March 20, 2008 Minutes



Pittsfield School Board
March 20, 2008
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Scott Brown, Chairman
Gary Colby
Michael Wolfe
Leslie Vogt

Others Present: Dr. William Compton, Superintendent
Peter Roche, Business Administrator
Dr. John Freeman, Principal, PES
Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS

Due to the delayed arrival of Mr. Brown from a prior commitment, Mr. Colby called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.

On behalf Of the Director and Coordinator of Student Services, who were not present due to a conference, Dr. Freeman added nomination of special education assistants, a reassignment, and a support staff leave of absence. Dr. Freeman also added ASCD Convention, and Excellence in Education Awards. Dr. Compton added non-resident requests involving two elementary school students and one high school student.

The School Board reorganization was previously discussed at the end of the School District Meeting. Mr. Brown, noting that this will be his last year as a member of the School Board, suggested that it would be beneficial to elect a new chairperson this year so he would be available to assist in the transition process. The meeting was turned over to Dr. Compton, Superintendent, who asked for nominations for Chairman and vice-Chairman. Mr. Brown nominated Ms. Paradise as chairperson, seconded by Mr. Colby, and unanimously approved. Mr. Colby nominated Mr. Brown to serve as vice-chair, seconded by Ms. Vogt, and unanimously approved with the abstention of Mr. Brown. It was noted that Ms. Paradise has two years of her term remaining. Ms. Vogt nominated Mr. Colby to serve as Secretary, seconded by Mr. Wolfe, and unanimously approved, with the abstention of Mr. Colby. Dr. Compton thanked Mr. Brown for his many years of service as Pittsfield School Board Chairman, adding he has been a terrific chairman.
Dr. Compton noted an alternate treasurer will be needed to sign checks; item will be addressed at the meeting on April 3rd. Committee assignments will be discussed at the next meeting.

On a motion made by Mr. Colby, and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted to unanimously accept the minutes of March 6, 2008 as submitted, with the abstention of Mr. Wolfe who was not present at the meeting.



A. Nominations

Dr. Freeman presented the nomination of Carrie White for the position of Literacy Tutor for the 21st Century Community Learning Center, grant funded, at a rate equivalent to summer curriculum work. Ms. Vogt made a motion to accept the nomination of Carrie White for the position of Literacy Tutor at the recommended rate as submitted, seconded by Mr. Wolfe, and unanimously approved.

Dr. Freeman presented the nomination of Deb Carleton currently a special education assistant at the middle school; reassigned to serve as special education one-on-one assistant for a first grade student. Ms. Vogt made a motion to approve the reassignment as submitted, seconded by Mr. Wolfe, and unanimously approved.

Dr. Freeman presented the nomination of Kyristal Fowler to serve as special education one-on-one assistant for a first grade student. Ms. Vogt made a motion to approve the hiring as submitted, seconded by Mr. Wolfe, and unanimously approved.

B. Non-resident Request
Tammy and Jason Mayotte submitted a letter advising a change of address and request to allow their first and sixth grade students to complete the current school year at Pittsfield Elementary School. Dr. Compton and Dr. Freeman both recommended approval. Mr. Wolfe made a motion to approve the non-resident request of Tammy and Jason Mayotte to allow their elementary school students to remain at the elementary school until the end of the school year, seconded by Ms. Vogt, and unanimously approved.

C. ASCD Convention
Dr. Freeman reported on the ASCD Convention he attended March 12th through March 18th for supervision and curriculum development. The conference was attended by 12,000 educators from around the country.
He participated in trainings involving high school redesign, an updated version of Breaking Ranks; trainings on making standards teacher friendly; and developing report cards standards based.

D. NH Excellence in Education Award for Elementary School of the Year
Dr. Freeman reported moving forward in the process, a team of visiting educators would be at Pittsfield Elementary School on Monday, March 24th from 8:30 a.m. until noon. Dr. Freeman expressed his hope that some School Board Members be present for a brief greeting and welcome.


A. Nominations
Mr. DeLois presented a letter from Athletic Director, Alison Roberts, recommending the nomination of Matthew Haverman-Payne, JV Baseball Coach; Darrel Elliott, Middle School Baseball Coach; and Carin Plante, Middle School Softball Coach. Mr. Wolfe made a motion to approve the nominations as submitted, seconded by Ms. Vogt, and unanimously approved with the abstention of Mr. Colby.

B. Non-resident Request
Julie Scenna submitted a letter requesting permission for her daughter Desiree Dumond, a junior at Pittsfield Middle High School, to continue her education at the high school through the end of the school year. At that time, Ms. Scenna anticipates pursuing guardianship arrangements to allow Desiree to graduate at PMHS. Mr. DeLois spoke on behalf of Desiree and recommended allowing her to finish her junior year at the high school; recommended by Dr. Compton. Transportation to and from school outside of Pittsfield, is the student’s responsibility. Ms. Vogt made a motion to approve the request for Desiree Dumond to continue her education at Pittsfield Middle High School through the end of the school year, seconded by Mr. Brown, and unanimously approved. Mr. Brown noted the Board typically considers approving requests for students to continue during the last two or three months of school in the best interest of the student’s education.


A. Leave of Absence
Dr. Compton presented a letter from Ellen Barbasso, a paraprofessional at Pittsfield Elementary School for 6-7 years, requesting a leave of absence from her position as part-time ESOL tutor (a.m.) and special education kindergarten assistant (p.m.) at the elementary school through the end of the school year. It was noted the leave request does not qualify as a family medical leave of absence. Historically, the Board does not approve leave of absences involving this duration of time for paraprofessionals. Approval was not recommended by Ms. Chassie. Mr. Colby made a motion not to approve the leave of absence request of Ellen Barbasso as submitted, seconded by Mr. Brown. The Board voted unanimously not to approve the leave of absence request.

The Board voted unanimously to give Dr. Compton authorization to hire in the event of personnel change, to replace any paraprofessional between now and the next School Board meeting on April 3, 2008. An update will be presented at that time.


A. 2008-2009 School Calendar (1st Reading)
The 2008-2009 School Calendar was forwarded to the administrators and Doris Filson, EAP President for review. Administrators have given some recommendations. Concerns regarding release days have been covered. The calendar has been coordinated with Concord Vocational Technical Center. Christmas falls on Thursday next school year. December 24 would mark the start of holiday vacation. There will be no school the day after New Year’s Day to avoid opening school for one day and incurring heating costs, etc. The last day of school would be tentatively June 15th. The 2008-2009 School Calendar will be reviewed at the April 3rd meeting.

B. SAU #51 Location Update
Dr. Compton noted the SAU budget was intact. Mr. Brown recommended the SAU #51 location item stay on the agenda for the next several meetings. Rent and asset value will be discussed at the next Joint Meeting on April 3, 2008. Mr. Brown suggested a citizen/board joint committee be formed to look into the matter further. Dr. Compton would like input from Dr. Freeman. It was noted we have until May or early June to make a final decision. Renovation work would be done during the summer. The proper notice to terminate the rental agreement is sixty (60) days.

D. State Reporting Update
Mr. Roche submitted the MS-22 Report of Appropriations Actually Voted to the Superintendent and School Board for review and signatures. He advised the MS-22 must be submitted to the NH Department of Revenue Administration within twenty (20) days after the school meeting.

E. Recap Annual District Meeting
Dr. Compton thanked the voters and citizens who were very supportive of the school budget in spite of the economy and difficult times. Mr. Brown intends to draft a letter to the editor to thank the voters who attended the school district meeting. Discussion followed on suggestions to increase attendance. Ms. Vogt reported Mr. Provencial inquired about posting the School District Meeting minutes on the town website. It was noted the first warrant is to accept minutes of the School District Meeting for the prior year. Mr. Roche will discuss the mechanics of posting minutes with Ms. Hast. Mr. Brown suggested forwarding the minutes to Mr. Provencial after reviewing for accuracy and clarity.

F. FY09 Budget Analysis
Issues that need to be addressed immediately will be included in the next packet.

G. 3rd Quarter Transfers
Mr. Roche submitted proposed budget transfer requests for March, 2008. He reported the budget is in good shape and remains frozen with a $460,000.00 balance. Health insurance rates came in significantly lower while legal bills are running higher than expected. Long-term substitutes are needed at the high school, and custodial substitutes are needed at the elementary school due to illness. Special Education funding for middle school is needed at the high school level. Dr. Compton asked the Board to consider lifting the freeze on the budget at the April 3, 2008 meeting. Ms. Vogt made a motion to approve the budget transfers as submitted, seconded by Mr. Wolfe, and unanimously approved.

H. Board Meeting Schedule (Spring)
The Joint School Board Meeting is scheduled for April 3, 2008 at 5:30 p.m. at Pittsfield Middle High School in the Media Center, followed by the regular Board Meeting. The School Board will meet again on April 17th prior to April vacation. Items to be added to the agenda include the transportation contract, contracts for Ms. Blanchette and Mr. Kilmister, and a rough draft of repair and maintenance issues recommended by the Pittsfield Fire Department.

Mr. Wolfe inquired about requesting student volunteers to assist with sand bagging in the event of flooding issues for community service. Mr. Brown recommended making a general school announcement stating the activity would qualify for community service hours with the possibility of waiving the fifteen (15) hour maximum. Students interested in volunteering in this capacity should contact Fire Chief Gary Johnson at tel. 435-6807.

Ms. Vogt reported she had received information from Mary Jane Wallner, who serves as Democrat Majority Leader of the House of Representatives, indicating funding for 2009 adequacy is based on the percentage of reduced and free lunches. She added there is a three year time lag, i.e., fall of 2006 impacts the fall of 2009. We could rectify the situation in the fall of 2008, but would not benefit until 2011. We may need to send a follow-up letter to parents requesting the form be completed. It may be beneficial to determine other schools in our situation, and lobbying to accelerate the process. Dr. Compton will check for accuracy in the information identifying funding for the State of NH.

Moved until the April 3, 2008 School Board Meeting.

A. Drake Field & Facilities-GC

B. Selectmen Liaison-SB

C. Budget-LV

D. SAU Planning-SB&GC

E. Negotiating Team-LV&MP

XI. NEXT MEETING – April 3, 2008

XII. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Payne
Acting Recording Secretary