May 1, 2008 Minutes





Pittsfield School Board

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson

Michael Wolfe

Gary Colby

Leslie Vogt

Scott Brown

Others Present: Dr. William Compton, Superintendent

Peter Roche, Business Administrator

Karen Erlandson, Principal, PMHS

Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS

Dr. John Freeman, Principal, PES

Tobi Chassie, Director of Student Services

In the brief absence of Chairperson Paradise, Mr. Brown called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.


Jeff Martel was available to provide an overview and answer questions regarding the 2007 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. He explained that the report included a comparative analysis of data from the 2007 New Hampshire report, as well as the 2005 and 2001 community level and state reports. He further explained that the Pittsfield Community Coalition has reviewed and discussed the results of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. The Coalition analyzed the data and made plans for holding community forums based on the survey results. On May 22, 2008 at the Community Center at 6:00, the topic will be drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, which will be facilitated by Mr. Martel and Chris Averill, a substance abuse counselor. On June 5, 2008 with a focus on mental health issues, the second forum will be held, with Ken Norton from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) facilitating.

Mr. Brown asked if the survey is being used federally to justify the allocation of

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funds. Ms. Vogt explained that geographically determined coalitions were formed and that money will eventually trickle through the coalitions to fund substance abuse prevention projects. The information is valuable when the District pursues grants from a variety of sources. It is also a means of evaluating programs that are supported by the District in the area of mental health issues.

Ms. Vogt asked what programs are provided by the District to teach students about drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and sexual activity, to which Mr. Martel stated that students participate in health class in grades 7, 8, 9, and 10. Dr. Freeman added that grade 6 curriculum includes the human body and in collaboration with the Pittsfield Police Department, D.A.R.E. is offered to grade 6 students.

Mr. Brown asked if there is information available to compare Pittsfield’s statistics with towns similar in demographics. Mr. Martel stated that he would attempt to find additional information that would illustrate a comparison.

The School Board thanked Mr. Martel for his work in analyzing and summarizing the data in a meaningful way.


Dr. Compton added a sick bank request and a non-public session for legal matters. Ms. Erlandson added the Drake Field bleacher project, the School in Need of Improvement Report, and the VHS program. Ms. Chassie added a resignation and a personal note.


On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of April 17, 2008, as written.




Drake Field Project

Ms. Erlandson distributed a request for $330 to purchase paint and painting equipment. On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to approve up to $330 toward painting the bandstands. He requested that the gazebo also be provided a coat of paint to cover graffiti.

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Honor Roll/Discipline Statistics

Mr. DeLois distributed statistics relative to discipline. He also provided a list of students who made the honor roll during the third quarter.

Math School in Need of Improvement

Mr. DeLois explained that the plan for making improvements in math, having been designated as a School in Need of Improvement was submitted to the Department of Education and was subsequently approved.

Virtual High School (VHS)

Ms. Erlandson explained that a VHS program is successfully run at PMHS. She shared information that verifies the value of a VHS program.

Mr. Colby requested that Ms. Erlandson provide the Board with information relative to the success of the Advisory Program at a future meeting.


Teacher Induction Program

Ms. Chassie reported that the Induction Program that was piloted at PES would be expanded to PMHS during the summer of 2008. The Induction Program will include an orientation program, as well as a mentoring program. Ms. Chassie will work with Mr. DeLois and Mr. Kilmister in planning for training that will be meaningful for new teachers at both PES and PMHS, and hopefully increase the teacher retention rate.

Special Education Transfers

Ms. Chassie distributed organizational charts that represent several changes that will occur in the distribution of special education staff in September of 2008. She explained that the plan requires the Board’s approval of a transfer of Al Schwarz from the teacher of the alternative program to that of a resource room program in grade 8, the transfer of Ruth Lambert from the teacher of the middle school skills program to the high school skills program, and the transfer of Tiffany Pease from grade 5 special education teacher to grade 6 special education teacher. On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to approve to the transfers of Mr. Schwarz, Ms. Lambert, and Ms. Pease.


Ms. Chassie distributed a letter of resignation from Becky Simpson, effective April 18, 2008 from her position as educational assistant. On a motion made by

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Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Brown, the Board approved the resignation of Ms. Simpson.


SAU #51 Location Update

Dr. Compton reminded the Board that there is a meeting on May 13, 2008 at 5:30 of the SAU Board. A letter was included in the packet, written by Mr. Brown to Mr. Locke, the owner of the building in which the SAU is currently located. Mr. Brown explained that a plan would be proposed at the SAU Board meeting for the resolution of the lease between Barnstead and Pittsfield.


A. English Research Projects

Ms. Erlandson introduced Silas St. James, English teacher at PMHS, and explained that he will become the chair of the advisory program next year. Mr. St. James explained that his students are engaging in research and would like to make a presentation to members of the School Board. Mr. St. James will contact the members who volunteered to be an audience for the presenters with further details.


Sick Bank

Dr. Compton presented a request from Ruth Lambert for twenty-five days from the sick bank and stated that medical documentation was made available. On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted unanimously to approve the recommendation of Dr. Compton to approve the use of twenty-five days of the sick bank for Ms. Lambert.

SAU Administrative Assistant

Dr. Compton explained that there have been numerous applicants for the position of administrative assistant. Dr. Compton and Dr. Freeman are in the process of interviewing candidates and will hopefully have someone selected by next week. The new person will take over for Christine Blouin when she leaves for her maternity leave.

2007-2008 Budget

Mr. Roche explained that a meeting occurred between Dr. Freeman, Ms. Vogt, Ms. Paradise, and himself to finalize a proposal for the use of the balance of

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funds from the 2007-2008 budget. Ms. Vogt distributed a list of projects being recommended by the Finance Committee. Dr. Freeman explained Developmental Designs for Middle School and stated that a grant has been sought to pay for the training, which will cost $12,000. The need for window replacements at PES was discussed. Further discussion and subsequent decisions was deferred until after a non-public session.

Food Services

Mr. Roche distributed financial information regarding the food service program. He reviewed the items that are affecting the costs and the revenue. Mr. Brown asked about the increase of lunch costs; Mr. Roche volunteered to survey neighboring towns relative to the cost of breakfast and lunch and report back to the Board. Ms. Vogt asked if the recommendations made by Mr. Kim Dubuque were shared with the administrative team to see if there were ideas worth pursuing.

Teacher Appreciation Week

Dr. Compton reported that Teacher Appreciation Week is the week of May 5, 2008.



Ms. Vogt will participate in a budget preparation workshop in Concord in June with other Budget Committee members.


The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 15, 2008 at 5:30 at the Pittsfield Middle High School. Agenda will include support staff nominations, and a report from the Assessment Team.

PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session)


At 7:04 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Colby and seconded Mr. Wolfe, to enter into non-public session to discuss legal matters. The Board was polled and voted unanimously to enter into a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 II (e) [Legal Matters].

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A motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wolfe to come out of the non-public session. The Board was polled and voted to come out of the non-public session at 8:03 p.m.

On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Finance Committee’s recommendation to approve the list of end of year expenditures, with the exception of $35,000 for window replacements.


On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie

Recording Secretary

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