June 4, 2008 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
June 4, 2008

1. Meeting called to order at 5:27.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), James Hetu (JH), Deb Jordan (DJ), Lyn Roberts (LR), Helen Schiff (HS),
Ellen Barbasso (EB) and Matt Monahan (MM) representing CNHRPC. Also attending
Linda Small (LS).

3. Minutes from May 21, 2008 reviewed and approved.

4. Wi-Fi – Bernard Poncelet from Single Digits
A. Equipment
1. Have omni directional antennas or sectors-limit the direction but extend the field
2.Content filters-can block some sites such as My Space or a specific Mac address
3. Signal can go through wood and brick buildings, metal is a problem interferes with signal
4. Leaves on trees interferes with signal – reception is better in winter than summer
B. Annual license fee is based on 5-10 users per day.
C. Can pinpoint who is using system and for how long
1. Can get name and e-mail address
2. Can find out if residents are using or business people
D. Number of people who can get on, depends on bandwidth we get form Metrocast
E. When someone logs on they can go to a Pittsfield page, we can ask them to log in and accept our
F. He suggested that we go with fewer antennae now, can always upgrade later
1. We can save money
2. See who is using the system
G. When work is ready to be done engineers can determine best places for the antenna
H. JH moved that we accept the proposal from Single Digits which was made on May 8, 2008
1. LR seconded the motion.
2. Motion passed
3. Proposal will go to the Select Board next Tuesday.

5. Steve Heavener will be the guest speaker at the next Rotary meeting
A. EDC members have been invited to attend the meeting, dinner included.
B. Wednesday night June11, 2008 at 6:00 P.M. at Community Center

6. JH moved that the EDC meet every other week until September 1 or unless something comes up
A. DJ seconded the motion
B. Motion passed

7. Budget update
A. $14,477 left from original $25,000.
B. $4,500 will go to Wi-Fi (matching grant will pay remaining $4,500)
C. Veronica from Wicked Wi-Fi needs to be paid half of her fee $900 (total $1,800)
D. CRDC needs to be paid also.

8. Next meeting Wednesday June 18, 2008 at 5:30 P.M.

9. Meeting closed at 6:49 P.M.

Submitted by ____________________________________
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary