March 2, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Linda Small, Chairman.


Linda Small (LS), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Denise Morin (DM), Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.






(LS) Election Location, Use of Town Vehicles, Town Warrants, Operational Memo – Non-Public, Auditors Report; (LK) Town Maintenance Equipment, Police Department Window Project New Hampshire Public Radio, Suggestion Box Letter; (FH) Historical Buildings, Town Hall Damage (Broken Windows), and E-Mails.

6:16 P.M. – Ted Mitchell/Landscaping

Mr. Mitchell displayed a planter that he built and will be utilizing for the landscape around the light posts in the front of the building. He explained that he will remove the mesh baskets, and prepare and preserve the light post prior to planting flowers. His intent is to also present at a later time, planters for the other side.

1. Welfare Lien Map U-06, Lot 48

(LK) Motion to approve Welfare Lien Map U-06, Lot 48. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Pittsfield High School Reunion Committee Request

(PS) A class reunion is being held on July 17, 2010 and Art Morse has requested that the Police Station be open for the class reunion, which is also Old Home Day, as some members of the class occupied the building when it served as a school.
Chief Wharem explained that the hours would be from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Old Home Day and the alumni would like to have someone conduct a tour of the building. He noted that the Police Department would be open that day anyway and that the building was donated in 1910 and it would be “a birthday year for us also.” Chief had referred them to BOS for approval.

(LK) Motion to approve use of the Police Station on July 17, 2010 for class reunion as requested. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Letter of Support for Library Grant Submittal

(PS) Board had requested drafted letter of support for Library Grant application.

(LK) Motion to approve letter and authorize Chair to sign. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Ambulance Charge Waiver Procedure

(PS) There are a couple of things pertaining to this that should be noted. One is that the company that already does this work for accounts at Concord Hospital is the same company. They would secure payments for Town that are delinquent for ambulance charges. This requires Board action.

(DM) The only stipulation with this would be the Waiver which would have to be applied for before it goes for collection as determined by Welfare Director. Chief Johnson noted that this would be a professional and honest look at an individual’s ability to pay and use of this company for this purpose would be the way to go. (DM) We would need to approve the forms first which are sent directly to the recipient (patient) and Diane would review and send to use for approval.
(FH) “There is too much information on this form.” (DM) Diane worked with the hospital on this and this would eliminate those that ask for Waivers but do not need them.

(DM) Motion to approve forms as implemented for collection process.
(LK) Second. Carried 4-1 (FH).

(DM) Motion to approve the Collection Service Agreement, Gragil Associates, Inc. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


6:15 p.m. – Revisions to Floodplain Development Ordinance

(LS) As read to audience (6:17 P.M.):

Resolution Language to Adopt Revised FIRM

Pursuant to RSA 674:57, by resolution of the Town of Pittsfield Board of Selectmen, all lands designed as special flood hazard areas by the Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) in its “Flood Insurance Study for the County of Merrimack, NH” dated April 19, 2010, together with the associated Flood Insurance Rate Maps dated April 19, 2010, are declared to be part of the Town of Pittsfield Floodplain Development Ordinance and are hereby incorporated by reference.

(LS) As read to audience (6:19 P.M.):

Ordinance Language Referencing New Maps and Study and Effective Date

The following regulations in this ordinance shall apply to all lands designated as special flood hazard areas by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in its “Flood Insurance Study for the County of Merrimack, NH” dated April 19, 2010, or as amended, together with the associated Flood Insurance Rate Maps dated April 19, 2010 or as amended, which are declared to be a part of this ordinance and are hereby incorporated by reference.


(PS) The Federal Government is responsible for the Flood Insurance Program and each town adopts maps prepared by the Federal Government which offers the ability for people to obtain flood insurance. These maps are utilized by the Planning Board and other land use boards.

(LS) The purpose of this Public Hearing is to update the Pittsfield Zoning Ordinance so current language is incorporated into ordinances. The maps are on the table and can be reviewed.

Chief Wharem: If we do not adopt these, does it affect our ability to apply and receive Federal funds? (LS) Yes.

Fred Okrent noted that the dates are puzzling as this is March and they are effective in April. (PS) The purpose is to offer towns a window of opportunity for this to be put in place before the effective date. Mr. Okrent: Will maps change now and then? (PS) Yes.

Chief Wharem: How does this affect Emergency Management plans with the Suncook Valley River? The water shelter maps are based on old maps. (PS) Land use boards will have to go through the maps to note changes.

Close Public Hearing

(FH) suggested putting off approval until the first meeting in April to give people a chance to look them over. (PS) There is a deadline date for Board action before April, though I do not have the exact date before me. (FH) I would not want to sign this until I had an opportunity to look this over. Old maps had the Library in the flood plain.

(LK) Motion to approve Flood Plain Maps as proposed. (DM) Second.

Discussion: (FH) You are approving the Flood Plain without looking at the maps. (LK) The Town Administrator has asked us to go forward because of deadline. (PS) I do not know if there are any alterations, but you would have to go through a particular process which takes months. In the interim, maps that are correct need to be in place. You are putting the Town at risk if they are not in place as well as residents who do not have flood insurance; they cannot obtain flood insurance. (FH) Why not postpone for one meeting? (LS) The Town Administrator says it will be too late.

Vote: Carried 4-1 (FH).

(PS) The old maps should be given to the Building Inspector for the archives.

Public Hearing closed at 6:27 P.M.

6:18 P.M. – Maurice Wells

Maurice Wells: Fred Welch and George Bachelder built two pieces of equipment – one was a sprayer and the other a three point tractor. These were purchased with ratepayers’ money from the sewer fund. We do not have the three point tractor. George Bachelder: This was purchased by the Sewer Department. Mr. Wells: Ron Vien told me when I came in that you bought the equipment and he never knew about it. George Bachelder: Ron ended up with a sprayer that he cannot use. Ron Vien: I bring my tractor down and use it.

Mr. Wells: The tar bucket, the ratepayers paid for that. Where is it? George Bachelder: Behind the highway garage. Mr. Wells: You had an old mower and grader that you were going to fix up. Where is that? George: I picked it up and it is behind the highway garage. Mr. Wells: Any more talk about restoring it? George: It would take too much money to restore it. Mr. Wells: The old York rake – you got a new one, where is the old one? George: The old one is up on Thompson Road (fire road) and is used up there.

Mr. Wells: The Town had a wood burning furnace. Steve Carson made up a wood splitter. Where is that? George: Sparky and I built it and are joint owners. Mr. Wells: Who is in charge of driveway permits? (LS) George. Mr. Wells: Did Snedeker Junk Yard get a driveway permit? George: No, there was an existing driveway and he did not need to get one. Mr. Wells: Snedeker uses the driveway for the house. (LS) So no permit was issued.

Mr. Wells: Who is in charge of street lights that are burned out? Who is responsible? (PS) Public Service. Mr. Wells: Who tells them that the light is burnt out? (PS) Citizens. Mr. Wells: There is one out on Tilton Hill Road at the end of Manchester Street.

Mr. Wells: When George uses his own truck and gets an allowance for it, who insures it? (LS) George. Mr. Wells: What if he has an accident, is the Town responsible? (LS) This Board has discussed that and is looking into it.

Mr.Wells: About two and a half years ago, highway filled in my driveway and “scumbed” over my shrubs. They should not be doing that. I was gone and it was sneaky. A year ago I was coming down Tilton Hill Road and Sparky jerked his plow into my vehicle just to push me over. I did not like it. Sparky: I would not do that. I sometimes jerk my plow over so as not to hit something on the side.

6:22 P.M. – Wright Pierce

Mr. Timothy Vadney, Project Engineer, Wright Pierce appeared and related that he had been in about three or four months ago and has come tonight to see if there are any new questions. The GIS sewer mapping is now complete. He reviewed the recommendations as submitted earlier.

(PS) Within the Town Ordinance is there any notation for prohibiting tying sump pump into sewer system? Ron Vien: It notes no basement water, but does not specifically note sump pump. (PS) The need for a review of the Sewer Ordinance to bring it up to date should be considered. Should the Town do that first? Ron Vien noted that this is supposed to be updated every five years (2002).

Mr. Jason Wise, GIS Manager, Wright Pierce related that the GIS computerized map with aerial photos are now complete. The sewer lines were built in 1976. The GIS depicts the elevation of the sewer lines and how they tie into specific properties. He related that with this program, no new features can be inserted into the mapping. However, an address spreadsheet with coordinates can be created. He noted that there is an upgrade of this program which does allow you to do that. Cost of this would be about $1,200.

Mr. Vadney and Mr. Wise left at 7:05 P.M.

7:05 P.M. Emergency Management Update – Larry Konopka

(LK) As Emergency Management Director, the following is a report that was sent to Town Administrator, Board of Selectmen members, and Department Heads.

Sent: Friday February 26, 2010 at 5:58 P.M.
From: Larry Konopka
Subject: State of Emergency

To All:

I would like to thank all Department Heads for a job well done. We are under a State of Emergency and with the Department leaders; everything went as best as possible.

A storefront building has been closed until a structural engineer has determined the building is safe. The water has peaked and is starting to reside. All roads are passable and looking good. The Fire Chief, Police Chief, Highway Superintendent and I had a brief meeting at 3:00 P.M. at the EOC with good reports coming from this meeting. We are not out of the woods yet. We still have citizens without power and weather moving in. The Highway Department has no power and with snow in the forecast tonight, it could be a rough evening to get the highway trucks set up and out of the garage and trying to get the doors open without power. We are very fortunate to be in the shape that we are in which is all to do with the professional Department leaders we have. The Red Cross has just informed me that a shelter at the Concord High School will be open tonight at 7:00 P.M. for anyone who needs a warm shelter.

We were ready to sandbag if we needed to but with the help of Mother Nature, we did not need to sandbag yet. The Police will monitor the community tonight and the Fire Department will be putting a sign out front stating that the shelter is open at Concord High School. I have stayed in touch with the State all day. They were very informative and helpful and gave us the information we needed. All good news.

Larry Konopka
Emergency Management Director

(LK) I do have a few concerns. I think the EMD should have a portable radio. Also, the Highway Department was not able to open their doors. To do it manually is very dangerous. A generator for the Highway Department would be beneficial and this can be discussed with the new Board. Bob had gotten some estimates for a generator ($19,530) that would accommodate their needs.

Chief Wharem: The problem was that cell towers were down and no one was able to communicate with dispatch. Public Service offered much better communication this time than during the ice storm. Communication between State and Town was incredible.

George Bachelder: When we lost power we used flashlights and it is very dangerous to climb on the ladder with a flashlight to release a pin to open the garage doors. It takes two guys to lift the door and a guy with a pole. We cannot work on our equipment with flashlights.

It was noted that the Town would be at a standstill without the Highway Department. (LK) The Highway Department should have a computer and a generator. George: I am never in the office and that is why I have not pushed for a computer. (LK) Perhaps, this is something that we could bring up at the Town Meeting.

(LK) noted there were several other areas of improvement that the Town could benefit from:

1. We need the Town employees to carry cameras to take pictures before and after fixing the damaged roads. This would benefit the Town in recovery costs. Maybe a dozen throw away cameras in the highway trucks.

2. Better communication before the disaster by getting Department Heads together prior to the disaster.

3. Better communication during the disaster. Today the trouble was my cell phone was not working well and I think there were tower problems. I was losing my reception and breaking the communication between Department Heads and State. The EMD needs a better type of communication before, during and after the disaster.

4. The Highway Department needs a generator to run their building. It is impossible for them to do their job and deal with the weather back and forth from rain to snow and not have power in their building. They cannot even open the garage doors to get in/out with their trucks, or lights to work and set-up their equipment. To open their doors, they have to get on a ladder and pull a pin. This is dangerous.

5. The Highway Department has to catch up with the times. They would benefit from better communication if they had a computer to keep updated with the information that I have provided each one of you. The Highway Department is a very important piece anytime a disaster hits our community.

(LK) I would like to thank all the Department Heads and all employees. You all did a great job and we are fortunate to have such good employees.


5. Non-Medical Emergency Transportation Assistance Policy

(PS) This has been revised upon comments of the Board. The Board can adopt or amend.

(LK) Motion to approve Non-Medical Emergency Transportation Assistance Policy as written. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Emergency Management Director Position

(LK) Last week we talked about a certain individual that could be applicable for this position. However at this time he is unable to do it as he is tied up as President of the Rotary.

7. Use of Town Vehicle

(LS) What about the Operational Memo regarding this? (PS) It is not yet complete but will be shortly.

8. Police Department Window Project Waiver

(LK) Motion to grant Waiver of Bid Policy for Police Department window project. (LS) Second.

Discussion: (EV) I have a problem with the waiver. (LK) I think it is a very reasonable price. (EV) The quote I saw was not broken down for materials. I have no idea what the expense is. (PS) I have talked with Chief and he is working on that. Chief Wharem noted he is almost finished with specs. “The window alone is almost $3,500.” We do not want to change the rustic look of the building interior so Jesse would be using the existing materials in any way he could. I have contacted other contractors but have gotten no response. (EV) That is why we should post it in the paper. It is going on way too long and it is time to put this to bed. (LK) I do not think we can beat this price. (LS) When will specs be done? Chief Wharem: In the next couple of days – by end of this week.

Vote: 2-3 (DM), (EV), (FH). Motion fails.


(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a). (LS) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:40 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:05 P.M.

Break 8:05 P.M. Board resumed at 8:08 P.M.

(EV) Motion to seal Non-Public Minutes of March 2, 2010. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.
9. Town Maintenance Equipment

(LK) Paul Gregoire needs to have a Wet’n’Dry Vac which can be purchased for less than $100. We also discussed awhile ago acquiring a buffer for Town Hall to do floors. I have one that I can sell the Town for $250. He is buying a ramp which he can use for transferring from Town Hall to Police Department. My concern was that he could not lift it himself. He also noted that he has hard time cleaning the Clerk’s office. The only two days he could do it is Saturday and Monday mornings. It was noted that Liz is usually here by 10:00 A.M. Monday mornings and perhaps, that would be the time to accomplish this.

10. Historical Buildings

(FH) The historical downtown of Pittsfield is in bad shape, the Oddfellows Block especially. Isn’t there some way that we can get the landlords to put some money into cleaning it up? (EV) EDC has in the past offered them several options but they were not willing to accept.

11. Election Location

(LS) noted that (PS), (LK) and I have met with the School Board. They were adamant that the Elementary School would not work and I concur. They think that the Pittsfield Middle/High School would work out very well. It has all the facilities necessary to accomplish this. They are willing for us to use for primaries in September. The cause and effect on students will be immeasureable.

(LK) Motion to approve use of Pittsfield Middle High School for September, 2010 primary elections. (DM) Second.

Discussion: (FH) Have you talked to the people who run the elections?
(LS) Yes. They would like to stay here but it is not comfortable coming into this building. Parking is awful. I had to park way down the street last time. There is no room for the Selectmen to sit, and not to mention maintaining the new floors. I do not know why they are kicking and bucking so hard against this.

(FH) related that he bought a tarp which was used when distributing Christmas baskets. You could use that. (LK) It is congested in here. It is a small room here.
(EV) I would like to try it. It involves the students and by bringing it to them, they can be more active in it.

(LS) noted that she had done some research on similar towns and out of 227 towns about 89 of them use Town Halls and 69 of them had a population of fewer than 4,000 and are associated directly with the size of the town. We have grown out of this building and it is not feasible to use the Town Hall any longer. There are a lot of reasons to try a different location. (FH) Why don’t we wait and bring it up before the next board? (LS) Why? (FH) You will not be involved in it.

Vote: Carried 4-1 (FH).

12. Auditors’ Report

(LS) On Page 38 of the audit, it is noted that there are deficiencies in the audit in the Tax Clerk’s office. The new board can have the auditors come in along with the Town Clerk to discuss. (FH) I would suggest enlarging the Town Clerk’s office.

(DM) While we are on the subject, where are we with the additional cash drawer? (PS) Liz is waiting to get a quote. (DM) Is this something that can be done within the next few weeks? (LS) Paul, can you make it work? (PS) to do.

13. Town Warrants

(LS) Can you work to adjust the difference from the Budget Committee’s budget totals and this Board? (PS) The Motion can be made and then the corrected total noted. It was agreed that (DM) would make the Motions, accepted as written, and (LS) would Second them at the Town Meeting.


1. Town Hall Broken Windows

(LK) noted that there is a broken window on the second floor and one in the basement caused by vandalism. We do have to get them fixed. Insurance includes $1,000 deductible. All damages will be determined, and arrangement for repair will be made.

2. New Hampshire Public Radio

(LK) Diane was contacted by NH Public Radio and she referred them to me regarding an interview concerning Welfare. He noted that he was really not interested in doing an interview of this type and will contact them accordingly.

3. Suggestion Box Letter

(LK) There was a letter in the Suggestion Box noting, “Town Hall should be open more than one night a week past 4:00 P.M. for the people that work “out of town.” (FH) noted that years ago the Town Hall was open on Saturday mornings and there was no traffic so they went to the one night a week.

4. E-Mails – Town Hall

(FH) noted that there was information that the Town Hall door was unlocked on Sunday morning. Liz and I were here on Saturday and when we left the front was locked. (LK) It was the back door, and I took care of it.


1 Town Hall Improvements, Life Safety Codes Pending
2. Capital Improvement Program Pending
3. LGC Job Descriptions Pending
4. Selectmen/Town Administrator Goals & Objectives Pending
5. Firefighter/EMS Cross Training Pending

Flood Plain Maps will be added to Old Business.


1. Veteran Tax Credit – Map R53, Lot 10

(LK) Motion to approve Veteran Tax Credit – Map R53, Lot 10. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Veteran Tax Credit – Map R14, Lot 30-1

(DM) Motion to approve Veteran Tax Credit – Map R14, Lot 30-1. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Elderly Tax Deferral Application Map R28, Lot 2

(DM) Motion to approve Elderly Tax Deferral Map R28, Lot 2. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Property Tax Abatement Map R28, Lot 2

(DM) Motion to approve Property Tax Abatement Map R28, Lot 2 in the amount of $6,592. (EV) Second.

Discussion: (LS) Last year we talked about this. This one is getting close. The value of the property and owed taxes is almost equal. This should be tabled and checked on. (FH) What about the Elderly Tax Deferral? (LS) I would like to rescind the Elderly Tax Deferral until an assessment can be done on the property. (PS) We can ask the assessor to come in and do an update.

(LS) Motion to rescind the approval of the Elderly Tax Deferral Map R28, Lot 2. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


(FH) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Manifest. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (FH) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (LS) Did everyone work on Friday? (PS) Cara had the day off and the Town Clerk and Deputy were here. (FH) Who can authorize closing the Town Hall? I would discuss with Emergency Management Director and/or the Board Chairman. I was here and then left. (LK) If there is no power in the building, then we should close. (FH) The employees should be notified.


1. Public Session Minutes February 16, 2010

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of February 16, 2010. (LK) Second. After Carried 5-0.

(LK): Page 3, Paragraph I, Line 3 – change E-Mail to “phone call” concerning this over the weekend and I directed him to the Town Administrator….
(LK) Page 4, last Paragraph on page – change entire paragraph to read:
(LK) I would like to have CNHRPC review all documents and decisions to date and to see a written review of all actions to date and to give this Board direction and guidance to move forward with our options. Also, I would like to send a copy of this application for Junk Dealers License to Conservation as an FYI.”

(LS) Page 5, Paragraph 1, Line 1 – add “speaking from the audience” (EV) I can..
(LS) Page 8, Paragraph 1, Line 9 – after hours? Add “Isn’t he on leave?”
(LS) Page 8, Paragraph 1, Line 11 – after but this “schedule”
(LS) Page 8, Paragraph 4, Line 2 – after spent on add “field hours” training….
(LS) Page 9, Paragraph 2, Line 7 – after who would, add “be capable of doing it –
Delete words do it
(LS) Page 9, Paragraph 3, Line 7 – add after community. “We will need to discuss it.”
(LS) Page 11, Paragraph 2, Line 4 – add after last sentence. “Some Board members work really hard to hold them accountable.”

(FH) Page 7, No. 17. Disrespect Policy – this is a repeat and should be deleted.

(DM) Page 10, Last Paragraph, Line 2 – after $6,500. delete rest of sentence. And add after (LS) delete He and add “Spradling Group”……

2. Non-Public Session Minutes February 16, 2010

(LS) I would like to discuss these in Non-Public Session.


Maurice Wells: The hook-up fees – Paul you were supposed to check on those from the last meeting. (PS) I talked to Cara and Ron Vien and I think they do not understand the focus of your question? Mr. Wells: The RSA covers this – you have to keep the sewer fees from the general fund separate. Look at RSA 149:10. (LS) It is separate. Mr. Wells: It can’t be. Look in the Town Report …. For the years 2003, and 2004 and 2006. (PS) So it is an accumulation of fees from different years that you are talking about. Why do you think it wouldn’t have gone into the sewer fund? I will check on it. Mr. Wells: I was on the Sewer Committee and that was all established in 1987.

Sparky Gordon: If you are going to change the election site, you need to have a secure telephone line. (LS) We are working on it.

Close Public Input


(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3II (a). (DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 9:10 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 9:36 P.M.

(DM) Motion to seal Non-Public Session of March 2, 2010. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.


(DM) Motion to adjourn. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M.

Approved: March 9, 2010

___________________________ _______________________
Ed Vien, Vice Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on March 2, 2010, transcribed and public posted on
March 4, 2010.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes