March 1, 2011 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 5:47 P.M., by Denise Morin, Chairman.


Denise Morin (DM), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Fred Okrent (FO), Arthur Morse (AM), (Arrival at 5:58 P.M.), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




5:45 P.M.: Non-Public Session – Chief Wharem

(FH) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (c). (FO) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 5:48 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 6:25 P.M.

Break 6:25 P.M. Resume at 6:28 P.M.

(EV) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of March 1, 2011.
(FO) Second. Carried 5-0.


Lenny Dean, Deputy Fire Chief, voiced some concerns he had regarding the fire on Catamount Road on February 21, 2011. He noted that Engine One was parked in a neighbor’s driveway on Catamount and Fred Hast (FH) had made some comments concerning this. He noted that for years Fred has complained about the Fire Department and never says anything positive. This affects morale and retention of personnel. I have even heard other Fire Department personnel asking “Is he giving you a hard time?” The Board of Selectmen are the leaders of the Town and any negative comments compromise citizen protection. Any comments he has to make should be addressed directly to the Fire Department but not at the time of an event.


(DM) Deputy Welfare Director; (PS) Additional Information Submitted by Jennifer Cole (Addressed in Non-Public Session Only), Bid for Forestry Vehicle; Action on Tax Anticipation Note Documentation.


7. Bid for Forestry Vehicle

(PS) We have two bids for Forestry Vehicle. (Bids opened by Denise Morin, Chair. See attached.) Both bids have been submitted within the timeframe as noted.

Bid: $4,100 – Paul W. Sanborn
Bid: $7,150.50 (Equivalent)* – Michael Wolfe, Globe Manufacturing.

*This bid would provide Town with five complete sets of made-to-order firefighter turnout gear for the 1954 M37. Based on the specs for the last gear ordered by Pittsfield, this offer has a minimum value of $1,430.10 per set for a total of $7,150.50. Production of the gear can start as soon as the bid is officially accepted, and will be made to the current Town specs.

(FH) Motion to accept equivalent bid for Forestry vehicle from Michael Wolfe supplying firefighter turnout gear in lieu of funds. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0. (FO) Abstain.

1. Establishment of a Committee to Investigate and Develop Alternatives
To the Current Ambulance Staffing and Ambulance Work Schedules

(PS) A Memo has been submitted to Board addressing the ambulance fund, ambulance personnel staffing, and hours of work of the ambulance staff and the reasons why the committee should be established. The Budget Committee members consistently have focused on these items relating to the ambulance function. The establishment of the committee could investigate and develop alternatives to the level of staffing and work shifts which can be posed as alternatives to the electorate at the 2012 Town Meeting. I have also noted suggestions regarding the composition of the committee.

Fire Chief Johnson: I agree with Paul because the system is correct and committee will come to that same conclusion. The Deputy Chief knows the history and should probably be on the committee so all the facts are available.

(PS) Board does not have to act upon this tonight. In fact, Mr. Kidder, Chairman of the Budget Committee, noted that he could not be here tonight and requested that this be deferred to the next meeting. The next meeting will welcome new members of the Board.

(AM) I am supportive of this idea. We should establish this tonight so that we can advertise and start the process. The committee could be put together quicker. It is also not a good idea to set up a committee with a particular person involved.
(DM) I think it is a good idea to start the ball rolling now. (PS) The taxpayers can decide what level of service they would be willing to live with. (EV) I think it is a good idea. Everything should be reviewed periodically any way. (PS) The committee will have public meetings.

(FH) I was “slammed” a few minutes ago by the Fire Department. I was the one who started the Ambulance Department. He explained to the audience how it came about and how it has changed over the years including the increase in shift hours. Some shifts are 36 hours. (EV) I think we should go forward with this and let the Fire Department choose a member, as well as the Board and advertise in the paper for several members of the general public.

Chief Johnson: Will enough people understand how the system works?
(PS) Board would like people to access any resources they possibly could use. Feasibly there should be no EMT’s or paramedics on the committee since the issue impacts them directly. (AM) Our intent here is not to name specific people but the establishment of the committee.

Lenny Deanne: There are State-wide protocols which dictate certain procedures. Someone up on that should be part of the committee. Town has to be careful about that and someone should know the protocols.

(EV) Motion to approve the establishment of a committee to investigate and develop alternatives to the current ambulance staffing and ambulance work schedules. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (FH) During the Public Input, some comments were made about me. During the fire, the engine pulled in the driveway, but did not pull in far enough. (DM) There is more than just that issue. (FH) People ask me questions and I tell them my thoughts. (DM) You are a distraction to those in service. You are distracting them from doing their jobs.

2. Selectmen to Discuss Town Warrants and Budget Committee Proposed

(PS) The Board has copies of the final Budget and also the Warrant Articles. I would suggest Board go through the Warrant Articles and the proposed Budget also. (AM) I would suggest we do the Budget first. (PS) There is a summary budget recap by department, which are the final figures. He noted that the Budget Committee had made cuts by Departments, not by line items and I have taken the cuts from where I estimated it would be applicable.

(DM) Town should know where the Budget Committee made cuts. They are an advisory board and should advise as to where line cuts were made.

Legal Expenses (4153) – Budget Committee approved $23,000 as opposed to BOS’s proposed $25,000.

Police Department (4210) – Recommended cuts of $14,542, overall though did not identify where cuts should originate from. I took the cuts from the Overtime line. Budget Committee proposed $834, 876; Board of Selectmen proposed $849,418.

Ambulance (4215) – Recommended cut of $9,298 by Budget Committee. I took the cut from the Health Insurance.

Building Inspection (4240) – Recommended reducing Building Inspector salary by $3,782.

Highways and Streets (4311-4316) – Recommended cut of $2,700 from culverts and with George’s approval.

Welfare (4441-4444) – Recommended cut of $10,000 which was taken from rentals.

(FO) What is the Budget Committee going to do when everything falls apart? (AM) What are we going to do about it?

Economic Development (4651) – Recommended $10,000 decrease.

(EV) noted that the EDC had a lot of things “in the fire” at this time and was unsure as to whether a decrease in budget would be advisable. (PS) The biggest expense was for the Charrette which was encumbered from last year. Without this expense, it will probably be alright. (EV) noted that he would attempt to watch the expenses closely.

Waste Water Treatment Plant (4326) – Recommended cut of $26,147 which is the downgrading of a full-time position to a part-time position which decreases the salary with no benefits.

(PS) The Budget Committee was advised that probably the Town will be contracting out the service of the WWTP eventually, and they questioned as to why the position would need to be filled. The position requirements were not specific enough as to what this position would entail. The next Union negotiations will start again in six months and the proposal will be back on the table. I have discussed this with Ron who accepts the decision, but did not like it.

(PS) The Board has been as frugal as possible with reductions in the budget. The Board is obligated to provide public safety. (AM) I would be supportive of this Board’s budget. (PS) It depends on how the public feels about it. (EV) I am very happy with the budget as proposed by this Board. If we go with the reduced Budget, some services will be impacted. I would like to stay with the Budget as we presented it. (FO) We worked hard on the Budget and some of the cuts are too much. I would strongly support the Board of Selectmen’s budget not the Budget Committee.

(DM) I would challenge the Budget Committee as to where they would cut in the various departments. I am quite content with the Board’s budget as we proposed it. I am confident that it would provide us with the same services. If the current services are cut any further, severe consequences can result.

Board Discussion: The Ambulance should be left as budgeted by Board of Selectmen. The Building Inspector cut is doable. (AM) There is not a lot of building or remodeling going on. We could cut back the hours. (DM) At 20 hours, it would be $26,900. (PS) agreed he would convey this information to Dan Kramer. (DM) If Board recollects, we had talked about 20 hours per week at the time of his interview. (AM) What about the Warrant Article requiring the Building Inspector to work as Housing Standards Inspector. Board discussed the salary of Mr. Okrent as opposed to Mr. Kramer and if obliged to do inspections, would Mr. Kramer would be doing the inspections at the current rate. (AM) We are going to have to know this; if positive it would become a full-time position. We need to know what the ramifications would be. The pay scale is $6 less per hour as a full-time Building Inspector. (PS) agreed he would discuss with Dan Kramer. He noted that Mr. Kramer usually works more than a 20 hour week. It should be noted that I have not had one complaint in his performance or cooperation. I have heard nothing negative about the Building Inspector at all.

(PS) Also $10,000 for the Fire Command Vehicle has been eliminated from the Capital Outlay because it is not a recommended Warrant Article by Budget Committee though approved by the Board. The other Warrant Articles not recommended by Budget Committee are Articles 14, 15, 16 and 20.

(AM) I think we should go with the Budget Committee recommendations regarding the WWTP. (PS) The only thing outstanding would be the Building Inspector. (AM) noted that this should be considered in reference to the position not the person. (PS) I will provide the necessary information in writing and will not be editorializing.

(FO) Regarding Warrant Article 27, how will that be handled if it is approved? How will the members be elected? (PS) That will be up to the Moderator.

Board agreed that (DM) would Motion Warrants and (EV) Second at Town Meeting. Board will basically stand by their proposed budget except for Legal Expenses, Highway and Streets (as approved by George), WWTP and possibly the Building Inspector line. (PS) will amend figures for Article 24 and provide to Board members for Town Meeting.

3. Town Hall Flooring Update/Transportation Alternatives

(PS) Mr. Hast has been working with the Building Inspector to coordinate the removal of the carpet, lay subflooring and then tile my office and the outer office adjacent to mine. The crew will be the inmates from the Department of Corrections and will begin late Friday afternoon, Saturday, Sunday and early Monday. They will be four individuals painting the offices and probably the hallway at this time. (FH) I would like to use the Building Inspector’s vehicle for transporting them.

(FO) Motion to approve use of Building Inspector vehicle for transporting inmates from the Department of Corrections by Fred Hast. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) What is the Town’s liability in reference to this? (FH) I will be the driver and the Town will not be liable for prisoners at all. I would like to purchase some food.

(AM) Motion to approve up to $200 for use of purchase of food for inmates from Department of Corrections. (EV) Second. Carried 4-1 (DM).

4. Revaluation Inquires (Requested by Fred Hast)

(FH) We should try and have the assessors come and offer some explanation as to why some of the evaluations are so different. The new owner of the proposed Dollar Store was very upset because his valuation went from $180 to $277. I am questioning why in 2009 it was evaluated the way it was. (DM) I would like to find out also. (FH) agreed he would work on a list of the questionable properties so Board could ultimately address with the assessor.

5. Welfare Lien – Tax Map R42, Lot 9

(EV) Motion to approve Welfare Lien Tax Map R42, Lot 9. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

8. Action on Tax Anticipation Note Documentation

(PS) We now have for the Board to sign: Promissory Note $1,500,000 (Board signs), Tax Anticipation Note Agreement (Board signs), Authorization Form (Board signs), Errors and Omissions (Chair signs), and General Application Form for Loan (Chair signs.) This is in the amount of $1,500,000 at 1.98% with Northway Bank.

(DM) Motion to approve Board and/or Chair sign appropriate paperwork for Tax Anticipation Note. (AM) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Deputy Welfare Director

(DM) When we asked Larry Konopka to do inspections for the Town in reference to Welfare, I am not sure that it was noted that this would be in a capacity as Deputy Welfare Director. As I looked back into the Minutes all the discussion was in reference to Deputy Welfare Director but the actual Motion indicated “as inspector.”

(DM) Motion to approve Larry Konopka as Deputy Welfare Director.
(AM) Second. Carried 5-0.




1. Bids for Town Hall Window Frame Rehabilitation


2. General Assessing Service Contract for 2011 – Cross Country Appraisal

(PS) We have received the contract and are now waiting for letter from DRA.


9. Abatements

(PS) We now have the first phase of abatements. It was noted that there were several properties that Board had questions about – Tax Map U01, Lot 10 and Tax Map R35, Lot 24-T19 though ultimately agreed that the questions had no bearing on the abatement.

(AM) Motion to approve abatements as noted (See attached). (EV) Second. Carried 4-0. (FO) Abstain

Break 8:28 P.M. Resume 8:34 P.M.


(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Register. (EV) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-1 (FH).


(FH) There were two checks that were not processed from previous weeks.
(PS) The one for the fuel bill is okay to release. (FH) The Welfare voucher for the Blueberry Express is questionable for daycare. Usually this falls under Health and Human Services. According to the information as submitted by Welfare Director, this is a discretionary item (See attached.) Board noted that “each case is individual.”


1. Public Session Minutes February 15, 2011

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of February 15, 2011.
(FO) Second. Carried 3-0. (DM) & (AM) Abstain.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of January 18, 2011

(FO) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of January 18, 2011.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0. (EV) Abstain.

3. Non-Public Session Minutes of February 15, 2011

(EV) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of February 15, 2011.
(FO) Second. Carried 3-0. (DM) & (AM) Abstain.


Larry Konopka: Thank you to Fred Okrent and Art Morse for filling in. Thank you for Denise; you all did a good job.

Ed Vien: Thank you to you all for the good job.

Denise Morin: Thank you to the Board; I have had a “fabulous” time working on the Board and as Chair. Thank you all.

Art Morse: “Fred, you have a right to express yourself but I think you do a disservice to the Board when you act in that manner.” Fred Hast: When I see blatant mistakes, I speak. I will not go to the Public Hearing and put this Board down.

Denise Morin: Fred, I know you mean well, but there are different avenues you can travel to get your point across. Fred Hast: I have always spoken the truth and if I have something to say, I say it.

Fred Okrent: I would like to thank the members of the Board for giving me this opportunity. It has been fun and I have learned a lot and I am hoping to continue.


(EV) Motion to adjourn. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:52 P.M.

Approved: March 15, 2011

_____________________________ _______________________
Denise Morin, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on March 1, 2011, transcribed and public posted on March 3, 2011.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes