March 12, 2009 Minutes

Trustees of the Trust Fund
March 12, 2009
Trustees Meeting

Those Present: Elsie Morse, Cara Marston and Bill Provencal.
Secretary’s Report:
Secretary’s minutes accepted with amendment.
Old Business:
Fund Investment Policies:
The following funds have been classified for Management purposes as follows:

Prudent Man Prudent Investor
School Funds E. P. Sanderson Trust
Library Funds Foss Family Scholarship Trust
Capital Reserve Funds Pittsfield Community Band Trust
Cemetery Trust Funds
It was moved to accept the above classification as presented by Cara Marston. There is a need to notify the State of NH that three accounts are under the Prudent Investor Rule. Cara Marston is to notify the state.
New Business:
Internal Controls Policy:
An Internal Controls Policy was authored and reviewed for the town of Pittsfield. Cara Marston is to re-type the Policy subject to further review.
Next meeting to be held on April 16, 2009.
Motion made to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Provencal