March 20, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting

DATE: MARCH 20, 2008

ITEM 1. Call to Order at 7:35 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Selectman Ex Officio in lieu of an elected Chairman. Meeting commenced at later time due to a short delay while newly elected members were sworn in.

ITEM 2. Roll Call

Members Present: Gerard Leduc (GL), Vice-Chair, Robert Elliott (RE), Fred Hast (FH), Daniel Greene (DG), Larry Konopka (LK), Selectman Ex Officio, Marilyn Roberts (MR), Dan Schroth (DS), Alternate, Thomas Hitchcock (TH), Alternate and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.

Due to illness, (FH) remained seated in audience though advised Board that he would participate in any and all matters requiring a vote.

Members Absent:

Rich Hunsberger (RH).

ITEM 3. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

(LK) noted that prior to beginning the Planning Board meeting, he would like to address the Board noting, “I really think that the person who is elected as Chair and Vice Chair should be a person who is available two to three hours a week to work with the Planning advisor. It is difficult to do but I would like to see someone who can be around on a regular basis before they consider taking the positions.”

(FH) nominated as Chairman, but declines.

(FH) Motion to nominate Rich Hunsberger. I think he would make a good chairman and would be able to devote the necessary time.” (MR) Second. Carried 6-0.

(DG) Motion to nominate Gerard Leduc as Vice-Chairman. (MR) Second.
After discussion, Carried 4-1 (FH) Opposed and (LK) Abstain.


(GL) noted that he would be available to come in on Wednesdays and that he would take the position. (FH) Do you have the time to put into it?
(GL) “I’ve done it before. If you want me to back out, I will.”
Carried 5-1 (FH).

ITEM 4. Election of HSA Representative

(GL) Does anyone wish to be HSA Representative? Under the HSA Guidelines, the Planning Board has to have a representative on that Board. Mike McLaughlin (MM), Building Inspector noted, “Whoever takes that position, please be very involved. We need a strong member.”

(DG) Motion to nominate Fred Hast as HSA Representative. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0. (FH) Abstain.

ITEM 5. Approval of Minutes of March 6, 2008.

(DG) Motion to approve Minutes of March 6, 2008. (FH) Second. Carried 2-0. (GL), (LK), (RE), and (MR) Abstain.

ITEM 6. New Business

(GL) noted that two individuals had applied to PB as alternates. (LK) questioned how many alternate positions are open? (FH) questioned how the Board was going to fill the other positions in Town. We need two good men and you might want to advertise. (LK) noted that the Board of Selectman did advertise for other Board and Committee members, although it was brought to my attention it is hard to get members and you do not want to discourage any one from applying. We did appoint one last week to the Zoning Board because we had advertised and the opening on the Zoning Board was vacant for quite some time. There seems to be fewer volunteers today than years ago.

(FH) noted that he used to get criticized all the time for doing just that. (RE) “Why not accept those two and advertise for three more?” (GL) noted that he would like to see the Board fill two seats tonight. (BE) “I agree, especially if we have five alternates.” (GL) noted that Board could go with five alternates. “I do not want to see an empty seats on the board.”
(FH) noted that we have only had two in the past. You would have to go through the formality of going to a Town Meeting for approval for more. (LK) It was brought to my attention that the Zoning Board had an opening for over a year, so BOS voted in the individual who applied. What worked last year may not work this year. There used to be up to fifteen people applying for positions, now it is difficult to fill them.

Dan Schroth questioned whether the Board was talking about two or five Alternates? (BE) noted that the legislative body may provide for appointment of not more than five alternates. Jim Pritchard commented that Board will find that the Town is the legislative body. (BE) “Has the legislative body ever voted on this?” (FH) noted that it has always been two in the past. (GL) noted that according to the Rules of Procedure, Board should have three Alternates. Mr. Pritchard indicated that he was not disputing Rules of Procedure but Planning Board adopts Rules of Procedure. (BE) noted that the Board cannot adopt what is contrary to legislative body. Mr. Pritchard noted that he was not saying that they did not.

(BE) Motion to approve Dan Schroth and Tom Hitchcock as Alternates. (GL) Second. Carried 4-2 (DG) and (LK).

Board discussed attendance at upcoming Land Use Clerks Workshop on April 12, 2008 at the Local Government Center 9:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. Several members will attend, but not all. It was noted that there would be some future conferences and/or training sessions applicable to Planning Board, which will be available for some members to attend.

Tom Hitchcock reiterated that it would be a good idea to have members specialize in different areas so when different issues come up, someone would be able to offer expertise in that particular area. If individuals have an interest in certain areas, those are the ones that will follow through on attending conferences and workshops to develop this interest. He noted that he attends regular Regional Planning Board Meetings and they are looking at matters from the standpoint of density. He noted after reading brochure, that this Land Use Clerks Workshop is very encompassing.

(MM) noted that the Board could have workshops by sending one or two individuals to different training sessions and workshops and then have a workshop with Board members here. (GL) noted that Board could have a Work Session in these instances. Board members discussed future training sessions and the means by which they could offer these to all members as well as attendance at surrounding towns meetings to glean pros and cons of what is happenings in other towns.

(GL) reminded all members to complete the information form and return to Dee. A list of members, phone numbers and E-Mail addresses will be distributed when completed to all Board members for reference.

ITEM 7. Selectman’s Report

(LK) noted, “What I would like to see happen with Planning Board, is having (MM) attend every meeting. I would like to see the Chairman and (MM) review all applications coming before Board. There should be more communication, Dee should do the notices, and more Work Sessions should be scheduled.” I would also like to see PB meet with various other Boards such as Zoning Board, Economic Development Committee and Master Plan Committee so that a starting point can be accomplished and then we can set some goals for the future. After meeting with the committees and the Board has set some goals, we can work as a team with other committees.

“For any Public Meeting, we should have the information ten days prior to the meeting. If developer comes in with plans, we should have already reviewed them, unless it is in an emergency. Basically, any normal procedure should be ten days prior.

(BE) noted that he was still reviewing the Statutes concerning alternates and he would do some research in this regard. (FH) noted that there are now two alternates and they should be here every meeting. I do not foresee any developers coming in this year, but maybe in the future and they should be up-to-date on everything. (GL) noted that several members had served with other members in the past I would like to see Board put into practice that at least two Board members along with Chairman and Vice-Chair review matters and should all come in prepared. He noted some expectations regarding site plans, notice in newspaper and that Board members are prepared when they appear for meetings. (MM) noted that Board members should make a conscious effort to come and get the information prior to meeting night.

(GL) noted, “One of the things I do not want to see is conceptuals. I would suggest that they be asked Have you put this before the Building Inspector? and we should not allow conceptuals. (BE) and (LK) noted that Board should allow conceptuals as we are here to guide people. (MM) noted that a conceptual should be allowed but should be properly applied for.

Tom Hitchcock agreed that if Board plays a roll in the conceptual and then works with the builder, things that the Board wants to have happen, can happen. (BE) noted that it gives Board and Town a much more friendly posture if we say “Yes, come talk with us without having to go through a bunch of engineering costs.” (GL) I would not like to see someone come in the night of the meeting and present a conceptual. (BE) “We want to be a friendly Board.”

(LK) wanted to remind the Board that Gerard Leduc and he are related. We are family and I did not even think about that previously, but would like Board to be aware of this and abstain from the vote of Vice Chairman.

(FH) noted that he had been riding by two or three places in Town. We should go back in the records and check to see what individuals are doing and if it is okay, like the pallet place. (LK) related that this is a code enforcement issue and is being dealt with. (MM) noted that Fred was talking about the site plan approval and that the pallets should be stored in back of the building. The Fire Chief is in the process of getting together with the Fire Marshall but as of yet, they are not moving fast enough. (BE) noted that once the Planning Board empowers someone to do it, and then it becomes the responsibility of code enforcement. (MM) noted that he did not intend to go down there alone but with pair with the Fire Chief and Fire Marshall and review the area.

(DG) noted that in the past we used to have a section for the Building Inspector report. Should we put that back on as part of the Agenda? (LK) related that Board should have two meetings a month. We could meet with the various committees and then with the Chairs. (GL) agreed that the first Board should be the Zoning Board. (BE) related that there are several areas that need to be “tweaked.”

Board agreed to request Zoning Board meet with the Planning Board on April 17th for a one-half hour session to discuss any concerns they may have. (DG) suggested having a Zoning Board report on the Agenda. (LK) suggested maybe a monthly letter from the Zoning Board to the Planning Board noting any concerns that Board could assist them with. (BE) “Anytime they run into an issue, they could communicate it to the Board.” (LK) suggested Conservation could be involved if there are any wetlands issues. We can start with the Zoning Board on the 17th and then have the EDC on the lst of May.

(DG) “I do not really know how to approach this subject, but we also need to know the rules of conduct. We should respect one another in the way things are brought forward.” We should be more professional. (GL) “I agree. We should be respecting one another.”

Dan Schroth (DS) related that he would like to see Board work on several separate proposals to help the revenue picture. We need to change zoning and maybe we will see some decent proposals. Also, we could look at surrounding Town’s density plans and change some things and come up with elderly housing next year. Something that would be acceptable to them and us and put it before the voters. We can have four to five proposals next year and do several. I would like to see something good happening. “I do not know much about elderly housing and density. Maybe (MM) and the Board could look plans over and perhaps we could adopt some concrete things to help our Town. (LK) suggested that maybe (DS) could do some research and bring it to the Board. (BE) suggested getting Zoning Regulations from other towns to know exactly what is going on. (Dan related that he would be willing to do that.) (BE) noted that is what occurred on the Zoning Board, we compared ordinances.

Tom Hitchcock (TH) noted, “We are going into difficult economic times. Maybe Town could do something for young people just starting out. Town could do assessment of the positive and negatives.” He noted that there have always been comments about Pittsfield being a depressed area. We need to look at different perspectives and re-invent the Town so people would want to build in town. People could live and work in town. We need to reclaim what has been lost. All the people I’ve talked to say, “It could be a nice town.” The Planning Board could come up with some creative ideas to make this happen. We need to document what the problems are and use them as a goal. The Master Plan is not dealing totally with reality. It is going to take money. We need to get builders to come to town. We need to start critical mass. (GL) agreed Board needs to consider some long-term goals. (TH) noted that Pittsfield is competing with all the other towns. A lot of realtors will not even bring people to town. We need to put Pittsfield back on the map. (LK) When economy picks up, we want to have a plan in place. We need to work with the committees and get their thoughts as to where to concentrate. It depends on what Board members and Committees want. (MM) suggested searching on-line for this information. (TH) noted that at one time the Regional Planning Board had asked towns to do a plan to “build out.” I do not know if the Town ever did that. We need to get some creative ideas as to what could go into this town. You have to open your minds to progress and come up with a “wish list” as to what could happen – critical mass.

ITEM 8. Public Input

Jim Pritchard noted, “I would like to respond to Dan Schroth.” He has noted multiple things about the proposed zoning ordinances but the biggest opposition in this is Dan Schroth. I have requested multiple appointments with him to discuss different things, and he has not accepted a one. The other thing is that Fred Hast and Rich Hunsberger noted specific objections to the proposed Zoning Ordinances amendments but never said what their objections were. It would be helpful if their objections were on paper. If I decide to submit a proposal next year, if these were in writing, it would be helpful. There was not enough time to evaluate my proposal. (DS) noted that it was “too much. If you had broken it down it would have been better. I do not want to come up with this huge complicated thing. It is too much for my head.” Jim Pritchard noted, “As far as zoning ordinances go, it was actually pretty small. If you do a character count, we increased it about 2 ½ times.” He further noted that the length issue is not a big deal. Some of the Planning Board members went over the whole thing. This is a small package. If you cannot do this, should not do this at all. (DS) noted, “I repeat, look for smaller things.”

Linda Small noted that a couple of years ago, the BOS contracted with NHRPC for services to deal with these kinds of issues. I urge the PB to use them. There is service available and I hope you use them. Also, “Is there a conflict with the HSA appointment due to Liz Hast?” (GL) “If there is a conflict, we can bring it up at the next meeting and I would be more than happy to step in as HSA rep. (MM) indicated that we need a strong presence and I wouldn’t want to see anyone in that position. (BE) noted Board could contact LGC to see if there is a conflict per RSA or just an opinion. (BE) directing inquiry to Jim Pritchard noted, “You kept referring to ‘we’, who is we? Mr. Pritchard related he was referring to himself and the other petitioners. “I have been asked to do it again next year and it would make sense to know what the objections are so we can come up with an alternate approach.” (BE) questioned whether the petition is still available at the Town Hall? Mr. Pritchard noted in detail the history of the original citizen petition. “It is a moot petition now.”

ITEM 9. Adjournment

(LK) Motion to Adjourn. (DG) Second. Carried 6-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M.

Approved: April 3, 2008

__________________________ _________________________
Gerard Leduc, Vice-Chairman Date