June 3, 2013 Minutes

Pittsfield Beautification Committee
June 3, 2013

The Committee met at Town Hall.

Carole opened the meeting at 7:03 pm.

Members Present: Carole, Tina, Ted, Nancy, Carol, Nicole, Paula, Gail, Jason, Dawn

Members Absent: Ida and Theresa

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the May 6, 2013 meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

The current balance and recent donations were reviewed as well as the proceeds and fund raising success of the Town Wide Yard Sale, including proceeds from Carol’s tables. There was discussion concerning the collection boxes at local retailers. Jason suggested that the collection box be left at his business year round. Nicole submitted an accounting of plant expenses. A motion was made and unanimously approved to reimburse Nicole $50 for her gas expenses, since she had to make numerous trips to pick up the plants and other supplies.

Because of the increases we are experiencing in the price of plants Nicole suggested that we consider raising the price of garden sponsorship and look for sponsors for our barrels. Everyone agreed that this was a good suggestion and we would re-visit in the fall.

Old Business:

There was a discussion concerning what we would do differently for next year’s Yard Sale. If the event is repeated, the Committee should look into relocating our tables to a parking area on Route 28. Carol will keep in touch with Kathy Bleckmann, who organized the event for the Chamber. The members also felt that we should have more color, perennials and hanging baskets vs small annuals. This year’s hanging plants did not have any mixed color, Nicole said that only mono-colored baskets were available. It was also discussed as to whether or not plants should be priced by the size of the pot or the size of the plant and that they be priced accordingly and uniformally.

Jason suggested and everyone enthusiastically agreed that we should consider ¼ to ½ page bulletins that can be taped to his pizza boxes as well as other pizza establishments in town when we have a fundraising event. Nicole will take on this project. Jason also suggested that we don’t sell any of the baked goods for less than a dollar. Tina stated that most people buying the baked goods paid a higher price as a donation.

Jason told the Committee that we he would be glad to help us out anytime we were providing lunch to the workers who have been helping us in our upgrade of the Washington House Lot.

Carole reported that she heard from the Cub Scouts and they are not interested in helping with placing the flags out around town.

New Business:

Nicole made a motion that we gather perennial donations in the fall and that we heavily advertise not only our request for these donations but also our Mum Sale. Everyone agreed. Carol will write a letter to the SVS expressing the Committee’s thank you for the support we received at the Yard Sale and copy for newspaper announcements of the Mum sale.

The Mum Sale will take place Saturday, August 17th. It was agreed that 200 plants should be purchased in a variety of colors 25% should be small and the remainder large. Nicole will email us with the wholesale prices. It was also agreed that we continue with baked goods.

Nicole went over what annuals will be planted in the islands this year, as well as how they should be watered. She also reminded us to pinch off browning flower heads. The flowers that were planted at the Aranosian Lot after the Yard Sale will also need to be watered this year. The following water schedule was agreed to:

June 9-15 Jason
June 16-22 Nancy and Ted
June 23-29 Gail and Paula
June 30-July 6 Carole and Tina
July 7- 13 Nicole and Dawn
July 14-20 Carol
July 21-27 Gail and Paula
July 28 – Aug 3 Nancy and Ted
Aug 4-10 Jason
Aug 11-17 Nicole and Dawn
Aug 18-24 Paula and Gail
Aug 25-31 Carole and Tina
Sept 1-7 Carol
Sept 8-14 Nicole

Carol said she would contact Clayton Wood to request that he update the member listing and meeting information on the Town web site.

Next Meeting and Adjournment:

Our next meeting will be in Monday Aug 5rd at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall.

The meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm.