May 1, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Paul Skowran (PS), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Fred Hast indicated, “At a non-public meeting the BOS discussed me and
the disbanded Town Manager Committee. You did not have to apologize for
me. I do not like the fact that the BOS has non-public meetings and discuss
me behind my back. Non-public meetings are not right and you know it. I
would like to know what you discussed.” (AM) related that the Minutes of
that non-public session are now public. Mr. Hast related that he had a copy
of those minutes and stated that you and I both know that you put in the
Minutes what you want to put in there. (EV) related that the BOS referenced
that you published a letter in the Concord Monitor. We did not talk about
you behind your back. Mr. Hast wanted to know “What did you say was
wrong in that letter?” (EV) related that the Committee was disbanded and
did nothing wrong. Mr. Hast stated, “You got anything to say to me.” (EV)
related that he should be very careful what you say in your letters. Mr. Hast
related that he does not like these non-public meetings and you have had
several. (LS) related that non-public meeting was requested by these people
and it takes time to get them, Fred. Mr. Hast related it should not have
taken 22 days.
Also, about this man who refused to recuse himself, it wasn’t a subdivision,
it was a Site Plan Review. You degrade a man that wasn’t even here. This
is a typical Board of Selectman, Planning Board and Zoning Board – delaydelay-
delay, and if you don’t know what you are talking about, you should
keep your mouths shut.
Close Public Input
Several items were added to the Agenda by (LS), (JL), (LK) and (PS) such
as EDC Update, Input from meeting with Concord Hospital (which is
already on Agenda) representative meeting with BOS from Union Block,
Bill Chagnon, Welfare Department Hours, Total Concepts Group, Sunrise
Market, Authorization of Signature, Employee Resignation, Grant for DWI
Patrols, Authorization of Board for signature, Glenn Amnot Appointment
next week.
6:16 P.M. – Chief Wharem and Supt. Bachelder, Emergency Management
George related that there were 18 different road sites that would qualify for
aid ranging from $1,000 to $26,000 for a total of about $135,000. Repairs,
small washouts, and pavement repair were all part of this. The biggest
problem was Sanderson Road for about $21,000. He noted that he would
like to get some pavement bids out and use the $126,000 that was budgeted
for reconstruction of Quail Ridge for this purpose. FEMA reimbursement
was discussed and Chief Wharem related that it was too early to tell exactly
what FEMA would reimburse. (PS) related that in the past FEMA pays 70-
75%, State pays 12-15% and the Town the remainder. Last year, State did
not participate at all, and probably you cannot count on State this year. The
reimbursable rate of the numbers that George has related will probably be
70-75% from FEMA and all else will be up to the Town. George related
that some roads such as Mountain Road and Berry Pond Road were washed
out and require major repair as does Shaw Road Bridge, the only part of
which remains is the part that I repaired last year. He reiterated that many
of the roads, bridges, and dams had to be repaired/replaced and that all of
Berry Pond Road was now in the reservoir. (LK) wanted to know if,
perhaps, Berry Pond Road should be paved before next storm. George
related that there are always washouts on large hills and only way to stop
this is to pave them and correct drainage.
Chief Wharem explained somewhat as to how FEMA Program works and
explained how they tried to adjust dams and sandbag placement. He related
that they started out with 4,000 sandbags, and then went up to 8,000
sandbags. Town of Pittsfield now has 4,000 additional bags that the State let
us have. The problem was when to start loading these sandbags and where
they should be placed to assist individuals and Town. He related that
everything impacts other events and that sandbagging does not hold water
back but rather redirects the water. He explained the intricacies of adjusting
the dam gates. He related that the storm was more devastating this year than
last year, as it did not happen the way it was thought to happen. He related
that a lot of thought and effort goes into control of the dam, which is
controlled by Concord.
(AM) suggested that Ron, George, Bob, and Paul coordinate an effort to
explain what was done and what needs to be done in the future. He noted
that it is important to repair Shaw Road Bridge and do the preventative
maintenance for the future.
George wanted to know about the pavement bids and Quail Ridge Road.
(PS) suggested that he can just ask for the bids now though George noted
that they would probably not bid unless we are going to do it. (PS) noted
that at least you can get base price for next year’s budget.
Don Chase wanted to know if the tannery’s penstock which was closed off
had anything to do with dam overflow. This is unknown.
7:00 P.M. Appointment – Glenn Amnott Cancelled
7:00 P.M. Appointment – Total Concepts Roofing Company (7:15 P.M.)
Two representatives, Mark and Fred, from Total Concepts Roofing
Company explained that the company has been in business for 17 years and
have done some large jobs including schools, banks, churches as well as
residential homes. Mark related that he understands that Town wanted the
Town Hall to maintain it’s historical look and felt that this was the best
product to acquire this look. He explained that the turret would be the most
difficult area to do and that another product they recommend would have to
be utilized for this purpose. He discussed retention of slate, installation of
roofing, composite slate for turret, snow angels, snow shoes, gutters,
scheduling, estimate, payment schedule, protection of entrances and exits
and durabibility of Tamko Metalworks steel shingles. He related that there
is a 50 year warranty on the product and a two year workmanship warranty.
Mike McLaughlin questioned them on staging for front and back door other
than just the orange fencing.
Appointment continued till 7:35 P.M.
Action Items
1. Welfare Department Credit Card
(PS) related that Cara and he had made inquires at local banks for
alternatives to a credit card. If it is okay with BOS, rather than a credit card,
better way to handle emergency welfare expenditures would be through a
Debit Card. It would be a separate checking account with a Debit Card that
could be utilized by maybe four individuals – Welfare Director, Deputy
Welfare Director, a Board member and Cara. (EV) noted he thought it was
to be for $500 rather than $1,000, which was agreed to. (AM) wanted to
know how account was to be replenished. (PS) related it would be
replenished by Board when necessary. It is noted that all Board members
were agreeable to this solution.
2. HSA Request for Deputy HSA Inspector
(LK) Motion to appoint Mike McLaughlin as Deputy HSA Inspector. (LS)
The Board discussed who Mike would be answerable to, rate of pay and who
would be responsible for this pay, inspection fees, administration work.
(LS) felt that there would be a conflict regarding this and the more it was
discussed that there were other issues involved. Mike agreed that there
could be a conflict. (AM) suggested that more information could be derived
in regard to HSA clarification as to what they contribute and what Town
contributes. (LK) withdrew his Motion and (LS) her second of Motion.
This was tabled to next week.
3. Waste Water Sonic Solution
Ron Vien related that in the Spring and Fall, there is a huge algae problem in
this State. Sonic Solution generates sonic waves, which kills the algae as
well as the seeds. The company will allow us to rent it for three months at
$400 a month and should the Town decide to buy it, 100% of the rental fee
would be applied to the purchase price of $4,495. He explained that it is
possible that a violation may occur if this problem is not controlled and that
chemicals are not a good viable solution because of the damage it does to
residential pipes. There is no installation fee, the energy usage is not notably
increased and that battery powered one would not be an option right now.
He related that once violation has occurred, it is more difficult to treat and
they have had violations in the past for this reason. He related that there are
monies available within the budget for this.
(LK) Motion to accept for three-month trial period at $400 per month. (EV)
Second. Carried 4-0.
4. Signature – Waste Water Treatment Plant
Ron Vien noted that in the past he has had authority to sign for Waste Water.
However, the authorization is now outdated and needs to be updated. This
will be accomplished by (PS).
5. Resignation
(PS) noted that Sherry Miller, Ambulance Rescue, EMT, has resigned and
will be leaving in the middle of May. He discussed with Fire Chief and they
are able to fill shift temporarily per diem, and will advertise and fill position.
(LK) Motion to accept resignation with regret. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
(AM) questioned whether this was a union position and how notice for this
type of position should be given. (PS) noted that notice is for any unusual
vacation time only. (AM) Fire Chief should be requested to do exit
6. Grant Application
(PS) Highway Safety Project Grant to reimburse for overtime spot checks
for DWI’s. Police Chief Wharem explained that it is something they have
done for the past 7-8 years and includes ten 6 hour shifts usually from
9:00 P.M. to 3:00 A.M. and would require 2-3 days of Court time should it
be contested.
(EV) Motion to accept grant. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
1. Donna Swain – Letter to Board of Selectmen
(LK) related that her letter of April 7, 2007 should be responded to advising
that the matter was handled internally. He felt that this letter should be
answered. (LS) Did not agree and related that it was a judgment call on
Board’s part and not wise to explain why made judgment call. The Board
does not need to justify why we did what we did.
(LK) Motion to send response to letter. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
2. Interviews – Town Administrator
(PS) reiterated the course of action for Thursday when the interviews for
Town Administrator will take place. He explained the three panels –
professionals, citizens and employees. Each applicant will be ranked and
there will be three or so people who will be invited back on Friday for
interviews with BOS. He noted that the BOS could appear at any of these
panels to observe throughout the day. Don Jutton will contact BOS to
advise at end of day.
3. Concord Hospital
(EV) related that he had met with Mike Green, Concord Hospital. Mr.
Green explained that Epsom locale would be utilized rather than Pittsfield,
as patients would have more access to more health opportunities. He also
noted that the deal with the developer is not complete. (AM) Mr. Green
mentioned that Pittsfield Medical Center lost two physicians and could not
replace them. He felt that what Mr. Green said made good sense. It was
noted to (AM) that any facility associated with Concord Hospital needs to be
twenty minutes from Concord. (EV) mentioned the elderly problems and
Mr. Green related that he would look into it.
4. Don Chase – Food Pantry
Don Chase wanted to make the BOS aware that the Food Drive, which was
originally scheduled on Memorial Day weekend, May 26th, has been
rescheduled to May 19th from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. It will work similar
to Boy Scouts drive. There will be a table on the side of the building and
people can drop items off there. He apologized for not notifying the Board
FYI: Since January 1, 2007 till the present time the Food Pantry has served
105 families, about 300 people of which 30% are children. He noted that
75% use it on regular monthly basis.
5. EDC Update
(LS) related that Sharon Watson and Chairman Bahr of EDC would like to
meet with BOS to determine what direction to take for Pittsfield and staying
with the original scope of work.
Appointment set up on May 8th at 6:15 P.M.
6. Union Block Appointment
(JL) related that owner, Saleb, grumbled to him and wanted to talk to Board.
He will be asked to write letter to BOS regarding his complaints.
(PS) to contact him.
7. Bill Chagnon – Hand Pump Gas Tank
(LK) Mr. Chagnon is the owner of a 150 gallon hand pump gas tank that
almost floated away during storm. He is desirous of getting rid of the tank.
(LK) check with George who noted it would be handy thing to have.
(LS) Motion to accept the gas tank. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
(AM) suggested that this be checked by Fire Chief before placement at
garage. (PS) to write letter of thanks.
8. Welfare Department Hours
(LK) related that Betsey’s hours should be increased to work 12:00 P.M. to
4:00 P.M. on Fridays which is a very busy day here. She has basically
completed the update. (AM) suggested BOS authorize this for 8 weeks and
then review it at that time.
(LS) Motion to increase Welfare Department hours to 28 hours per week on
a trial basis and revisit in eight weeks. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0. To be on
Agenda on June 19, 2007.
9. Farmers Market
(LK) Brenda Butterfield made request for Farmers Market, which was
approved, but she has not yet had a response from BOS. She would like
something in writing to this effect. Police Chief noted that any event such as
this would have to go through Parks and Recreation as they control all
activities there.
(EV) Motion to accept pending approval of Parks and Recreation. (LS)
Second. Carried 4-0.
1. Dog Owner’s Responsibility Ordinance
(PS) noted that he has sent letter to the Editor and it has been printed this
2. Highway Garage Exhaust Issue
Mike McLaughlin related that the garage was visited by Inspector from the
Department of Labor. Town has 45 days to fix what is going on down there.
She would offer no input on this or what needed to be done and would not
comment either way. If it is not done within 45 days, Town will be cited.
(LK) Motion to have Clean Air Technology come in to come in to make
necessary changes. (LS) Second.
(LK) related that it is a health issue and we should act on this right away.
Mike related that she has also ordered George B. to see a doctor. Discussion
ensued as to how to find out what State is asking to be fixed and Mike noted
that she would not comment on this. It was suggested that Clean Air
Technology be utilized to make necessary changes. (PS) and Mike to check
on RSA cited. BOS decided to have Clean Air Technology come before
Board to discuss changes. (LK) Withdraw his Motion and (LS) Withdraw
her Second.
Appointment: Clean Air Technology to be scheduled May 8, 2007.
3. Welfare Department Fax Line
Mike related that current extra line in Welfare office cannot be used for fax.
It is for election purposes only and cannot be used for any other function.
(LK) related that it would take 1 ½ hours to install, cost about $272. at about
$48. per hour.
(LS) Motion to have fax line installed in Welfare Office. (LK) Second.
Carried 3-1 (EV).
4. Pittsfield Players Tax Exemption – Tabled April 17, 2007
Nothing new on this yet.
1. Abatement Applications
(PS) noted that a Master List of Abatements was available for BOS review.
(AM) related that Mr. Scott Mores was present and has been for entire BOS
meeting so they would address his abatement first, though this should not be
considered a precedent in these matters.
(LS) Motion to deny any abatement. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
Mr. Mores related his history in regard to his house purchase in Pittsfield
and his tax abatement from last year which was explained to him was
determined at 70% of the market value at that time. He explained that many
homes in his area are up for sale because of the high taxes and felt that since
the housing market is dropping that his house should be assessed at a lesser
value. He related that he had contacted a realtor and the realtor advised him
that he would have to “pay someone to get out of his house.” He checked
with the Board to see what he could possibly do at this point regarding the
assessment. He was advised that he could contact the Board of Tax and
Land Appeals.
Board decided that they would all like to accept the assessor’s
recommendations in regard to the attached list. (See 1A).
(LS) Motion to accept abatements and denials as noted on attached List 1A.
(JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
2. VA Credits
(LK) Motion to deny application for William Abbott, as he does not qualify.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
(EV) Motion to accept application for Frank Miller. (LS) Second. Carried
3. Tax Anticipation Notes
To be signed by all BOS tonight.
4. Litter Free N.H. Program
(PS) Eighth graders to do town clean-up.
(LK) Motion to accept application for Litter Free N.H. Program. (LS)
Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to accept payroll for week ending May 5, 2007. (EV) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to accept account payable for week ending May 5, 2007. (EV)
Second. Carried 3-1 (LK)
(LK) Question on check No. 6707 – oil change for generator at Fire
Department. Board discussed whether payment should be sent out or
explanation be required. It was determined that check should be sent out
and this charge be investigated for future reference.
(EV) Motion to accept Minutes with changes. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
Several changes were noted and these will be corrected.
(LK) Motion to have (AM) sign title for auctioned Police cruiser. (LS)
Second. Carried 4-0
(LK) noted he would like to review report from 1999 regarding violations
cited Town. He would like to review this before the State comes in about 45
days from now.
Don Chase related that after discussion last week, he has decided that he is
going to “change his ways.” He wanted to thank the Board for releasing the
non-public minutes. He related that matter is now dropped. He related that
he would like to move forward and be an integral part of Town, though he
does complain when he feels something is wrong. I need to move forward
and have changed my attitude including the way I dress and I would like to
help in any way that I can.
He related his wife has lived her all her life and has sent two letters to the
Board of Selectman and they both have not been answered. He related that
an “abatement package” that she compiled was lost and had to be
resubmitted with additional pictures, which cost them money. He related
that he submitted the original package placing it in the BOS box in the back
room. The next morning they could not locate it. Liz Hast told him to check
with (PS). He related this information to (PS) who he stated
commented,”We can’t find it. What do to you want me to do about it?”
Mr. Chase related that he would like to volunteer more and do more for the
Town. He feels he is capable of doing more.
He related also that if you contact Easter Seals that they would be happy to
send volunteers to pick up trash in the Town.
(LS) questioned when the abatement issue took place. Mr. Chase related
earlier this year. He related that he would provide Board with date. He
noted his wife was very upset about this.
Mr. Chase also noted that he came in one day last week at about 7:30 P.M.
to assist some elderly individuals with food. He related that the “office door
was open and a former selectman was sitting at Dee’s computer. What is
she doing in the office and what is she doing at the computer?”
(PS) related that he takes offense, great offense, at what “you think I said.”
Your recollection is not accurate. Why do you presume that once it was
placed in the BOS box that I was the next person to touch it. That is the line
you drew. Why? People roam around this building all the time and
somehow it is my problem. What I stated to you when package went
missing was “We can’t find it. What is it you would like me to do?”
Mr. Chase related he was sorry if he implied that (PS) had something to do
with the missing documents. Town Clerk told me to check with you, which
is what I did. I checked with you the second day and they were not to be
found and had to be replaced at our own expense. I have my own feelings as
to where they went. I apologize if I sounded as if you were ultimately
responsible and that you knew what happened to them.
(PS) I accept your apology and though the wording of your explanation of
my comment may be similar, you expressed a different connotation as to my
Mr. Chase related that he did not mean to imply anything. I have my own
feelings about this. It is not the first time that it has happened and I am not
accusing you, Paul.
Close Public Input
(AM) In closing, there is no need for a non-public hearing tonight. I would
like to comment that I am very fearful of public input. This building is on
the National Register but is not a historical building and we do not have to
conform to any particular regulations. When I asked Fred if he knew, he
stated affirmatively and he really did not know.
(LS) Motion to adjourn. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M.
Approved: May 8, 2007
__________________________ _________________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date