May 17, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield School Board
May 17, 2007
Pittsfield Middle High School
Members Present: Scott Brown, Chairman
Chris Ward
Mary Paradise
Gary Colby
Leslie Vogt
Others Present: Dr. William Compton, Superintendent
Toby Eaton, Business Administrator
Karen Erlandson, Principal, PMHS
Mark Jarvis, Director of Student Services, PMHS
Jeff DeLois, Administrator, PMHS
Leslie Bergevin, Director of Guidance, PMHS
Dr. John Freeman, Principal, PES
Mr. Brown called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.
Principal Erlandson added valedictorian and salutatorian announcement, Long-
Term English Substitute Teacher nomination, and prom. Ms. Vogt added prom
bus. Dr. Compton added Final Strategic Plan Update, and Business
Administrator search. Mr. Eaton added update on Harvard Pilgrim Health
Insurance. Dr. Freeman added support staff resignations. Mr. Jarvis added
support staff nominations. Mr. DeLois added fall coaching nominations to the
On a motion made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mrs. Vogt, the Board voted to
accept the minutes of May 3, 2007 as amended with a correction to spelling of the
name “Pszonowsky”, mentioned twice on page 3, section VI.-E.
A. Science Curriculum Development
Dr. Freeman reported the grade level teams had a positive attitude about
realignment. The science teams worked with professional attitude and did a
terrific job. Dr. Freeman will share recognition and appreciation at the staff
meeting on Monday.
B. Science NECAP Pilot Test
Dr. Freeman reported level of expectations were high at PES for the pilot test of
the new NECAP testing program, administered on two days. The first session
was partly traditional with some open response questions. The second part
reinforced the need of investigation and hands-on work in science. We will not
receive any feedback on the children’s achievement as it was a pilot test. Ms.
Bergevin advised the real tests will begin next year. The science test will be
held in the spring, mathematics in the fall. She further explained testing levels
and added some tests will be hands-on, others determining by investigation.
C. Support Staff Resignations
Dr. Freeman presented letters of resignation from Kelly Corson and Ellen
Lockhart. On a motion made by Mr. Colby, and seconded by Mr. Ward, the
Board voted to unanimously accept the resignations as of the dates recorded.
A. Support Staff Nominations
Mr. Jarvis presented applications for employment for candidates Sabrina Lyons
and Frank Daley. Mr. Jarvis nominated Sabrina Lyons for the position of
Education Aide II to replace Stephanie Hunt who resigned two weeks ago. He
also nominated Frank Daley who retired several years ago with a MBA and
twenty years experience, as an educational aide replacement. Ms. Paradise
made a motion to accept both nominations as recommended, seconded by Ms.
Vogt, and unanimously approved.
B. Long-Term Social Studies Substitute Teacher
Principal Erlandson reported Pamela Sanderson accepted the Long-Term
Social Studies Substitute Teacher position filling the vacancy left by Mr.
Pszonowsky. It was noted that salary is determined by established School
Board policy.
C. Valedictorian and Salutatorian Announcement
At the end of third quarter, senior GPA’s indicated Kate Vogt had achieved the
honor of valedictorian, with a tie for salutatorian by students Courtney Martin
and Hannah Schmidt. It was noted that a ruling on recognizing student
achievement would be brought to the Board for approval, revision to be
included in the student handbook.
D. Prom
Principal Erlandson reported approximately 100 students attended the prom
held at Pat’s Peak. She commended Mr. Kilmister and Mr. Smith for a great
job, beautiful location, and lovely time.
E. Chichester Grange Teacher of the Year Award
The Grange Award Ceremony occurred Wednesday, May 16th. Jeff DeLois
received the Grange Teacher of the Year Award three years ago. Six awards
are presented for teaching, police, fire/rescue, etc. Mrs. Bea Pszonowsky
accepted the Grange Teacher of the Year Award presented posthumously to
Michael Pszonowsky with extreme grace and recognized those who were
present to share this honor.
F. Sam’s Club / Wal-Mart Regional Teacher of the Year
An assembly was held on May 8, 2007 to publicly recognize Sheila Ward as
recipient of the Sam’s Club / Wal-Mart Regional Teacher of the Year Award. It
was noted that Justin Miner, a tenth grade student, nominated her for this
award, which included a floral bouquet, polo shirt, and $100.00 gift certificate for
Ms. Ward, along with a $1,000.00 check for the school.
G. Teacher Appreciation
Again this year, the Booster Club generously provided refreshments in honor of
“Teacher Appreciation.” In addition, Dr. Compton visited PMHS and personally
distributed appreciation pins to all of the staff.
A. Staff Appreciation
Dr. Compton thanked the Joint Board for contributing funds for the appreciation
pins. He added it is a special time of year for superintendents to go out and
visit the children and faculty. It is not just teacher appreciation but staff
appreciation as well for the loyal and dedicated staff that work very hard.
B. Joint SAU #51 Board Meeting
The Joint Board is meeting next Tuesday, May 22, 2007. Ten resumes were
received for the position of Business Administrator. Three candidates have
been selected for the interview process. The meeting starts at 6 p.m., the
interview starts at 6:30 p.m. at BES Library. Interviews will be thirty to forty
minutes in duration.
C. Director of Pupil and Personnel Services Search Update
Dr. Compton reported that four resumes have been received to date. The
process is going slower than expected.
D. Strategic Planning Committee Update
Dr. Compton reported work has been completed for the most part. The next
meeting is scheduled for May 24th. Review of established objectives is
planned. Mr. Brown, Ms. Vogt, and Dr. Freeman are on the Planning
E. Prom Transportation – 2007-2008
Mr. Brown advised the original reason for requesting bus transportation to the
event was due to bad roads, time, distance, etc. when the prom was held at
Castle in the Clouds. Mr. Brown stated the decision is specific to location and
distance. In NH two years of driving are required before you can drive after
1:00 a.m. Mr. Brown requested discussion be moved to a later date.
F. Fall Coaches Nominations
Mr. DeLois presented coaches nominations for fall 2007 with the exception of
two vacant positions. Mr. Ward agreed to interview candidates with Mr.
DeLois. Except for middle school boys’ soccer, all are re-nominations from
last year. Ms. Paradise made the motion to accept the nominations as
presented, seconded by Mr. Ward, and unanimously approved with the
abstention of Mr. Colby.
G. Long-Term Substitutes
Discussion ensued on whether or not long-term substitutes should be
nominated. Dr. Compton recommended those positions of at least one-half
year in duration should be nominated. The Superintendent and School Board
should be made aware of any positions requiring a substitute for more than
twenty days. Dr. Compton will prepare an informational item relative to
substitutes for the School Board before next school year.
H. Alternative IV and V Statement of Eligibility
Dr. Compton presented information on Alt IV and Alt V Statement of Eligibility.
The program allows teachers three years to become certified, but is not a
teaching certificate.
I. Bid Approvals
Mr. Eaton presented an informational packet on the fuel oil supply invitation to
bid. It was noted that the price would not change if one of the entities did not
wish to do business with the vendor. Mr. Colby made the motion to put the oil
contract with the other town agencies to bid, seconded by Mr. Ward, and
unanimously approved with the abstention of Ms. Paradise.
J. Health Insurance
Mr. Eaton presented information on medical coverage and rates for health
K. Gymnasium Lighting
Materials for the gym lighting job are expected to be onsite by Thursday, May
24th. The PSNH sub-contractor will make arrangements with Jim Dawson to
tentatively begin the job on Saturday, May 26th.
L. Last Day of School & Grade 8 Promotional Ceremony
Dr. Compton stated the last day of school is currently June 21, 2007 since we
have had three (3) school closing days this year. He has requested a one-day
waiver from the NH Department of Education due to the state of emergency
caused by flooding. If approved, June 20th would become the last day of school,
one-half day session. Normally, the promotional ceremony is scheduled the
last day of school.
M. School Board Meeting Schedule
Mr. Brown reported the meeting schedule has been scaled back to one meeting
per month for July and August. The dates are selected so as many members
as possible may attend since a quorum is necessary. The dates selected were
July 19th and August 16th at 5:30 p.m.
N. Budget Transfers
Mr. Eaton introduced discussion on budget transfers to purchase items that
were previously not allowed due to the frozen budget. The Board supported
returning a balance to reserve to reduce the tax rate. Purchases involving
programmatic pieces will be allowed. The purchases of consumable items
should be avoided.
A. Drake Field & Facilities-
Mr. Colby reported that the girls’ locker room has been gutted and stud walls
framed. The home team dugout was erected last weekend. The visiting team
dugout is scheduled for the upcoming weekend. The electrical meter has
been installed. The torn flag was removed. A 10’X6’ nylon replacement flag
priced at $80.00 was approved for purchase. Mr. Eaton recommended the
flag be purchased in time to display for Memorial Day. Park ordinances as
well as vandalism were discussed. The walking patrol should already be in
effect. Suspicious activity should be reported to the police. Coach Stockman
was acknowledged for the work he has done at Drake Field.
B. Selectmen Liaison
C. Budget
Ms. Vogt notified the Budget Committee chairperson regarding reinstatement
of two teachers at PES and tried to arrange a June date for the Budget
Committee meeting. Mr. Dustin may be seeking another position which would
require him to step down as chairperson.
D. SAU Planning
Mr. Brown reported Mrs. Keuenhoff will replace Mr. Dustin’s place on the
committee. The committee will visit other SAU’s that are similar in size and
make-up. Members will communicate with other towns to determine interest in
joining a multi-town SAU. The Board will ultimately be responsible for deciding
the structure of the SAU. Ms. Paradise and Mr. Ward will form a subcommittee,
with Ms. Vogt as an alternative, to speak with school
administrators regarding the SAU/Business Administrator position. Dr.
Compton is considering canceling the June 12 Administrators meeting and
suggested using that date to meet as a group. He will not add any other items
to the agenda. It was noted that Ms. Paradise will not be able to attend the
meeting. Eight people will be in attendance plus Mr. Ward and Ms. Vogt as
alternate. Dr. Compton reported Harry Mitchell will be retiring at the end of
this school year. Principal Erlandson will advise Mr. Mitchell of the need to
submit a written letter of resignation.
E. Negotiations
next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 7, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. in the
Pittsfield Middle High School media center. Mr. Brown advised that since the
Curriculum Assessment meeting is scheduled on June 7th as well, he will be late for
the School Board meeting.
X. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None
At 7:04 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Colby, and seconded by Mr. Ward to enter
into non-public session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously to enter into
a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A: 3 II (c) [Personnel Matters].
A motion was made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby to come out of
the non- public session. The Board was polled and voted to come out of the nonpublic
session at 7:54 p.m.
On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted
unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Payne
Public Session
Acting Recording Secretary