March 14, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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Meeting Minutes – 03/14/07
1) Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm. In attendance: Eric Bahr (EB), Lester Firstenberger (LF), Merrill Vaughan
(MV), Ed Vien (EV), Susan Muenzinger (SM), Ellen Barbasso (EBa) Linda Small (LS), James Hetu (JH), Daren
Nielsen (DN), Pat Heffernan (PH), Deborah Jordan (DJ), Karen Vanderpool (KV), Matt Monahan (MM)
representing the CNHRPC.
2) Minutes of 03/07/07 reviewed and approved with several changes. There were no objections.
3) EB will send letter to Wayne Gallup regarding his resignation
4) Sign
a. DJ and KV will pursue
5) Main Street Program
a. Still no response from Debbie Turcott
b. EB will send letter
6) Town Meeting
a. Committee agreed that an EDC representative should be prepared to speak on all three RSA’s
b. EB will speak on Tax Incentives
c. PH will speak on #25
d. JH will speak on #20
i. EB will send JH letter with talking points
7) Louden Races
a. EV sent e-mail to Ron Meade regarding possible meeting dates available with MM.
b. EV expects a response shortly
c. PH mentioned the possibility of getting involved with Laconia Bike Week
8) Economic Profile
a. MM will provide 19 hard copies
i. One at Town Hall
ii. One entered in Minutes
iii. 17 available at Town Meeting
b. MM suggested developing an Economic Strategy based on the Profile
c. MM provided the Committee a Proposed Modification to Scope of Services
i. MM can trade time with the EDC to the Planning Board for Site Plan Review work
d. Copies of Profile can be distributed in other places
i. Chamber of Commerce
ii. Town web site
iii. Master Plan Committee
iv. Planning Board
v. ZBA
vi. Anywhere needed
e. Profile should be updated every 5 years
9) New England Real Estate Journal
a. MM suggests placing a Town profile in the publication
b. MM will provide an example of a Town Profile
10) Marketing Plan Strategy
a. The Committee agrees to develop a MPS by July, 2007
a. SM requested information on YTD spending and status of Deliverables
b. MM will report at a future meeting
12) Public Questions
a. Dan Schroth requested information on the three RSA’s the EDC supports
b. EB explained
13) Meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm.
Submitted by: ________________________________
Karen Vanderpool