May 11, 2005 Minutes


May 11, 2005

(Minutes accepted: June 7, 2005)

Place: Josiah Carpenter Library

Time: 6:30 pm

Date: May 11, 2005

Attendance: Joan Osborne, Bob Lemer, Leslie Vogt, Mary Schelble, Jerry Giusti, PSNH

(from 6:30 to approximately 7:15 pm)

Acceptance of Minutes for April 13, 2005: Mary moved, Joan seconded.

Jerry Giusti, an agent with PSNH, presented their proposal and quotation for electrical work to be done to upgrade the lighting both inside and outside the Library with great detail given to making all the service energy efficient. He gave a most helpful presentation.

The bank information was changed so that now Bob Lemer, Treasurer, is listed for signatures with Joan Osborne, Chairman as a second person able to sign checks.

Bob presented rough drafts of letters of thanks for Carole Richardson for her 3 years of faithful service to the Library as a Trustee and for Randy Grainger for his 20 years of service in maintenance of the Library. He also purchased a $50 gift certificate from Gateway Gardens. Bob will be reimbursed and the letters were accepted as written with the secretary typing them and sending the gift certificate for Carole. They will be signed by all present. Also a condolence card was to be sent to Joan Wadleigh’s family. We were notified of her death. Also a note of thanks was to be sent by the secretary to the Pittsfield Beautification Committee c/o Carole Richardson for our gratefulness on their donation of a lilac bush. Also, the secretary was asked to send a letter to the Trustees of the Pittsfield Trust Funds, requesting clarification of interest due to the Library and the status of the Library Trust Funds regarding rate of interest.

Treasurer’s Reports:

March and April, 2005 were accepted as presented, moved by Mary, seconded by Bob. (His position as new treasurer began for May.)

Update on Bids:

– Carpet bid (Only one received.) of Holmes Carpets for $4086 was moved by Bob, seconded by Mary and accepted by all.

– Painting bid (Two were received.) of Fresh Coat for $1200 was moved by Bob, seconded by Mary and accepted by all. The Director will monitor the need for second coats in the small rooms and, if needed, will present the cost for more paint.

– Electrical bid (Only one received.) of Ward Electric for $336 was moved by Joan, seconded by Bob and accepted by all for removal of the electrical outlets on the Library shelves and relocating them on the walls.

– PSNH bid (Two were received.) of $1440.30 was moved by Bob, seconded by Mary with acceptance by all. This will cover lighting inside and outside the building, both floors. Chris Ward will be approached by them for the work.

Director’s Report:

– The Irving Oil company will be cleaning the furnace and replacing the vents in the month ahead. The parts will be $190 and labor should be covered in part by the two hours given for the cleaning of the furnace which is new so should require minimum time.

– Moved by Bob and seconded by Joan with approval of all that Bob be authorized to purchase a lawnmower for under $200.

– Moved by Bob and seconded by Mary with approval of all to authorize a 3% pay increase for Library employees.

– The Director was authorized to talk to the Historical Society and Chris Ward who have expressed interest in the Library bookcases on the first floor to see how many they want and then remove the remaining ones. Also, she will contact a carpenter to repair water-damaged (from radiators) flooring that was just found recently.

– The Chairwoman suggested that the Director review laws regarding the key to the elevator for the handicapped.

– The Director reviewed the personnel changes that are occurring because of medical leaves and family interests and the replacements she was considering.

– The idea for allowing books to be held for a longer period (other than new adult fiction) by patrons to ease up the amount of books needed to be boxed for the inside renovations was discussed with positive acceptance.

The next meeting was set for June 7, 2005 due to Bob’s surgery on the 8th. The director will post a notice in the Library and Town Hall for that change.