March 31, 2010 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
March 31, 2010

1. Meeting opened at 5:30.

2. Attendees: Lyn Roberts (LR), Susan Muenzinger (SM), Helen Schiff (HS),
Ted Mitchell (TM), Ellen Barbasso (EB), Linda Small (LS), Matt Monahan (MM) from
CNHRPC, Scott Spradling (SS) from the Spradling Group, and Paul Skowron.

3. Minutes from March 3, 2010 accepted and approved.

4. Signage update
A. Two businesses have paid for their signs.
B. Five signs need to be made
1. There was some discussion on how to pay for those signs
2. We also need some in-town signs for businesses that are not on the main road
C. A suggestion was made to pay half the cost of the in-town sign businesses will pay
for their own signs on Rt 28.
D. It will be brought up at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

5. EDC Web Site recommendations and suggestions
A. Pictures
1. Only business pictures should be on EDC home page
2. Other local pictures can go on community page
3. Put pictures of Barry Podmore’s business or Rustic Crust
B. News and Events
1. Take out calendars
2. Show meeting dates and times
3. Add newsletter
4. Remove food pantry-more of a community service
C. Should list commercial properties for sale -need to get information from Scott Ward
D. Why Pittsfield
1. Update information on Selectboard-Denise Moran is chair person
2. List Paul Skowron as Town Administrator

6. Other
A. Wi-Fi attachment for Exit Realty sign is ready to be picked up.
B. Pittsfield is one of 5 towns that applied for Plan NH
C. Guest speakers have been postponed until April 14th meeting.

7. Next meeting Wednesday April 14, 2010 at 5:30 P.M.

8. Meeting closed at 6:35 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary