June 8, 2009 Minutes

Pittsfield Conservation Commission

Minutes: 8 June 2009

Call to order: 7:07 PM

Present: Mark Wallace, Paul Metcalf, Nancy Bates, Nancy Christie
Absent: Jon Greenwood
Invited guest: Charles Moreno, CM Forestry

Minutes of 11 May read. Nancy Christie amended the minutes to note she will not be available for Old Home Day activities.
Motion to accept/ Nancy Bates; Seconded/ Paul Metcalf; Motion carried unanimous

Treasurer’s report: Conservation gained $21 through sales of conservation bags.
General Fund has $671
Conservation Fund has $82,981
Public input: None

Old business:
1. CM Forestry (Charles Moreno) present to discuss a letter informing him of the
overdue contract with Pittsfield Conservation. He explained that delays occurred while the town funding was acquired through a warrant article. That was followed by the tornado cleanup priority.
CMForestry proposes a new time table starting in July 2009 and terminating in early winter 2010. This will set completion dates for each of the 15 focus parcels with oral reviews by Charles Moreno at PCC meetings 17th August, 19th October, and 14th December 2009, with final written report due 31 January 2010.
Nancy Bates motioned to accept the new time table if Nancy Christie agrees to write an addendum to the original contract to reflect these new agreements between the two parties.
Paul Metcalf seconded.
Motioned carried unanimous.
2. Old Home Day of 18th July will require booth space. Nancy Bates will check with the organizers. Paul Metcalf and Mark Wallace will set up and break down.
3. The sign acquisition project for Dustin Barker Town Forest is making progress.
4. The High Street evergreen screening by the storage company has still not been done. The building inspector will be notified by Nancy Bates.
5. Sergeant Town Forest has had the trails cleared. Dana Sansom will put in flowers. The parking timbers are rotten and need replacement. Replacement prices to be determined and issue revisited at the August meeting.

New business
1. The PCC July meeting has been cancelled. Next meeting in 17th August.
2. The select board wishes to know by 2 July what town lands the PCC feels is appropriate for the town to sell. Due to the on-going Forest Management contract Conservation can not make a definitive recommendation to the Selectboard until 2010. Mark Wallace will convey this in writing and in person to the Selectboard at the upcoming meeting of that body.

Adjourned 9:00 PM
Mark Wallace