May 18, 2011 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
May 18, 2011

1. Meeting opened at 5:31.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Ted Mitchell (TM), Lyn Roberts (LR), Susan Muenzinger (SM),
Linda Small (LS), Ellen Barbasso (EB), Paul Skowron (PS), Gerard Leduc (GL),
Matt Monahan (MM) from CNHRPC, and Scott Ward (SW).

3. Minutes from May 4, 2011 accepted and approved.

4. Advertiser sign at Dunkin Donuts
A. The contract was delivered to the Select Board
1. They did not have time to review it properly
2. They will let us know by our next meeting if it is OK.
B. EV spoke to the current manager at Dunkin Donuts
2. She introduced him to the new manager (Doug)
3. The owners of Dunkin Donuts will have to be contacted before approval is given

5. Update on Marketing Pittsfield items
A. Mike Bergeron from DRED will come to our June 15th meeting
B. Face book page is up
C. High school AV department
1. EV was unable to contact Silas St James
2. He is coming to Select Board on June 7
D. EV spoke to Jeremy Yeaton of Rotary
1. He will talk to people at Rotary tonight
2. See how we can help them

6. Fiddlehead Market in Alton
A. EV and SM went to the Market
B. Fiddlehead Market owns the space and an area in the market
C. Other businesses rent space from them to sell their items-such as:
fish, meat, bakery items, gourmet items
D. Everything paid for at 1 register
1. Computer is programmed to identify which department it is from
2. About 20 different vendors are there

7. Pittsfield Police Department
A. Have a grant program to clean up downtown
1. They supply paint and other supplies
2. Get supervised inmates to do the work
B. Police Chief will come to June 1, 2011 meeting

8. Plan Charette
1. EV contacted Robin
2. She said they are still waiting for the printer
3. EV will contact her again to get the boards-so we can use them with other committees

9. Next meeting June 1, 2011.

10. Meeting closed at 6:40 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary