May 14, 2012 Minutes

MONDAY, MAY 14, 2012
Present –Ch. Elkins, _P_, Ms. Hast, _X_, Mr. Dustin, _ P , Lt. Abell, _P_, Mr. Provencher, _ P_, VCh. Mr. Heffernan (Planning Board ) _ P_. Fred Okrent, (HSA Administrator) _P_.
Meeting called to order at 7:20 PM at the Town Hall by Ch. Elkins.
Public Present:
Steve Aubertin.
Public Input:
Steve Aubertin – Requested clarification of smoke and carbon monoxide detector requirements. Wanted to know where the requirement for hard wiring came from and when, in fact, does the requirement become effective. How firm are the placement requirement for either device? Requested that the Board make a final determination on style and placement and publish that determination to eliminate any possible confusion. Lt. Abell stated that changes to the Ordinance would be made at the next Town Meeting. Mr. Dustin commented on the historical record in changing required locations of hard wired smoke detectors and consequent costs associated with the changing requirements. Mr. Aubertin was concerned that the current requirements imposed by the Inspector were not documented and therefore subject to change is a new inspector came along. Consensus was that the administrator would draft a letter to the Fire Marshall seeking clarification and the board would consider changes to the administrative rules to codify the inspector’s decisions.
Old Business
Update on: 28 Crescent- still no heat, water, or electricity. Vacant, no action by landlord.
146 Concord Hill Rd – Heat & water restored, Condemnation lifted, landlord working & living on premises .No valid rental license, inspection required prior to renting.
New Business:
Progress Reports: Much time devoted to handling tenant complaints and generating reports for lawyers. Statements of account mailed.
Meeting Minutes;
Mr. Dustin, made a motion that the minutes of the meeting of 3/27/12 be accepted as read; 2nd by Mr. Provencher, Motion passed 4 to 0.
Mr. Dustin, made a motion that the minutes of the non –public meeting of 3/27/12 be accepted as read; 2nd by Mr. Provencher, Motion passed 4 to 0.
Public Input:
Motion to adjourn:
Mr. Dustin, 2nd by Mr. Provencher, 4 to 0, motion passed. Adjourned at 8:09 PM. Next meeting: 7/9/12
Respectfully submitted,
Fred M. Okrent