and Warrants

1. Abatement – A motion was made to approve Abatements for Pamela Kelson in the amounts of $334.44 for 2005 and $160.26 for 2006 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0. A motion was made to approve an Abatement for Garry Turman in the amount of $2,726 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 3 to 0. A motion was made to approve an abatement for Robert Stockman in the amount of $505.00 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. The Board decided to table the Lily Pond LLC abatement application.

2. Veteran’s Credit – A motion was made to approve a Veteran’s Credit for Robert Zahn by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0. A motion was made to approve Veteran’s Credits for Randolph and Michelyn Vien by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Selectman Vien recused himself because he was related to the applicant. Motion passed 2 to 0 with Selectman Vien abstaining.

3. Pole License – Selectwoman Keeley stated that this was just an FYI because it was on a State road.

4. Welfare Lien – A motion was made to approve a Welfare Lien for assistance given in the amount of $707.60 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 3 to 0.

Check Manifests

A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for checks dated 6-27-06 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.


Public Session Minutes of June 20th – A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to approve the public session minutes of June 20th, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 3 to 0.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of June 20th – A motion was made to approve the nonpublic minutes of June 20th with the corrected date on the minutes by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 3 to 0.

Public Input

1. Pat Heffernan suggested placing the generator at the Highway Garage.

2. Laural Collier asked about some of the food that was in the basement. The Town Administrator stated that he, Don Chase, and the USDA representative had discussed the issue that afternoon.

3. Laural expressed a concern about an individual going into the back office and the food pantry.

4. John Topouzoglou spoke about the water problem in his basement and asked that something be done by September to help him out. Selectman Vien offered to look at the area the following day.

5. Selectwoman Keeley asked Pat about the bridge lights being out. Pat stated that he would change the bulbs, but he felt they should have lasted longer.

6. Selectwoman Keeley stated that the State was looking into making repairs around the Suncook dam.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 8:16PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a),(b), (c), and (e) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 9:26PM.

A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to seal the nonpublic minutes of the June 27, 2006 Board Meeting on the grounds the minutes could damage the reputations of persons other than members of the Board of Selectmen, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.

A motion was made to adjourn at 9:26PM by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0. The Board adjourned at 9:27PM.


June 20, 2006
Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Donna Keeley, Edward Vien, Linda Small, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Pat Heffernan, John Lenaerts, Pam St. Laurent, Dave Simpson, and Rod Wood.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at 6:00PM in the Town Hall by Chairman Arthur Morse.

Public Input

Agenda Review
The Board members discussed items to add to the agenda.

Appointment – Rod Wood of Purvis Associates
A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 6:04PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(e) by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 6:25PM.

New Business

Bailey Park Road Bond – A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to approve the road bond format for the Bailey Park Road Bond, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0. The Board discussed having a list of banks that were acceptable to use for road bonds created by the Town Administrator.
Letter of Resignation – A motion was made to accept the Welfare Director’s resignation with regrets by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0. The Board discussed posting the position. The Town Administrator was directed to post the position internally through Friday then on Monday he was to schedule interviews with the Board.
Economic Development Committee – The Board members went through the names they had collected for the Economic Development Committee. The names were James Hetu, Penny Taylor, Wayne Gallup, Daren Nielson, John McDowall, Susan Munn, Earl Wingate, Pat Heffernan, Paul Colby, Todd Drew, and Joan Osborne. The Board discussed having representatives from the Zoning Board, Planning Board, and the Board of Selectmen. The Town Administrator was to send letters to the other Boards asking for member appointments. A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to appoint Selectman Vien as the Board of Selectmen’s representative to the committee, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 3 to 0 w/ Selectman Vien abstaining. The Board discussed making a decision the following week in order to have the Economic Development Committee members in for the July 11th meeting.
Contract for Engineering for Salt Shed – The Board requested that George Bachelder be present at the next meeting to discuss this with the Board.
Old Business

1. Roof Project – Selectman Konopka stated that he had met with the contractor on Monday and showed them the problems with the roof. The Town Administrator was to contact them about coming back to fix it.

2. Office Space for the Building Inspector – Selectman Vien stated that they had started moving the food pantry out of the office area. The Board discussed registering the Food Pantry as a charity. The Board also discussed meeting with Peggy at some point.

3. Ambulance Liability – The Board discussed getting the Fire Chief’s input on whether or not to continue the practice of loaning out the backup ambulance.

4. Light Duty Policy – The Town Administrator stated that this was sent to legal counsel for review.

5. Building Inspector Interviews – The Board discussed dates to interview candidates for the Building Inspector position and decided on 5PM on July 6th.

6. Fuel Bids – The Board discussed the merits of pre-buying this year and the maintenance contracts. The Town Administrator was given some questions to research for the next meeting.

7. Ethics Policy – The Board discussed how to address the people who have not signed off on the Ethics Policy. Chairman Morse suggested sending a letter to the Ethics Committee with the Board’s concerns then following up in one month. The other Board members agreed to this idea.

8. Pool Hours – Selectman Konopka brought up the letter from Toni Michaud asking about changing the pool hours. The Town Administrator stated that he had spoken with Kathy Boudreau, Parks & Recreation Committee Chair, about the letter. Kathy was going to respond to the concerns and questions in the letter.

9. DOT Bridge Letter – The Board asked the Town Administrator to check with George to make sure that the Webster Mills Bridge had the proper signs on it.

10. DRA Assessing Review Report – Selectwoman Small asked for an explanation of the draft report. The Town Administrator explained that the assessing audit by the Department of Revenue Administration found that the Town complied with the State guidelines for assessing practices except in those areas related to the assessment ratio. The ratio would be corrected by the revaluation. The Town did not need to send a response to the draft report.

11. 30-32 Main Street – Selectman Konopka stated that the building was re-opened to all tenants on Friday after a structural engineer signed off on the building as being safe.

12. Heroux – The Town Administrator gave an update on the situation. He was to provide the Board with copies of a response letter to the Fire Mashal’s Office by the next meeting.

13. Lily Pond – Dave Simpson gave an update on the Lily Pond situation and the possibility that the lot the Town had a mortgage on was being built upon. The Town Administrator reported on his research into the situation. He found that the lot in question was not being built upon, but that an assessing mistake had led to the confusion. The Town Administrator was going to speak with the assessors about getting in corrected. The Board discussed the report on the building permits issued for Lily Pond.

14. Selectman’s Door – Chairman Morse updated the Board on the recommendations that Harry Vogt had given him after reviewing the situation.

Applications and Warrants

1. Abatement – Selectwoman Small requested something in writing from the assessors stating that there was an error made on the Turman assessment before the Board addressed the application. The Town Administrator was to contact the assessors for an answer. Selectman Konopka suggested having a checklist made up for abatement applications

2. Intent to Cut – A motion was made to approve an Intent to Cut for Roger, Martin, and Sandra Boisvert (R-35 Lot 16) by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Selectman Vien recused himself because he was related to the applicant. Motion passed 3 to 0 with Selectman Vien abstaining.

3. Timber Tax Levy – A motion was made to approve a Timber Tax Levy for Stephen Bouchard ($92.83) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Check Manifests
A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for checks dated 6-20-06 by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.


Public Session Minutes of June 13th – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the public session minutes of June 13th, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of June 13th – A motion was made to approve the nonpublic minutes of June 13th by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Public Input

1. Dave Simpson commented on the building permits for Lily Pond and stated that the Building Inspector should be full-time.

2. Pat Heffernan spoke in favor of having a full-time Building Inspector.

3. Dave Simpsons spoke about the Board’s concerns with the Ethics Committee and the sign-offs on the policy.

4. Pam asked about the low-income forms. The Town Administrator stated that Peggy had not contacted past recipients.

5. Selectwoman Keeley provided an update on the area around the Suncook River Dam. She stated that it was the State’s responsibility to fix the problem and they were working on addressing the situation.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 8:04PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a),(b), (c), and (e) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 9:44PM.

A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to seal the nonpublic minutes of the June 20, 2006 Board Meeting on the grounds the minutes could damage the reputations of persons other than members of the Board of Selectmen, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

A motion was made to adjourn at 9:45PM by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0. The Board adjourned at 9:45PM.


June 13, 2006

Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Donna Keeley, Edward Vien, Linda Small, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Pat Heffernan, Leslie Federhen, Larry Federhen, Pam St. Laurent, Glenn Amnott, Scott Ward, John Kost, Christine Topham, Ron Vien, Dave Simpson, Gil Bleckmann, Carole Dodge, and Dan Greene.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, June 13, 2006 at 6:04PM in the Town Hall by Chairman Arthur Morse.

Public Input


Agenda Review

The Board members discussed items to add to the agenda.

Appointment – Town Manager Study Committee

Chairman Morse explained that the Committee was being asked to review the Town Manager statute and prepare a list of pros and cons for how the plan would operate in Pittsfield. The Board of Selectmen would then hold a public discussion of the report in the fall. The Committee was asked to set up a time to have their first meeting and then the Town Administrator would send out letters with the date to all committee members.

New Business

Sewer Fees – Ron Vien stated that he was okay with the fee proposal. A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to hold a public hearing on July 11th at 6PM on the proposed increase in the sewer rate of $.0137 per cubic foot, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0. The Board discussed addressing the problem of sump pumps entering the sewer system. They discussed sending letters out to people to make them aware of the problem and offer solutions. Ron was asked to check into what other towns are doing.
Wastewater Plant Inspection – Ron Vien explained what had happened with the DES inspection of the wastewater treatment plant.
Building Inspector – The Board reviewed a draft ad offered by the Local Government Center. The Board reached a consensus on the format of the ad. The Town Administrator was to finalize the ad and send it to the Union-Leader, and run it in the Rochester and Laconia areas.
Local Health Committee – The Town Administrator stated that Police Chief was still waiting on some additional names so this was tabled.
Website Link Policy – Tabled.
Food Pantry – Selectman Vien stated that he had spoken with Peggy about moving the food pantry and she was okay with moving the food pantry and putting the Building Inspector’s Office where the food pantry currently is. The Board was okay with moving the food pantry.
Ambulance Liability– The Town Administrator provided the Board with an update and stated that he had spoken with the Fire Chief and the Ambulance Director about drafting a written policy.
Light Duty Policy – The Board discussed which option to use for Section VI. A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to use the more flexible option for Section VI, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Roaming Readers – A motion was made to allow the summer reading program to use Dustin Park by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Ethics Signatures – Selectman Konopka asked to discuss how to address the people who have not signed off on the Ethics Policy. He felt that all committee members should have signed off on the policy. Selectwoman Keeley suggested sending a letter to the committee chairs about signing the policy. Glenn Amnott spoke about the Ethics Training that the Ethics Committee was going to offer on June 22nd.
Personnel Policy – Selectman Konopka suggested adding language to the Personnel Policy to require criminal background checks for new hires. The Town Administrator was to draft some language for the Board to review.
Old Business

1. Roof Project – Selectman Konopka stated that the roof was still leaking a little. The Town Administrator was to contact them about coming back to fix it.

2. Town Hall Furnace – The Town Administrator asked the Board to review the quotes. The Board discussed the fuel bids that had been received and whether or not they should hold off on pre-buying the fuel this year.

3. AARP – The Town Administrator stated that the Police Department and the Town Hall would be looking to use the AARP program. The Board was okay with proceeding with this.

4. Office Space for the Building Inspector – A motion was made to approve the contract with MRI for building inspection services by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.

5. Leavitt Road Trees – The Town Administrator stated that the letters had been sent out.

6. Economic Development Committee – Chairman Morse suggested using people from standing Town Committees and members of the public. The Board discussed how to set up the committee. Chairman Morse asked each Board member to bring three names in for the next Board meeting.

7. Bailey Park Road Bond – The Board gave the Town Administrator the okay to send the draft language to the Town Attorney for review.

Applications and Warrants

1. Timber Tax Levy – A motion was made to approve a Timber Tax Levy for Robert Elliot ($836.67) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.

2. Welfare Lien – A motion was to approve a Welfare Lien in the amount of $1,896.47 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

3. PA-28 Form Paperwork – A motion was made to the PA-28 form by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.

4. Abatement – The Town Administrator brought up an abatement for Stewart Rodes LLC because the Town had entered the wrong acreage into the system for the lot. A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve an abatement for Stewart Rodes LLC ($1,799), seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Check Manifests

A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for checks dated 6-13-06 excluding check #4732 by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.


Public Session Minutes of June 6th – A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to approve the public session minutes of June 6th, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0 w/ Selectwoman Keeley abstaining.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of June 6th – A motion was made to approve the nonpublic minutes of June 6th by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0 w/ Selectwoman Keeley abstaining.

Public Session Minutes of June 8th – A motion was made by Selectman Vien to approve the public session minutes, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0 w/ Chairman Morse abstaining.

Public Input

1. Ron Vien spoke in favor of having a more restrictive light duty policy.

2. Carole Dodge presented the Board with copies of a letter from the Attorney General’s Office.

3. Pam St. Laurent asked if past welfare recipients had been contacted and told about the State abatement program. She also commented on the Board’s preparedness for meetings and the Food Pantry.

4. Ron commented that the door to the Selectmen’s Office should be locked during meetings.

5. Selectman Konopka asked if it would be okay to have a plumber fix the women’s bathroom.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 8:37PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a),(b), (c), and (e) by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 4-0. The Board returned to public session at 9:05PM.

Selectman Konopka gave the Board a brief update on the situation with the building at 30-32 Main Street.

A motion was made to adjourn at 9:10PM by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 3 to 0. The Board adjourned at 9:10PM.


June 8, 2006
Present – Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Donna Keeley, Edward Vien, Linda Small, Selectboard, and Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Thursday, June 8, 2006 at 6:08PM in the Town Hall by Vice Chairman Larwrence Konopka.

New Business

Building Inspector – Selectman Konopka presented his proposal for the Building Inspector’s duties. He felt that the Building Inspector should continue to serve as the Code Enforcement Officer. Selectman Konopka suggested that the deputy be a representative from the Board of Selectmen. He suggested that the Building Inspector serve as the Deputy Health Officer. A Selectman would serve as the Health Officer and there would be two additional deputies; an EMT or someone with a medical background and a contractor familiar with building requirements. The third part of his proposal was to have the Building Inspector serve as an advisor to the Planning and Zoning Boards. The Building Inspector would review the application for completeness and any issues. The Building Inspector would then give the application and any concerns to the board secretary and provide the Boards with a written report on each application.
The Board discussed the proposal. The job duties of the Planning and Zoning Secretary were also discussed. The Board discussed who would review planning and zoning applications for completeness and having the administrator at the planning and zoning meetings. The Board decided that the Selectboard should not be serving as the Health Officer. They discussed having the Building Inspector serve as the Health Officer and using an EMT and someone from the medical center as deputies. The Board discussed and agreed to try having a part-time inspector, then discussed advertising for the position. The other Board Members thought that Selectman Konopka’s proposal was a good idea. Selectman Konopka stated that the Town Administrator would oversee the whole process. The Board then discussed the Building Inspector’s Office. The Town Administrator was to redo the job description and the ad. He was to ask the Local Government Center to review the job description.

Request to Use Parking Spaces During Town Wide Yard Sale – The Board discussed the request and determined that they could not authorize the request.
Old Business

1. Leavitt Road Trees – The Board reviewed and signed the letters.

2. Heroux Issue – The Town Administrator reported on his conversation with the Fire Marshal’s Office regarding the matter.

A motion was made to adjourn at 7:05PM by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0. The Board adjourned at 7:05PM.


June 6, 2006

Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Edward Vien, Linda Small, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Pat Heffernan, Paul Colby, Pam St. Laurent, Kathy Boudreau, Laural Collier, Peggy Gingras, Merrill Vaughan, Brian Wittenberg, and John Lenaerts.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, June 6, 2006 at 5:36PM in the Town Hall by Chairman Arthur Morse.

Appointment – Kathy Boudreau

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 5:36PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(b) by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectman Vien. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 4-0. The Board returned to public session at 6:01PM.

Public Input
1. Pam St. Laurent asked if the Welfare Director was providing her clients with information on the State tax relief program. The Town Administrator was asked to check with the Welfare Director to see if she was. Pam then spoke about the issue Loudon was having because a Selectman sat on a ZBA hearing and that had created a problem with the decision. Selectman Vien stated that the problem in the Loudon case was that Loudon had a local ordinance that barred Selectmen from serving on the ZBA that was violated in the decision in question.

Agenda Review

The Board members discussed items to add to the agenda.

New Business

Sewer Fees – Selectman Vien stated that Ron Vien was okay with the proposed fee. Selectwoman Small stated that she felt that the Town should use .0577 as the rate. Selectman Vien and Selectwoman Small explained how the rate was chosen. Chairman Morse asked them to write a proposal for the next meeting regarding adjusting the sewer rate.
Space Needs Study – Tabled.
Building Inspector – The Board was given the contract with MRI for review. The Town Administrator explained what was happening. The Board discussed the Building Inspector position. The Board decided to have a work session to address the issue on June 8th at 6PM. The Town Administrator was directed to provide a breakout of time that was spent on the pieces of the Building Inspector’s job duties.
Local Health Committee – The Board discussed the recommendations provided by Chief Wharem for setting up the committee. The Board liked the proposal. The Board discussed having Selectwoman Keeley serve as the Selectboard Representative to the committee. The Town Administrator was directed to ask Chief Wharem to make recommendations for appointments to the committee so that the Board could appoint members next week.
Website Link Policy – The Board reviewed the draft policy. The Town Administrator was to send the draft to the Local Government Center and Town Counsel for review.
Highway Safety Grant – A motion was made to approve the speed patrol Highway Safety Grant and authorize Chairman Morse to sign the agreement by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0.
Food Pantry – Selectman Konopka stated that he wanted to use volunteers to run the program. Selectwoman Small stated that she agreed that Town Employees should not be running the food pantry. She stated that the pantry was not registered as a charity with the State and that the pantry should be. Peggy Gingras, Welfare Director, spoke in favor of using volunteers and stated that she felt the food pantry was necessary. The Board discussed placing an ad to look for volunteers. Selectwoman Small made a motion to have the food pantry registered as a charitable trust, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0. The Board discussed hours for the food pantry and decided to leave it up to the Welfare Director to set the hours.
Ambulance Liability– The Town Administrator stated that he had spoken with the Local Government Center and the Town was covered when the ambulance was loaned out. The LGC was looking into finding an agreement that would have the liability taken by the town that borrowed the ambulance. The Town Administrator stated that he was going to work with Chief Fowler and Jim Dodge to draft a written policy for the future.
Leavitt Road Trees – The Board reviewed a letter from residents of Leavitt Road that were concerned about the possibility of some trees along the road falling over. The Town Administrator stated that George had determined that the trees were on private property. Chairman Morse suggested sending letters to both parties explaining the situation and suggesting that they work it out. The Board discussed the situation. The Town Administrator was to draft letters for the Board to review on Thursday.
Condo Conversions – Selectman Konopka stated that he had some concerns about the number of condo conversions happening in town. He had spoken with Chief Fowler who also had some concerns and was preparing a memo for the Board outlining those concerns. Selectwoman Small stated that the Planning Board also had some concerns about the conversions. The Board discussed the issue.
Light Duty Policy – The Town Administrator asked the Board to review the draft policy for the next meeting.
Old Business

1. Roof Project – The Town Administrator stated that Therrien Roofing had been in to finish the repairs on the roof. Chairman Morse suggested getting quotes on further repairs and replacing the slate with shingles.

2. Pittsfield Aqueduct Company – The Board reviewed a letter from Pennichuck.

3. Town Manager Study Committee – The Town Administrator stated that three members would not be able to attend next week’s meeting.

4. Office Space for the Building Inspector – Selectman Vien presented a proposed floor plan for the Building Inspector’s office in the basement. He also suggested switching the food pantry with the building inspector office space. Chairman Morse suggested that Selectman Vien get Peggy’s comments on the idea of moving the food pantry.

5. Department of Labor – Selectwoman Small asked for an update. The Town Administrator stated that the inspector was supposed to return to finish up on Friday.

6. Department Heads – Selectwoman Small stated that the department heads needed to be more user friendly when working with the Planning Board. The Board discussed having the Planning Secretary meet with the Department Heads to have them review the applications.

7. Noncompliant Rental Units – Selectwoman Small spoke about getting a list of apartments that had received welfare payments even though they did not have a valid Housing Standards License. The Town Administrator stated that they were working on comparing the report that Fred had given them with the addresses of welfare recipients.

8. The Board discussed adding economic development committee to Old Business, having the Town Administrator check on some items, and ask Selectwoman Keeley to check on a problem with the cable bulletin board.

9. Heroux Issue – The Town Administrator stated that he had not heard from the Fire Marshal’s Office. The Board directed him to send a letter to the Fire Marshal’s Office to respond to their letter.

Applications and Warrants

1. Abatement – A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to deny an abatement for Suncook Leathers, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Selectwoman Small stated that the abatement should be denied because there was not enough supporting documentation and no market analysis. Motion passed 3 to 0.

2. Sewer Abatement – Selectman Vien stated that this was being withdrawn because the water had entered the sewer system. He explained what he and Ron Vien had found when they visited the property with John Kidder.

3. Land Use Change Tax – A motion was made to approve a Land Use Change Tax Warrant for Michael McMahon ($7,000) by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0.

4. Permit To Display Fireworks – A motion was to approve a Permit to Display Fireworks for William Miller by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.

5. Raffle Permit – A motion was made to approve a Raffle Permit for the Booster Club by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0.

6. Property Tax Warrant – A motion was made to approve a Warrant for Collection of Property Taxes in the amount of $3,138,143 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0.

Check Manifests

A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for checks dated 5-30-06 and 6-06-06 and Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.


Public Session Minutes of May 23rd – A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to approve the public session minutes, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of May 23rd – A motion was made to approve the nonpublic minutes of May 23rd by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.

Public Input

1. Laural Collier brought up a concern with the balcony railings at Rolling Green. The Town Administrator was asked to draft a letter for the Board to send to the Housing Standards Board and the HSA Inspector.

2. Pat Heffernan stated that the smoke detectors in the building that had the fire failed because of tenants taking the batteries out of the smoke detectors.

3. Merrill Vaughan asked questions about upcoming meetings. The Board answered his questions.

4. Pool Hires – A motion was made to hire Maryellen Plante as pool director; Merilyn Bongiavanni, Kira Batchelder, and Ian Rees as lifeguards, and Nicholas Tuttle as gatekeeper at the rates recommended by the Parks & Recreation Committee by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 8:20PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a),(b), (c), and (e) by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 4-0. The Board returned to public session at 9:55PM.

A motion was made extend Brian Wittenberg’s FMLA for two months, with Brian to update the Board in six weeks as to his medical status, which time the Board will decide what steps to take from there by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.

A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to seal the nonpublic minutes of the June 6, 2006 Board Meeting on the grounds the minutes could damage the reputations of persons other than members of the Board of Selectmen, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.

A motion was made to adjourn at 10:05PM by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0. The Board adjourned at 10:05PM.