May 13, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




James Theodore told the Board that he thought they were doing a great job.

Close Public Input


6:47 P.M.: (DM) Drug and Awareness Coalition, Follow-up Employee of the Month; (LKe) BI Report Handout, Town Hall Lot, and Non-Public.


6:05 P.M. Ralph Littlefield, Belknap-Merrimack County CAP – Elderly Housing Concept

Mr. Littlefield introduced himself and noted his long-time relationship with various Head Start and Senior Centers as well at CAP. He explained that he had made a similar presentation to the BOS many years ago but has not been able to pursue this because of lack of appropriate site. Now that there is a potential site available, he explained the delegation of authority in HUD, purpose of the program, sponsorship, consumer cooperation, resident eligibility and criteria for ownership and income guidelines for the housing program. He related that the potential site is on the corner of Route 28 and Loudon Road and is a 40-acre site noting that this would not go through if the Town were not supportive. All construction would be by local contractors, if possible. The goal would be to have about 40 units and the remainder of the property would be put in conservation. Mr. Littlefield provided a generalized map of the placement of the units and the surrounding area.

He explained the housing complex would be for low-income elderly and would cost approximately one third of their adjusted gross income. Some of the units would be designed for elderly with disabilities though this not an assisted living facility.

Application for the necessary grant would need to be processed by
July 5, 2008 and there are limited time options available.

6:38 P.M. Board advised Mr. Littlefield that they would review the information and notify him accordingly.

6:30 P.M. Scheduled Public Hearing on Proposed Use of Town Hall Field by Elementary Age Soccer Teams

(LKe) explained that the teams are unable to use the Pittsfield Youth Baseball fields due to construction and which would not be available for approximately two years. The proposed field would be just a practice area for soccer teams up to the fourth grade and would include 6-8 students. The Common is in use by other teams so cannot be utilized.

Marguerite and Sharon Genest, 81 Joy Street were the only abutters who appeared for the hearing. Sharon Genest noted that their concerns were of vandalism, which has been an issue in the past. She questioned the amount of traffic/parking/other vehicles that would potentially be blocking road. (LK) noted that only one side of the road would be utilized for parking and the Town Hall parking lot would also be available for parking to minimize street parking. The teams would be utilizing the field from mid-August through October. Ms. Genest was agreeable with this and did not foresee any issues. She noted that since they are younger kids and not teenagers, it would be agreeable to her and her mother. (LK) explained that before Board made a decision on this, they had wanted abutter input. Ms. Genest questioned, “What would happen to the swings?” (LKe) explained that as far as he knew the swings would be dismantled. (LK) Thank you for coming and we appreciate your interest.


1. Elderly Housing Proposal

(LK) suggested getting EDC input for this proposal as they have put a lot of time and effort into developing Town projects. This property is in the LIGHT COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL Zone. (LS) noted that though the efforts are noble, Town has more than our share of low-income housing. Municipal and County tax would not really be much money for the Town as they would not pay State or Town school taxes. Residents would be eligible for all general assistance. This might not be what Pittsfield is looking for. (LK) noted that he was concerned about the location. This is prime property and could potentially create jobs for the Town. (LS) HUD is not what the EDC and BOS have been talking about. (EV) I would not venture to offer an opinion tonight. I have seen the units in Epsom and would like to talk to Town official I know there before giving an opinion. (JL) noted that back in 1990 landlords were against it then because of rentals in Town. (LS) noted that we should also find out how much low-income housing is available in Epsom as a comparison.

This will be on the Agenda next week for review and decision.

2. Use of Town Hall Field by Pittsfield Youth Soccer

(LK) noted that he now feels comfortable moving forward on this. It was agreed that (LKe) and Chief Wharem will develop a proposal in regard to traffic, parking, and etc. Dismantling of the swing set will need to be addressed as will some preparation of the field.

3. Pittsfield Bid Policy – Modified

Board agreed that the new format and contents are agreeable.

(LS) Motion to accept Bid Policy as presented. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Appointments to the Central NH Regional Planning Commission

(LK) Sue Muenzinger and Tom Hitchcock are currently listed as appointments. (LKe) to find out if they are still interested in continuing. He noted that PB usually suggests several individuals for this. (LKe) to also send memo to Chairman of PB for their suggestions. He related that the Planning Board can make the suggestions and BOS will forward to CNHRPC.

5. Award of Paving Contract

(LKe) related that this is the Town’s Paving and Reclamation competitive bid, which is done on an annual basis. He noted that Continental Paving is the lowest bid, which George feels is a good firm as he has dealt with them in the past.

(LS) Motion to approve Continental Paving bid for $284,437.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Check #008654

(LKe) related that last week, Board questioned purpose of check and it is for random drug testing. It is noted that we have a pool of three employees that are involved.

(LS) Motion to release Check #008654 to Concord Hospital.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

7. CNHRPC Traffic Counting Program – 2008

(LKe) related that per their recent letter, the community is able to have traffic counts at nine different locations.

Break 7:04 P.M. Resume at 7:09 P.M.

(LKe) noted that this had been discussed at recent staff meeting and several suggested locations were offered:

Concord Hill Road
Loudon Road
Leavitt Road (Town side)
River Road
Clough Road
Dowboro Road by Webster Mills
South Main Street by WWTP
Shaw Road
Clark Street

(LS) Motion to approve the locations for CNHRPC Traffic Counting Program – 2008 as noted above. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

8. Invoice – Town Clock Repair

(LKe) noted that clock works on an intermittent basis. It was noted by Stan that additional work is recommended. (LS) DRA has noted that Warrant Article concerning clock is not legal. This money is in reserve.
(EV) suggested Town get a firm quote on what it is that it will take to fix it in detail. (LK) noted that we will get the quotes and then decide on funding.

9. Town Investment Policy Proposal

(LKe) noted that it might be desirable to have this patterned after another Town, which utilizes same audit firm. This involves the BOS, Town Clerk, Treasurer and anyone else who deals with the fund. I will circulate this proposal to the other parties involved for comment.

(LS) noted that she had several questions concerning the contents though overall she felt that it was pretty good. She related that she had questions about Page 2 – Internal Control Section: Are we following that? Page 3, No. 8: Does it lock us into doing it exactly that way so that we have no flexibility? Page 4 – Accounts Payable – Treasurer and Fund Transfers: How does the Treasurer report it. Page 6 – Qualifying Institution List: Do we have one? (LKe) This comes from State Treasurer. (EV) Leon can get us some feedback on this. (LK) We need to make it so that it is operable for us.

10. Economic Development Trust Transfer Proposal

(LS) “Couldn’t we do transfer on an annual basis?” (LKe) explained we would need to either pull it out of reserve or pay interest on borrowing.

(LS) Motion to transfer $4,218.75 from EDC General Fund. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Chamber Showcase Report

(LKe) noted that an E-mail had been received from the Chamber of Commerce noting they were very pleased with regard to Town’s participation in Chamber Showcase. (EV) noted that they were considering another in the fall and then probably yearly to increase public participation.

2. Police Department Monthly Report – April

For Board’s review.

3. NHDOT – Fuel Facilities

(LKe) The Director of Operations – DOT will be here next week to discuss the disappearance of the facility Pittsfield and the Quonset hut, why they are consolidating area and why the one in Pittsfield has to legally be removed.

4. Parks & Rec – Sunrise Market Approval

(LKe) This will be from June 19 through October 9th.

5. Welfare Department Monthly Report – April

(LS) They are still under budget for this year. (LKe) They have been under budget every month this year. (LK) Betsey is doing an excellent job and deserves an “ATTA GIRL.”

6. Staff Meeting Notes – 5-6-08

(LKe) explained briefly what flagger training entails.

7. NHDOT Letter, Carroll Street-Main Street Intersection

(LKe) noted that the posts and signs have been placed today. (LS) Thank you, Leon.

8. Membership Summary – Town Boards/Committees/Commissions

Marilyn Roberts name needs to be added as a new member of the Planning Board. Also, the name of the new member of the Ethics Committee should be added.

9. Budget Committee Member Contact Information

For your information.

10. Chichester Grange Awards Night – May 21st, 7:00 P.M.,
PD Sgt. Walter

(LK) Very good. I will try to make it. Several other Board members noted they would also try to attend.

11. Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Awareness Coalition

(DM) distributed the official flyers that will be posted throughout the Town. She related that at the meeting last night, funding for the PTO courses were discussed and it was unanimously agreed it should not be funded through the coalition. She noted that it originally had been discussed but it was never followed through with any resultant decision. (LS) It is up to the Chief to check with committee before using money. The Chief will have to fund it through his budget. This bill needs to be paid. (LKe) to bring in information next week on this.

12. Employee of the Month

(DM) questioned whether anyone had any additional input on the suggested packet of information. (LK) and (LS) both agreed that it was nicely set up. (LS) suggested a $25.00 gift certificate as opposed to one for $50.

(LS) Motion to approve criteria as presented without gift certificate. (DM) Second.


After further discussion it was agreed that selected individual would have their picture in the Sun with a framed picture and pertinent certificate displayed at Town Hall.

(LS) Withdraw above Motion. (DM) Withdraw Second.

(LS) Motion to approve Employee of the Month Nomination Form (see attached) with picture of employee displayed in Sun, and framed picture and applicable certificate on display at Town Hall. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Capital Improvement Plan
2. Space Needs Study
3. WWTP Plan Status
4. Sidewalk Improvement Plan Status
5. Review of Goals and Objectives

All future matters.


1. Timber Tax Levy, Charles & Ester Watson

(EV) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy, Charles & Ester Watson.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Notice of Intent to Cut, R-43, Lot 14

(EV) Motion to approve Notice of Intent to Cut Map R-43, Lot 14.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Manifest.
(EV) Second. After discussion: Carried 5-0.

(LKe) noted that he has retained check to D.L. King for a week.
(LS) Check #8721, Water Industries, missing invoice. (LK) noted that check to Mitchell and Bates for legal fees will be released but discussion will occur at future date after outcome determination is noted and the monetary value involved.


(JL) Motion to approve Public Minutes of May 6, 2008. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Minutes of May 6, 2008. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.


James Theodore noted that he would like to let the Board know that they are doing a great job. The citizens know that you are doing a great job. Ed and Larry can stay in for more time. Everyone is so professional. Also, the room really looks nice with the flags and the floors.


(LS) Motion to go into non-public session per 91 A:3 II (c). (DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed.

Non-Public Session begins at 8:13 P.M.

Return to Public Session at 8:32 P.M.

(LS) Motion to seal Non-Public Minutes of May 13, 2008. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0. (EV) Abstain.


(LS) Motion to adjourn. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.

APPROVED: May 20, 2008

_______________________________ ____________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date