June 8, 2010 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board Meeting
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson
Elizabeth Adams
Kathy Corliss
Michael Wolfe
Clayton Wood

Others Present: John Freeman, Superintendent
PMHS Students
Parents of PMHS Students
Other Members of the Public

Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m.


Ms. Paradise stated that the meeting had been scheduled to hear an appeal on a student discipline matter. However, the matter had been resolved at the superintendent level and the hearing was no longer necessary.

Ms. Paradise identified two agenda items for the meeting:
o Student Discipline
o Appreciation for Interim Principal Rick Gremlitz


Affirming that information regarding individual students in confidential, Ms. Paradise acknowledged that an incident had recently taken place that involved a group of students that caused damage to the school; however, Ms. Paradise stated that it was her understanding that the actions of the students were not malicious and were not intended to cause damage. Further, she reported that the superintendent had met with the students involved and their parents and that arrangements had been made to allow the students to take final examinations and to participate in end-of-year activities such as baccalaureate and graduation.

Ms. Paradise noted that some students involved had performed volunteer community service at the Town Pool in a project supervised by the Pittsfield Rotary Club. She further acknowledged the impact of related disciplinary action on the sports teams. Ms. Paradise stated that the superintendent had called her to report on the incident and that she would call other Board members if a catastrophic event occurs, but that this incident was a discipline issue that would typically remain at the school level.

Mr. Wood stated that a taxpayer had visited him at his home to discuss the incident and that this had never happened before in his experience with other town committees. Ms. Paradise suggested that Board members should listen to members of the public, but should not engage in a dialogue relative to matters that may come before the Board as a hearing body; she stated that taxpayers should be directed to the established processes for lodging complaints.

Ms. Paradise opened the meeting to public comments.

Mr. Steve Adams expressed a concern over the process involved in addressing the recent incident and expressed interest in involving parents in a discussion of process at some point in the future. Ms. Paradise suggested that parents could provide input on such processes at the building level, similar to the manner in which the Athletic Handbook was recently modified. She also stated that the superintendent generally provides recommendations to the Board relative to policies.

Ms. Amy Ramsey expressed a concern that the recent incident would have an impact on taxes raised for the schools. Ms. Paradise reported that the superintendent is dealing with restitution and that the Board’s policy regarding damage requires restitution.

Ms. Barbara Lee asked how she can get more information regarding repercussions of the activity. Ms. Paradise advised that the school administration would contact any parents who were not able to attend the earlier meeting with the superintendent.

An individual who did not identify herself asked how Dr. Freeman feels. Ms. Paradise stated that she believed that the staff applied appropriate Board policies.

With no additional members of the public seeking to be recognized, Ms. Paradise thanked the members of the public for attending the meeting.


The Board discussed the forthcoming conclusion of service to the District of Mr. Rick Gremlitz, PMHS Interim Principal. By consensus, the Board agreed to recognize Mr. Gremlitz’s contributions to the District during his two-year tenure as interim principal at an upcoming public event.


The Board returned to its previous discussion of the recent incident. Ms. Adams asked how the Board might address the information that is now public regarding the incident. Ms. Paradise stated that she believed that, in general, the Board should correct any egregious errors, but that a response would be determined by the level of possible damage caused by public misperceptions. Ms. Adams raised the possibility of a public forum during which newspaper representatives could learn the truth. Ms. Paradise observed that Board meetings are open to the public and suggested that Board members review information reported in newspapers and then decide if a response is needed.

Mr. Wood stated that he is more concerned with the citizens of Pittsfield, specifically relative to the amount of damage caused and the restitution expected. Dr. Freeman responded that the Handbook adopted by the Board requires full restitution. Mr. Wood asked how the Board would know if restitution would be made, that the issue of restitution has an impact on the budget. Ms. Paradise asked the administration to provide the Board with a report on the incident, including the issue of restitution, for the next Board meeting.

Mr. Wood expressed his uncertainty about the resolution, stating that he had heard that students had caused “a ton of damage.” Mr. Wolfe stated that he receives information about school issues at Board meetings and that he ignores gossip relative to the schools. He stated that he listens to the concerns of taxpayers, but that he has no problem in drawing a line between such sources of information and information obtained from the Board and school administration.

Ms. Paradise stated that the Board would follow their usual process and would receive information the incident from the administration at the next Board meeting; she stated that she had trust in the policies and practices and that she expects the administrators to hold to Board policies. Further, she stated that the Board does not need to have information on student discipline unless the Board is conducting a hearing.

Ms. Adams reported that she had been told of a conversation broadcast on a local radio station that suggested that student rights had been violated in the process. She expressed concern for the District if that had been the case. Ms. Corliss asked how the processes for addressing student discipline matters is evaluated and how knowledge of such a process is communicated. She stated that the process for addressing student discipline is not in the Handbook, but that it should be so the process can be evaluated.

Ms. Adams observed that the Handbook references School Board Policy JG, but that this policy is not included in her policy binder. Ms. Paradise stated that school personnel are working on revisions; she asked Dr. Freeman to provide a copy of Policy JG at the next Board meeting.

Mr. Wood stated that the class has two more days to address the class legacy, that the class deserves better, and that he expects better. He stated that the adults could “let this all slide” or get a message of change. He stated that key concepts are “remorse, responsibility, restitution.” Mr. Wood expressed that “someone’s got to step up” and let the seniors know that they can make a difference.

Ms. Paradise stated that an appropriate process has been followed and that no one has ignored the issue. She observed that the students have “stepped up” and have engaged in service at the Town Pool with the support of the Rotary Club. Mr. Wood asked how Board members are to be informed of such activities; Ms. Paradise stated that sharing of such information was part of the purpose of tonight’s meeting. She stated that the Board’s role is not to work directly with students as Board members, but to oversee general operations and adopt policies for the governance of the schools.

Ms. Adams stated that consequences for misbehavior are listed in the Handbook and that the process moved along quickly. She stated that she has concerns about how the situation was handled, but observed that the process didn’t “veer very far from the Handbook.” Mr. Wood reiterated his desire to “see someone to step up,” that the seniors have two days to address the situation.

Mr. Wolfe stated that the seniors had “stepped up” in their service with the Rotary project. He further stated that the damage was not intentional, but was a prank that “went wrong.” He expressed confidence in the school administration; he stated that the Board hires the administrators to oversee school operations and that the Board does not exist to “micromanage” and that if Board members did not trust that a situation is handled properly, it should be brought up for discussion. Mr. Wolfe stated that he had received a telephone call from a parent and responded that he didn’t know anything about the incident. He reiterated his practice to ignore “gossip” and receive information about the schools from school administrators.

Mr. Wood stated that he would like to see the students take responsibility. He observed that the ball team has been punished, that a story has appeared in The Monitor, and that the class should have a much different legacy. He stated that “no one’s taking responsibility,” and asked if there was a way of “stepping up” and if a letter of apology has been written. Mr. Wolfe stated that he trusts that the students have accepted responsibility and trusts that the administration has “stepped up.”

Ms. Paradise stated that parents of students involved need information that is being provided by the administration. Mr. Wood stated that he is “results oriented” and that he questions the school’s work in educating students. Ms. Paradise asked the Board to provide time for resolution and for a report to be presented at the next Board meeting. Mr. Wood stated that he did not believe in the process and that he believes that the Board needs to “start looking at this in a different way.”

Ms. Adams stated that she some knowledge of the situation and that she felt “more peaceful” about it; she stated that she knew that “things are happening.” She also acknowledged feeling Mr. Wood’s anger. Mr. Wood expressed that he was “frustrated” and that he observed that there is “constantly damage in this town.” He stated that he was “tired of it.” Mr. Wood stated that “if you can tell me that students have taken responsibility, fine;” he stated that he will be patient.

Ms. Paradise stated that the superintendent has given assurance that the students have taken responsibility and that the Board would expect a report at the next meeting. She stated that the work on redesign updating policies are important activities.


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 6:18 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

John J. Freeman, Ph.D.
Recording Secretary