March 26, 2008 Minutes

1. Meeting called to order at 5:30. In attendance: Ed Vien (EV), Deb Jordan (DJ), James Hetu (JH)
Lyn Roberts (LR), Helen Schiff (HS), Ellen Barbasso (EB) and Matt Monahan (MM)
representing CNHRPC. Also attending Linda Small (LS), Leon Kenison (LK), Susan
Muenzinger (SM,) Effie Topouzoglou (ET), and Gene Marcotte (GM).
2. CRDC-Steve Heavener
A. Purpose of CRDC
1. Financing
2. Buy propertty- develop it, then sell it
3. Provide Tactical consultation-help implement a strategic plan
B. CBo. st $1,500 per month for consultation services
C. Come up with 3-5 specific projects
1. Downtown project
2. Rt 28 project
3. target specific businesses
D. He went around town today and will prepare a document for Selectboard in April
E. Suggested that we need a business plan
1. What is the product? (land, building)
2. Who do we want to sell it to?
3. Things will take time – won’t happen in 3-5 months.
4. Ron Vien Water and sewer expansion
A. Inflow and Infiltration study will be done this summer
B. Plant can process 400,000 gallons of water per day
1. Need to have a capacity for growth
C. Preplan for expansion
1. Approximately 100 gallons per day per person
2. If office is put in less water needed
3. If industrial plant more water needed (depending on type of business.)
4. Cost depends on type of business and where it will be
D. He recommended breaking up Rt 28 into zones. Some places will be easier to put water and
sewer than others. (100 acre wood more difficult)
5. Wicked WiFi
A. Veronica will come next week
1. Decide best places for installation of transmitters
2. Should be working by June
3. Help us to get firms to advertise on WiFi.
Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
March 26, 2008
6. LDC
1. Document filed with Secretary of State
2. Need to get approval from LDC in order to be processed
7. Point Person for EDC will be Leon Kenison
8. Congressman Hodes Visit
A. We need a vision for Pittsfield
B. Keep web site updated-sometimes that will be 1st place people go to
C. About 35 people were here
9. Next meeting Wednesday April 3, 2008 at 5:30 P.M.
10. Meeting was adjourned at 6:40 P.M.
Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary