May 15, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:02 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Vice-Chairman.
Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV),
John Lenaerts (JL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores
Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman
Al MacLellan related in regard to White’s Pond dam and the drainage issue,
the DES can remove the dam unless it meets the flood requirements at a cost
of $100,000. I have talked to Tammy Baillancourt, FEMA, and there are no
monies available for upgrading private dams – no grants or loans. Since the
Town of Pittsfield owns part of this land, is there some kind of alliance that
we can get into to receive bonds, loans, or grants for this purpose.
Homeowners cannot get loan because land is privately owned. (LK)
suggested they put this information in writing and perhaps after June 1st new
Town Administrator might have some knowledge of this and could assist
(PS) suggested that someone in the association look into State Statutes under
Village Districts where you might be able to create your own village. Mr.
MacLellan related that they had briefly looked into it and homeowners were
concerned about tax problems. (PS) related that in other places, village
districts are in alignment with the Town in regard to taxes. As a
governmental district, lower interest rates could be generated. Mr.
MacLellan related that they would look into this.
Dan Schroth related that he had read the Minutes of April 24th and I have a
couple of questions for John Lenaerts. When you were voting on members
for the Zoning Board, (LK) made Motion for Bob Elliott and (EV) Seconded
that motion. (JL) then stated Mr. Elliott should not be appointed. Mr.
Schroth reiterated that portion of the Minutes where Don Chase declared a
Point of Order….. “ My question is to John, I was wondering if John heard
Don Chase.” (JL) responded that he chose not to respond. Mr. Schroth
related, “You did the same thing. What he did was legal and what you did
was not legal. You should not have voted but recused yourself. I was trying
to resolve this, but no luck.” (JL) related that he was sure Mr. Schroth knew
what course of action he could take.
Michael Brewster related that he was here tonight on the same subject as last
week regarding Child Support Services. He reiterated that the amounts as
cited in the different reports did not match up. He related that there is a lot
of money that is unaccounted for and that he needs help in pursuing this. I
need for someone to write a letter for me, as I cannot due to restraining
orders. Certain people know where the money is going and I cannot get an
explanation. (PS) I realize you are looking for answers in regard to the State
budget. You should contact your State reps and senators to intervene on
your behalf. It was suggested that he put his concerns in writing and (PS)
related that he will notify the State.
Fred Hast related that he was disturbed by a couple of things from last week.
You disbanded the committee and established another one without notifying
anyone. Some individuals did not know anything about it. It is a poor way
of doing things. You should have notified the individuals about this. It was
stated that they meet every Wednesday night. I came in on several
Wednesdays and no one was here. (EV) related that they do meet every
Wednesday night, but if there are not enough members present, they will not
have a meeting, as there would be no quorum. Mr. Hast also stated that they
wanted to know where the water and sewer was on Route 28. It makes a
loop and does not cost Town anything. Also, the EDC has spent ¾ of the
money of the contract with CNHRP. (LS) related she was unsure of the
exact amount but that 100 hours were still available. They are proposing the
scope of the work be changed.
Mr. Hast commented on the relationship of the Clean Aire Company and the
Highway Garage, Ed, did you question why all the equipment was in one
building? (EV) related that it was more of an informational question. Mr.
Hast related that the Fire Department keeps all their equipment in one
building as does the Town Hall. It is because it is all they have. (EV)
related that his job was to ask questions and not make up answers. I think it
was a decent question to ask George why they do that. When I ask
questions, it is not to “hammer” someone. Mr. Hast stated why ask? Are
you proposing that the Town put up new buildings? (EV) related that
eventually they would be putting up a new building on the Salt Shed
property and that we should start thinking about it now. (EV) related any
question he asks is not to knock departments as they do a “he—“ of a job.
Mr. Hast related the best thing would be to get a sprinkler system. (EV)
related that the Town is going to build a new garage and we should be
planning for it now, Except for the Salt Shed, I do not know if Town has
ever planned five years out.
Mr. Hast also questioned the timeframe for replacing the EMT. Fire Chief
related that he would present names to BOS by third or fourth week of June.
(LK) related that by mid-July they would have more information.
Pam St. Laurent mentioned that every week BOS talks about the Town Hall
roof and replacing the slate. I have checked around and “who said roof
needs to be replaced?” There is a company in Munson, ME and I am
questioning why whole roof has to be replaced. My thoughts are 1. Who
says roof needs to be replaced? 2. Companies do maintenance out there,
why not repair it? 3. BOS discussed what to do with slate. This is old slate
and is worth money. Call Munson Company and see what they do with old
slate. It can be used for artwork. Town is putting a lot of money into roof
and does that change the historical aspect of it. If you do not know what you
are going to do with the building later, why throw money away? Also, how
much has been spent on Welfare so far this year – breakdown of rents, etc.
Ms. St. Laurent questioned whether applicants were doing job searches.
Summer is here and more jobs are available. (LK) related that they are
following State Guidelines, some of which have not been followed in the
past, and we are holding people accountable. We are saving some money in
places and meeting needs. Mike McLaughlin (MM) explained that the roof
has been “band-aid” repaired several times, even by him, and new leaks
keep appearing. (LK) related it is time to change the slate. (MM) related
that the slate is crumbling because it is so old, nails are rusting out, and there
are more and more leaks.
(LS) Property next to Rite-Aid, Sandbags, Property next to Dunkin Donuts
(LK) Shaw Road Bridge, Sand Storage, Welfare Hours, Town Hall Air
Quality, Fire Department Rug.
Action Items
1. Central NH Regional Planning Commission, EDC
(LS) suggested this be tabled till next week when EDC Chairman, Eric Bahr,
will be invited to attend, as well as Sharon Wason. (LK) Appointment at
6:15 P.M. (PS) to contact them both to advise of appointment time.
2. Highway Garage Exhaust Issue, Budget Line Item
(PS) related that he had not contacted Cara in regard to what line item this
was going to be charged to. Since George is here tonight, he might have
perspective on this and the flexibility in his budget. George related that it
needs to be charged to the correct line item. The Quail Ridge project was put
on hold. We will be getting a good share back and whatever is left after
FEMA pays should be enough to do roads/tarring. The estimate is about
$85,000. (EV) related that his concern with the Clean Aire system was the
heat loss and the rate of exchange. He related that he asked that question of
them and did not really get an answer. According to the engineer, every 7.5
minutes there is a total air exchange replacing air in garage with outside air.
What about the heat issue? George related that they now have new doors
and that the system would not be run constantly but only when needed.
(MM) related that he had contacted Clean Aire and the timeframe would be
about three weeks from when deposit is made, equipment would be in. (LK)
wanted to know when State would be back. (MM) related in 45 days, but
they will not give specific date. He related that State is getting us on an
employee complaint due to unfit work environment.
(LS) Motion to approve Clean Aire to do system, but not portable welding
system for now. (EV) Second. (LK) related that he felt that the welding
system was also necessary. George related that he felt the portable welding
system was also necessary and that both systems could be taken to another
building when that time arrived. He related that they do fabrication and the
unit collects chemicals in the air.
(EV) questioned whether there was a safety storage cabinet at garage?
George related there was not. (EV) related that he had acquired prices for
various sizes.
(LS) Withdrew her motion and (EV) his second of motion.
(LS) Motion to approve Clean Aire and portable welding system plus
electrical. (JL) Second. Carried 2-1 (EV).
George related that he would like to paint ceiling before system is installed
and has someone to do it on the weekend. Board agreed that this should be
done, as it would be easier to install prior to installation of the system.
3. Skate Park Fund, Acceptance of Credit Card Donations
(PS) related that he had received a memo from Cara regarding Tammy
Colby and they would like to set up an account to allow them to accept
credit card donations. The Treasurer is the only one who can sign this
agreement. The Skate Park feels it is losing donations since people cannot
donate by credit card. The Board discussed the necessary machine, monthly
reports, security issues, amount actually payable to Skate Park after credit
card takes percentage and length of agreement. (PS) related that he did not
feel this would be an issue since it is being done on such a small scale. Mr.
Hast suggested they ask one of the merchants in Town to do it for them for
now. (LS) wanted to know if Town was liable for something like this should
there be a security breach. (PS) related that they would be.
(JL) Motion to approve credit card donations for Skate Park Fund subject to
review by (PS) and Cara. (LS) Second. Carried 2-1 (EV).
It was noted by Board that requests should be before the Board prior to the
time actually needed to allow BOS to review.
4. Property Tax – 105 Loudon Road Deed
(LK) related that they had received some paperwork from Liz Hast regarding
this property. (LS) related that I think I heard what Liz was telling us. We
neither need nor want this property. (PS) related that there is process to be
followed and that BOS should ask Tax Collector what to do. (LS) suggested
(PS) talk to Liz about this and send letter accordingly.
5. Pat Heffernan Letter of Resignation – EDC
(LS) Motion to NOT accept Pat Heffernan’s letter of resignation. (EV)
Second. Carried 3-0.
(EV) related that he had discussed the number of members for the EDC with
Kimberly from the LGC and she suggested that committee have nine fulltime
members, which would allow quorum vote to happen. (LS)
recommended that Committee have nine members.
(LS) Motion to appoint Deb Jordan, of Chamber of Commerce, to
Committee and Pat Heffernan as full member of Economic Development
Committee. (JL) Second Carried 3-0. (LK) suggested (PS) write letter to
Pat Heffernan.
6. Shaw Road Bridge
George related that $65,000 is our appropriated share for this project. He
has talked to Nancy Mayville and it was noted that Town needs to apply for
Bridge aid. He related that a letter needs to be sent stating this and that it is
an emergency situation to move up process. She is aware of what happened.
(PS) suggested Board approve application for Municipal Bridge Aid.
(LS) Motion to approve application for Municipal Bridge Aid and letter of
emergency situation. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
7. Salt/Sand Storage
George related that DES has designated a site specific for this, which is over
two acres. $500 was paid for permit and they applied in September and have
heard nothing to date. George related that he has unsuccessfully tried to
contact them so he can begin working on the site. He related he couldn’t bid
the project, as he does not yet have the permit. (LS) related Town could
send letter inquiring the status of the permit. (PS) to do after receiving copy
of site-specific application.
8. Fire Department Carpet
(LK) related he contacted the carpet company and explained the situation
concerning the carpet. Dick Lindt of the Scott Larsen Group felt there
would be no issues concerning the carpet and it could be removed. He
related that in twenty years doing carpeting they have never had a positive
reading in regard to asbestos issues. Chief related this would be
accomplished on Thursday.
(LS) Motion to remove the carpet at the Fire Station. (EV) Second. Carried
9. Welfare Hours
(LK) Betsey will be out the week of May 25th. Peggy can cover Tuesday
and Wednesday 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. and Friday Noon to 4:00 P.M.
Board agreed this would be acceptable and (PS) to advise.
10. Town Hall Air Quality
(MM) has advised that the Town Hall air quality has been tested and a mold
problem does exist. (MM) to call some places to find out what can be done
to rectify. (EV) advised he would contact Dave Foss to see what he does at
his work for similar problems.
11. Property Next to Rite-Aid
(MM) related that he has tried to communicate to the bank owner but bank is
unable to locate deed and agree that they own this property. Board
discussed ways that clean up could be accomplished as the responsibility of
the bank, but it would be a long process. Board decided that George’s
department should clean up the property, and bill the owner accordingly.
(LS) Motion to clean up this property for health reasons. (EV) Second.
Carried 3-0.
12. Sand Bags
Fire Chief related that he has discussed this with Police Chief. They had
discussed a couple different Saturdays to accomplish this. He will try and
set it up for this coming Saturday to see if it can be done. (PS) related that
they could discuss this at the Department Heads meeting tomorrow.
13. Property Next to Dunkin Donuts
(LS) related that this property also does not look very attractive. She
suggested that perhaps a letter be written to owner or a phone call requesting
he please clean up the property. (MM) related that he would send a letter
concerning this to owner, but he really does not have any other recourse.
George also related that the State is not taking care of the slopes on Route
28. He would like to just mow there to make area look more presentable.
George also related that he would talk to the owner of the property next to
Dunkin Donuts about the dirt piles.
1. Department of Labor Report from 1999
(MM) and George continue working on the write-ups. (EV) has obtained
some costs for safety storage containers and this will also be looking into.
2, Mark Turner Pot Holes Update
(MM) related he is unable to locate if/when Town gave resident permission
for current drainage of his property when resident constructed his garage.
Because this resident’s drainage flows into the street, the road is
deteriorating. George related that resident needs to put in drywell, but to
date has refused to do so. He related in the winter this area of the road
freezes and can be a dangerous situation for drivers which could make the
Town liable for any incidents that might occur.
(MM) and George to once again contact resident to see if he would be
amicable to correcting this drainage issue.
3. Al MacLellan, White’s Pond
This matter was addressed during Public Input.
(EV) questioned what part of the property the Town actually owns. If Town
owns part of this property, why is the Town not using it? George related
that he thought the Town’s property was landlocked. He related that
previously fishing derbies were held there, but then they put the dam in.
4. Town Hall Roof
(MM) related that he has started bid process for asphalt roof. (LS) related
that Board only wanted a couple of quotes since the last quote was so high.
(MM) related that he will cancel the bid request, call a couple of places and
get some informal quotes.
5. Pittsfield Players’ Tax Exemption – Tabled 4/17/07
Still awaiting information on this.
6. Acknowledgement Forms for Ethics Code
(EV) related that he has checked with Zoning Board members and all have
signed the Ethics Code acknowledgement form but one individual. This has
now been done. He wanted to know if there was a master list of those
individuals who had completed this form. (PS) to find out.
(EV) Motion to accept payroll for week ending May 19, 2007. (LS) Second.
Carried 2-1 (LS) Abstain.
(LS) Motion to accept accounts payable for week ending May 19, 2007.
(EV) Second. Carried 2-1 (LS) Abstain.
(LS) Motion to approve Minutes of May 8, 2007. (EV) Second.
Carried 3-0. (Several corrections to be made were noted and will be
accomplished accordingly.)
Pam St. Laurent related that the Board should have all the necessary
information to review prior to accepting or voting on things on the Agenda
such as the credit card for the Skate Park Fund. She related that not
everyone on the Board had an opportunity to review the information and
hasty decisions had to be made. (LK) Agreed, but advised that time
constraints were a factor and that (PS) and Cara were very experienced
along these lines and they will be involved in the matter. Ms. St. Laurent
related that Board is authorizing people to use credit card to make donations
and would be liable for any breach of security in these matters.
Fred Hast again noted Board should get “all their ducks in a row.”
Regarding the EDC, you really do need an odd number for a quorum. Board
should talk about issues and maybe make decisions next week rather than
hurrying into matters.
(LS) Motion to go into non-public session per 9l A:3 (a), (b) and (e).
(JL) Second. Carried 3-0.
Public session adjourned at 8:25 P.M.
APPROVED: May 22, 2007
__________________________ _____________________
Larry Konopka, Vice-Chairman Date