March 18, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.


Call to order at 6:02 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.
Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison
(LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Maurice Wells questioned, “What is the undesignated fund balance and
where does it come from?” (LKe) explained that in essence, this is money
raised and set aside for five years, which is not obligated and which is in a
savings account under the guidance of the Trustee of the Trust Fund for
investment. The DRA has suggested that approximately 5-10% of the
budget be reserved in this fashion. It can also be for insurance in case of
some catastrophic event. The Town has approximately $1.3 M, which is
about 13%. (LS) related it is equivalent to working capital. Mr. Wells noted
that he understood that you have to have so much for a safety net but did not
realize it was that much.
Fred Hast related that he had reviewed the Agenda for tonight and noted
concerning the rental of the parking spaces on Oak Street. He related the
history of how these parking areas came to be relating that George and he
had put in the parking spaces and that the Town could get back the cost of
the construction in a couple of years by charging $300 per space per year. A
lot of the landlords in that area do not have adequate parking area. “Last
year you gave away the parking spaces for $200 apiece.” Take the money
and enlarge the parking area. People need parking. There is some parking
areas but not enough. In the future, you should expand the parking spaces
and get full value for them. “I hope you do not go below $300. There
should be two parking spaces for each apartment.
He also noted that the Capital Improvement Plan Status as noted on the
Agenda really falls under the Planning Board. The previous Board did not
keep it going, but now we have a whole new Planning Board. I was going to
bring this before the Planning Board as it their job. (LS) assured him that
this was just a follow-up.
He congratulated Denise Morin and noted that he would like to see all Board
members work together.
He noted that he had read in the paper that Pittsfield Aqueduct Company is
attempting to “float a loan for $2 M.” I spoke about this a couple of years
ago but then it was discussed in non-public session. They said that they
would not use any monies from Pittsfield. I wish you people would stay on
top of that. Private rates go up and up.
Susan Muenzinger questioned the status of the Space Needs Committee. A
study was supposed to be done. The Master Plan Committee wanted to use
it. (LK) noted that the study has been completed but the submitted document
cannot be found. Ms. Muenzinger requested that when the document is
located if it could be given to the Master Plan Committee. (LKe) related that
it should be noted that the Fire Chief and Police Chief were never contacted
concerning input into this, so essentially the report is really incomplete. I
would suggest that it is not completely accurate. Ms. Muenzinger related
that she had discussed this with Chief of Police. (LKe) However, the Space
Needs Committee did not discuss this with them. It is deficient in those
cases. (LS) felt that this is a “huge deficiency.” Mr. Hast related that Mr.
Colby had given the report to the former administrator, but he has no copies
of it and now it cannot be located. Years ago the Chief of Police were
talking about putting an addition on the Police Station. There were two sets
of plans but they are gone. Even old records concerning the Fire
Department are gone.
(LS) Four Non-Public, MRI and the Workers Compensation issue, 2007
Budget regarding sidewalks. (LKe) MS2 Report for DRA, which has to be
submitted within 15 days after Town Meeting, Oak Street Parking Spaces,
Teamsters Unfair Labor Complaint, follow-up with Paul Skowron, and
appointment application. (LK) Town Hall floors and one Non-Public.
6:30 P.M. – Jon Steiner, LG – Discuss renewal of WC, Property-Liability,
and Health Insurance
(LKe) Mr. Steiner is here tonight to offer an insurance packet, which has
been quite popular with other communities.
Mr. Steiner related that he was present tonight to offer information
concerning committing to this program for three years which would offer
Town coverage up to $2 M. He noted that monies from other communities
are pooled which allows for better rates when policy is taken for a three-year
period. He explained how the program works in that it is a pooled reserve for
small towns, which spreads the risk around when needed. He noted many
non-profit organizations, towns and schools participate in this program. He
related that it is possible to withdraw from the program, if necessary, but
other organizations that have done so, usually return because of better price.
1. Election of Board Officers, Representatives to Boards,
Committees, Commission, etc.
Board of Selectman Chairman:
(LS) Motion to appoint Larry Konopka as Chair. (DM) Second.
Carried 3-1 (EV). (LK) Abstain.
Board of Selectman Vice-Chair:
(LK) Motion to appoint Linda Small as Vice-Chair. (DM) Second.
Carried 3-1 (EV). (LS) Abstain.
Union Negotiations Representative:
(LK) Motion to appoint Linda Small as Union Negotiations Representative.
(JL) Second. Carried 4-0. (LS) Abstain.
Union Negotiations Representative Alternate:
(LS) Motion to appoint Denise Morin as Union Negotiations Representative
Alternate. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.
Merrimack Valley Water District Representative:
(LS) Motion to appoint John Lenaerts as Merrimack Valley Water District
Representative. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.
Citizen of the Year Committee Representative:
(LK) Motion to appoint John Lenaerts as Citizen of the Year Committee
Representative. (DM) Second. Carried 5 -0.
Drug and Alcohol Committee Representative:
(LK) Motion to appoint Denise Morin as Drug and Alcohol Committee
Representative. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
BCEP Representative:
(JL) Motion to appoint Ed Vien as BCEP Representative. (LK) Second.
Carried 5-0.
Pandemic Committee:
(LK) Motion to appoint Ed Vien. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
Budget Committee Representative:
(LK) Motion to appoint Linda Small. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0. (LS)
Budget Committee Representative Alternate:
(LK) Motion to appoint Denise Morin. (LS) Second. Carried 5 -0.
Department of Welfare Director/Deputy Health Officer/Deputy Building
(LS) Motion to appoint Larry Konopka. (JL) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LK) and (EV) Abstain.
Planning Board Representative:
(LS) Motion to appoint Larry Konopka as Planning Board Representative.
(DM) Second. Carried 3-2 (JL) and (EV).
Planning Board Representative Alternate:
(LS) Motion to appoint John Lenaerts as Planning Board Representative
Alternate. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.
Economic Development Committee Representative:
(LK) Motion to appoint Ed Vien as Economic Development Committee
Representative and Linda Small as Alternate. (DM) Second. Carried 4 -0.
(LS) Abstain.
2. AFT-NH, Local #6214 Grievance Appeal to PELRB
(LKe) noted that Terry Donovan is out of town until Thursday or Friday but
has her file on this matter. “What is Board’s pleasure?” Board questioned
whether (LKe) could handle this? (LKe) related he could respond but would
need assistance of Town Attorney. Board agreed.
3. PELRB Notice of Filing
(LKe) noted that this is related and offers a chance for rebuttal. No requests
4. Junk Yard License Renewal – Roy Richardson’s Auto Salvage
(EV) Motion to approve Junk Yard License Renewal – Roy Richardson’s
Auto Salvage. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
(LKe) noted that this is an annual event. The State generally oversees this.
Mike McLaughlin, BI, will be visiting there to see that they are in
compliance with original license.
5. Request to Lease 3 Parking Spaces – Oak Street Lot
(LKe) noted that an E-Mail had been received from Mr. Rizitano who
wishes to rent three spaces in the Oak Street lot. As you will remember in
November, Paul Metcalf had requested to rent spaces for $150. and we
counter offered at $175. The Board settled on $175. Within a month of this
request we had another request and Board did the same on this request.
Should this be at the cost of $175 and upon renewal at a higher amount?
(LS) noted that she did not think it was a good business practice to charge
one individual one amount and another individual another amount. We
should not let people set our fees. (LK) questioned whether we should send
out notices on this? (LS) “I would not.”
(LK) Motion to allow rental of parking spaces at Oak Street Lot at same
rental fee as Paul Metcalf. (JL) Second. After discussion: Carried 5 -0.
(EV) questioned whether they would all be due at the same time. (LS)
questioned whether it should be on a calendar year? (DM) “This is a new
rental person, why not start this person with new rate?” After discussion, it
was noted that the rental rate would be good through December 31, 2008.
6. Application for Bonded Retail Vehicle License – Marcotte & Sons
Motors, 92 Main Street
(LKe) This is application from Department of Safety, which administers
licenses for auto sales of this nature. Basically, they are asking Town if
there is any objection. It has been approved by the Zoning Board for two
vehicles at the location. (LKe) noted that it is a very limited dealership and
Zoning has limited it to two vehicles and DOS could make it a provision
also. (EV) noted that applicant had asked for two-car operation, which he
has a right to do because he is in the Commercial Zone. Two cars are the
minimum required to get a retail vehicle license. He will be dealing with
some retail and some wholesale vehicles.
(LS) Motion to approve Bonded Retail Vehicle License for Marcotte and
Sons Motors, 92 Main Street for two vehicles. (DM) Second. Carried 5 -0.
(JL) initiated further discussion as to why Board of Selectmen has to
approve it if it has been approved by the Zoning Board? (LKe) noted that is
was probably due to RSA’s.
7. Teamsters Union – Tentative Agreement Grievance 2
(LKe) This is part of the Teamster’s package, which is also on the Agenda.
8. Police Chief Request to Modify Station Lobby
(LKe) As you recall, last fall Board talked about improving police presence
by making the station more open. Now, you have to “buzz to get into
lobby.” This was because of easy access to evidence room. This has been
taken care and Chief has gotten volunteers to work on this and lobby can be
open and visitors will not be able to wander in restricted areas.
(EV) Motion to approve request to modify Police Station lobby. (JL)
Second. Carried 5-0.
(LS) questioned whether this had been reviewed by Mike McLaughlin and is
it permanent. (LKe) “Yes.”
9. Letter to LGC requesting multi-town group rating for health insurance
(LKe) As you may recall, there was some inquiry about towns forming a
co-op by grouping Towns together to get a better rate. We responded, “Yes”
and they are asking for a letter. This does not commit them or us to
(LS) Motion to approve letter requesting multi-town group rating for health
insurance. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.
10. Appointment Application – David Rushford
(LKe) related that Mr. Rushford had come in and was interested in
volunteering for Zoning Board, Parks and Recreation or Special Projects.
He is currently attending school and would like to volunteer.
(LK) suggested advertising for an alternate first. (EV) noted that the Zoning
Board has been without a second Alternate for one year now. “I say put him
in. It is not a good idea to wait.” (LS) noted that Board had advertised
previously and there was no interest.
(JL) Motion to appoint David Rushford as Zoning Board Alternate.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.
(LK) noted that the other positions should be advertised. It was noted that
Parks and Rec could also use some help and whether he could be appointed
to that Committee also? (DM) noted that you might want to check with him
first as in his letter he did not note if he would like to be on more than one.
(LKe) to send letter.
(LS) noted that Committee positions should be advertised again on the
Website/Channel 24/newspaper. (LK) noted that the deadline would be
April 4th and it would be reviewed on the Agenda for April 8th.
11. MRI
(LS) noted that at this point, the labor contracts need to be finalized. (LKe)
related “We need to assemble the Town’s version.” (LK) “We all agreed in
Union negotiations and we should have a letter of understanding.”
(LKe) noted that part of the contract is from 2006 and part from 2007 and
they need to be merged into one contract.
(LS) Motion to subcontract MRI to finalize the two Union contracts.
(JL) Second. Carried 5-0.
12. 2007 Budget – Sidewalks
(LS) noted Board discussed sidewalks and in the 2007 budget, monies were
allotted to conduct engineer studies. (LKe) “I believe it was through the
Louis Berger Group.” (LS) We should check with George and ask him
what became of it and check the 2007 budget. (LKe) “I do have some info
on it. I will work with Mike in the next few months and we can make
application to DOT.”
13. Workers Compensation
(LS) “Leon, have you a chance to check on this yet?” (LKe) “Not yet.”
(LS) “When can you find out?” (LKe) “Soon.”
14. MS 2 Report
(LKe) This is a summary of the votes taken on the fiscal side of things at the
Town Meeting. The report is due by month’s end and Cara has completed it.
(LS) Essentially, this is what people voted on.
(LS) Motion to approve the MS2 report for submission. (LK) Second.
Carried 5-0.
15. Teamsters Local 633
(LKe) noted that a phone call had been received from business agent
regarding the filing date with PELRB. He suggested that Board sit down
and talks about their concerns. (LKe) to schedule.
16. Appointment to Zoning Board
(LS) Motion to re-appoint Ed Vien to Zoning Board. (JL) Second.
Carried 4-0. (EV) Abstain.
17. LGC Contract
(LS) Motion to approve three-year contract with LGC as outlined
previously in meeting. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.
(DM) questioned how long Town had used them? (LS) Forever.
1. Fire Department Monthly Report – February
(LKe) Analysis of what they are doing.
2. Police Department Arrest Log March 2-6, 2008
(LKe) Unfortunately, those included in the arrest log are local individuals.
3. Police Chief Vacation Change
(LKe) related that Chief Wharem had requested to take a week off about a
month ago but due to staffing problems did not have the opportunity to do
so. It has now happened again. Officer Cain has some medical issues which
effectively even relate to light duty, which proved to be too much for him.
There is an anticipated operation and extended recovery time. Also, another
officer has a similar predicament and his vacation plans have to be adjusted
again. The rest of the staff will be working longer hours to cover these
(LS) questioned the status of looking for new officers. (LKe) explained that
the process is continuing and they are down to ten candidates. (DM) “How
many of these will be part-time?” (LKe) “I believe three.”
4. Zoya’s Restaurant Liquor License, Amusement Device License
(LKe) As requested, I have provided you all with a copy of the Liquor
License for Zoya’s Restaurant as well as information regarding the different
types of licenses. A restaurant has to serve food while cocktail lounge does
not have to have food on the premises.
5. Sample of Police Department Shift Schedule, January and
(LKe) “I wanted to offer this schedule which is front of you which is by
number and then you can follow through on how they cover 24/7. You will
see a number of four day ten hour (or plus) shifts. If they are on a ten-hour
shift and they have to “care” for somebody, or book them, it could extend
their day by two to three hours, which is quite often the case. That is why
we see sometimes more hours. In the case I just described regarding
absences due to operations and recovery period, it will most likely be
showing some regular twelve- hour shifts. Chief will be working nights in
some of these cases due to coverage and obviously, depending on part –
timers to a greater degree.” (LS) “I am assuming the new officers when
hired will alter this schedule?” (LKe) Yes, they all will require some
orientation, even if they have been working elsewhere. They just do not
walk in the door because they have to get familiar with the Town and the
routes, that sort of thing. There is some doubling up to orientate them for a
period of time. If they do come fully certified, that is at a minimum.” (LK)
“Do we have any coming fully certified?” (LKe) “Some of this group are,
yes.” (LS) “Can we get these schedules routinely?” (LKe) “Yes, as long
as we don’t try to manage them.” (LS) “I am not trying to manage
anybody, I just want the schedules.” (LKe) “As you can see, it is hard to
follow, and when they start crossing out because two or three people are not
available, it can get confusing.” (LS) “That is why I am thinking the new
staff that we have approved is going to change this.” (LKe) “They will be
welcome, that is for sure.”
6. Town Hall Floors
(LK) noted the replacement of Town Hall floors had been approved at Town
Meeting. “I am going to try to get volunteers to do the sub-floor. The only
thing I need to know is what type of finish on floor.” Board all agreed on
satin finish.
1. Capital Improvement Plan Status
2. Space Needs Study
3. WWTP Plan Study
4. Towing Businesses Status
5. Sidewalks
All these items will be discussed at future Board of Selectman meeting.
(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (DM) Second.
Carried 5-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (LK) Second.
(LS) questioned the MRI bill of $150 for which Union representative called
them about implementation. I do not think Town should pay this bill. Town
Administrator should have been contacted. (EV) Should we send a notice
out? (LKe) “Good idea.”
(LS) Motion to be amended to approve Accounts Payable except for MRI
bill. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.
1. Public Session Minutes of March 4, 2008.
(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of March 4, 2008. (JL)
Second. After discussion: Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.
Several word corrections were duly noted.
2. Non-Public Minutes of March 4, 2008
(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of March 4, 2008.
(JL) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.
Maurice Wells commented that in the past there was an agreement that the
upstairs paneling and chair rail would not be touched at the Police Station.
“I hope they remember that.” Also, in the Minutes of March 4 th, I did not
say one to two years ago, I said ten to twelve years ago in reference to Ron
Vien. (Duly noted and changed on Minutes of March 4, 2008.)
Also, are you going to have a dumpster here for the floors? (LK) explained
that we would probably use Town truck. He noted that Earl Weir could
bring one over. (LK) noted that he did not think it was necessary to pay for
a dumpster. (EV) explained that they now have roll-off containers only with
only have one dumpster that is not in too good shape. Mr. Wells questioned
where the debris would be gotten rid of? (LK) “Town Dump” Mr. Wells
reminded Board that the dump involved three other different towns.
(EV) explained that he has the capability of granting a Waiver for the dump
fees and which does not have to be voted on by the district.
Don Chase wanted to welcome and congratulate Denise Morin.
Mr. Chase also explained the reasoning regarding the Bonded Retail Vehicle
License noting that if Board did not approve it, he would not get the license.
(LK) Motion to go into Non Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a) and (d).
(LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
Break 7:55 P.M. Resume at 8:00 P.M.
Members of the Board were polled individually regarding going into Non
Public Session and all agreed. Non Public Session begins at 8:01 P.M.
Board returned to Public Session at 8:50 P.M.
(LS) Motion to Adjourn. (DM) Second. Carried 5 -0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:52 P.M.
Approved: March 25, 2008
__________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date