June 5, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Vice-Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, (Arrived at 8:00 P.M.), Larry Konopka
(LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL),
and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Paul Skowron, Town Administrator.
Mr. James Bapple related he was present tonight due to land that he has in
current use at 109 Jenness Pond Road. He related that he has owned the
land for forty years. He related there is 275 ft of road frontage and that in
2006 his taxes were $6,800 which is 30% of his income. He related that he
has one deed for the property and owns land across the road also. He
recently put in a driveway, which washed away with the rains, and he
replaced the driveway, which cost him $850. He also related that he has a
dock on Jenness Pond, which he pays separately for and which is not part of
the current use land. He related that he is taxed on the land and because of
the high taxes would like to consider giving the current use land to either a
non-profit organization or the Town of Pittsfield. (EV) questioned his map
and lot number, which he related was Tax Map R-27, Lot 11. Fred Hast
questioned what does he want done? (LK) related that Board will be
addressing Current Use Applications later in the meeting and would address
this at that time.
(EV) BCEP, Town Hall Carpet Cleaning, Application for Old Home Day
Parade. (LK) Front Door Tiles.
7:30 P.M. – Non-Public Session, Chief Wharem, Employee Hiring, NH
RSA 91-A:3, II (a and b).
To be addressed later in meeting.
1. Copier Fee Policy
Board discussed information from LGC regarding individuals using their
own copying equipment to reproduce Town documents. Board determined
new policy would be:
$1.00 /page – Tax Bill/Assessing Card/Tax Map
$.50/page – Other Town-provided Copy Services
No copies on self-provided supplies and equipment. Please notify Town
Office staff for availability of your request.
(LS) Motion to accept copier fee policy as stated above. (EV) Second.
Carried 3-0.
2. Conservation Committee – Jon Greenwood
(LK) related he had reviewed his files and the Committee has an Alternate
(LS) Motion to appoint Jon Greenwood to the Conservation Committee.
(JL) Second. Carried 3-0.
(EV) It should be noted that Mr. Greenwood has been with the Fish and
Game Department for over 30 years and has been a resident of Pittsfield for
25 years.
3. Drug Enforcement and Education
(LK) related that Chief Wharem suggested that a Committee could be put
together to address input on drug issues. He related that he had suggested
five individuals to be on this Committee. (EV) wanted to know what this
Committee would be entitled and suggested “Drug Awareness and
Education Committee.” BOS agreed that it was a good name. (LK) related
that first meeting will be probably next week, perhaps on the 13th at
7:00 P.M., location to be determined. He also related that he would keep the
BOS updated on their progress.
(EV) Motion to appoint Larry Konopka, Chief Robert Wharem, Denise
Morin, John Webber, and Scott Brown to new Drug Awareness and
Education Committee. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
4. Town Administrator Update
(LK) related that (AM) would provide update when he arrives and it will be
addressed later in meeting.
5. Letter to be sent – Building Inspector for Fifth Apt.
(LK) related that Board had addressed this in Non-Public Session before and
that it still should be in Non-Public Session. To be addressed later in the
6. Current Use Applications – Letter from Cross Country Appraiser.
Board discussed letter from Cross Country Appraisals from Jeffrey
Waterhouse concerning waterfront properties partly in current use. Mr.
Bapple voiced his concerns earlier in the meeting. Lachlin Grey, who also
owns property on the waterfront, noted that each appraiser values property
differently. He questioned whether all land owners which designate part/all
of their property as current use should/should not be examined because of
one person’s questions concerning current use. He also related that as a
direct result of this appraisal his tax bill was higher when he tried to pay at
Town Hall than what was indicated on his tax bill that he received in the
mail. He feels that property divided by a road should have a single tax bill.
(JL) related that he thought any property divided by a road had separate lot
numbers. (EV) noted that BOS recently put two or three parcels of
waterfront property into current use and questioned whether it was legal and
whether this was within the spirit of current land use. “This information was
given to the appraiser and this is how this came about.” BOS noted that this
is a big issue and perhaps, legal counsel would be appropriate to decipher
exactly which way these properties should be viewed. (EV) related that land
in current use land should be undisturbed and in its natural state. (JL)
questioned, “What constitutes a disturbance?” (LK) felt that the Board
needed additional direction and that the appraiser, Jeffrey Waterhouse,
should be requested to attend a Board meeting so clarification could be
obtained from him in this regard. It was agreed that (PS) would contact
appraiser to see if he would be available to further discuss this issue at the
next BOS meeting, June 12th at 6:15 P.M. (PS) after confirmation of his
appearance, will notify abutters that their questions/concerns will be
addressed on the 12th of June. (Memo sent to (PS) to confirm.)
7. Teen Institute – Two Tuitions – Drug Account
This was suggested by Chief Wharem who was not yet present at meeting
and it will be discussed with him when he appears.
(LS) questioned whether these individuals had to meet any criteria, how they
were selected, and what are the expectations from them?
8. Pay Phone in Police Station Lobby
(EV) Motion to remove pay phone from Police Station lobby. (LS) Second.
Carried 3-0.
9. Shingle Mill Brook Road Issue – Chief Wharem
To be addressed later in the meeting.
10. BCEP
(EV) related that there were several bills that have been presented for clean
up on property on Carroll Street. He wanted to know if there was any way
Town could collect from owner, (which is a bank), for this clean-up. (LK)
and (LS) advised him that the lien process is rather complicated and could
take up to two years to termination. Mike MacLaughlin (MM) suggested
that maybe a mechanic’s lien could be instituted. (LS) suggested that (PS)
be consulted on this. (EV) suggested that whichever way BOS decided to
proceed that the process should begin now. (MM) to check on this and
follow through.
11. Town Hall Carpets
(EV) suggested they have Paul Gregoire spot treat and clean carpets in Town
Hall in large and small conference rooms. (LS) suggested that all the carpets
be done. BOS agreed. (MM) to begin process.
12. Front Hall Tiles
(LK) related that two tiles have fallen out in front of the front door and
that twelve more are loose. They all need to be removed, the area
cleaned and two new ones obtained and then all replaced. The cost
would be approximately $500. It was decided that a quote be obtained
first. Mike to get a quote for this work. This matter will be re-addressed
at future BOS meeting.
Chief Wharem arrived and was requested to further elucidate on the Teen
Institute tuitions.
He related that Jeremy, the current individual in this position, is graduating
this year. Academically, Jeremy related that he felt these two individuals
would be good candidates. He also related that they knew what it would
take to get there and that these two students had noted that they would raise
the money themselves to attend, if necessary, to continue the tradition.
(LS) related that she felt this was an excellent idea, but if Town were to
sponsor them, she would like to meet with them and know a little more
about them. Chief Wharem related that he is unable to request any
documentation about their academic qualities but would try to get some
additional information for the Board on these individuals by next Friday.
(JL) suggested that, perhaps, school staff might be contacted to offer further
information. BOS will review at June 12th meeting.
New committee Drug Awareness and Education was discussed and Chief
Wharem was requested to notify the “new” members. He related that he was
unsure of how often Committee would meet, as it would depend on their
Chief Wharem also discussed the Shingle Mill Brook Road issue. He related
that a situation exists concerning right-of-way and who actually has access
to the road. He related that if/when this is clarified there may either be
criminal acts involved or civil disputes depending on how it is interpreted.
He related that he would like BOS to allow him to contact Town counsel so
that this matter can be clarified by them, which would allow him to proceed
accordingly. He related that his department has been called more than
several times to intervene in this situation. He related that the Bankruptcy
Court did not address Shingle Mill Brook Road so there are several
questions that are unanswered. Chief wanted to know who would be
responsible for the road and whether it is common property or not. He has
contacted the County Attorney, but he is unable to take a stand on any
situation until a charge is actually made. Chief related that he thought it
would cost Town about $1200 – $1500 for this clarification and requested
that BOS give him the authority to pursue with Town Counsel. Board
agreed that in this situation, it was necessary and Chief Wharem was advised
to proceed with this to Town counsel.
1. Town Hall Roof
(LS) requested information on whether any roofers had given a quote on
asphalt. (MM) related that five different roofers had requested specs but to
date, he has not received any quotes. (LS) requested (MM) follow-up with
these individuals to see if they would provide quotes. (EV) noted that he
would not vote for an asphalt roof. (LS) and (JL) both agreed they could
not, in good conscience, vote on an installation and product without an
asphalt roof quote. Board decided to table this item for one more week.
(EV) requested that final decision on roof be made next week.
2. Town Hall Air Quality – Follow-Up
(MM) related that he had two quotes for taking care of the mold and the air
conditioning problem. I think the more expensive quote seems much more
detailed. He guarantees his work and it would cost approximately $5,800.
He related that the second individual, who provided the quote, was here
about ten minutes and did not investigate problem too much.
Don Chase related that he was present when the “expensive” quote
representative was here and that he was quite thorough crawling around on
his hands/knees checking ductwork, insulation, and even the seals on the
refrigerator doors. He was here for about half an hour and seemed
concerned and knowledgeable. It was noted that whichever quote was
accepted any foodstuffs such as cereal and sugar would have to be resealed
in other packages as would any kitchen utensils, dishes, etc. Process would
take about 72 hours and Town Hall would have to shut down for at least one
day if it was done over a weekend.
(LK) related that at the time the Town Hall had damage due to leaks in the
roof, it was covered by insurance and suggested that Town contact insurance
to see if this would also be covered.
(LS) at this point wanted to know what the Space Needs Committee was
doing. “We are nickel and diming ourselves on this as we are continually
dumping money into it.” (Chief Wharem related that he would check into
the Space Needs Committee and advise Board on progress.) (LS) also
suggested that we get a quote from Servpro, as this is the company the
insurance used last time. (MM) to get quote from Servpro. Mike to check
with insurance company on this issue. (MM) reiterated that this is a health
issue and needs to get done soon.
3. Mark Turner – Pot Holes Update
George related that Mike and he had met with homeowner and related that
their meeting did not go well. Homeowner felt he could not afford a drywell
installation. As an alternative, George wanted to know if he would be
amenable to having a drywell constructed by Town, with the Town
providing the materials and installing it. Homeowner reluctantly agreed that
this might be an alternative. However, George related that he had checked
further in the RSA’s and according to the Statutes, he would not be able to
do this. (LS) related that this had to be fixed and not at taxpayers expense.
(LK) related that they should do what they have to do to clear up this
situation. (MM) to update BOS when appropriate.
4. Pittsfield Players Tax Exemption – Tabled 4/17/07
(LS) No new information has been provided to date.
5. Internal Control Assessment
Nothing new on this matter.
6. Building Inspector – Certified Plot Plans
(MM) related that he guessed he would have to recant his current memo on
certified plot plans. However, he requested Board to give him authority to
require them when he felt it was necessary. (LK) related that he felt it was
hard to require all to do this. However, the Building Inspector should be
able to require a certified plot plan at his discretion. BOS questioned
whether a system like this would work. (MM) felt that it would work and
that he would request it before he issues the Building Permit. (EV)
questioned whether the plot plan would be for the entire property or just the
area in question? (MM) related that it would just be for the lot line affected.
(MM) to put together some paperwork in this regard.
7. Department of Labor’s 1998 Violations Update
(LS) related that she was pleased that many of the items had been taken care
of on the 1998 list. (EV) related that he had investigated further concerning
the purchase of the metal cabinets as noted on the violation list. He related
that he had discussed this with Frank Beliveau, Auctioneer and he was able
to offer them to Town at a cost of $225. per cabinet. (MM) related that this
purchase would save a lot of money. Chief Wharem related that Safety
Committee had a budget of about $500, which could be used for partial
payment, and the other departments could split the additional cost.
(LS) Motion to have Ed Vien purchase cabinets with cost to be attributed to
Safety Committee and additional costs be split among the required
departments. (JL) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LS) noted that there were some other small “housekeeping” issues to be
addressed such as lighted Exit signs and Fire Escape signs. (MM) will
provide Board with update as to what remains to be accomplished.
8. Website Committee
(LK) related that there were several requests that had been received
regarding the Website Committee. Bill Provencal was given copies of these
requests/resumes for review. This will be tabled until June 12th meeting
when, hopefully, decisions as to choices can be made.
Bill Provencal also requested Board make a decision on the recent request
they received concerning the legislative link to the website. (LS) related that
she felt it was too political and suggested that link not be accomplished.
Motion for Non-Public Session, Chief Wharem, employee hiring, NH RSA
91-A:3, II (a and B). (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
Break 7:35 P.M. Five Minutes. When BOS resumes, the 7:30 P.M.
appointment will be addressed and also (5) Building Inspector for Fifth
Public Meeting resumed at 8:10 P.M. (AM) arrived at 7:55 P.M.
1. Timber Yield Tax
(LS) Motion to accept application for Margaret Wheeler, Tax Map Lot 53,
Lot 19, $324.91. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
2. Abatements
(LS) questioned several abatements regarding waterfront property as well as
one regarding current market value depreciation.
Jamie Wrye was present in the audience and requested Board allow her to
address her situation regarding her request for abatement. Board agreed that
since they were addressing abatements at this time, she should be allowed to
address this. She related that she was uncertain as to how assessor came up
with the figures used to compute tax. She related that he did not take into
consideration the numbers that were given him. She related that he
appeared, but never checked the house out as far as finished area. She noted
that though it was difficult, she was able to come up with the formula as to
how tax was computed, but that they never agreed on the same amount. The
assessor’s numbers and her numbers are about $60,000 apart. BOS agreed
that this abatement should be held out until assessor can be present and
explain reasoning and calculations.
(LS) Motion to accept all abatements (See attached list) except for Tax Map
U5, Lots 44 and 45, Tax Map R-22, Lot 13, and Tax Map 2, Lot 5. (AM)
Second. Carried 4-0.
3. Old Home Day Parade Permit – July 21st
(EV) Motion to approve Old Home Day Parade Permit – July 21st. (JL)
Second. Carried 4-0.
(EV) In conjunction with this, the Postal Service would like to use the Town
seal in artwork for cancellation stamp, which will be used for thirty days
afterwards. BOS approved.
(EV) Motion to allow Postal Service to use the Town seal in artwork for
cancellation stamp. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
4. Hawkers, Peddlers, Vendor License – Larck, Ice Cream Truck
(LS) Motion to approve vendor license for Dennis Larck. (EV) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(It is noted that Mr. Larck has been checked by Chief Wharem in regard to
driving record, etc.)
(LS) Motion to accept Accounts Payable for week ending June 9, 2007.
(AM) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to accept Payroll for week ending June 9, 2007. (EV) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(EV) Motion to accept Minutes of May 22, 2007. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LK) Note: We need to review and accept past Non-Public Minutes. Check
with Paul.
(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public session per NH RSA 91-A:3, II (a & b)
(EV) Second. Board was polled individually. Carried 4-0.
Public Session adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
APPROVED: June 12, 2007
____________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Vice-Chairman Date