March 27, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman.
Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV),
John Lenaerts (JL), Paul Skowran (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores
Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman.
Several items were added to the Agenda by (LS) and (LK).
6:15 P.M.: General Assessing Agreement
A. Avitar
(PS) At the last Board of Selectmen meeting after reviewing the submittals
from Avitar and Cross Country, the Board requested that representatives
from these companies be invited to make a presentation of their services.
Avitar representatives Gary Roberge and Laura Martin.
As you know, Avitar submitted a letter that we really could not respond to
totally based on the Town’s use of the ProVal system, which we do not
support. The only way we can really serve the Town is if we change the
software system. We have converted several towns off ProVal in order to
attain proper values. We are really in the dark as much as you are in regard
to what we can do for you.
(LS) related that ProVal was implemented a little under four years ago.
Since the Town is getting ready to do pick-ups, the Board wanted to hear
what services Avitar could offer over the next four years.
Mr. Roberge related that he understood that a re-evaluation would be done in
2010. We are not efficient under ProVal. I would suggest you convert to
New Hampshire Civicware System and you would immediately be able to
use software with no conversions. This is a system which I designed
specifically for towns in New Hampshire. I know you bill twice a year and
prior to the first bills, we can put together a proposal for what you are
looking for. We cannot do new construction with your present system. Our
system will offer you a huge benefit to be under one software umbrella.
(EV) questioned whether it could just accomplish assessing? Mr. Roberge
commented that he would probably try and talk the Town out of buying just
the assessing portion of the system because then you have to manually enter
quite a bit of data. My concern is that this would only be 85% accurate. By
having the whole system, you would no longer have to convert data. (EV)
wanted to know if Town could look at the software package and if there
would be some towns they could talk to about the system. Ms. Martin
related that in September Avitar submitted their entire client list to the Town
of Pittsfield.
Mr. Roberge noted that there are 110 towns in the State which utilize his
program and only about 60 of them just use the assessing system. (EV)
related that that Board would like to research both companies and do the
process of converting once.
Mr. Roberge noted that other systems are designed for use nationally and
Avitar’s system is only for the State of New Hampshire. It was designed
specifically for this. It was designed to generate Department of Revenue
reports and only works in this state. When changes occur in the State
Department, we update the system. On the collection side, everything is
computerized using the State’s format including reports to the Registry of
Deeds. This database is unique to this State. (LS) wanted to know if a
demonstration of the system would be possible and Mr. Roberge commented
“Absolutely.” (LK) wanted to know the hourly rate for assessments. Mr.
Roberge noted that in 2007 and dependent upon what you are looking at, it
would be about $55.00 per hour. There are a few individuals within the
company that do everything including appear in Court, including myself,
and my rate if $85.00. (LS) asked Mr. Roberge to present a proposal of
what we are talking about which would include timeframes to see if it would
be cost efficient to convert over now.
Mr. Roberge related that he thought the Town would be happy until the first
bill is generated and then Pittsfield would realize that it is doable but would
be happier with the entire system. With our software there is a big
difference, there are three steps and with other systems there can be 5-6 or 7
steps. It is being done but it is time consuming. We work with the Tax
Collector and usually win over the Tax Collector when they can see how the
system works. (EV) suggested he offer a proposal for the assessing and Mr.
Roberge noted that he would include all services in the proposal. (LK)
suggested that he should probably meet with the Tax Collector before any
decision could be made.
Cross Country representatives Jeff Robles and Mary Moses.
Mr. Robles noted that Cross Country could offer everything that Avitar
offered. He noted that ProVal never really took off in New Hampshire. We
do not have our own system, but actually use Avitar’s system though our
timeframe would be different. We know ProVal and there would be no rush.
We could do the unfinished construction for the spring bills and then get you
into the Avitar type system in the future and do everything that Avitar
recommended as well. We can submit a similar proposal. (EV) related that
he liked the fact that both companies agreed on the software.
1. Letter – Don Chase
(LK) related that Don Chase had written a letter stating he would like to be
of assistance to the Town. (LK) related he recently had talked to Don about
his computer experience. Mr. Chase would like to do the TV channel
updates. (LK) continued relating that to volunteer is a good thing and that
the Town could possibly use his computer expertise. (LS) thanked Mr.
Chase for his interest but stated that she would like to see if this could be
accomplished in the Town Hall by one of the people here. Mr. Chase related
that it “sounds like you think I am going to be doing this somewhere else
other than the Town Hall.” (LS) I realize that you would be doing this at the
Town Hall but think that it would be better if it could be accomplished here.
Mr. Chase related that he is in the Town Hall almost every day and that he
would not be asking for payment for this. He related that there are five
pages on the TV channel, which keep rotating and almost never change.
They offer info in regard to senior citizen events and menus (which change
every week), Town Boards and Committee meetings, as well as any other
community-oriented information. He commented that until February it still
noted “Happy Holidays.” He related that no one in the Town Hall, including
Donna Keeley when she was doing it, had the time to effectively keep it upto-
(EV) wanted to know who would be “misplaced” while he was doing the
updates and who decides what is put on the channel. Mr. Chase related that
he would do it on the days that Anne, when she returns, and Dee are not
here. As far as the criteria is concerned, I do not believe there is any, only
that no advertisements are used and that it contains community information
such as dates and times of meetings. (EV) related that he felt that this could
be utilized more, perhaps, when Anne comes back. Mr. Chase related that
he did not think that anyone knew what was going on. (LS) wanted to know
if Dee could be trained to do this? She thought Cara knew how to do it. Mr.
Chase related that the software package has been changed. It is now done all
on the computer with no TV. I would probably need a refresher course on it,
as there are some changes. (EV) suggested they wait a week to make a
decision on this. “I do not mean to be rude, but we have some safety valves
on our computers currently.” I want to see what safety locks are in place
first. Mr. Chase related how it was done in the past, on another generic
computer, and (LS) wanted to know why it had been changed over to Dee’s
computer. It was decided that some research needed to be done before a
decision could be made.
2. Elderly Exemption Renewals.
Cara’s suggestion on elderly exemption renewals was reviewed and it was
decided that Cara be directed to ask them to do new applications.
(LS) Motion to request elderly exemption renewals to complete new
applications. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
3. Junkyard License Renewals
(PS) There were two renewals, B. Clattenburg of Pittsfield Salvage, 28
Eaton Road, and Robert Feeny of Feeny Enterprises. (LK) suggested that
there be some input from Mike. (PS) noted that these renewals were
provided to him by Cara and their licenses are due to expire on April 1st.
(LK) It was suggested that, perhaps the Department Heads could provide
some type of report in reference to these future renewals as well as the
Building Inspector. (PS) noted that important issues are being discussed at
the New Hampshire legislature regarding “Junkyard Statutes” and that these
types of businesses have to comply with the changes. (LS) noted that
licenses would not be issued unless they complied with State Statutes.
(EV) Motion to renew license for Pittsfield Salvage. (LS) Second.
Carried 3-0.
(LS) Motion to renew license for Feeny Enterprises. (EV) Second.
Carried 3-0.
4. Committee Appointments
(PS) related that at the last BOS meeting the Board had noted that certain
Board and Committee members’ terms were expired. I have asked Dee to
contact them to submit a letter of their interest in regard to their serving
again. (LK) noted that there are six members on the Planning Board and
there should be nine members. He noted that we should be advertising for
these openings on the various Boards and Committees via an ad in the
Suncook Valley Sun. He suggested that the deadline be April 13th and BOS
review on April 17th. He noted that there were openings on the Planning and
Zoning Board, Conservation Committee, HSA Moderator, Budget
Committee Moderator, and Parks and Recreations Committee. All due by
April 17th.
It was noted by Susan Muenzinger that this is really only seven business
days and is not very much time. “I know that time is of the essence, but the
existing members can serve till replaced.” Board agreed that the deadline
for submittal of letters of interest would be April 20th and it would be placed
on the agenda for April 24th.
(LK) noted that there were also several Boards and Committees requiring a
Board of Selectman representative such as Planning, Budget, Merrimack
Valley Water, Welfare/Health, Union Negotiator, and Pandemic to mention
a few. (PS) reminded Board that Fred Hast was to be asked if he would
serve on the Merrimack Valley Water but this never came to fruition.
(LK) There are seven positions to fill and only five Selectman. This will be
on the Agenda for next week.
5. Safety Committee Appointment – Building Inspector
(PS) noted that Mike McLaughlin has never actually been appointed to the
Safety Committee.
(EV) Motion to appoint Mike McLaughlin to Safety Committee. (LS)
Second. Carried 3-0.
1. Letter – Diane Vaughan
(LK) related that he had talked to Betsey and she suggested that they hold
off for now and let her get started and see how it works. Diane was thanked
for her interest and was advised that Town would hold unto her letter for
now. (LK) continued that once Betsey gets started, she will better
understand what she is up against. She had noted that she was concerned
about a “citizen” having access to files and thought it would have to be
someone like a Deputy Welfare Director in order to be in the office and
2. Internal Controls Assessment
(PS) explained that the BOS, after reviewing the Internal Controls
Assessment done by MRI, chose to take one item and address it at the
present time. The Board elected to address Town Clerk, Elizabeth Hast and
Administrative Assistant, Cara Marston’s separation of duties. I sent a memo
asking them to respond to Board regarding the separation of duties review. I
have provided to you their response and my cover memo asks, in fact, if you
want to discuss this matter tonight or at another time after you have had an
opportunity to review it, or have them come in and talk with you about their
responses. Those are the options you have before you.
(LK) related that since Cara and Liz are not here tonight, I think we should
put it on the Agenda for next week. By then, each one of us would have the
opportunity to discuss their responses with them. (EV) noted, “I think if we
do it, we should do it as a group to hear what they have to say, not
individually. Sometimes what you are hearing and what I am hearing can be
two different things. I would like them to express it to the Board, that is my
(LS) Also on the same note, the memo that we received from them, I
wanted to discuss. Paul, can you enlighten me a little bit. “Did you read it?”
(PS) “Yes.” (LS) Did you ask for more information from them? (PS) “No.”
(LS) So, what is this? (PS) What I gave to them is a cover memo, and how
that cover memo was interpreted, I do not have a response. How someone
else interprets that memo is not the same way as I interpret it. (LS) So there
was no more information requested of them? (PS) No, other than in the
memo it was noted that the Board was going to discuss the issue and if
Board chose to, ask them to come in individually or together to elaborate on
their response, that this was also possible.
(LS) Paul, what is your take on the responses from them and what do you
think we should do? (PS) What do I think you should do? (LS) Yes, What
do you think we should do because I do not think the mission was
accomplished? (PS) I think the Board should take the opportunity to talk
with both parties together and whether that can be accomplished during the
work hours or whether BOS are able to meet at 4:00 P.M. with them,
whatever you choose. I think you should also give some consideration to the
fact that one of the Selectman is not here and maybe wait until he gets back.
(LS) In regard to the memo that was given to BOS concerning information
that you asked for from them, can you relate to them, and this is my take on
this, that we have asked you to handle this. They are still trying to usurp
that. Can you please address this from Board stating that they are to handle
this through you, not us? Please get the rest of the Board members take on
this, but that is what we asked and that is what you are doing. I do not want
any memos from them to be honest with you. (PS) You would be nothing
(LK) I think communication is the best way. Go and talk to both of them
and work with them. Paul is only here part-time during week. (LS) “ I
understand what you are saying, but this is still usurping what we asked
them to do and that is going through Town Administrator. I do not
understand this memo to be quite honest with you, other than they were
asked for some information and then we ended up with a memo from them
saying if you want any more information, ask us directly. No, that’s not
what we asked. We asked that they go through Paul and Paul is to handle
this for us. So, I do not want any memos stating if you guys want any more
info ask us directly. I want them to go through Paul. Ed, John, please give
me your thoughts on this.” (EV) I agree with you 100%. (JL) I would say
something putting it back to Paul. (LS) That’s what I want to do. (JL)
Couldn’t BOS send a one liner, “Received your memo and please deal
through Paul?” (LS) That is what I am asking, basically to put it back to
him. (JL) Obviously, someone is “prickly” about something and that
relationship. Board can reaffirm what was asked for and we agree with it.
(LK) So do not put back on Agenda? (LS) I guess what Paul was saying
was that we should try and meet via a workshop or…….. (EV) I am a little
uncomfortable talking one-on-one because I do not think we are all getting
the same message to be honest with you. (JL) I read their responses and
they seem to be saying everything is working fine, and if you have a specific
thing you would like to address, to contact them. “Do we give a specific
thing?” (LK) Myself, I think everything is taken care of. (LS) I am not
comfortable knowing that. (LK) When Anne comes back, it will be back to
a full staff in the office, right now we are short staffed and have one person
learning. (JL) They have addressed that and seem to be managing nicely.
(LS) But, I do not know if that addresses our concerns and the separation of
duties. This is kind of what we were a little skeptical about and the why we
asked for feedback because we did not just want a defense mechanism, we
wanted some positive feedback.
(LK) Do you want to set-up a meeting with them? (LS) I think that is what
Paul is saying we should do. (PS) “Yes.” (LK) Okay, we will put it on next
week’s Agenda (Action) to set-up appoint with Liz and Cara. (LS) As for
the other thing, I will do a memo from the Board and bring it next week for
you to look at on the “straightforward” subject. (EV) The only reason I say I
would like to meet with them and a complete Board is you can tell
somebody something and pass it around the room and it comes back
differently. If we are all sitting here and everyone hears the same thing, it
would be better. (JL) I sense the Board does have a couple of reservations
about some procedures but I am not yet privy to them. (LS) I’ll do the
memo and bring it in next week for everyone to look at.
3. Drug Awareness Program (Warrant Article #17)
(LK) related after talking with Chief of Police that they would like to set up
a weekly meeting of Narcotics Anonymous, maybe on Saturday nights. He
had discussed this with the Meth Lab in Concord and at the current time,
there are no N/A meetings in this area. He related that there would be initial
start-up costs for rent, advertising, and refreshments (coffee) and perhaps,
for an occasional educational speaker. It would cost the Town an initial
outlay of money, but donations would be requested at the meeting and
program would eventually “pay for itself.” He noted that education before
enforcement would help individuals with the problem. (EV) wanted to know
if “drug dogs” had been considered for the school. (LK) noted it was not a
bad idea and this would be considered. He noted that he would also research
DARE Program and would get back to Board on costs.
Don Chase noted that the drug and alcohol intervention program in school
systems in other towns had worked. He noted that at a DARE Program in a
nearby town there was standing room only due to parent/student attendance,
awards were given and it was a successful program.
1. Town Hall Roof
(LK) related that he had recently read the brochure that was provided in
relationship to aluminum tiles for roofs. (EV) suggested that by next week
they have a timeline for what type of shingles/tiles they were going to use,
quotes for cost, and completion date. We have to make some decisions
soon. (LK) suggested that this be discussed with Mike to get his input. (PS)
noted that Mike would be drafting the bid document. (LK) suggested that
these be on the Agenda for next week with Mike’s input.
2. Welfare Lien
3. Highway Garage – Exhaust Issue Update (2/13/07)
(PS) related that he had nothing further to report. He noted he would request
update from Mike on this. It was suggested that George be contacted to
learn if changes already accomplished have been helpful.
4. Welfare Cap – Update on Guidelines (2/20/07)
(PS) related that he was still working on updates and it was not yet
completed. He will keep the Board advised.
5. Bid Purchasing Policy (2/20/07)
(LS) noted that she had researched the material provided by (PS) at last BOS
meeting and had come up with adding, “Professional services are exempt
from competitive bidding unless otherwise determined by Board of
1. Yield Tax
(EV) recused himself and was seated in the audience.
(PS) Timber Tax Levy
(LS) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy Map R38, Lot 6. (JL) Second.
Carried 2-0. (EV) Recused.
(EV) returned and was seated on Board.
2. Application for Elderly Exemption
(PS) One exemption, individual is qualified. (LK) noted that he thought this
was an incomplete application as no bank statements were supplied to
accompany the application. He related that some items were left blank on
application and should be filled out as “N/A.” (PS) noted that this should
be stated on instructions. (LK) noted that this is something they would like
to do at this time but additional information is needed before they can
approve. (LS) Double check with Cara. We are basically looking for their
income but it would be a good thing to check on.
(LS) Motion to approve payroll – March 29, 2007, (EV) Second.
Carried 3-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Minutes of March 20, 2007. (EV) Second.
Corrections noted. Carried 3-0.
James Theodore related that he had a couple of questions. “How is the
hiring of Town Administrator coming?” (PS) related that the 25 applicants
had been filtered down to 12, two of which have withdrawn. The timeframe
and schedule is moving along. Each BOS member has provided the names
of four or so employees and citizens to help participate in the hiring process.
He also wanted to know how the communication between Board and
Department Heads was going. (LK) related that once a week Department
Heads meet with Paul Skrowan to discuss any issues they feel necessary.
(LK) noted that once we have a full time administrator, communication
would be even better.
Diane Vaughan questioned the fact that since we had an assessment last
year, why are we having another one? (LS) explained to her that it is a
constant ongoing process to keep assessments up to market value. It is never
going away. Every five years we have to be certified so it is an ongoing
process to keep everything up to speed. When we start cycle, they will
probably go through and examine 20% of the properties each year over the
next four years. She related that also they would be doing the “pick-up
assessments” for new buildings or structures. Ms. Vaughan wanted to know
if it was a random selection but (LS) related that she did not know how it
was determined. It was done by the assessors.
Scott Palmer questioned what the Board would be looking for in regard to
the letters of interest for Board and Committee members. What exactly is
noted in the advertisement? (LK) noted that interested parties could write a
letter to BOS noting their background, how they would like to serve
community or any other applicable information.
Pam St. Laurent noted that she was recently on the website for Pittsfield-NH
and noted that Jeremy Lamson, Administrator Welch, Angela Mahoney and
Nancy Nardberger names were still being noted. Nothing has been updated.
It mentioned Jeremy Lamson’s name as Town Administrator. (PS) noted
that she was probably doing a general search and that is why some of these
things were coming up. Don Chase related that the Webmaster is building
pages, uses them and then not deleting them. Therefore, outdated
information is still on server and it needs to be deleted. (LK) noted that this
should be fixed somehow.
Scott Palmer noted in regard to the Town Hall roof that BOS should not be
restricting themselves. Board should look into all types of roofs, get some
bids and find what is best for town including accident rate.
Mr. Palmer also wanted to know if volunteers were needed for the Narcotics
Anonymous Program. (LK) related that this is much like the alcohol
programs and is a 12-step program. People with past drug issues can relate
more readily to individuals with current drug problems. Ms. Vaughan noted
that perhaps narcotics program books could be found that could be recycled,
much like Al-Anon books. (LK) noted that this is also something they
would look into.
Pam St. Laurent wanted to know if she was correct in that a new form was
necessary for the timber cut extension request that the Board approved last
week. (LK) related that he had checked into it, and it was sufficient for
Board to sign the letter of request.
Scott Palmer wanted to make it known that he thought drug dogs in the
schools would be an excellent idea. I think it is an awesome idea maybe
during or right after school. What is the liability for something like this?
(LK) related that this Board is just discussing this for the “money” part of it,
everything else would be handled by the proper authorities.
Don Chase questioned the bid policy. “What are professional services?
Who defines it and what is it going to be for?” Is a roofer professional?
Why do we need a bid? You can spend a great deal of money and not put it
out to bid. My concern is that people file bid proposals but if company
charges us say $100,000 a year, we accept it? (LS) related that this is means
by which to hold people accountable. Mr. Vaughan related that he thought it
made sense what (LS) was saying.
Bob McKechnie related that he was here personally to request time on the
Agenda. He related that he had been requesting this for the past five weeks
now. He related that he had some issues involving the Health Inspector,
Mike McLaughlin, and HSA Inspector, Fred Okrent. I feel they are in direct
violation of duties. (LK) related that he should be meeting with (PS). The
Board directed him to meet with you. This is the first step to take. (LK)
reiterated that this is the way that the Board felt this should be handled. (PS)
will address the issues. Mr. McKechnie stated, “This is a mistake on your
part, but I will do it the Board of Selectman’s way.” He wanted to know
who hires the Housing Inspector and it was explained that this would be
done by the Housing Standards Authority. He also wanted to know who
hires the Building Inspector and was advised by (LK) that this was the
BOS’s responsibility. (LK) related that he is going to the wrong Board, as
the BOS has no authority over HSA. Mr. McKechnie wanted to know when
the HSA met and was advised “yesterday.” (LK) again advised him that he
should be meeting with (PS). Mr. McKechnie related he was never advised
by (PS) that the BOS had authorized him to meet with him. He wanted to
know the duties of the HSA Inspector and the Building Inspector. (LK)
explained that the HSA Inspector inspects all rental buildings (apartments)
to make sure they are kept up to code. The Building Inspector inspects new
houses, commercial buildings, and checks safety issues. (PS) explained that
the Building Inspector is also the Health Inspector.
Mr. McKechnie wanted to know if the Building Inspector and the HSA
Inspector were certified. (LK) related that this is not the place to discuss
these issues but that he should make an appointment to meet with (PS). Mr.
McKechnie again wanted to know if the positions were certified positions.
(JL) related that Board is being interrogated and this should not be
happening. (LK) related that Mr. McKechnie should meet with (PS).
Jim Theodore wanted to know if anyone could bid on Town Hall roof.
“Could someone like me put a bid on it? I own a remodeling company and
do roofs and have been in business for 25 years.” (LK) suggested he contact
Scott Palmer wanted to know if the appointment letters for Boards and
Committees were handed into (PS) or BOS. (LK) related they could be sent
to (PS) and he will send in our direction.
(EV) Motion to adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
Adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
APPROVED: April 4, 2007