June 8, 2011 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
June 8, 2011

1. Meeting opened at 5:33.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Ted Mitchell (TM), Lyn Roberts (LR), Linda Small (LS),
Susan Muenzinger (SM), Ellen Barbasso (EB), Paul Skowron (PS), Gerard Leduc (GL),
Matt Monahan (MM) from CNHRPC, and Denise Morin (DM) from Select Board

3. Minutes from June 1, 2011 accepted and approved.

4. Denise Morin from Pittsfield Select Board
A.Made suggestions for changes to lease agreement for sign at Dunkin Donuts
B. Add a procedural
1. Indicate the order in which the signs will be put up
2. If there is a rotation-how it will be done
3.Who is responsible for putting the signs up and taking them down.
4. Who will be responsible for monitoring when a contract time is up

5. Police Department cleanup project
A. Immediate projects
1. Building across from Jitters needs powerwashing
a. Concern about lead paint
b. Need permission from owner
2. Irving building across from boat ramp-broken window
1. Good place for a mural that was discussed last meeting
2. EV is going to find out who is the owner and get permission
B. Need to send letters to owners of buildings to get them to fix up buildings a little bit
C. Suggestion was made to have a “work” Saturday to beautify Pittsfield
1. Put article in paper
2. Get adult and teenage volunteers
3. Draw attention to what we are doing
D. Suggestions for the murals for boards
1. Historical scenes of Pittsfield
2. Street scape
E. At Christmas perhaps an owner would be willing to let individuals lease building at a seasonal rate for
1. Artisans to display and sell their things such as paintings, goat soap
2. Alternative for those who do craft shows

6. Pittsfield information packet
A. Some changes were discussed
B. Less information may be better
C. Use pie chart to show top businesses in Pittsfield
D. Other information would be available to those seriously interested in bringing business here

7. Next meeting June 15, 2011. Special guests Mike Bergeron and Deb Avery from DRED

8. Meeting closed at 6:51 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary