March 3, 2010 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
March 3, 2010

1. Meeting opened at 5:30.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Susan Muenzinger (SM), Lyn Roberts (LR), Helen Schiff (HS),
Ted Mitchell (TM), Ellen Barbasso (EB), Linda Small (LS), Matt Monahan (MM) from
CNHRPC, Scott Spradling (SS) from the Spradling Group, and Scott Ward (SW),

3. Minutes from February 17, 2010 accepted and approved.

4. Web site
A. It is being worked on.
B. Need final confirmation from Globe.

5. Plan NH Grant Application
A. Some editing and spelling corrections were done on pages 4, 5 6 and 7
B. Letters will be obtained from different town committees showing they are for
a new Charette.
C. The cost to the town will be about $5,000.

6. Signage Update
A. There is some confusion as to whether some businesses will be allowed on a sign
B. Another business thought competitors would not be on any sign (no-just not on his sign)
C. Another needed the hours of operation posted on the door.
D. SS will contact MaryAnn Wells at DOT to get clarification
E. SW said he would be able to put a blue Wi Fi sign on his Exit Realty sign
(10 1/2 feet wide)

7. Grants for Wi-Fi expansion
A. DRED does not have any more funds available
B. Can possibly get grant from NTIA-RUS.
1. MM needs to find out details
2. Does the town need to provide matching funds?
3. TARP funds cannot be used since Wi-Fi will not create jobs

8. Other
A. Roof on the Union Block building came off
B. We may be able to get a grant for historical properties, to get it fixed
C. It also needs other work due to water damage, and there is no egress from 2nd and 3rd

9. Next meeting Wednesday March 17, 2010 at 5:30 P.M.

10. Meeting closed at 6:30 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary