March 28, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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Meeting Minutes – 03/28/07
1) Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm. In attendance: Eric Bahr (EB), Lester Firstenberger (LF),
Merrill Vaughan (MV), Linda Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), Ellen Barbasso (EBa), James Hetu
(JH), Pat Heffernan (PH), Karen Vanderpool (KV), Matt Monahan (MM) representing the
CNHRPC. Also attending were: Lyn Roberts (LR)
2) Minutes of 03/21/07 reviewed and approved as written. There were no objections.
3) Site Plan Review
a. Very few Variances are denied by the Zoning Board
b. PH would like to see the process sped up.
4) Mission Statement
a. Strategy can be incorporated into the existing Mission Statement
b. Reviewed existing Mission Statement
c. 3-5 goals as bullet points
d. EB will craft paragraph for review at next week’s meeting
5) Economic Strategy Outline
a. Focus on what we can See, Touch, Feel
i. Improvements that will help the Tax rate
b. Committee discussed organization of action items into levels
c. See Attached (p.2) for current outline
d. At next meeting committee will assign people to specific tasks as they relate to the
Strategy action items
e. Overall goals can be incorporated into Mission Statement
6) NHIS Races
a. Meeting set for 11:00 am on Friday 3/30/07
b. Will review results at next meeting
7) Grants
a. The EDC needs to know what is available and how we apply for Grants.
i. Who will administer?
b. MM should be responsible for generating this information
c. EDC voted and agreed to change the Scope of MM’s responsibility within the time left
on contract
i. EB will go to SB for approval vote
8) Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.
Submitted by: ________________________________
Karen Vanderpool
Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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Strategy for Economic Development in Pittsfield
Action Items:
Level A:
– Consider/explore grant and funding opportunities
– 1) Consider information on establishing TIF District
– 2) Consider Bond options
– 3) Consider any other funding or grant options available for economic development purposes
– Conduct a Parcel and Brownfield Inventory and map Downtown
– Conduct a study to see how sewer can be extended to Rt. 28
– Explore the possibility of Pittsfield as a Main Street community
– Establish a connection to NASCAR and Bike Week events
Level B:
– Create a marketing plan that includes a profile in the New England Real Estate Journal
– Establish trails in Downtown
– Develop signage on RT 28
Level C:
– Do a build-out analysis for RT 28
– 1) Create a matrix to determine what businesses would be good on RT 28 and in DT based on
the region, growing industries, and the skill set of residents.
– 2) Do some sample development plans/design charette for RT 28 based upon the build-out
analysis and matrix analysis
– Conduct a needs assessment for Downtown parking
– Revise Site Plan Regulations