March 7, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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EDC Minutes of 03/07/07
Meeting called to order at 6:07.
In attendance were: Eric Bahr (EB), Ed Vien (EV), Ellen Barbasso (ElB), James Hetu (JH), Dick
Munn (DM), Daren Nielsen (DN), Susan Muenzinger (SM), Lester Firstenberger (LF), Matt Monahan
(MM), Pat Heffernan (PH), Deborah Jordan (DJ), and Karen Vanderpool (KV).
EB announced that Wayne Gallup resigned due to personal reasons.
Agreement reached with chamber. Sign design to be developed and implemented Q2.
Main Street Program:
EB to send letter to Deb Turcott expressing our continued interest.
MM will create 15 copies for Town Meeting and keep one copy at Town Hall.
Continued until April.
EB will write letter to Suncook Sun in support of all three RSA’s.
Economic Profile:
MM will e-mail EDC members a copy of the profile for review. Any changes should be forwarded to
him by Monday. MM will make copies available for Town Meeting.
MM will also forward a copy of the Economic Impact calculator to EDC members.
Louden Races:
Still on hold until March 23rd. Ed Vien will follow up Ron Meade.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm.
Submitted by: ________________________________
Karen Vanderpool