March 14, 2013
The Annual Pittsfield School District Meeting was held at the Pittsfield Elementary School in said district on Thursday March 14, 2013. Moderator Ammy Ramsey called the meeting to order at 7:06pm, and the Boy Scout troop 84 of Pittsfield led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Moderator Ramsey pointed out the emergency exits and requested cell phones be turned off.
Moderator Ramsey reviewed the rules and voting instructions for the meeting. She reported the results of the School District elections: for one three (3) year School Board term, Beatrice (Bea) Douglas was elected with 277 votes. For one three (3) year School Board term, Raymond Ramsey was elected with 217 votes. For one three (3) year School District Clerk term, Erica Anthony was elected with 389 votes.
To hear the reports of agents, auditors, committees, or officers chosen, and to pass any vote relating therefore.
Motion made by School Board Member Nicole Manteau, and seconded by School Board member Gary Mullen to approve Article I as written.
Moderator Ramsey opened the floor for discussion.
School Board Member Mary Paradise spoke to let voters know that handouts relating to various aspects of the budget were available at the entry to the PES gym. She also introduced the school administrators in attendance to whom questions may be referred. She welcomed the voters to the meeting.
With no discussion, Article I passed as written by card vote.
To determine and fix the salaries of the School Board and the compensation of any other officers or agents of the Pittsfield School District as follows: Moderator, $100.00 per meeting; Clerk, $100.00; Chairperson of the School Board, $700.00; School Board Members, $600.00 per member; School Treasurer, $600.00; and Supervisors of the Checklist, $75.00 per Supervisor per Meeting. Recommended by the Pittsfield School Board. Recommended by the Pittsfield Budget Committee (6 yes, 0 no, 3 abstentions). (Majority vote required.)
Motion made by School Board member Gary Mullen, and seconded by School Board member Nicole Manteau to approve Article II as written.
Moderator Ramsey opened the floor for discussion.
Eric Nilsson asked if compensation was yearly for all positions accept Moderator, or if all positions were compensated per meeting.
School Board Member Nicole Manteau confirmed compensation for all offices other than the Moderator was annual.
With no further discussion, Article II passed as written by card vote.
To see if the Pittsfield School District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of three hundred twenty thousand dollars ($320,000) for the support of the School Lunch Program. This appropriation will be funded by a like amount of revenue from the sale of food and state and federal sources. (Estimated tax impact of this article: $0.) Recommended by the Pittsfield School Board. Recommended by the Pittsfield Budget Committee (9 yes, 0 no). (Majority vote required.)
Motion made by School Board Member Clayton Wood, and seconded by School Board Member Mary Paradise to approve Article III as written.
Moderator Ramsey opened the floor for discussion.
School Board Member Clayton Wood stated legally, the body needs to vote to accept the money in order to spend it. He noted this was the second year with Café Services. The program showed approximately $2,000.00 in profit last year, and approximately $8,000.00 in profit this year. He wanted the public to have the opportunity to know.
With no further discussion, Article III passed by card vote
To see if the Pittsfield School District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of one million, four hundred thousand dollars ($1,400,000) for the support of federal and private foundation grant-funded educational programs of the Pittsfield School District. This appropriation is contingent upon receiving revenue from federal grants and private foundations and will be expended in accordance with federal and state requirements upon approval by the New Hampshire Department of Education or private foundation requirements. (Estimated tax impact of this article: $0.) Recommended by the Pittsfield School Board. Recommended by the Pittsfield Budget Committee (9 yes, 0 no). (Majority vote required.)
Motion made by School Board member Mary Paradise, and seconded by School Board member Mike Wolfe to approve Article IV as written.
Moderator Ramsey opened the floor for discussion.
School Board Member Mary Paradise stated Article IV is very similar to Article III in that it gives the School Board the authority to accept funds in order to spend them. It must have approval from voters to accept the money.
Dan Schroth stated the school is doing a good job. It is clean and professionally run. He is concerned when we talk grants and the resulting Federal Government involvement, and asked what happens if the school has to cover after a grant runs out.
With no further discussion, Article IV passed by card vote
To see if the Pittsfield School District will vote to approve the cost items included in the collective bargaining agreement reached between the Pittsfield School District and the Education Association of Pittsfield which calls for the following increase in salaries and benefits at the current staffing levels:
2013-2014 Estimated increase: $42,900
And to further raise and appropriate the sum of forty-two thousand, nine hundred dollars ($42,900) for the 2013-2014 fiscal year, such sum representing the additional costs attributable to the increase in salaries and benefits required by the new agreement over those that would be paid at current staffing levels. (Estimated tax impact of this article: $.16/thousand.) Recommended by the Pittsfield School Board. Not Recommended (4 yes, 5 no) by the Pittsfield Budget Committee. (Majority vote required.)
Motion made by School Board member Clayton Wood, and seconded by School Board member Mike Wolfe to approve Article V as written.
Moderator Ramsey opened the floor for discussion.
School Board Member Clayton Wood stated this was his second year on the negotiation team. It has been a very good process, with a lot of hard work. The School Board and Teacher’s Union is working well together. A higher level of performance is expected from teachers and students. This proposed agreement is asking staff to take on another 3% more of health care costs. Close vote by the Budget Committee. The School Board recommends the voters support this Article.
Eric Barbasso stated he was one of the fortunate ones to keep his job, and got a raise, but lost income due to changes in payroll taxes. He would have to vote no to any increase.
Eric Nilsson noted the Annual Report figures were different from the hand out, but realized he was looking at numbers from last year. He stated these are tough economic times and would have to vote no to any increase. If people don’t have homes, they can’t pay taxes.
Dan Schroth asked how much of the increase goes to raises and how much to pensions.
After conferring with Superintendent John Freeman, School Board member Clayton Wood stated that it does not reflect pensions. Pensions are covered in the operating budget. After conferring with School Board Member Mary Paradise, the raise increase would be 2.2% – 3%.
Dan Schroth stated he is torn, and asked if a Budget Committee member would speak.
Louie Houle stated the vote on the Budget Committee was very close. They had a hard time deciding. He noted the proposed budget was down $237,000.00 from last year if that helped people decide.
Chuck Corliss asked if the contract was already approved.
School Board Member Clayton Wood answered it was a tentative agreement until voted here at this meeting.
Dan Schroth asked if the proposed budget is truly 11 cents less than last year.
School Board Member Mary Paradise stated the tax rate would be down 11 cents. The proposed operating budget is down $207,000.00 from last year. She noted it is not as clear as it could be.
Larry Williams stated he voted no as a member of the Budget Committee. He stated it had been six years since most people received a raise and health care costs are up. Money is tight. The only people he sees getting raises are teachers. He hates to say no, and realizes kids need a good education.
Siobhan Plummer stated she believed the teachers should get raises. If anyone can work with teenagers they deserve a raise. She asked about the loss of the principals and asked how that affected the contract. School Board Members Clayton Wood & Mike Wolfe stated the principals were covered in a separate item.
School Board Member Mary Paradise clarified that the principals are covered in a separate item in the operating budget. She stated there is a $0 increase for everyone but teachers and the costs of the contract, including the increase of health insurance costs.
Merrill Vaughn stated once again we have the same argument every year. Do we pay the teachers more? He said yes. If we don’t we will lose continuity and quality teachers. We would only be hurting our kids and ourselves in the long run.
Dan Schroth asked for the effect on the tax rate.
School Board Member Mary Paradise responded she was not sure if she was answering correctly. Food service, general fund total vs. revenue showed a decrease of 11 cents on the tax rate.
Dan Schroth stated he may be able to give them that.
Paulette Wolfe stated she was pleased with the extended time offered for kids to receive extra help at the Middle High School. They can come in at 7:00am and/or stay until 4:00pm. She asked if the teachers received any extra compensation.
School Board Member Clayton Wood confirmed the teachers do not receive extra pay, it is part of their salary and was negotiated into contract. People have worked hard together.
Art Morse stated he was in favor of passing Article V. Teachers are most important – too important not to get raise. He stated if the body needed to, take the money out of the operating budget.
Louie Houle stated he has been very involved in the redesign efforts. Teachers have made a huge impact – bigger than anywhere else in state.
Bea Douglas stated she had the opportunity to participate in the “Good to Great” forum. She encouraged everyone to get involved in this committee. She said all these people are bringing our schools way ahead. She couldn’t imagine not voting for this Article.
Jessica Blaisdell stated she was a first year teacher here. She was shocked that other employees working in the town were not getting a raise. She was voting no.
With no further discussion, Article V passed by card vote.
To see if the school district will vote to raise and appropriate “up to” one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to be added to the Capital Reserve Fund established in March 2004 to maintain the school buildings of the district under the provisions of RSA 35:1-b, with such amount to be funded from the June 30 unreserved fund balance available for transfer on July 1. (Estimated tax impact of this article: $0) Recommended by the Pittsfield School Board. Recommended by the Pittsfield Budget Committee (9 yes, 0 no). (Majority vote required.)
Motion made by School Board Member Mike Wolfe, and seconded by School Board Member Clayton Wood to approve Article VI as written.
Moderator Ramsey opened the floor for discussion.
Dan Schroth stated he was thinking of voting for this Article, but not the next one.
School Board Member Mike Wolfe stated this request for $100,000.00 would go toward the project indicated in Article VII if passed. Currently have $190,000 in this fund now, and hope to use $275,000.00 of that money toward the project in the next article. The Board has turned in fund balances at least the past 5 years, and hope to do the same this year.
With no further discussion, Article VI passed by card vote.
To see if the school district will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of six hundred fifteen thousand dollars ($615,000) for the replacement of the siding and windows of the Pittsfield Elementary School and authorize the withdrawal of “up to” two hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($275,000) from the Capital Reserve Fund created for that purpose. The balance of three hundred forty thousand dollars ($340,000) to come from general taxation. (Estimated tax impact of this article: $1.30/thousand) Recommended by the Pittsfield School Board. Recommended by the Pittsfield Budget Committee (6 yes, 3 no). (Majority vote required.)
Motion made by School Board member Mike Wolfe, and seconded by School Board member Clayton Wood to approve Article VII as written.
Moderator Ramsey opened the floor for discussion.
Dan Schroth read an article that people are not prepared for retirement. He believed taxes are going to be what get him. He can’t vote for that much money in one year.
Fred Okrent stated he spent most of his life concerned with safety, in private and professional capacities. He is the current HSA inspector and has not received a raise. The work is absolutely necessary and needed ASAP, but should be bonded, not paid in one lump sum. It is irresponsible. Realizes it will cost more in the long run, but we can’t expect people to pay this much at once when all costs are going up and people can’t afford their taxes now. He cannot support this article.
School Board Member Mike Wolfe agreed it is a huge bubble. He noted several public forums were held and the School Board worked with Budget Committee to get feedback. Unfortunately, due to the age of the Elementary School, it needs a lot of work. In the last year we have spent $211, 900.00 for the new roof and $23,000.00 to replace windows that were leaking and ready to fall out. Siding has deteriorated to the point of pulling off. There is no mold yet, but concerned that will not last long. He stated we’ve put it off as long as we can. He believed we would have temporary classrooms if we don’t do something soon, and that will cost more. He believed that if this Article is not passed, it will just be passed off another year. A bond will take too long. Poor planning is not an emergency.
Kevin Foss stated he had been to the forums. His wife is a teacher and has heard of the building issues, and he is not happy with a potential raise in taxes, but it is necessary. It will be more later on. Unfortunately, this is due to poorly funded capital reserve funds. Hopefully we’ve learned our lesson.
Dan Schroth stated if we didn’t have one of the highest tax rates, we wouldn’t have the poorly funded reserves. We talk about the best interest of the learners, but we need to consider the best interest of the older residents.
Meredith Little stated she did not know much about the siding, but was wondering about the new roof. She asked why the previous rocks were not reused.
School Board Member Mike Wolfe responded that the rocks wear out and it was a higher cost to remove and put them back. It was actually cheaper to replace them. The old rocks went to highway department to use.
Merrill Vaughn stated each year we bring up this issue. $615,000.00 this year, but what will it be each year after if we keep waiting? He asked what will we do if students are injured due to an unsafe building, maybe not this year, but we don’t know. He stated if we keep delaying things we will regret it in the long run. He doesn’t have children in school, and is concerned for taxpayers, but he is looking out for the safety of the children.
School Board Member Mike Wolfe stated the School Board looked into waiting to replace the siding and instead adding paint and sealant, but the cost to do that was approximately $90,000.00 and the Board was told they could maybe get one or two more years with just that. If this Article passes the Board is looking into doing away with painted surfaces and going to longer lasting vinyl. They are trying to be proactive and limit future maintenance costs.
Eilene Legg stated mold would be very serious, possibly closing the school which could lead to potentially huge costs to taxpayers to have it removed. We could truly regret not taking care of this issue now. She didn’t want the increase in taxes, but believed mold would be detrimental.
School Board Member Mike Wolfe stated the walls inside the siding were still very sound. The current damage is minimal, but the problem will not go away.
Art Morse stated he would have a hard time coming up with the taxes now, but agreed it is better to take care of the issue now. He cautioned the School Board to make sure they remember this increase when considering the budget for next year.
Mike Drew asked if all siding options were considered.
School Board Member Mike Wolfe responded that yes, the Board had consulted with an architect who provided different options. They are considering brick at the bottom for durability and vinyl above. This option would provide better drainage and prevent moisture from seeping in. A lot of the cost is designated toward new cafeteria windows.
John Topouzoglou thanked the School Board for all they do. He believes the problem is the politicians, and is upset with the amount teachers are paid. He asked the body to please invest the money in our students and our families.
Larry Williams asked if a less expensive bid was accepted, where would the remaining funds go.
School Board Member Mike Wolfe stated less would be taken out of the capital reserve account. Any excess would stay in the reserve account. He stated these estimated costs are a worse – case scenario. The New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration (DRA) needs need an exact amount voted upon in order to set the tax rate.
School Board Member Nicole Manteau stated it was possible to put less in the capital reserve voted upon in Article VI.
Kathy Corliss asked if the School Board thought of doing this project in stages.
School Board Member Mike Wolfe responded that they had, but the only stage that could be put off was the back side of building, and it did not seem cost affective to have people come out twice to work on the building and the resulting disruption to the classrooms.
School Board Member Mary Paradise stated that rotation seemed appropriate, but when the Board planned that before and we didn’t have the money, the rotation was not kept up with. Maintenance is the larger budget item, and it is easier to say we will hold off. She said she had never seen the School Board use the money carelessly. The Board has either given it back to the taxpayers if they were able, or put it back into capital reserve. She believes they would have a chance for better price quotes now while people are looking for work than if we wait.
Eric Nilsson asked for clarification – because the School Board failed to maintain the building over the years, now all of a sudden we have to pay this large sum now.
School Board Member Mike Wolfe responded that the School Board cannot put money aside without voter approval. The School budget starts out at $0 every year. What the Board gets out of the School District Meeting is what they get.
Eric Nilsson asked can’t the Board ask to put money in capital reserve?
School Board Member Mike Wolfe stated they had. The voters decide whether or not to set the money aside.
Eric Nilsson stated the School Board needed to stress the importance.
Kelly Nilsson asked if high school students still did community service. She asked if that service could be used to maintain the lesser important sides of the building.
School Board Member Clayton Wood responded that we’ve spent a lot of time discussing this project. We’ve been talking about this for years. We can put the blame on anything, but it needs to be addressed. He stated that he personally viewed the roof before the replacement. What we have now with the Elementary School is the result of trying to maintain. He added that w have an opportunity right now to get it done right and not worry about it for about 20 years. We lucked out with extra money last year and were able to get the roof done below estimated costs. The Board does not want to use all the money being requested, but a tax rate must be set. The engineers dictated that roof needed to be done first before the rest of the work could be addressed. Everything ties together. The Board wanted to do the windows and siding first, but were advised against it. It is best to get the work done now when contractors are hungry for work.
Louie Houle stated the Budget Committee cut $30,000.00 from the budget because they needed to find something to cut, and maintenance is the easiest to cut. The town is still paying on another bond until 2020, and it makes no sense to wait. He asked to move the question.
Diane Vaughn asked if this Article passed, how soon would the work start, and would the proposed budget next year show a minus some place?
School Board Member Clayton Wood responded he would not be on the School Board next year, but if this Article passes, the Board would immediately start looking for bids. He stated he and Mike Wolfe met with each contractor for the roof, and the Board would be very involved in the whole process for the siding and windows as well. The School Board would release back to the taxpayers up to the $100,000.00 previously voted upon in Article VI. Any other excess would go to capital reserve and not spent without voter consent, but it cannot go back to the taxpayers due to statute.
With no further discussion, Article VII passed by card vote
To see if the district will vote to raise and appropriate the Budget Committee’s recommended amount of nine million, four hundred forty-seven thousand, three hundred seventeen dollars ($9,447,317) for the support of schools, for the payment of salaries for the school district officials and agents, and for the statutory obligations of the district. This article does not include appropriations voted in other warrant articles. (Estimated tax impact of this article: -$.11/thousand.) Recommended by the Pittsfield School Board. Recommended by the Pittsfield Budget Committee (8 yes, 1 no). (Majority vote
Budget Committee Chairman Louie Houle made a motion to move Article VIII as written, School Board Member Mary Paradise seconded the motion.
Moderator Ramsey opened the floor for discussion.
School Board Member Mary Paradise thanked the Budget Committee for the thoughtful and deliberative process. She stated that after discussions with the Budget Committee, the Committee wanted to find a place to remove $30,000 from the maintenance budget. The School Board respected the Budget Committee’s concerns, and the School Board came back to the Budget Committee with a $30,000.00 reduction in the operating budget, resulting in 2.5% decrease, with a dollar decrease of $237,210.00 or an 11 cent decrease to the tax rate. This resulted in the reduction of one elementary school classroom teacher position and a half time music teacher at the middle high school. The School Board felt these reductions could be made and still sustain the programs we currently have for the students. Unfortunately, we do not have control over health care costs and other state mandated items. She stated the School Board urged the body to support the proposed budget.
Dan Schroth stated he thought the School Board did a good job, but since we took such a hit this year, please try to do something next year.
School Board Member Nicole Manteau responded that she would be here next year, and that she would do her best to make sure we don’t have to take a hit again next year while still providing the highest quality education we can.
With no further discussion, Article VIII passed by card vote.
To transact any other business which may legally come before this meeting.
School Board Member Mike Wolfe thanked Clayton Wood on behalf of the School Board for his 3 years of service on the Board and presented him with a token of appreciation. Mike also thanked Mary Paradise on behalf of the School Board for her 15 years of service on the Board and presented her with a token of appreciation. The body responded with a standing ovation.
School Board Member Mary Paradise addressed the body, stating in all her years on the School Board, they had budget support almost every year as we strive to meet the needs of our students. She thanked the community, her family and fellow Board members. She stated we are very fortunate to have such a hard working administration, staff and teachers. The community has become very involved and the students have worked hard to become more engaged in their learning. She urged the body to support each other as we move forward.
Moderator Ramsey welcomed Bea Douglas and Ray Ramsey to the School Board and Erica Anthony as District School Clerk, and asked them to stay after the meeting to be sworn in.
Moderator Ramsey adjourned the meeting 8:35pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Erica B. Anthony
Acting Recording Secretary