March 27, 2012 Minutes

MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2012
Present –Ch. Elkins, _P_, VCh. Ms. Hast, _P_, Mr. Dustin, _ P , Lt. Abell, _P_, Mr. Provencher, _ A_, Planning Board( Mr. Heffernan) _ A_. Fred Okrent, HSA Administrator _P_.
Meeting called to order at 7:15 PM at the Town Hall by Chief Johnson.
Public Present:
Stan Bailey, Hank Fitzgerald.
Public Input:
Old Business
Update on: 28 Crescent- still no heat, water. Condemnation notice in place.
146 Concord Hill Rd – no heat, water. Condemnation notice posted.
Discussion on additional information on budget increase and removing 30 day grace period.
Possibility of holding 1/4ly hearings on License revocation.
Motion to table budget action: Lt. Abell, 2nd Mr. Heffernan –
New Business:
Election of Officers: Chair – Bill Elkins nominated by Cedric Dustin, 2nd by Mr. Heffernan; elected by acclamation, Vice-Chair: Pat Heffernan nominated by Ms. Hast, 2nd by Lt. Abell elected by acclamation.
Discussion on changes to Administrative Rules; Addition of a requirement for a written Corrective Action Implementation Plan within 7 days of a failed inspection. Change of format for one rule to conform to rest of document. Motion to adopt: Mr. Dustin, 2nd by Ms. Hast., motion passed 5 to 0.
Motion to enter non-Public session under RSA 91A:3 II (b) by Ch. Elkins, 2nd by Ms. Hast
Poll of members to enter non-public session: Ch. Elkins, Y; Ms. Hast, Y; Mr. Dustin, Y; Lt. Abell Y; Mr. Provencher Y; Mr. Heffernan Y.
Motion to close non-Public session by Lt. Abell, 2nd by Ms. Hast
Motion to seal non-Public session minutes: Mr. Dustin, failed to get second, defeated.
Meeting Minutes;
Lt. Abell, made a motion that the minutes of the meeting of 2/13/12 be accepted as read; 2nd by Ms. Hast, Motion passed 4 to 0.
Public Input:
Stan Bailey said he was glad to have been on the board and urged board not to request fee increase or appoint Deputy Inspector.
Motion to adjourn:
Lt. Abell, 2nd by Mr. Heffernan, 5 to 0, motion passed. Adjourned at 8:21 PM. Next meeting: 5/7/12
Respectfully submitted,
Fred M. Okrent