May 15, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Eric Nilsson (EN), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




2. Lenny Deane Appointment

(LK) I see that you are willing to help us out by filling the position of Interim Part-Time Fire Chief at 20 hours per week.

Lenny Deane: I have another full-time job and I have been with the Fire Department about ten years. I understand code enforcement, personnel issues, and am involved in apparatus training. I do not want this long term. It takes someone to do this on a full-time basis. (LK) So about 10-20 hours per week at $25 per hour. I think that is reasonable. Lenny Deane: I have about 31 years within the organization and can keep things on a positive note. I just wanted Board to know that I am certainly interested in doing that.

(PS) I know you are often away on weekends – does your proposal include weekends? Lenny Deane: I am gone some Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays but I am not gone every weekend – maybe two or three weekends a month. I am not changing my life. (LK) You have been Acting Chief before. Lenny Deane: I have been.

(LS) Motion to approve Lenny Deane as Interim Acting Fire Chief at $25 an hour until position can be filled. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

Board thanked him for stepping up to assist the Town at this time.


Maurice Wells: He noted several corrections in the Minutes of May 8, 2012. (Please note these corrections under approval of the Minutes.)


(GL) E-Mail regarding Town Revitalization (To Be Discussed Next Week);
(PR) Trees Elm/Main Streets (Owner not present – unavailable for tonight), Non-Public – Employee; (LK) Stock Piles – Highway Department, 21-23 Depot Street.


2. Meeting/Beautification Committee/Highway Superintendent-Union
Block Owner

George Bachelder: I have looked at the two trees in question. The one in front of the Union Block is lifting the steps though all the steps are involved or will be eventually. I would not cut the tree down now but perhaps, during the renovating of the building. I recommend that we not take down the tree at this time.

The tree next to Jitters is pretty bad. Paul Rogers said he would be willing to get another tree to replace it. We would have to grind down the stump to be able to plant the tree which would cost about $200-250. Usually they cut the trees back about 15 feet from the power lines which they cannot do in this instance so they do what they have to do. (LK) So you recommend taking the one next to Jitters. (PR) Look at it. One side is completely bare. I mean the shade is wonderful but the tree has been “hacked”. George Bachelder: It will take a long time to get a new tree to get to that size.

(LS) The owner of the tree in front of the Union Block said at some point he will want to do something with that tree. When it gets to that point, we can take another look at it. (PR) The tree is misshaped. We could trim it back to balance the other part of it. When the time comes, I would like to buy another tree. The stump grinding is quite expensive. Overall, I would buy the tree when the right time comes, but for now we could just continue as is.


6:15 P.M.: Robert Wood – MRI

(PS) By way of introduction, Robert Wood is from MRI. Mr. Wood could you explain who you are?

Robert Wood: He explained that he was with Municipal Resources, Inc. (MRI) which provides consulting services to municipalities including public safety. My expertise lies within Fire Services. He explained that he had served as Fire Chief in Durham, NH for 13 years culminating 28 years of emergency service to the Durham area and UNH community. He further noted some of his work history in relation to this position.

(PS) The Board wanted to discuss with Mr. Wood to explore the option of obtaining MRI services on a temporary basis or possibly to come in and do a specific review assessment and analysis pertaining to staff and services. Mr. Wood explained that he could be quite flexible in this regard placing emphasis on certain aspects and/or provide guidance in hiring or with any number of situations. It should be noted that all of our “projects” involve a peer review process with our junior and senior peers. This is not done in a vacuum but with a broad spectrum of resources to draw from.

(LK) The Board needs to do more research to see where we are headed. Robert Woods: I would like to suggest that you have one contact individual to reflect on how you would like to approach this. I have done assessments on a narrow scope, specific ones and complete overviews if requested.

(GL) I am looking at a full overview. I would like to see if it can be streamlined. Mr. Wood: It might be helpful if you would let us know your goals and objectives.
(LS) If you were to come in and did an initial evaluation, what would it entail? Mr. Wood: All aspects of the operation. (LS) Would you also generate suggestions? Mr. Wood: Yes, usually we cover all perspectives, observations and recommendations. (LS) How long would it take? Mr. Wood: It would depend on who was involved with the project and what scope you would want. One thing that might be helpful would be online surveys which would allow us to be flexible.

Mr. Wood left meeting at 6:25 P.M.


1. Suncook River Nominating Committee

(PS) I received an inquiry regarding the Suncook River Nominating Committee. They wanted to understand whether we have representatives to the Committee even though Board of Selectmen is not in favor of the nomination. You also have an E-Mail from both Ted Mitchell and Mark Wallace both of whom were representatives of Pittsfield for this committee. (LS) We need to formally let them know that we do not support it and want to withdraw the application.

(LS) Motion to approve Town Administrator write letter advising them we are withdrawing from the Suncook River Nominating Committee. (GL) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (GL) When I first saw the E-Mail, I called Larry and then Linda. We are out of it. We do not want to represent something we do not believe in.
(EN) We should send a letter to Ted Mitchell and Mark Wallace to let them know they are no longer on this committee. (GL) I agree with Eric. If they would like to be a part of the committee as citizens that is okay, but not as representatives of the Board of Selectmen. (PS) to do.

3. Administrative Plan (Inadvertently Omitted from the Agenda)

(PS) The Board now has a spreadsheet of the expenditures to date which has also been provided to the Budget Committee which will indicate some of the decisions made to date and for future actions to reign in expenses. It is still rather early to determine how we are going to end up. The Board may need to take other actions. We will have a better understanding of the Board’s decisions around Labor Day.

4. Police Cruiser Repairs

(PS) In addition to the E-Mail, the Police Chief is present tonight about the police cruiser which had been the canine officer’s car and needs repairs ($3,600). (LK) The Tahoe is in place? Chief Wharem explained that Board needs to decide whether to fix car or not. The Tahoe had come in and the necessary equipment has been removed from the former car and is now in the Tahoe. So it is not a canine car any longer. There is a problem with the former car regarding the transmission, odometer and a cracked back window which needs to be worked on if Town wants to keep vehicle.

Board discussed whether to keep this car as a cruiser. Chief noted that we have seven cruisers including this one. The cage still remains in the back of the former car as it does not fit in the Tahoe but we transferred the equipment that we could.

(LK) Why would we even consider sending this car to the graveyard with only 88,0000 miles on it? Chief Wharem: My concern is the number of hours on the car and with 88,000 miles, it is a “crapshoot.” It is a lot of money for repairs. There was a question as to whether this vehicle could be used as Building Inspector vehicle. (PR) Do we still have the other vehicle that used to be the Building Inspector car? Chief noted that Town does but it also needs repairs; he is checking on the estimate for repair of that vehicle. (LS) What do we do with the car, not fix it?
Chief Wharem: Send it to auction. I do not know what the market may bring.

(EN) I would like to table this for a week. Chief Wharem: Do you want the car brought back to Town? (LK) Can it stay there one more week? Chief Wharem: I will ask. This would be an extra cruiser and would add to our maintenance costs.

5. Police Radio Equipment Grant/State of NH Department of Safety

Chief Wharem: There is an update on this and they have pushed the date up to May 24th. It is a Federal Grant for procurement of new, state-of-the art portable radios for distribution Statewide. Per the Department of Safety, “the goal includes the selection of appropriate equipment to meet the needs of today but will also include capabilities that will be scalable for future technologies and use.” Chief Wharem noted that he is trying to determine which radio is the best one and is most compatible with the department needs. If we do not accept the grant, it will be distributed to other communities. The grant is for $14, 339.01 with no matching costs with just maintenance by the Town.

(LS) What does the cost ration consist of? Chief Wharem: It is based on the numbers and size in the community, size of the department and location. Different communities need different radios. (EN) Can we fine tune this next week?
Chief Wharem: There is no timeframe other than the end date of May 24th. Board agreed to table until next Board meeting.

PUBLIC INPUT: Ron Freeze: Motorola is the one that will really work in our area and are usually around $6,000 each; to get four at $4,000 each is a heck of a deal.

Close Public Input

6. Dan Greene

Dan Greene read into the Minutes a letter regarding the Pittsfield Police Department. (See attached.)

(LK) Chief Wharem, would you like this to be in Non-Public Session?
Chief Wharem: No, Public Session is fine. (LK) Chief it at any time, you would like to go into Non-Public, please interrupt and we will do so.

Dan Greene: After reading letter – “I am asking that the Police Chief step down” or I will be suing the Pittsfield Police Department.

Chief Wharem: I have no comment at this time.

Break: 6:52 P.M. Resume 6:56 P.M.

7. Fire Department Pager Bids

(PS) There is a summary of the detailed bid as approved on the Warrant Article at the Town Meeting. Chief Johnson has recommended low bidder Radio Express, Inc. in Centerville, VA at a cost of $11,625.

(LS) Motion to approve pager bid of Radio Express, Inc., Centerville, VA. for $11,625.

8. E-Mail from Mark Wallace Re: Suncook River Nomination

Please see Page 4 above.


1. Balloon Rally 2011 Payroll Expenses

(PS) Board requested I obtain the expenses for Public Safety for the 2011 Balloon Rally. There is no cost pertaining to Fire Department as they were able to manage with shift members and no additional coverage.

Chief Wharem: I discussed this with the Rotary though I am still waiting to hear about two issues – Friday night fireworks and road race volunteers. It will not be any more than the $3,000 allocated and probably more has been allocated than will be needed.

2. Stock Piles – Highway Department

(LK) We have information from George Bachelder as to questions posed at meeting by member of the public. Maurice, would you like to have this?
(LK) If you have any other questions, perhaps George can help you with that.

3. 21-23 Depot Street

(PR) I have talked to George on this. Pennichuck Water did some sidewalk repair and now it drains to that side of the street. There is a dip of about eight inches. There may be a liability should someone fall or get hurt. George advised he would check into it.

4. Downtown Revitalization

(GL) I have distributed the information and this could be discussed next week. I just wanted to be sure that the information got to the EDC. (LS) advised that the Town has adopted this and the EDC put together a package for interested applicants.

5. Letter Kelly Acres

(PS) This pertains to the Highway Department and Driveway Permit which is governed by DOT and not the Town. (PR) This is the same thing that happened on S. Main Street. Jesse has given her the appropriate numbers.

6. Hearing for Parks & Recreation

(LS) The hearing for Parks & Recreation? (PS) This is scheduled for next week.


1. Tax Deeded Property/Revised Bid Proposals (Advertised & Copied)

(PS) In your packet of information, there is a revised cover page noting: .. Town reserves the right to reject any or all bids for any reason , … for the properties listed. There is no minimum bid. This has been advertised in The Sun and is on the Website.


1. Warrant Timber Tax levy I the Amount of $690.99: Tax Map R51, Lot 3

(LS) Motion to approve Warrant Timber Tax Levy in the amount of $690.99,
Tax Map R51, Lot 3. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Intent to Cut, Tax Map R51, Lot 3

(PR) Motion to approve Intent to Cut Tax Map R51, Lot 3. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Intent to Cut, Tax Map R52, Lot 2

(PR) Motion to approve Intent to Cut, Tax Map R52, Lot 2. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of May 8, 2012

(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of May 8, 2012. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Corrections as noted by Maurice Wells:

Page 8, Under Public Input: Paragraph 2, Line 1 should read: The grates on…..
Page 9, Paragraph 1, Last Line should read…just did not buy winter sand this year.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of May 8, 2012

(PR) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of May 8, 2012.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Accounts Payable

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Payroll

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (PR) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (LS) I have a question on paid on-call. Do we have a policy concerning this? (PS) We access information from the Chief. There is no written policy but past practice indicates that for the initial response and are paid for a full hour and after that they are paid in 15 minute increments. I can ask the Chief to draft a written policy for Board approval. (PS) to do.


Rob Freese: How many unused vehicles are left in Town fleet? Chief Wharem: Total of three. Ron Freese: You are better off selling the parts, you get better results.

Maurice Wells: The magnesium chloride bags purchased in March, “I seen these bags in January and February.” (LK) I saw the bags delivered in March.
(LS) That is when the expenses for this “hit the accounts.” Maurice Wells: Can I check the account. (PS) Yes, check with Cara.

Maurice Wells: There is an awful big pile of winter sand in the Belcastro pit. (LK) When were you there? Maurice Wells: I was there when I took the picture. (LK) When? I believe that is private property. I have been informed by Highway Superintendent that this is private property. Maurice Wells: I was there about three weeks ago. As a taxpayer, I paid into that land. (LK) Chief Wharem will check that out. Maurice Wells: It is my business as a taxpayer to see if the Town is getting the shaft. (LK) If it is private property, I am not sure. From what I have been told, this is private property.

Dan Greene: Perhaps, I spoke prematurely about a suit against the Town. I am asking the Board to start an investigation at the Police Department.
(LK) suggested that Mr. Greene put this in writing. (Mr. Greene provided a written copy of this request while the Board of Selectmen was in Non-Public Session and presented to Town Administrator after that time.)


(EN) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A: 3 II (a).
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were
polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:19 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:37 P.M.

(GL) Motion to seal Non-Public Session of May 15, 2012.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector position as 24 hours per week effective July 1, 2012 making it a part-time position. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) to advise Town Clerk.

(LS) Motion to approve FMLA for Nancy Bates effective June 5, 2012.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.


Carole Dodge: As Zoning Board Vice Chair, it is noted that Greenleaf Auto had a conceptual before the Planning Board to check what needed to be done to use it as commercial property when now it is a residential property. They have never applied to the Zoning Board and they are parking vehicles on the adjacent property, which they own, and using it as a business on residential property. The question is could we, perhaps, remind him to come before the Board?

(PR) I talked to him about this recently. He wanted to make sure everything was going well and his family was on board with this. He related to me that he is working on the papers. Carole Dodge: This is something that we should be watching as it could have a trickling effect. (LK) I think it would be best to send Code Enforcement up there. Jesse can notify him and give him guidance in this direction. (Jesse Pacheco was present at this meeting and was advised accordingly.)

Close Public Input


(LS) Motion to adjourn. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.

Approved: May 22, 2012

_________________________ ______________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on May 15, 2012, transcribed and public posted on May 16, 2012.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

I Tape