March 23, 2011 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
March 23, 2011

1. Meeting opened at 5:32.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Ted Mitchell (TM), Lyn Roberts (LR), Susan Muenzinger (SM),
Linda Small (LS), Ellen Barbasso (EB), Paul Skowron (PS), and Matt Monahan (MM) from
CNHRPC, Gerard Leduc (GL), representative from Select Board and Scott Ward (SW).

3. Minutes from February 23, 2011 accepted and approved as written.

4. Advertiser sign at Dunkin Donuts
A. Total of 6 spots available.
1. Businesses buy their own sign
2. They pay $50.00 per quarter to have sign on the board
3. SW made the suggestion that they put bar code on their sign-smart phones can go
directly to web site
B. Decide on dollar amount for the sign-Ask for $1,000 from Select Board but try to get it
made for $750.00 (to save the town money)
C. The suggestion will be presented to the Select Board on April 5, 2011.

5. Park and Ride update
A. State has narrowed down to 5l applicants to do feasibility study
B. They will interview each company then make a decision
C. Construction work for the Park and Ride will be paid for by a grant.

6. Market Pittsfield
A. State has decals and buttons saying “Shop local” or “Keep it local Shop ___”
B. Advertise Pittsfield in New England Real Estate magazine
C. Contact Scott Spradling
1. Have him come to next meeting
2.Get his input and ideas
D. G. Leduc will bring in a magazine from Claremont-show what they did

7. Hotels
A. Two types of letters being sent out
1. First being sent to hotel chains
2. Second sent to Bed and Breakfast association
B. Corrections made to letters so they are on one page (each)

8. Hiking Trails
A. Follow the former railroad beds from Bear Brook to Barnstead
B. There are several people who are property owners for those parcels
C. Might be of interest to Conservation Committee, or mountain biking club
D. Invite them and Craig (from CNHRPC) to one of our meetings

9. Next meeting April 20, 2011.

10. Meeting closed at 6:36 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary