March 6, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

MARCH 6, 2007
Call to order at 6:01 P.M., March 6, 2007 by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), Paul Skrowan (PS), Town Administrator, and
Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Donna Keeley (DK)
Fred Hast questioned Board in regard to flyer in Suncook Valley Sun titled
Vote “YES” on Article 3, The Town Manager Warrant Article in Pittsfield.
“What was the purpose of the committee?” (AM) related the committee was
to look at the two forms of government. Mr. Hast stated by enclosing this
flyer in newspaper it is sending all this propaganda to vote “Yes” on this
Article. This is not ethical. The Town Moderator isn’t on the straight and
narrow. He is one-sided. (AM) related that this was NOT recommended by
BOS, just that the vote be placed on ballot. Mr. Hast wanted to know where
the truth lies, right or left or middle of road. You haven’t given public
unbiased opinion. This should never have been put out this way, you know
it and I know it. It states “uniform administration to the day-to-day
business…” and “For the extra nickel on the tax rate…..isn’t a highly trained
and skilled professional public administration official worth it…..” A lot of
people cannot afford an extra nickel on their taxes, that’s why there are
abatements. I don’t know your feelings on this. (AM) related that he had
nothing to do with the contents of flyer and just that someone paid to have
flyer inserted into paper. Fred Hast related that some stuff you throw out
and some you keep. (AM) related that this flyer did not reflect his feelings
and these were things he totally disagreed with. I had nothing to do with the
insert. Fred Hast related that the contents were totally wrong, and there was
no truth at all in it. It never should have been put out with their names on it.
(LS) we put the Study Committee in charge of researching two forms of
government and report back to the Board. The Study was biased. I would
like to move to disband this committee because they have fulfilled the
charge of the Board of Selectman. It was not right at all putting that flyer in
the paper endorsed by the Study Committee; they are pushing it to the hilt.
Fred, you are right, I agree with you and I would like to disband this
committee. Mr. Hast suggested they have a response published in the
Concord Monitor.
Dan Schroth spoke and agreed with Fred Hast. It does not look good for the
Board of Selectman. If I wrote something like this, Larry would be asking
for an apology from me.
Denise Vaughan related that she proofreads everything that Merrill writes
and Merrill turned in pros and cons regarding this.
Mr. Hast related that he understood that there were originally nine members,
who are the other four not listed on the flyer. (Names of the other four were
given to Mr. Hast by Larry Konopka.) It is almost too late to have some
response published. These members should be brought up in front of the
whole Board. Last year, this kind of Warrant Article only lost by a hundred
votes. It is unethical, totally wrong. Is this the way you people set things
up? You always go in the back door.
Public Input Closed
(LS) Informational –McKechnie issue; Acting on AHG and Planning Board
issue; Assessing bids; Town Manager Committee.
(LK) added Informational: Election Day coverage, BOS terms that are up;
Police Department auction info.
(PS) added Personnel issue within Fire Department (Non-Public Session);
Action – junkyard license renewal; letter to State Department of
Environmental Services – State revolving fund regarding wastewater facility
upgrade allowing extension of time for work Town is doing.
1. Warrant Articles assignment
To be addressed later in meeting.
(AM) Town Manager Study Committee
(LS) Motion to disband the Town Manager Study Committee (LK) Second.
(EV) “I was under the impression once the Public Hearing had been held
that the committee was ended.” (LK) related that if they were no longer a
committee and then members should not have put their names on flyer.
Board just recommended this be placed on ballot but did not recommend it
for the Town Meeting. It is not true. He related that this committee put this
flyer out with some things not being correct. (LS) I think we should just
disband the committee and whether I am or am not in favor of this form of
government, flyer is still incorrect. I think someone should write a letter that
this is not correct. At this point, I don’t think it will make a difference.
“What will be will be.” (LK) it was NOT recommended by BOS. I can write
a letter, have (PS) review it. (LS) how do (EV) and (AM) feel about this?
(AM) I do not agree with all of it. We just voted to have it put on the ballot.
(LS) we did not give it a recommendation. This disappoints me. (LK) we
could write a letter and have it posted in Post Office and put in paper. (LS)
not reversing it, but it should be addressed. Unanimous 3-0 Carried.
(AM) AHG and Planning Board.
(LK) recused himself and was seated in audience.
(LS) related that there was an E-mail from (DK) stating there was a meeting
on April 19th and what did Board want to do with this. Does Board want to
accept road? The Planning Board is asking BOS for tentative/conditional
approval regarding road before PB goes through their process. I have seen
Attorney Specter’s E-mail saying that is what BOS should do, unclear why.
The Planning Board is looking for formal action from BOS. (EV) Suggest
asking PB what is preventing PB from going through the process. (PS)
related he would send note to Planning Board. (EV) related that this is the
same old run around as before, same answer as before. I think it is a case
where someone is afraid to make a decision. (AM) Larry, as Planning
Board member,… (LK) related that he also recused himself from the
Planning Board in this matter).
Sonny Sell related that he would like to have BOS approve road on
condition that the Planning Board approve it. (AM) how does it help? Mr.
Sell related it “Let’s them go forward. Both Boards are saying the same
thing.” He related that his attorney was supposed to be here, and he did not
know why he was not. (LS) I do not feel comfortable with this. Board
discussed which Board was to approve it first and Mr. Sell reminded Board
that Statutes state no building permits shall be issued without approval of
BOS of Class 6 road. This requires conditional approval to move forward.
(EV) stated our decision can come after their final approval, theirs first and
then we make ours. (AM) BOS not to act upon this until Planning Board
approves it, then bring it back to us. They need to do what they are
supposed to do. (EV) Planning Board should not wait for us. (AM)
requested (PS) write letter to PB. The BOS will not act upon it till PB does
their thing. (AM) related that he was instructed to sign the driveway
application after it had been reviewed by Town Attorney. Mr. Sell related
that the State would not move forward until it is signed. (AM) Once I have
been given the go ahead to sign it from Laura Specter, I will. I have no
problem with that. So far, the Town Attorney has advised maybe/it looks
ok, but I want a definite “Yes, sign it.”
(LK) resumed seat on Board.
(AM) Assessing Bids
(LS) related that she had an E-Mail from Cara. (AM) it sounds reasonable;
we should have (PS) negotiate on how to do that. (AM) we can get the
spring P/U’s with assessing company. (PS) related using the assessing
company for spring P/U’s would make you liable to keep the company for
an entire year. The bidding process has just been gone through. We are a
week away from returns for proposals. The P/U’s effective April 1st new
values are not until second half of tax collection year. He related, again, that
we are just one week away and rest of returns will be in. Usually, P/U’s can
readily be accomplished in a very short period of time. If you have Purvis
do P/U’s you are engaging them for a full year. P/U’s are done generally
after April lst. (LS) related that she would not be too keen on engaging
Purvis without looking at other bids. (LK) suggested (PS) discuss with
David and explain it to him.
(AM) Junk Yard License Renewal
(PS) Roy Richardson, Auto Salvage. This is all in order, fee paid and
requires BOS action. (EV) Motion to renew license (LK) Second. (AM)
noted that Ray’s Auto Salvage has been awarded the environmental Green
Award. Unanimous 3-0. Carried.
(AM) Department of Environmental Services Letter (Waste Water
Ron Vien related that every so often the time is extended on this. (PS)
related that Ron was right, this is a normal course. Projects often take longer
than anticipated. (LS) Motion to approve, (LK) Second. Unanimous 3-0.
1. Safety Committee
(LK) related that Board was going to fill some vacancies. (PS) noted that
Board had voted to appoint the Fire Chief, which actually filled three
vacancies – combination fire and ambulance. There is a Town Hall
vacancy (Nancy Bates is a member of the committee.) There should be a
non-management person. I talked with committee members and related that
perhaps, during the summer, they could come in and explain what they have
2. Town Administrator Recruitment Update
(PS) related that he had gotten a few more resumes in today and they had
been faxed to MRI – a total of 25 resumes with one withdrawal. These
resumes will be evaluated by MRI and then applicable individuals will be
sent essay questions for response. (LK) questioned whether Board would be
getting copies of the resumes. (PS) related, “the first batch I did not make
“house copies.” I had wanted to gather them all together and then forward to
Board members all together. (LS) wanted to know the timeline for MRI
review. (PS) related evaluation would be done, he believes, before the end
of the week. (AM) questioned when essay responses would have to be back
and (PS) advised there would be about a two-week turnaround. He related
he would get actual date from MRI. (AM) requested something in writing
from MRI for the March 27th meeting. (PS) related he would have a
progress report ready at that time.
3. Gerard Leduc Letter
(LK) recused himself and was seated in audience.
Board started to discuss letter and was requested by Merrill Vaughan that
letter be read so that everyone would know what Board was discussing.
(LS) read letter.) (EV) Lester was asked by Chamber of Commerce to Chair
and Board had nothing to do with it. Response should be directed to the
Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. (LS) Yes, I think so. The
second part of his letter we have already addressed. Again, Board cannot
assume/speculate why it was done or allowed. Town Manager Study
Committee has been disbanded and this has been addressed as best we can
address it.
(LK) seated on Board.
(AM) Election Day Coverage
(LK) I will be here that day in the morning. (EV) related he MIGHT be here
all day or at least after 2:00 P.M. (LK) I’ll do AM and (EV) will be here in
the afternoon.
(AM) Board Terms
(LK) suggested (PS) send letter to all Boards to determine terms of
members. Also, review Ralph Odell’s term. (AM) there is feedback that
even though he is on leave of absence presently, his term expires in ’07.
(LS) Paul, could you check on that for Board.
(AM) Police Department Auction
(LK) related he was referring to letter regarding police auction on April 28th.
(AM) related that we do not have enough information on this yet to let us
know how to proceed, namely how much percentage does auctioneer take
versus State? Table this until we can get additional information.
(AM) McKechnie
(LS) What is going on with McKechnie? (PS) related that after he received
E-mail, he responded and advised Mr. McKechnie that it was rather “late to
get on Agenda.” I also advised that there would be different Board of
Selectman members in a few weeks. I advised him that it might be advisable
to sit down and meet with HSA, BI and myself regarding his concerns. He
did come in and discuss with me and he is going to consider coming back at
another time regarding concerns of his rental property. (AM) related that he
had also received a phone call from Mr. McKechnie and the difficult time he
was having. I requested that he not continue and related he should discuss
with (PS). (Saw E-mail later.) I asked (PS) to handle this. (LK) He should
be going to Housing Standards. (PS) I agree. (AM) we do not really know
what the difficulties are. (LS) Basically why I wanted to bring it up.
1. Letter, Sewer Abatement – Chen, 40 Main Street (2/27/07)
(PS) related he had a note from Ron Vien recommending Board approve
abatement. (LK) How much? (PS) Discussed with Cara, calculation has not
been done. Board can approve abatement and charge is usually the excess
over the average usage charge. (LK) Motion to accept abatement, (LS)
Second. A brief discussion ensued regarding having drain in floor plugged
which has been referred to Health Officer and it will be sealed. Unanimous
3-0. Carried.
2. Tape Recording, Town Hall Policy (2/13/07)
Recording Secretary has been researching, but to date, no response in regard
to this. Will table to a later date.
3. Bid Policy review (2/20/07)
(PS) with guidance from LGC, I will provide BOS with some draft bid
policies. (AM) This will be put on Agenda for information on March 20th
and acted upon on March 27th.
4. Highway Garage – Exhaust Issue Update (2/13/07)
(PS) related that Mike McLaughlin has been able to solicit bids for
modification of switching system and work has begun on that and should be
done by March 16th. He is also seeking bids for identical system he
indicated to Board would cost about $25,000.
5. Welfare Cap – Update on Guidelines (2/20/07)
(PS) related he has searched the computer files, located document, made
changes, and updated Guidelines will be available for Betsey and clients.
(Copy to be sent to (LK).
1. Veteran’s Credit – Dilullo
(PS) Application all in order. (LS) Does he meet all the criteria? (PS) Yes.
(LK) Motion to accept. (LS) Second. Unanimous 3-0. Carried.
2. Land Use Change Tax, R-3, 7K (Warrant from Last Week’s Bill)
(LS) Motion to approve R-3, 7K for $5,500. (LK) Second. Unanimous 3-0.
Art Morse recused himself and was seated in audience.
3. Application for Tax-Exempt Status, Pittsfield Players (2/27/07)
(PS) related Board requested he write letter to Pittsfield Players and to date
he has had no response. (Copy to Board) (LS) Table it.
Art Morse returned to Board.
(LS) Motion to accept Payroll for week ending March 8, 2007.
(LK) Second. Unanimous 3-0. Carried.
(LS) Motion to accept Accounts Payable (LK) Second.
Unanimous 3-0. Carried.
(LK) Motion to accept Work Session Minutes of February 27, 2007.
(LS) Second. Unanimous 3-0. Carried.
(LK) Motion to accept Minutes of February 27, 2007, (EV) Second.
Unanimous 3-0. Carried.
(LK) Motion to go to Non-Public Session according to NH
RSA 9l-A: 3 II (b) Police Department and Fire Department.
(LS) Second. Unanimous 3-0. Carried.
Police Department Employee
(LK) Motion to accept, (EV) Second. Unanimous 3-0. Carried.
EMT Employee
(LS) Motion to increase Josh Breahm salary from $8.76 to $9.76 per hour.
(LK) Second. Unanimous 3-0. Carried.
The Board discussed assignment of Warrant Articles 4 through 45.
(EV) related Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a “Come See What
Greater Pittsfield” has to offer to businesses. It will be on April 30th from
6 – 8 P.M. at the Pittsfield Elementary School Gym. Businesses in Pittsfield
can have displays featuring their business cards, relating services, products,
etc. It is free to all.
(LK) Motion to Adjourn, (LS) Second. Unanimous 3-0. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
APPROVED:_March 20, 2007