March 9, 2010 Minutes

Josiah Carpenter Library Trustee Meeting
Minutes of the Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting
3/9/2010 (draft)

The meeting of the Trustees of the Josiah Carpenter Library was called to order at 6:38 p.m. on March 9, 2010 in the children’s room of the library.

Acceptance of Minutes from the February 9th 2010 meeting. Minutes were accepted and approved.

Old Business:
• Bill Miskoe-was concerned that we are renovating the windows and not putting in new windows because it is more economical and more heat efficient. Because it is a historical building.
• Progress of Moose Plate Grant application –Just about done-need 2 more pieces of paperwork. Letters of support were received and Sylvia wrote a thank you note.
• Walkway & Building Safety issues –Kyle requested information on who did the walkway. Mr. Heffermen is going to put a bell on the outside of the back door for handicapped patrons. He also gave a price of $60.00 to $100.00 for a timed light for the front door.
• Lawyer Review of Personnel Policy- We have not found a lawyer

• Director’s Report
Library Staff:
Carol has assumed the duties of Children’s Librarian in her role as Assistant Librarian. Roza will give her the title of Children’s Librarian. She will be responsible for purchasing children’s books. AnnMarie will be assisting her in the Summer Reading Program. In preparation for that, Carol and AnnMarie will be attending the CHILIS Spring Conference on March 26th. Millie has broadened her service in Circulation to assume the duties of Overdue, formerly undertaken by Carol. Eleanor has done an outstanding job of creating an IT notebook to manage our electronic programs. Judith has facilitated the “Josiah Carpenter Library Delivers” program for Pittsfield residents in conjunction with Meals-On-Wheels program. Rick is also maintaining a logbook for Custodial duties.

Library Operations:
Town Audits are scheduled for March 22nd. State Library reports are also due in March. I am compiling the data for the NHSL annual NH Public Library Annual Report, and hope to be completed by month end. It is due before April 19th.

Library Programs:
We have our news blurbs posted on the library website and online with Suncook Valley Sun. Patrons have registered for the “Josiah Carpenter Library Delivers” program and we have some teens signed up for the Teen Book Club Pizza and Prose – which will start in April. Coffee Time is now open to all patrons all of the time, and patrons are showing appreciation by helping to defray expenses with suggested per cup donations. Pittsfield Middle High School is currently displaying its second annual Art Gallery Exhibit here at the library during the month of March. Open House will be Tuesday March 16 from 3:30 to 5:30 pm.

• Treasurer’s Report-The treasurers report was reviewed
The Directors report and treasurer’s report were accepted as written.

New Business:
• CD- Dana Sansom will put the CD into Northway Bank because it is giving a higher rate. Mary moves that we put the monies ($8200.00) into the higher bearing CD at Northway Bank for the shortest time period that we can do it for.
• Change of Trustee Officers-Dana will become treasurer and Mary will become Secretary. Mary moves that we accept the roster of Sylvia ,
as chairperson, Mary as secretary and Dana as treasurer.

Miscellaneous: Leslie’s presentation is on the 13th April

Next Meeting: April 13, 2010

Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 pm.