March 25, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.


Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.
Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison
(LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Dan Schroth noted he wanted to make sure that all members of the Board
had copies of the Ethics Committee’s findings regarding ethics issue with
Art Morse. “I just wanted you to see how the ethics run in this Town.” He
noted that even though the findings note that Art Morse did nothing wrong, I
do not agree with it. (LS) reminded Mr. Schroth that the BOS had not yet
met with the Ethics Committee on these findings.
He also requested that Board do one thing and that is meet with the Police
Chief regarding the costs of details. When you do that, consider that
taxpayers cannot afford to pay for everything. They should pay for half the
costs of the Balloon Rally. I am afraid that the Rotary does not care about
the costs unless they pay half the bill.
Fred Hast noted that he was not going to say anything but since the subject
has been brought up, he would. The Balloon Rally started small and has
gotten bigger and bigger. We had the Summer Carnival and that also has
gotten bigger and bigger. We want to have safe and happy events and police
details cost money. The Balloon Rally creates a lot of publicity. I do not
believe that the Rotary intends to overcharge the Town. Of all the monies
raised, a lot of it goes back into the Town. Are the taxpayers going to have
to pay it? There are a lot of people in Town, with a lot of parking and are
you going to cut back on enforcement? There are a lot of different costs the
taxpayers has to pay for. Last year, Town increased elderly e xemptions and
these all cost taxpayers money. The Chief tries to keep costs down and it
will help. Everything is costing more.
(DM) Drug and Alcohol Coalition; (LS) Staff Notes of February 26th, Town
Personnel Policy; (LKe) Special Town Warrant Meeting, Part-Time Police
Department employees re-appointments, Police Department Arrest Log
March 16-22, Police Department March Work Schedule, Response to
PERLB and Non-Public; (LK) Walking Patrol, Town Hall Floors, Key for
Bob Elliott.
Action Items
(LS) noted that Board does not anticipate that the Police Department detail
for the Balloon Rally will be the same as last year. The 2007 Board has
already discussed with Rotary.
1. BL & TA Order, Margaret Chalmers and Judy L. Young Vs.
(LKe) noted that these individuals have appealed and it is now the order of
the BL & TA that we meet with these folks and try to settle this matter
before July 1, 2008. The assessing firm, Purvis & Associates, have the
obligation to defend their findings. They should respond and encourage a
meeting with BOS to settle this matter. The property lies on the
Northwood/Pittsfield line and the question is “What is the value?” (LKe) to
set up a meeting.
2. Special Town Meeting Warrant
We need to move on this so advertisement can be published and Town can
keep the commitment date. This is in relation to a change in the Zoning
Ordinance regarding Floodplain. Dee has made up the changes to include
the new zoning wording. It is available at the Town Hall until and through
the Special Town Meeting for individuals to look at.
(EV) Motion to approve Special Town Meeting on April 15, 2008.
(LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
3. Pittsfield Chamber of Commerce Showcase Participation
(LKe) As you may recall, last fall the Chamber of Commerce conducted a
Business Showcase, which Board approved participation in and at that time,
Town became a member of the Chamber of Commerce at no cost for 2008.
They are having another Business Showcase on April 30th, 6-8:00 P.M. at
the Elementary School Gym. The staff would like to do it again. The Fire
and Police Department will be represented and also representative from
DARE. There will be a cost of $10 to cover the cost of the table.
(EV) noted that he is a member of the Chamber of Commerce Board.
(LS) Motion to approve employee participation in the Chamber of
Commerce showcase and approve the $10 for the table rental. (JL) Second.
Carried 5-0.
4. Purchase Award, Trailer Mounted Pressure Washer
(LKe) As you may remember, the DPW wanted to purchase a power washer
essentially to clear and clean frozen culverts and which can also be used to
clean equipment of the caked on salt/snow. It is accounted for in the
operating budget and bids have been solicited. The low bidder cost would
be minus $200 since Town already has hosing.
(LS) Motion to approve purchase of pressure washer for DPW from Power
Washer Sales. (DM) Second. Carried 5 -0.
(LK) noted this is a positive thing. (LKe) related bids had been advertised
in the Sun and the Concord Monitor.
5. Certified Computer Solutions – Award work order to upgrade
Servers at Town Hall, Police Department and WWTP
(LKe) We are nearing the end of the results study by Certified Computer
Solutions, which is a company out of Tilton. I am familiar with their work
and they agreed to rectify Town’s old computer system. They have
conducted a no cost review and offered a study with recommendations both
immediate and long-term.
An immediate replacement with a re-manufactured server at the Town Hall
is necessary which is currently quite fragile. They will be straightening
things out and upgrading software and hardware, at the Town Hall, as well
as the Police Department and WWTP, where consequences can be quite
serious if this is not accomplished. The Town bidding policy should be
waived because of the fragile nature of our equipment and the need to
upgrade and repair it as soon as possible.
(LS) Motion to waive the bidding process for Town Hall, Police
Department and WWTP upgrade and repair of servers/computers.
(JL) Second. After discussion: Carried 5-0.
It is noted that the service will be accomplished on weekends even though it
will be necessary for Police Department servers to be shut down for a short
period of time. It was also noted that it would accommodate any future
software changes.
(LS) Motion to approve Certified Computer Solutions as per their proposal
to upgrade and/or repair servers/computer systems. (EV) Second.
Carried 5-0.
6. 2008 Wage Increases
(LKe) Cara has pulled together from the contracts the retro calculations.
Also included are those individuals not represented by union such as the
library personnel and secretarial staff. It has been calculated at 4 ½%
retroactive to January 1, 2008.
(LS) Motion to approve retro increases if (LKe) confers with numbers.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.
(LS) Cara has questioned how to collect wages overpaid from the first of
the year. (LKe) noted this can be reviewed and discussed with the parti cular
union and a take back plan be developed. (LS) noted that she would be
reluctant to take away things once the employee has it.
7. Re-appointment of part-time Police Department Officers
(LKe) These three part-time officers who have been with the department for
some time and Chief Wharem has requested re-appointment for them.
(EV) Motion to approve re-appointment of part-time police officers
R. Gaither, R. Booth and C. Coolidge. (LS) Second. Carried 5 -0.
1. Welfare Monthly Report for February
(LKe) Betsey has prepared a report of services compared to last year. There
is a reduction of $1,000 in awards for Welfare in February. (LK) noted she
is doing a great job and doing it very well.
2. DPW Monthly Report for February
(LKe) This report encompasses activities during month of February and the
management of snow. (LS) noted that she commends the work that they
have done.
3. Police Department Arrest Log for March 10-15, 2008
(LKe) noted that unfortunately, this includes mostly local folks. (LS) related
that most were below 20 years old.
4. Staff Meeting Notes – March 18, 2008
(LKe) For Board’s review. (EV) noted that the Building Inspector and the
HSA Inspector are doing reviews together. Is this a once in awhile basis or
for every one of them? (LKe) noted it includes every one of them. (EV) I
am concerned that we are paying twice for a job to be done. If it is being
done in half the time, maybe it should go back to the General Fund. We pay
HSA Inspector and Building Inspector. “This is food for thought.” (LKe)
reminded Board that this is a learning period for HSA Inspector and includes
on-the-job training while he completes the necessary courses. (EV) So this
is temporary? (LKe) Hopefully, he will pass the course.
5. Police Department Arrest Log March 16 – 22, 2008
(LKe) noted it included a couple out-of-towners but mostly involves folks
we have seen before.
6. Police Department Shift Schedule
(LKe) noted that the Board had expressed interest in noting these shift
schedules. (LS) This is really good. (LKe) reminded Board that several
officers will be out for extended periods of time due to medial issues. Board
questioned whether schedule was also available for April which (LKe) will
make available.
7. Response to PERLB
(LKe) This is meant to provide you with information regarding this
response. I will be dropping off the “hard copy” tomorrow morning. We
will see how the Teamsters Union meeting goes tomorrow.
8. Drug and Alcohol Coalition
(DM) distributed some information to Board concerning some upcoming
“events” as planned by the coalition. She noted, “We will most likely be at
the Chamber of Commerce Showcase.” There will be a dinner in May
hosted by PYQ and will address underage drinking and the Coalition will be
assisting them. Several other “events” are planned for the future and the
coalition is currently working in conjunction with the Concord Coalition.
9. Staff Notes of February 26th, 2008
(LS) noted that there was some damage to vehicle relating to the
transportation of prisoners. (LKe) explained that the damage had been done
to the separation screen, which was not repairable and had to be replaced. It
was an incident of an individual being totally out-of-control.
10. Town Personnel Policy
(LS) requested that (LKe) develop a non-union wage scale for employees so
there could some comparison of the whole picture throughout the year(s).
Action Items (Continued)
8. Key for Bob Elliott
(LK) noted that Bob Elliott has requested a key to allow him to utilize the
Food Pantry on weekends or during off hours, if necessary. (EV) suggested
that this request go through the Food Pantry Board first. I am sure there are
keys that have been dispersed to individuals who are less active and can be
9. Police Department Walking Patrol
(LK) noted that he would like to see some plan/schedule for the Police
Department Walking Patrol. (LKe) noted that his only concern would be
that schedule should not be available for public reference. (LS) noted it
could be for internal use only and (LK) related it would not be shared with
the public.
10. Town Hall Floors
(LK) related that after some thought, he would like to suggest that Town
install “better grade” flooring ($2.36 compared to $2.63) which is only
about $.27 more. The retailer has agreed to waive the delivery charge. (LK)
stated that it would make the room look better. It is still going to be within
the budgeted amount as we have already saved about $1,200 doing the prep
work. He noted that floors would end up with a satin finish eventually.
Board agreed that since it is within the budget and that Larry is the
professional in this matter, his opinions would be honored. (DM) noted her
only concerns were the current chairs and if they would scratch the floors.
(EV) Motion to approve the change to upgrade Town Hall wood floors as
suggested per Larry Konopka. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
1. Capital Improvement Plan Status
(LKe) noted that the Planning Board would work to create a Capital
Improvement Plan.
2. Space Needs Study
(LKe) noted that the original study has not yet been found. (LS) suggested
pulling together another committee. It would be a useful tool but if we
cannot find it, maybe, they could recreate it as much as possible. It was
suggested that (LKe) contact the committee members to see if anyone has
either a copy, partial input, or could assist in creating a “copy” of the
original. (LKe) will send out inquires regarding this.
3. WWTP Plan Status
(LKe) related that he had met with Cara and Ron Vien as well as Joe
Ducharme. It is noted that Town needs to get in gear in relation to the Rural
Development Fund, which would be about 12% of the cost for quite a bit of
the work needed. They have been holding the fund since 2001 and the time
is now for a good plan before they close the books on us and the grant is
lost. Grants are much more difficult to procure now, so we need to get
going. The monies can be applied to a number of things to upgrade with
thoughts to consider the high priority needs. WWTP needs to upgrade the
pumping stations for one thing. Hopefully we can turn it into an active plan.
4. Towing Company Insurance Status
(LKe) I have discussed with Jon Steiner regarding the Workers
Compensation for towing company owners. He advised that the legislation
passed earlier has been negated and proprietors do not need to have Workers
Compensation. He is going to look into other aspects of this and will advise
Town. (EV) Sole owners should be covered by Workers Compensation.
(LKe) noted that these individuals do not work for us but with us. They are
under no contractual arrangement. We merely use them on referral basis on
an alternating schedule. I have asked Jon Steiner to provide us with
information as to consequences if we waive this requirement. (LK) noted
that we do call them to provide a service.
5. Sidewalk Improvement Plan Status
(LKe) noted that he did find some of the previous information that George
has done on sidewalk/road improvements. When Board has a less
demanding Agenda, I will share this at that time. The priorities are under
study and Mike and I will look the situation over, get estimates and at budget
time will request the funds. I see this as a long -term need and we can check
with DOT to see what we can do there.
1. Veteran’s Tax Credit – Daniel Joseph Mullen
(JL) Motion to approve veteran’s tax credit – Daniel Joseph Mullen.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0. (EV) Abstain.
1. Public Session Minutes of March 18, 2008
(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of March 18, 2008.
(JL) Second. After brief corrections noted due to name spellings:
Carried 5-0.
2. Non-Public Session Minutes of March 18, 2008
(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of March 18, 2008.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.
3. Seal Non-Public Minutes of March 4, 2008
(LS) Motion to seal Non-Public Minutes of March 4, 2008. (JL) Second.
Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.
(LS) Motion to approve check payroll and direct deposit. (EV) Second.
Carried 5-0.
(LS) Motion to approve accounts payable. (EV) Second. Carried 5 -0.
(LS) I have a question regarding the 2007 Audit Report. How long before
they get the “stuff” and what kind of schedule do they have? (LKe) noted he
would try to keep them on track.
David Rushford wished to thank the Board for approving him as a Zoning
Board alternate. “I will try and do the best job that I can.”
Mr. Rushford questioned how long it had been since the Town Hall
computer system had been updated? (LKe) noted somewhere around 1999 –
2000. Mr. Rushford questioned the cost? (LKe) explained that the servers
have been in use for a long time. We currently have no back-up, which has
to be done manually. We have a plan started with funds in the Capital
Improvement Reserve and will replace them over a period of time. Mr.
Rushford noted that $18,000 was a great deal of money and questioned
whether it could be done for a cheaper cost. (LKe) related that he is
familiar with the firm “taking care of the servers” as he has dealt with them
when Bow had a similar problem. If the server should go down, it would be
difficult to recapture the information. Mr. Rushford questioned, “How long
has town known that a new server is needed?” (LKe) Since January 2008.
(EV) related that this company is experienced in working with
municipalities. He noted that in the past, upgrades have been voted down.
(LKe) noted that the life of computer is usually 5-6 years and every
computer in Town offices is that old. Mr. Rushford noted that the Town can
regulate this in the future and that it can be done in stages. (LKe) assured
him that is what is being planned.
Fred Hast noted that he understands that the Zoning Board approved a two
car used car lot on Main Street. Who keeps track of things like this?
Applicant can start out with two and then four and then there are six. Who
controls it? (EV) noted that this would be controlled by code enforcement.
Mr. Hast also questioned what the check for $150 for MRI was for. Are you
out of business with MRI or are they still under contract? (LS) explained
that the check was for a call that was made to them.
Mr. Hast indicated that he hoped that code enforcement did a better job with
the used car lot than they did with the pallet shop. There is still a stack of
pallets in front of the building after they agreed there would be no storage
Dan Schroth noted that he was cutting firewood with a neighbor whose tax
bill was $9,000 on the gold coast. He re lated that his neighbor would have
to cut 36 cords of wood in order to pay his taxes. People are having trouble
paying their taxes. I feel bad for him.
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91A:3 II (a). (JL) Second.
Carried 5-0. Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed.
Break 7:29 P.M. Resume Non-Public Session at 7:35 P.M.
Public Session resumed at 7:50 P.M.
(LS) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of March 18, 2008. (DM)
Second. Carried 5-0.
(EV) Motion to adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M.
Approved: April 1, 2008
_____________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date