May 10, 2004 Minutes

Minutes of May 10, 2004 Meeting

Pittsfield Parks & Recreation Commission

Present: Ella Stickney, Lyn Ward, Bill Provencal, Mike Blais, Lynne Fahey, & Ray Webber.

A motion to accept the April minutes were moved by Bill and seconded by Mike. Motion passed unanimously.

Dustin’s Park Renovations: Bill gave committee members the spec sheet for the park renovations. Ray will add more detail to this and bring it in to the Town Administrator for review and then send it out to bid.

Lyn e-mailed Brenda Butterfield regarding the Farmer’s Market letting her know that the work in the park is not scheduled yet, but will probably be done in late summer.

Every year Dana Samson helps the committee plant flowers in whiskey barrels at the Pool area. This year she suggested buying new barrels because the old ones were falling apart. Lyn took a phone vote from members and they agreed that we could purchase new barrels. The cost was $114.75.

Lyn reviewed the Verizon telephone bill for the Pool and called them to find out how we could reduce our monthly cost. She had the long distance carrier removed (a savings of $8.63 per month) and received information on suspending the telephone. It’s a one time fee of $26.00 to suspend service for the winter and then we will only be charged $13 per month rather than the $31.14 per month we are currently charged. The Commission approved that the phone be suspended from September through May, 2005.

Lyn will do the advertising for the fishing derby and work on getting the freshmen class to do a bake sale. She gave Mike Blais the license and will get a set of keys to him before June 5th. She will also clean the bathrooms. The water will be turned on by Pennichuck before June 5th.

Oktoberfest: Lyn has requested the use of the Rotary tent, but hasn’t received a response yet. Mike has a verbal commitment from the Oompa Band but no contract as of yet.

Lyn asked that Ray Webber and Michelle Bahr get sworn in as soon as possible.

The committee reviewed the request from Brenda Butterfield to become a member of Parks & Rec. They asked Lyn to write a letter to the Selectmen asking that she attend meetings before they decide to make an appointment. The committee also has one new member, David Valentyn, they would like to have appointed, and four potential members that Lyn is inviting to the next meeting. We would like to have young families on the committee so continue the programs we sponsor.

Town Pool Dumpster – The Highway Dept. has offered Parks & Rec. the use of their dumpster this summer for the pool area. Soda cans would need to be separated from the trash. The committee thought this was a good idea. Ella will check with the Highway Dept. on the location of the dumpster.

New Hires: The committee haired Kristine Brown, Tom Adams, Kate Osborne, and Chris Ward as new lifeguards this year. They will take the lifeguard cert. Course.

Salaries: A salary sheet was presented to the committee members with suggested salaries for the lifeguards/WSI instructors this year. Ella motioned to accept the salaries and submit them for Selectman approval, Ray seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously. Lyn will submit them to the Selectmen via Cara Marston.

Ella explained that Rachel Adams is taking a course in June to become certified to teach lifeguard instruction. The cost of this class is $165. Karen Geneveve, the woman at the Racquetball Club who has worked with us throughout the years running the lifeguard cert classes for us, suggested that we have 2 people become certified to teach the classes. Ella asked Rick Anthony if he would be interested in getting certified. He will get back to her.

Ella motioned to get a second life guard instructor to take the teaching course. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Season Pool Passes: The committee decided to keep the residence pass cost the same as last year – $30 for 2 adults & 3 children, $5 more per extra child. Ella made a motion to offer season passes for non-residences this year. She motioned a fee of $45 for non residence for 2 adults and 3 children and $5 per extra child; Lynne seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Swimming lessons fee: The committee wants to keep this the same: $15 per child with no more than $45 per family for residents and $20 for non residents.

The pool will open on June 18th and close on August 21st with this last day being the traditional Pool Day.

Pool Activities: Ella made a motion to have Pockets the Clown at the pool for a day and rent the inflatable moon walk for a day. The motion was seconded by Mike and passed unanimously.

Better Buddies: Bill motioned to charge $400 for Better Buddies to use the pool area for the season (they usually come one day per week); Ella seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Better Buddies also asked what the cost would be for their kids to take swimming lessons at the pool. They currently use Northwood Lake for lessons. After some discussion, the committee decided to charge them the non-resident charge ($20 per child) for swimming lessons.

Bill motioned to raise the lifeguard rates for groups using the pool for functions after hours to $10.00 per hour. Mike seconded the motion and is passed unanimously. Lyn will email Cara Marston and ask her to make this change.

Lifeguard Bathing Suits/Tanks: Ella explained that in the past the lifeguards wore reversible Lifeguard tank tops over their bathing suits. On hot days they get very hot and uncomfortable. She has a magazine with lifeguard bathing suits for both the girls and boys that she would like them to order. Because of the cost, she asked if the committee would appropriate money towards these suits. Bill motioned to have a $15.00 per person clothing allowance for the Lifeguards. Lynne seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. The Director will pick the style bathing suits.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.