May 11, 2010 Minutes

Josiah Carpenter Library Trustee Meeting


May 11, 2010 6:33 pm


Present: Sylvia Wallace, Chairman, Dana Sansom, Treasurer, Roza Benoit, Director, Mary Schelble, Secretary


Acceptance of Minutes: Moved and seconded (Dana/Sylvia) to accept the minutes for the April 13, 2010 meeting.


Old Business:

·         Building Issues:  Clay sewer pipes have been removed and replaced by the Town.

  Gutters are to be cleaned yearly per Selectmen’s meeting of 5/4/10.

  Sylvia contacted Andy Roper of Winn Mtn Restorers to inform him that the

       Selectboard had chosen his quotation for Library windows.

  The last of the bat doors were removed by Wild Life Protection Agency

  Doorbell is working well – no complaints – patrons are using the side


·         Lawyer review of Personnel Policies:  Mary spoke to an officer of the NHLTA at the annual meeting on May 3 and she said they were in the process of finding a new lawyer for the association and suggested that we wait for about 2 months and then there should be a lawyer in place we can contact to review our personnel policies.

·         Review of budget line allocations:

Overall we are at 1/3 of the fiscal year and are keeping close to 1/3 of

    budget in our expenditures.

Motion made (Dana/Sylvia) and seconded to increase salaries of 3 Assistant Librarians and custodian by 2% and to increase salary of the

   Childrens’ Librarian by 4% with all beginning June 1, 2010.

Motion made (Mary/Sylvia) to allocate books and materials line on the

     General Fund to be covered by Trust Funds in the amount of $4162

     and that same amount moved to the salary lines of the General Fund.


·  Other Old Business:  Discussion was held regarding getting soil samples with the plan to plant bushes on the wall of the handicapped entrance and decision was made to have a sample done with Dana getting it done.


Director’s and Treasurer’s Reports:  Reviewed and accepted as written. 


New Business:  Sylvia mentioned that she purchased a book by the keynote speaker at the NHTLA

                                    Annual meeting, Willem Lange, and Roza will order one to be available to


Dana and Roza also will be preparing a proposal for the Sanderson Fund to see if we can

            meet the requirements to help us fund adult and teenage programs. 

Report of the NHLTA annual meeting is postponed until the next meeting.


Adjournment: It was moved and seconded to adjourn at 8:20 pm. (Dana, Mary)


Next Meeting:  June 8, 2010    6:30 pm.


Submitted by:  Mary Schelble, Secretary