May 14, 2007 Minutes

Parks and Recreation Committee
Pittsfield, NH
May 14, 2007
Members in attendance: Kathy Boudreau, Maryellen Plante, Scot
Palmer, Jesse Macglashing, Tina Montville
The minutes from the April meeting were approved as written. Kathy
welcomed Scot and Jesse to the committee. Tina needs to resubmit her
letter of intent to serve on the committee. Dave Valentine will still need
to write a letter of intent to stay on the committee.
Minni told the committee that she had received applications for gate
keepers and would be welcoming Kira Batchelder, Jordan Drolet, and
Ian Reeves back for the summer as life guards. All three may have
gotten their WSI as well. Minni will interview the people for gate keeper
and will bring the names of two of them to the committee and the
selectmen for approval in June. It was decided that we should ask Cara
to put the advertisement for life guards in the Concord Monitor for two
Sundays and Minni will ask for it to be put back in the Suncook Sun for
two more weeks and to have it put back on the town website again with
an extended deadline of May 29th.
It was decided that we would see how things go this summer without the
dock in the middle of the pond. There is concern that the water by the
dock is not deep enough for the dock and repairs need to made to the
dock itself. Other repairs were discussed. The counters on the
concession stand need to be replaced , the water needs to be turn on,
and the fence over by White’s Pond needs to be put back up. Minni will
take care of finding out how we get the water turned on. Any other
repairs will be talked about after we check the pool house out. Potential
lesson dates determined were July 9th to July 20th and July 23rd to
August 3rd. A motion was made and approved for Scott to spend up to
$50 for repairs to the fence. Registration for swimming lessons will be
during week of June 25th for both sessions. Pool sheets will be prepared
to send home from school before school closes for the summer. We will
discuss prices at the June meeting.
Kathy will prepare a survey about the Recreation area and will ask Bill
Provencial to post it on the town web site. We discussed updating the
Parks and Recreation part of the web site. Also Kathy said that the
minutes should be sent to Cara and to the web site. Kathy will send
information about what Parks and Recreation does to the town web site.
Kathy will update the request form for use of Dustin’s Park and Minni will
update the one for the Recreation Area for the next meeting.
Scot volunteered to repair the counters at the concession stand and
gate building at the Recreation Area and will check into removing the
old refrigerator. Rich and Minni Plante are donating a newer refrigerator
to the area. Scot also agreed to talk to Ray Webber about the gazebo
posts in Dustin’s Park and will get Ray’s keys to the Recreation Area.
The annual fishing derby will be held at the recreation area on June 2nd
at the F.B. Argue Recreation Area. Fish will be stocked. Tina will be in
charge of this and will make contacts to set things up. She will check to
make sure the state will match 100 fish that we purchase. There was a
motion which was accepted for Tina to spend up to $200 for prizes for
the fishing derby.
Jesse accepted the job of treasurer for the committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40. The next meeting will be held at the
F.B. Argue Recreation Area at 7:00 on June 11.
Respectfully submitted;
Maryellen (Minni) Plante