June 7, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield School Board
June 7, 2007
Pittsfield Middle High School
Members Present: Scott Brown, Chairperson
Mary Paradise, Vice Chairperson
Chris Ward
Gary Colby
Leslie Vogt
Others Present: Dr. William Compton, Superintendent
Toby Eaton, Business Administrator
Karen Erlandson, Principal, PMHS
Mark Jarvis, Director of Student Services, PMHS
Jeff DeLois, Administrator, PMHS
Dr. John Freeman, Principal, PES
Tobi Chassie, Director of Student Services, PES
Members of the Assessment Team
Members of the Strategic Planning Committee
Members of the Faculty
Vice Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.
Ms. Erlandson added a request for an extended leave of absence, athletic fees,
and cross country coaching. Dr. Freeman added non-resident attendance request.
Dr. Compton added a non-public session to discuss personnel matters. Mr. Colby
added a community update.
Dr. Freeman introduced three candidates being recommended for teaching
positions at PES. He introduced Gloria Kaplan, sixth grade teacher; Kelly Marble,
first grade teacher, and Kathleen McCaffery, pre-school and Kindergarten teacher.
Dr. Compton stated that he fully supported the recommendation and had no
Pittsfield School Board 1 June 7, 2007
problem nominating Ms. Kaplan, Ms. Marble, and Ms. McCaffery for these
Ms. Bradley introduced the Assessment Team members present: Susan Elliott,
Lois Stevens, Christine Teague, Leslie Bergevin, and Linda Scau. Those members
unable to attend: Anne Bouchard, Mike Curtin, and Tiffany Pease. Ms. Bradley
explained that the purpose of the Team was to organize and analyze the NECAP,
NHEIAP, and local test data to monitor student growth and performance over time.
She explained that the information is used to determine professional development,
choose initiatives, and guide curriculum planning and implementation. Ms. Bradley
explained the process of analyzing the results in relationship to the common items
and NH results, which was done in collaboration with Nancy Dorsky (mathematics)
and Linda Kirtzenbaum (literacy).
Ms. Bradley explained that the Assessment Team facilitates the testing process by
looking at logistics, test preparedness, and testing environment. Staff continue to
debrief the testing process and make suggestions for improvement. This feedback
is considered in planning for the following year of testing.
Ms. Bradley stated that data being presented at this time is the testing year data,
although Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) is determined using the teaching year
data. We will be notified later in the year about our AYP status. Ms. Bradley
assisted the audience in reviewing the data by grade level and by areas of reading,
math, and writing. Both graphical representation and dot plots were reviewed. She
explained that the data is used to determine how to move a student from one level
to the next, analyze specific students to determine appropriate interventions,
determine implications on curriculum, and analyze outlying students on the dot
plots to determine ways to challenge the students proficient with distinction and
provide intervention for student substantially below proficient. Ms. Bradley reported
that the pilot for Science testing was completed this spring in grade four and the
Team will evaluate and analyze the process.
Ms. Teague reviewed data comparing the Developmental Reading Assessment
(DRA) scores with the NECAP scores. Ms. Bradley explained that the student
review process used at PES creates an ongoing opportunity for continuous
monitoring of each student. She further explained the data collected on students
with significant disabilities in the alternate portfolio method was illustrated in the
Dr. Compton commended the Assessment Team on the work that they
accomplished by organizing and analyzing the data. He asked the Team to explain
what was on the horizon for increasing test performance in the area of writing. Ms.
Bradley explained that the teachers were in consensus that there was a mismatch
between performance on the test and what is seen in the classroom. She
explained that Pam Mueller, a consultant from UNH, is assisting teachers in
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improving instruction in the writing domain. Ms. Teague further explained that the
staff is working on creating the parameters for increasing the opportunities to
practice the skills that are necessary. Ms. Bergevin stated that the middle school
staff is expanding opportunities for writing across the curriculum. She stated that
the work with Six Traits of Writing is helping staff to establish criteria and develop a
set of consistent expectations.
Mr. Colby thanked the Assessment Team for their work. He stated that his
constituents often ask how our scores compare to neighboring towns with like
demographics. Ms. Bradley explained that the Team has struggled with
determining which towns might be comparative and offered to pursue that further in
the upcoming months. Mr. Colby agreed to choose the towns that the Assessment
Team could use to make this comparison. Ms. Paradise commended the
Assessment Team on the report and the reader-friendly nature of the report. She
commented on the progress that is evident as a result of analyzing the data
brought forth.
Dr. Compton called attention to the Strategic Plan 2007, included in the packet and
distributed updated goals and objectives. He reviewed the process that was used
by the committee to complete its work. Dr. Compton reviewed the Internal Scan:
Organizational Strengths and Weaknesses, External Scan: Opportunities and
Threats, Mission Statement, Belief Statements, and Goals and Objectives. The
goals included Assessment and Accountability, Community Resources, Pre-K to 12
Collaboration, Technology, Curriculum Programs, School Environment, and
Dr. Compton thanked and commended the Strategic Plan Committee for their hard
work. Doris Filson, a member of the committee, stated that the work of the
Committee provided a unique opportunity for the elementary school and the middle
high school to work together. Sheila Ward, another member of the committee
stated that the process highlighted the positive aspects of the school community.
Dr. Freeman stated that it has always been known that there was potential in this
school community and thanked Dr. Compton for his leadership in assisting the
committee in bringing it out. Mr. Brown stated that all members of the committee
were unable to attend the last meeting and suggested that it may be a good idea to
give people one more opportunity to review the goals and objectives. Ms. Ward
and Ms. Filson stated that no major changes were made. Ms. Paradise agreed
that additional time might be needed to fully digest its content. By consensus, the
Board agreed to wait until the next meeting before approving the document. Mr.
Brown invited people to take a final opportunity to provide additional feedback to
Dr. Compton. Ms. Bergevin suggested the final plan to be presented in a format
that is understandable to the general public. Ms. Filson suggested that the student
body, especially at the middle high school be one of the target audiences for
presenting the plan. Final approval will be made at the next meeting on June 21,
Pittsfield School Board 3 June 7, 2007
A motion was made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Ms. Paradise, the Board voted
to accept the minutes of May 17, 2007. On page one, under agenda review,
English teacher substitute was changed to social studies. On page five, under bid
approvals, “…and unanimously approved with the abstention of Ms. Paradise” was
changed to “was unanimously approved”. On page five, under health insurance,
the sentence was added, “It was requested that the EAP be given an explanation
of the reducted rate and the impact of looking at other insurance options”. On page
five, under Last Day of School, change the last sentence to read, “The 8th grade
promotion ceremony is scheduled the night before the last day of school”. The
minutes were unanimously approved as amended.
A. Nominations
Dr. Freeman recommended that the people previously introduced, Ms. Kaplan
as a sixth grade teacher, Ms. Marble as a first grade teacher, and Ms.
McCaffery as a preschool/Kindergarten teacher be hired. On a motion made by
Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to hire
Ms. Kaplan, Ms. Marble, and Ms. McCaffery.
Dr. Freeman recommended Simone Cantatore to fill the full time utility worker II
position in the kitchen. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by
Mr. Colby, the Board voted unanimously approved the hiring of Ms. Cantatore.
B. Non-residency Request
Dr. Freeman presented a request of a parent to have her son remain in school
for the last two weeks, in view of the fact that they have moved to a neighboring
town. On a motion by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board
voted unanimously to accept the request.
C. Walker Fund
The Board commended Dr. Freeman on his success in receiving an upward
revision of the grant, which will allow additional consultation time for Everyday
Mathematics from Nancy Dorsky.
Pittsfield School Board 4 June 7, 2007
A. Resignation
Ms. Erlandson presented the letter informing the Board of the retirement of
Harry Mitchell. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Ms. Vogt,
the Board unanimously accepted Mr. Mitchell’s intent to retire with thanks for
the many years of service to the students of Pittsfield.
Ms. Erlandson reported that there had been an unexpected resignation of a
student from the kitchen staff. No action was taken.
B. Approval of Advisories
Ms. Erlandson requested, on behalf of students, for consideration of students’
participation in Student Advisories be reason to award students .25 credits for
one year. She explained the content of student advisories. Discussion ensued
regarding the content and value of advisories. Ms. Vogt suggested that with
credit assigned to advisories, it might motivate students to attend, especially
since it is the first period of the day. Ms. Paradise asked if there would be an
addition to the Program of Studies, to which Ms. Erlandson explained that there
would be in the 2008-09 book. By consensus, the Board agreed conceptually
with the awarding of credit and would like to see a summary statement at the
next meeting, when formal approval will be considered.
C. Leave Request
A request from Ms. Maren McElwee Bicknell was received and presented by
Ms. Erlandson for a maternity leave with effective dates of August 27, 2007 to
January 22, 2008. A motion was made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr.
Ward to approve the maternity leave request for Ms. Bicknell as presented.
Discussion ensued regarding the payment logistics of the leave. The motion
was passed unanimously.
D. Cross Country Coach
Mr. DeLois reported that Christy Hinkley has approximately twelve students
interested in cross country and would like to reorganize the team. Mr. DeLois
recommended that the Board hire Ms. Hinkley as the team’s coach. A motion
was made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Ms. Vogt to approve the hiring of Ms.
Hinkley as cross county coach. Mr. DeLois explained that if the number of
interested students did not materialize, he would provide this information to the
Board for reconsideration. The motion was passed unanimously.
E. Athletic Fee Reimbursement
Mr. DeLois explained that due to a reduced number of students interested in JV
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baseball, the program would be cancelled. He suggested that the families of
these four students be reimbursed for their athletic fee. On a motion made by
Ms. Paradise and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to offer
reimbursement to the JV boy’s families for the athletic fee.
F. Handbooks
Mr. Jarvis reviewed the changes that have been made in the 2007-08 High
School Student/Family Handbook and the Middle School Student/Family
Handbook. He asked that the Board consider approving the handbooks so that
they can be printed and ready for distribution. Ms. Vogt asked about the criteria
for the earning of the status of Valedictorian and Salutatorian, to which Mr.
Jarvis explained that there are many different approaches taken by different
districts. Ms. Vogt suggested that more time be given between the time that the
announcement is made and graduation, allowing more time for students to write
their speeches. Ms. Paradise thanked Mr. Jarvis for his work on handbooks
and policies and commended him for the quality of this work. On a motion
made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted
unanimously to approve the handbooks.
G. Acceptance of Gift
Ms. Erlandson reported that she would be providing the Board with information
regarding gifts of technology from Colby Sawyer College at the next meeting.
In the meantime, the Board approved the acceptance of these gifts.
H. CACES Program
Ms. Erlandson reported that work is being planned to complete curriculum
competencies for grades 7 through 12 with the help of former Assistant
Commissioner Izen. This work will be completed during the ensuing year
during faculty meetings, early release days, and teacher workdays. She
explained that consideration will be given for extended learning opportunities
and that eventually the Board will need to make decisions on the boundaries of
those options.
A. Reorganization of Director of Pupil Services Position
Dr. Compton explained that there had been discussion at a previous meeting
about reorganizing the director position. He explained that the recommendation
for reorganization is not a reflection of anyone’s performance or delivery of
services. Dr. Compton reviewed the advantages that he perceives this
recommendation lends to the District, including consolidation of special
education services and budget, coordination between elementary and
Pittsfield School Board 6 June 7, 2007
secondary school, opportunities for K-12 communication with staff and
administration, reduction in administration, opportunities for staff to serve in
supervisory/coordinator roles, consolidation of staff development/training
program, and improved opportunities services for children. He explained that
the retirement of one director provides an opportunity for discussion around
potential change. Comments were invited.
Mr. Jarvis presented his opposition to the recommendation. He distributed a
job description. He stated the reasons for his opposition and asked that the
Board take more time to make a decision, possibly by filling his position in an
interim manner. Mr. Colby stated his concern that the responsibility that will fall
on the principal will be overwhelming. Ms. Paradise stated that she is also
concerned about the impact of the change and the speed in which the decision
is being made. Dr. Compton stated that many of the tasks Mr. Jarvis assumes
are traditionally the tasks of others, such as the principal and/or guidance
director. He explained that if this plan were approved, he would delegate
further responsibility to the administration to outline the details. Ms. Erlandson
explained that the hiring committee had received six applications, interviewed
two candidates, and unanimously selected a candidate. Discussion ensued
regarding some logistical issues relative to the proposal, including supervision,
the problems associated with an interim, the role of the SAU Planning
Committee, and the ramification of deferring the decision for a year. It was
decided that the conversation would continue in the non-public session.
B. Flexible Spending Account Program
Mr. Eaton explained that Benefits Strategies, which has been overseeing the
support staff flex health plan, has not met all expectations. He recommended
that the District entertain the idea transitioning to the Local Government Center.
On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted
unanimously to approve the transfer from Benefits Strategies to the Local
Government Center, as recommended. Ms. Paradise was out of the room at
the time of the vote.
C. Supplies
Mr. Eaton explained a comparison that he has made for several high-use
products between Staples, Quill, and W.B. Mason. He did this as a result of
feedback that the SAU might not be taking advantage of the best prices
available. He suggested that based on this comparison, a single supplier and a
bidding process may want to be considered. Mr. Brown suggested that the data
suggests that continuing to use multiple vendors, always taking advantage of
the best price, is the best way to continue. Mr. Brown asked that Mr. Eaton be
sure that the people making purchases are using sound and consistent buying
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D. Drake Field
Mr. Eaton presented four bids for the Drake Field maintenance contract. Bids
were received from Saint’s Lawn Care, Neva Dunn Farm, Joe Darrah
Enterprises, and Glen Yorke Property Maintenance. Although Neva Dunn
Farm’s bid was not the least expensive, they have been dependable, reliable,
and have done a great job in the past, whereas other vendors present an
unknown factor. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr.
Colby, the Board voted to approve the bid submitted by Neva Dunn Farm. Mr.
Colby, Mr. Ward, Ms. Vogt, and Ms. Paradise voted in the affirmative and Mr.
Brown abstained from the vote.
E. School Lunch Program
Mr. Eaton distributed a request for an increase in fees for breakfasts, lunches,
and ala carte menu at PES and PMHS. The Board deferred their decision and
asked Mr. Eaton to call neighboring districts to see how our prices compare.
F. Revenue Projections
Mr. Eaton distributed financial reports on 2006-2007 revenue projections.
G. Expenditure Report
Mr. Eaton explained details in the expenditure report. $205,034.29 is the
projected amount remaining in the budget. Mr. Eaton provided the Board with a
list of requests that have been made by the administration for expenditures.
The request totaled $193,000 but he would be most comfortable with an
expenditure of $150,000. This would allow an approximate return of $170,000
to the taxpayers. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr.
Colby, the Board voted unanimously to allow a total of $150,000 for line item
transfers from the frozen budget.
H. Special Education Transportation
Mr. Eaton explained the bidding procedure for special education transportation.
I. Waiver
Dr. Compton confirmed that the waiver for one day due to April flooding and
State of Emergency has made it possible for the last day to be June 20, 2007
J. Electronic Documents and E-mail
Dr. Compton reviewed the best practices documents from NHSBA relative to
Board members using electronic communication.
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K. Business Administrator
Dr. Compton reported that Peter Roach has signed his contract for the 2007-08
school year and will begin on July 1, 2007.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 21, 2007 at 5:30 at the Pittsfield
Middle High School.
XIII. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None
At 9:51 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Colby and seconded Ms. Paradise, to
enter into non-public session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously to
enter into a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 II (c) [Personnel
A motion was made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Ward, to come out of the
non-public session. The Board was polled and voted to come out of the non-public
session at 10:50 p.m.
A motion was made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, that the Board
agree by consensus that the concept of a K-12 Director of Pupil Services plan
move forward, with administrators recommendations and plans for a K-12 Sped
organization be presented on June 21, 2007. No vote required at the time.
On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted
unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:51p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary
Pittsfield School Board 9 June 7, 2007