March 20, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., on March 20, 2006 by Larry Konopka, Vice
Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV),
John Lenaerts (JL), Paul Skowran (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores
Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman.
(LK) opened the meeting by congratulating and welcoming John and Linda
to the Board of Selectman.
Merrill Vaughan also congratulated the new and returning member to the
Board. He also questioned why there was no Pledge of Allegiance at the
Town Meeting. (LS) related that this was not up to the Board. Mr. Vaughan
wanted to know who decided this and also why Town Meeting was held at
10:00 A.M. rather than 1:00 P.M. (LK) The Moderator. Mr. Vaughan
related, “That’s a lousy way to do business.” (LS) related she thought there
was a pretty good turnout considering the weather.
Cheryl Keuenhoff had a complaint about voting day. She related that she
feels she is a very neutral party and tries to remain that way. On voting day,
she was here to work at the ballot booth and her car was being used as a
stopping place for coffee and campaign signs implying I was supporting that
individual. “I am furious with the persons concerned and when I asked them
to leave they were rude.” Board should do something about this. (LK) I
suggest you write a letter to the Moderator in regard to this so that it will not
happen in the future.
Scott Palmer related that a lot of “stuff” was passed this weekend. The
Town should consider bringing in new people to start working on these
things really hard to relieve citizens of tax burden. (LK) related that there is
an Economic Development Committee meeting on Wednesday to address
these things and we are looking for members to assist with the Master Plan.
Merrill Vaughan related that there was a Master Plan meeting at his house
on Saturday at 3:00 P.M. should Mr. Palmer like to attend.
Pam St.Laurent related that she would like to pick-up on what Merrill said
about the meeting being at 10:00 A.M. and that she literally could not get
out of her driveway because the snowplow boxed her in. She listened to the
announcements on TV the night before thinking they might change the time.
The roads downtown might have been fine, but where I live they were not.
Too bad because it was a big day concerning the budget. A lot of towns
postponed their meetings. I also think that one of the things that would help
is employees having job descriptions and then Board would not have so
many personnel problems. I think job descriptions and goals should be setup
and individuals be held accountable. I assume that the paper was wrong
concerning the increase in taxes of $8.08. (LS) The impact would be about
$.71. Ms. St. Laurent related that she works at a real estate office and that
she has already had three calls from people who want to list and move out of
Town because of the taxes.
Diane Vaughan related that the Town Meeting for years has been at 10:00
A.M. Is there any way it can be been changed to noon or 1:00 P.M. so if
storms ever happen, possibly the storm will be over and roads better.
(LK) related that this was the call of the Moderator.
Denise Patterson related that there was a lot going on and it should have
been postponed till 1:00 P.M. She suggested Board of Selectman speak to
Moderator about possibly being considerate and using TV to advise people
of time, regular or changed, instead of doing what they did. People had a
difficult time getting out of their driveway.
Lester Firstenberger related that he had advised WMUR that the meeting
would be held at 10:00 A.M.
Merrill Vaughan wanted to know if anyone had checked the roads.
Mr. Firstenberger related that at 7:00 A.M. that morning he drove around
town to check the roads and they seemed fine. He related that about 130
people showed up and felt that this was a sufficient turnout.
Fred Hast related that the time change would be up to the Moderator and that
a lot of towns had changed their meeting times. As Mrs. Keeley has stated,
it has been 10:00 A.M. for a long time and I thought it was an average
turnout for a Town Meeting. Now that you have John as a Selectman who is
he going to ask to help him make a decision? (LK) noted that he felt that
this was not an appropriate comment. Mr. Hast related that it shouldn’t be, it
is a question I want to know. He was on the Planning Board for 12 years and
after he got off the Planning Board, he stated he never looked at the Town
Ordinances. What is he going to do now?
Continued till after Appointment.
1. Glenn Amnott, Ethics Committee
(LK) related that the Board had a couple of concerns regarding keeping the
Committee’s opinions and recommendations separate in their reports. Mr.
Amnott asked if this was in relation to the abutter issue and (LK) related that
the Board was not here to narrow it down to a particular case but rather in
general. Mr. Amnott related that he realized that opinions and
recommendations were both in findings and he understands that the
recommendations should probably be separated and the Committee would
take this under advisement. He related, however, that he did not understand
Board’s standing on having the Ethics Committee in public session
regarding an individual.
(LS) related that you might as well mean what you say and say what you
mean. Quoting “We are of the opinion” sounds like there was no violation
but individual is still guilty. These are issues you might want to take into
consideration in future cases. Mr. Amnott related that the lack of intent
could be an issue. Perhaps, something that was done wrong could have been
done very differently. He related that it is difficult to make a black and
white decision when there are a lot of gray issues. (LS) related that she felt
that this makes sense and that everything is not black and white. She felt
that the recommendations could have been done a little differently. (LK)
noted that he felt that the pre-hearing should have been done in a non-public
session. Mr. Amnott related that he was surprised that the first time he heard
this from the Board was at the Town Meeting in front of 150 residents and
he did not understand why. He related that the pre-hearing was not done in a
non-public session as this was in their Rules of Procedure and also the Town
Attorney felt it should not be a non-public hearing. The Committee felt that
this would be inappropriate, as did the Town Attorney. Does the person’s
right to a non-public hearing outweigh the Town’s right to know what is
going on. If we have a non-public session every time, and everything is
hush-hush, this person appears ten times guiltier. (LK) related that the prehearing
should be non-public because the individual is “not guilty yet.”
Mr. Amnott related that they had five complaints involving six different
people. We have criteria we follow and once it is all validated then it should
move to public hearing. We do a pre-investigation to find if complaint does
have merit and if are we going to continue. (LK) related that according to a
recent article put out by Local Government Center it is becoming more
difficult to find Board members with this kind of policy in place and it can
ruin reputations. Mr. Amnott stated, “Whose reputation is ruined. Should
proposing risks ruin reputations?” The person filing complaint had reasons
to file the complaint. Non-public hearing does not protect anything. It is
important that the whole thing be above board. (LK) related that he had
issues due to liability to taxpayers. (LS) related that she had listened to
Glenn and could see both sides of this issue. The Board of Selectman’s nonpublic
sessions occur and people make up things, which are not really
happening. She related that she had reservations about the Committee being
used as a vendetta tool.
Mr. Amnott related that you could get rid of the Committee but the
procedures are still there and where would complaints go? (LS) stated,
“You make a good point.” Mr. Amnott related that the Committee has come
down hard on those borderline or ridiculous complaints. (EV) wanted to
know if Ethics Committee has enough authority to stop these people. Mr.
Amnott related that the Committee has to build a history and over time,
people will get the idea. Right now, we have a short history. (LS) stated that
having them in public session makes a huge difference and after Glenn’s
explanation, it makes sense.
(JL) related that he has a difficult time discussing this without being specific.
My accusation was that someone did this and they said they absolutely did.
My accusation was that the person used poor judgment and this does not
necessarily besmirch someone’s reputation. (EV) related that he felt a good
committee gives opinions and final judgment and how they reached their
final judgment. It is better to look at a report and understand the reasons
why. (LK) commented he was still skeptical about public hearing. He
related that there was a Public Hearing in January and he felt that there
should be a meeting with the Ethics Committee before this Town Meeting.
He originally thought he was going to vote to abolish the committee but
realized that he needed to have more information before he decided this.
Mr. Amnott related that he was surprised that there was no prior discussion
before the Town Meeting when it was first mentioned. (LS) related “Point
taken.” (EV) related that Board and Committee should have gotten together
before the Town Meeting to discuss. Mr. Amnott related that this type of
meeting should happen more often and in the future, Committee should
come to the BOS to interpret their findings. (LK) related that he had
mentioned at the Town Meeting that he had no problems with this
committee, just his concerns regarding public and non-public sessions.
Several items were added to the agenda.
1. Capital Area Public Health Network
(EV) Motion for renewal of membership. (LS) Second. Carried 2-1 Abstain
(PS) related that these are police inspired personnel. (LS) suggested that
Board be advised as to what information has been generated from this
2. Robert Elliott – Request for Re-hearing
(JL) recused himself. (LK) remarked that though he is recusing himself, it
probably would be easier if he remained seated at table with Board’s
(LS) Motion to deny re-hearing. (EV) Second. Carried 2-0
Merrill Vaughan questioned if (JL) recused himself, shouldn’t he have left
table. (LK) reiterated that he had suggested it was easier for (JL) to remain
at table.
3. Pole License
(EV) Motion to accept pole 41-18l. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
4. Raffle Permit, Historical Society
(EV) Motion to grant raffle permit. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
5. Modification to DES SRF Loan Agreement
(PS) This is for extending project completion date to January 1, 2009.
(EV) Motion to accept. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
6. Committee Appointments
(LK) notified Board of appointments for various other Boards and
Committees that expire at this time. (PS) will contact members via letter to
advise and will offer their responses at future BOS meeting. (LK) related
that he had discussed union negotiators with Art Morse prior to his leaving
for vacation and he suggested since Board had hired MRI that Board
members would not be needed for this. (LS) felt that MRI should just be
part of process. Tabled to a future BOS meetings so that all potential Board
member responses are available for review.
7. Part-Time Police Officer Appointments.
(PS) Boards need to re-appoint Pittsfield’s four part-time police officers,
Ralph Booth, Charles Coolidge, Andrew Sargeant, and Robert Gauthier.
(LS) Motion to reappoint these part-time police officers. (EV) Second.
Carried 3-0.
8. Pittsfield Youth Workshop
(PS) They are asking BOS to allow them to use field at school. (EV) stated
that he did not think it would be a problem, but they should check with
school, as it was not the Board’s decision to make. (LK) related BOS did
not have a problem with it, but also felt that they should check with school.
9. Request for Extension on Timber Cut – Morency
(PS) Mr. Morency wrote letter requesting extension.
(LS) Motion to grant extension to June 30, 2007. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
Board will sign his letter, acknowledging their approval.
10. Auction Town Property
(PS) Police Chief submitted information regarding auction this Saturday by
Belliveau Auctioneers of bikes and police cruiser. Discussion ensued as to
who would set price for cruiser, Police Chief or Board. It was agreed that
Chief Wharem and (PS) would work together setting prices.
(EV) Motion to approve auction of police cruiser and bikes with (PS) and
Chief Wharem setting prices jointly. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
11. Tax Impact
(LS) reiterated the gross impact would be $8.08 but that it would fluctuate.
Since this had been discussed earlier during public input, matter was not
discussed further as everyone was comfortable with the explanation.
12. Town Hall Roof Update
(LK) related that he and (EV) had gone up into the Town Hall attic and that
it is now leaking in places it was not before and that there was snow in the
attic. (EV) related that there was a company in Mass. that does aluminum
roofing, which looks like shingles, and is guaranteed for life. It was
suggested that Building Inspector be contacted for his thoughts on this
project and perhaps, this company could make presentation at future BOS
meeting. (EV) related that it was important that a timeframe for this to
happen be established. (LK) related that this is a priority before next winter.
13. Warrant Article – Central New Hampshire Special Operations Unit
(LK) related that unfortunately this was approved by BOS but was not on as
Warrant Article at Town Meeting. Cost is $2,500 and Cara suggested ways
that this could still be done. (LS) wanted to know if there was a grant for
this. (EV) “No.” (LS) related that she would be hard pressed to bring this to
the people now. It came in after the fact. (EV) Unfortunately, it is going to
have to wait. (LS) We are going to have to let it go. (EV) Unless he can
find money in his budget for this, I am sorry that it did not go through. I
suggest (PS) write letter to Police Chief Wharem regarding this.
14. Sunrise Farmers Market
(EV) Just wanted Board to be aware that we have received a letter from
them advising that as usual, they will be at the park every Thursday from
3:00 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. from June 23rd through October 11th. They requested
that if anyone needs the park for those hours during that period of time to
please advise them. (LS) This has never been a problem? (EV) “No.”
15. Local Officials Workshop
(LK) related it is at Local Government Center. Applications will be given to
Cara for processing.
16. Welfare Department FAX Line
(LK) related that Betsey had discussed with him about adding a FAX line
downstairs. All the faxes for her department come to the upstairs FAX and
sometimes it is difficult for her to get upstairs. A discussion ensued as to
the feasibility of installing a separate line or splitting off her current
telephone line, which was determined could not be done. Cost of a new
telephone line for a FAX will be investigated.
(LK) also related that since 2004, Welfare Department has not billed
individuals who have applied for general assistance. Betsey currently works
approximately 25 hours per week. She would like to start coming in on
Fridays just to do billing for this purpose so that some of the monies can be
collected. She suggested maybe working 4-8 hours a week extra. She noted
that she would not see any clients on that day, lock her doors, and just do
billing. (JL) stated he thought that perhaps, some kind of definitive
accounting could be generated in this respect.
(LS) Motion to allow Betsey to work five (5) hours extra every Friday for
four weeks and present some type of spreadsheet. (JL) Second. Carried 3-0.
17. Deputy Building Inspector
(LK) Mike McLaughlin had suggested to me a couple of times regarding
having a Deputy Building Inspector. (LK) explained that he had a situation
regarding a heat issue this week and Building Inspector was out sick. He
often has to get Fred or Mike involved in situations that could quickly be
handled by him without too much difficulty. (JL) Have you considered
being deputized? (EV) questioned whether there would be an issue in
certain situations where he is Deputy Welfare and then being Deputy
Building Inspector. (LK) felt that this would not be an issue and “would not
wear both hats at same time.”
(LS) Motion to appoint Larry Konopka as Deputy Building Inspector. (JL)
Second. Carried 3-0.
18. Waste Water Treatment Facility Bond
(EV) related that he had inadvertently met Deb Jordan, Northway Bank, and
she noted to him that she would like to propose a bid on this. He advised
(PS) accordingly and wanted to also advise BOS.
1. Town Administrator Recruitment Update
(PS) noted that he had a memo from Mr. Jutton outlining the status of the
recruitment process. Namely, the timeline; BOS focus points to give to
candidates; and that there will be three panels which will be part of the
interview process. It was requested that each BOS offer MRI a list of 5-7
individuals who could be part of the citizen and employee panels. MRI
would comprise the third panel. MRI will be speaking with each member of
BOS either via phone or in person to check what each member’s
expectations are of a candidate. (LS) suggested that these seem like large
panels and by the time we offer this information, all employees would be on
list. (EV) noted at least every Department Head. (PS) related that by doing
interview this way, the interview with candidates would be more rounded
and comprehensive.
Break: 7:30 P.M.
Return: 7:40 P.M.
2. Appointment Request – Mr. McKechnie
(PS) related that Mr. McKechnie owns rental property in Pittsfield and has
issues with certain findings of Housing Standards Inspector, Fred Okrent,
and Building Inspector, Mike McLaughlin. Wants to meet with BOS. (LS)
related that she had noted his recent E-Mail threats. She felt that at this time
Mr. McKechnie really should not be coming before Board. (EV) felt that he
should not be “demanding” to appear at BOS meeting. A discussion ensued
and it was decided that Mr. McKechnie should put all his questions and
problems in writing and meet with (PS).
(LS) Motion for Board not to meet with Mr. McKechnie until he has gone
through the proper channels and meets with Paul Skrowan. (EV) Second.
Carried 3-0.
3. Letter – Cynthia Cyr
(PS) related resident is complaining of open cellar hole, which she feels
needs to be rectified. (LK) commented that he was concerned about kids
falling in hole and animals using space. BI had talked to owner previously
and he has put up a plastic fence, which keeps falling/blowing down. BI has
done as much as he can except issuing a violation. (PS) related that this is
not really a building code violation issue. It was agreed that (PS) and BI
would work on this problem jointly to see if they could work something out
with the owner.
1. Assessing Pickups (3/6/07)
(PS) related that there were three responses regarding the General Assessing
Servicing Contract. After discussion, it was agreed that Avatar and Cross
County would be requested to present at BOS meeting in near future. (LS)
suggested that MRI not be asked to do assessment services. (LK) Agreed.
(PS) related that to date, they have not paid Proval in entirety, though they
have used some services. (LS) suggested that maybe they would prorate it.
We need to meet with these other companies quickly.
2. Tape Recording, Town Hall Policy (2/13/07)
(LS) Motion to request Dee Fritz to purchase equipment from K & S
Electronic Technicians, Inc. in the amount of $85.00 (EV) Second. Carried
3. Bid Purchasing Policy (2/20/07)
(PS) distributed copies of bid policies for BOS review. He noted that BOS
might want to form a committee to approach this issue, though this would be
at the sole discretion of Board. (LS) suggested “perhaps, there is a provision
in here that we could add to ours.” She will research.
4. Highway Garage – Exhaust Issue Update (2/13/07)
(PS) related that the rewiring has been accomplished. Mike is still trying to
get some quotes for the other work which has to be done, but has not been
too successful. (EV) suggested he contact Clean Air Technology, Belmont.
5. Welfare Cap – Update on Guidelines (2/20/07)
(PS) Needed documents have been located and I will revise and download
them and will give BOS draft.
(LK) reviewed Agenda for next week noting which items should be there for
1. Application for Tax-Exempt Status, Pittsfield Players (2/27/07)
(PS) related that Pittsfield Players had applied for tax-exempt status. They
were asked to provide information on assets if dissolved. It is related in their
Article 5 that should they dissolve the profits would be disbursed to either
Federal, State, or Local Government or to charitable organization for
disbursement. After discussion, noting that they are a real asset to
community, it was agreed that BOS could possibly offer them a 50%
abatement but that they did not feel that they should be tax-exempt and that
the request for abatement would be decided on a year-to-year basis.
(LS) Motion to deny Pittsfield Players tax-exempt status. (JL) Second.
Carried 3-0.
(PS) to send them a letter accordingly but not offering them an alternative.
(PS) requested that BOS sign Abatement for Property tax, which was,
approved at last meeting as well as Sewer Abatement, which also was
approved on March 13, 2007.
Welfare Lien in the amount of $246.00
(EV) Motion to accept lien. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LS) Motion to accept payroll. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

(LS) Motion to accept accounts payable. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
(EV) Motion to accept Minutes of March 6, 2007. (LS) Second.
(Corrections noted.) Carried 2-0. Abstain (JL).
(EV) Motion to accept Non-Public Minutes of March 6, 2007. (LS) Second.
Carried 2-0. Abstain (JL).
Minutes of September 19 and 26, 2006 – Noted that both have same text.
This will be tabled until it can be determined which date is correct.
(EV) Motion to table. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
Denise Patterson related that there seemed to be a lot going on with the town
administration recruitment and these panels. It seems really confusing.
“How many people do you have right now?” (PS) related that he didn’t
mean to confuse her. He related that MRI has 25 resumes, with one
withdrawal and had narrowed it down to about 12 candidates. Next process
is candidates will be sent 6-7 essay questions and then filtered out from
there. Rest of process involves being interviewed by each panel, of which
BOS may be part of, or possibly a separate panel. (JL) wanted to know if
Pittsfield had 25 candidates, is this an unusual amount and is this a “buyers”
market? (PS) noted that Raymond recently recruited candidates and had 70
Scott Palmer wanted to know about the part-time police officer that was
approved by Board tonight. He wanted to know if Board has reviewed his
resume. It was explained that his resume was reviewed and he was
interviewed at previous Board meeting.
Merrill Vaughan wanted to know who the assessing companies were and if
one of them was MRI. He was advised that MRI was not one of them and
that Avatar and Cross Country were the two companies discussed. Mr.
Vaughan reiterated that MRI would be seeking Town Administrator and
doing collective bargaining but not the reassessing, is that correct? He
related that he did not feel that “MRI should have a lock on the town.”
Diane Vaughan noted that she has worked for Naval Shipyard and for a
doctor in the past and would be willing to assist Betsey in the billing process
that she has to do. (LK) suggested she write a letter to the BOS in this
Pam St. Laurent noted regarding the request for extension on timber cut that
Board would have to use a new form. (PS) to check on this and get back to
Board. She also wanted to know if letters had gone out to welfare recipients
who had agreed to repay Town. She related if records are kept up-to-date
that this should be easy to do. (LK) related that this is being done now but
he did not know about past records. She also noted that communication
between the Boards and Committees needs to be worked on so that Board
would not get “hammered in the future.” (LS) related that communication
works two ways. Ms. St. Laurent suggested that, perhaps, committee
members like Glenn Amnott could come in every one or two months with
reports regarding what they are doing. (LS) related that there are a lot of
committees and this would be difficult accomplish. Ms. St. Laurent related
that the Chairman could give an overview of what’s going on.
Scott Palmer related that he would like to see people from State and even
Town offer bids on Town Hall roof. He stated he likes to use people that are
members of State/Town to keep the business local. (LK) assured him that
they would just be reviewing the services of different companies and that no
firm decision has been made yet. (LK) related that he, too, likes to see local
companies do the jobs that need to be done, like the auction that is coming
Denise Patterson related that she felt a memo would suffice so as not to
make a “nightmare out of it” for Committee members to keep in touch with
Pam St. Laurent suggested accessing Merrimack County Registry of Deeds
flyer, which lists bids and contractors for things that need to be done.
(JL) mentioned the incident concerning Cheryl Keuenhoff’s Jeep. He
related that someone had placed a coffee cup on it. She was angry with
them about leaning against her car, but he did not feel anyone was rude to
her. Merrill Vaughan related that no campaign “stuff” should be up against
any car unless it is your own vehicle.
Pam St. Laurent wanted to know if BOS had come up with a list of goals,
which they had hoped would be accomplished, and in what timeframe?
(LK) related that that this would be done. (EV) stated that it was part of the
Internal Controls Assessment audit done by MRI and MRI highly
recommended this.
(EV) Motion to go into non-public session according to 91-A:II (a). (LS)
Second. Carried 3-0.
Public Session Adjourned at 9:05 P.M.