June 29, 2011 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
June 29, 2011

1. Meeting opened at 5:31.

2. Attendees: Ted Mitchell (TM), Lyn Roberts (LR), Linda Small (LS), Susan Muezninger (SM),
Ellen Barbasso (EB), Paul Skowron (PS), Gerard Leduc (GL), Matt Monahan (MM)
from CNHRPC, and Mark from Pittsfield Conservation Commission

3. Minutes from June 15, 2011 accepted and approved.

4. Mark spoke about trails
A. Potential for trails to go from Webster Mills to Pittsfield ballfield
1. Follow along the river
2. Go through town
3. Used for biking and walking-no mechanical vehicles
B. Other information
1.Craig from CNHRPC not able to come today
a. He will get in touch with Mark
C. Keep trail map at planning board to keep it in mind when approving other things.

5. Letters to businesses
A. Letter to businesses for vacancies during holidays (end of year)
1. Contact Rotary for names of vendors who come to Balloon Rally
2. Go to owners of stores on Main Street
3. Send letters to property owners
B. Letter to Irving property
1. Some editing and revisions made
2. Send photo of current conditions

6. Plan NH – need a date when they can meet with Pittsfield

7. Video clips for YouTube
A. Get businesses to say a few words about why they like doing business in Pittsfield
B. Talk to Silas St James about getting AV dept in PMHS to do the video
C. Need someone to administer Facebook page

8. Next meeting July 13, 2011.

9. Meeting closed at 6:40 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary