May 20, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.






(LS) Info Updates; (EV) Budgets, Smoking Receptacle – Welfare;
(Lke) WWTP Temp Employee, Provision Modification Teamsters Contract, Elderly Housing Report – Epsom.


6:05 P.M.: Lyle Knowlton, Director of Operations, NHDOT – Pittsfield Fueling Station/Quonset Hut

(Lke) related that Lyle (Butch) Knowlton, Director of Operations has worked in the private sector and is now with the DOT. In his capacity as Director of Operations, he has the largest number of employees and has the greatest budget managing bridges, roads, and etc. He is here tonight to address the Fueling Station/Quonset Hut and the Sign issue.

Mr. Knowlton related in essence that the State and the DES have changed operating rules requiring monthly testing, addition of additives to the fuel, and requiring that there be an owner/operator on site. Due to lack of funding, the DOT will no longer be able to occupy the site. He noted that currently the State mostly utilizes the facility for projects and this winter the building collapsed. The intent is to close this facility; after all necessary compliant closure requirements have been met, and upgrade the facility in Alton to compliance status. He noted the amount of current usage by Pittsfield as well as Barnstead and explained the DES cost compliances in regard to private control. He noted that the closure would probably be sometime before but no later than October 3, 2008.

(EV) questioned the status of the property. Mr. Knowlton related that the property will be closed according to DES requirements and the property sold. (EV) Will the Town get first option? (LKe) related that he believed the process required that other State Departments would have first option and then the municipality. (EV) related that thoughts had been voiced in regard to four to five surrounding towns possibly taking over this site. It was noted that this would range in the cost vicinity of $250-300,000 for an above ground facility. (EV) “Who gives it a clean “bill of health?” Mr. Knowlton related that this would be accomplished by NH Environmental Services and DES. (DM) questioned whether there are any environmental issues now? Mr. Knowlton related that there were not.

(LK) related that this is rather a short timeframe for anything to be accomplished. Selectman of Barnstead, Gordon Preston, noted that there was insufficient time to budget for this. Mr. Knowlton related that towns were not being cut off but would be able to use the facility in Alton. Mr. Preston noted that this would be a “long way to travel” for this purpose. Mr. Knowlton related, “We are trying to strategically place these sites.” (LKe) noted that there would probably be political implications for taking this off the table for two to three years until Towns could budget for it. According to Mr. Knowlton, this was mandated by other officials. He noted that Towns could utilize local facilities and request tax refunds for fuel purchased locally.

Concerning the Quonset hut, Mr. Knowlton related that this was to be removed at a cost of $70-75,000 due to asbestos and other toxic contents within the building. This will be done in 2009, as there is no funding to cover this within the 2008 budget. (LS) related that it is dangerous, unsafe, not “pretty” and an eyesore. Waiting until 2009 is a long time. (EV) Is the building secure now? Mr. Knowlton responded in the positive. Mr. Preston noted that Pittsfield looks very nice as you approach the town and questioned whether a fence would be appropriate? Mr. Knowlton related that even an 8 ft. fence would not really protect it because of its height.

Regarding the signs, he noted that they are currently working on this to make it better and safer. This is a priority and will be done as soon as possible.

6:30 P.M.: Glen Patterson, Park St. Baptist Church – Partial Acquisition of Lot 10A

Mr. Patterson related that the church would like to acquire a small piece of the property behind the church for approximately a 16 cars parking lot. (LK) related that this was not a BOS issue but rather something that he would have to address with the Planning Board and could do this as a conceptual. Mr. Patterson indicated on a hand-drawn map exactly where this would be located indicating it would be a 81 x 78 ft. area, currently contains no buildings, some trees and debris. (LK) suggested Mr. Patterson contact the Building Inspector, Mike McLaughlin, so he could check for him regarding variances. “This Board really has no say in this matter.”


1. Capital Area Fire Compact Information Request

(Lke) related that this is an annual request regarding contact information of various officials should there be an emergency. Those who wish to share this information can do so.

2. Town Auditor’s Request for Information

(Lke) noted that is a form that has been prepared addressing new standards with some old and some new questions. Some questions have been answered but should generally be a BOS response. Board discussed the questions but noted that some research would have to be accomplished pertinent to several questions. (LKe) will research this and get back to the Board.

3. Antique Fire Apparatus Storage

(LKe) noted that when the Fire Department moved stored items from the Public Service Company building to the WWTP, they were unable to find adequate storage for some of the antique equipment. They are looking for assistance in arranging for “good storage” until the equipment can be displayed. The Historical Society has offered to help out with immediate storage issue. This was agreeable with the BOS and (LKe) and Chief Johnson will work together to figure out the best solutions. Larry Berkson will also assist.

4. Request for Family Medical Leave

(LKe) James Girard, Fire Department, has requested family leave for three to four weeks to care for expected twins.

(LS) Motion to approve family medical leave for James Girard.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Award of Pavement Marking Contract

(LKe) related that each year pavement-marking contract is budgeted with George acquiring three bids.

(EV) Motion to approve Sealtex Asphalt Coatings, Inc. in the amount of $6,635. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) requested that references be acquired on this company. (LK) George has approved? (LKe) Yes.

6. Award of Pavement Crack Sealing Contract

(EV) Motion to approve H. W. Dow Asphalt Surfaces for $10,000.
(LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) requested that references also be acquired from this company.

7. WWTP – Temporary Filling of Vacancy

(LKe) noted that per a memo from Ron Vien, Steve Gibbs has resigned and his last day was last Friday. Ron Vien has requested that that Mike Sullivan fill that position. Article 30 of the AFT Contract allows this to be done until a permanent replacement can be found.

(LS) Motion to approve Mike Sullivan as temporary Chief of Operations as suggested by Ron Vien. (EV) Second.

After discussion, Motion was modified to indicate that this would be at
Step II ($18.50 per hour).

Motion carried 5-0.

8. Proposed Modification of Teamsters Contract

(LKe) noted that during negotiations, discussion had ensued about adjusting a couple things including pay raises for non-classified, newly hired and uncertified officers and also administrative assistant at Police Department. It is noted that this final approval has been approved by the local union. Board further discussed several items contained within the contract and agreed a paragraph on Page 14 could be deleted. (LKe) to finalize version for Board review and signature.

(LS) Motion to delete paragraph on Page 14 of Teamsters Union Contract beginning, “Employees will be paid…. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

9. Receptacle at Welfare Department Door.

(EV) noted that area is becoming littered with cigarette remains causing unkempt area.

(LK) donated receptacle for this purpose.


1. Filing of AFT Contract with PELB

This has been done.

2. Fire Department Monthly Report – April

For Board perusal.

3. Payment for Trash Pick-Up at 71 Prescott Road

(LKe) noted that this service has been paid for and brief discussion as to where funds would be placed, as it is a reimbursement.

4. Staff Meeting Notes – May 13, 2007

(LK) When do the foot patrols start? (LKe) Memorial Day. (LK) noted that under the Police Department section, he would like to have a little bit more information regarding adult loitering. He suggested meeting with Chief Wharem and further discussing establishment of Loitering Ordinance as suggested last year. (LS) questioned matter concerning employee that would be on light duty for some time and was explained as to the reasons why.


1. Teamsters Contract

This was discussed previously during meeting.

2. Appointments to the CNHRPC Pending
3. Town Investment Policy Proposal Pending
4. Capital Improvement Plan Pending
5. Space Needs Study Pending

6. WWTP Plan Status

Ron Vien noted that this is being worked on at the DES.

7. Building Inspector Reports

(LS) noted that there have been no Building Inspector reports lately. We are supposed to get monthly reports. (LKe) to check.

8. Workers Compensation Waiver

(LS) questioned whether this has been accomplished, (LKe) noted that this would be forthcoming soon as he has not had a chance to sit down with Chief yet.

9. Parks and Rec

(LS) questioned whether the background checks had yet been done on the two new pool employees. (LKe) This also will be forthcoming shortly.

10. Budgets

(EV) noted that Department Heads should be given some idea as to what the BOS is going to expect of them to form budget for coming year. Last year, various departments got quite a few things done that were not exactly budgeted for and we would like to try and keep budget at a 0% increase. (LS) agreed and noted that there were several areas where we saved money. It was agreed that a memo would be sent to all Department Heads regarding this and (LKe) will discuss at department head meeting. A letter will also be sent to School Board in this regard.

11. Elderly Housing Report – Epsom

(EV) noted that Town officials did not know if there was any impact that elderly housing had on Welfare. A copy of the last agreement of the Epsom Elderly Housing Development dated January 28, 2008 has been distributed to Board members. (EV) noted that he would not give an opinion on this matter now in case it comes before the Zoning Board.

(EV) recused himself from this matter and was seated in audience
(7:35 P.M.)

(LS) They are looking for Board’s support or lack of support on this issue. Pittsfield has way more than their fair share of elderly housing. I still do not support it. (JL) noted that he was not sure if BOS should be dealing with this issue at this point. I would need more information. (LK) noted that it was previously noted that this matter would not go forward unless there was the full Board’s consent. (DM) I am not against it, but I would like to see something else at that site. (LK) It would be good for senior citizens, but I believe it is the wrong location. If it was in another area, I might be interested. Board agreed (LKe) write thank you letter noting that Board supports the concept but not the location. (LS) noted that she did not believe it was within the spirit of our Master Plan. It is a noble idea, but not for Pittsfield.

(EV) returned and was seated on the Board (7:43 P.M.).


1. Timber Tax Levy, Douglas and Arthur Laro – Tax Map R16, Lot 1

(LS) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy, Douglas and Arthur Laro – Tax Map R16, Lot 1 for $1,032.55. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Timber Tax Levy, Steven & Anne Schmidt, Map R31, Lot 03-02.

(LS) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy, Steven & Anne Schmidt, Tax Map R31, Lot 03-02, (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (DM) Second. After discussion: Carried 5-0.


(LS) It should be noted that payments should be made on invoices and not on statements.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll. (DM) Second. Discussion in Non-Public. After discussion in Non-Public Session: Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of May 13, 2008. (DM) Second. After few amendments: Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of May 13, 2008.
(JL) Second. Carried 5-0.


Mike Cyr noted that in relation to the comments made by Mr. Knowlton, Town should consider several questions before making any decisions.
1. Price per gallon with and without tax.
2. Cost of monitoring inspections.
3. Cost of aboveground equipment.
4. DES requirements for full-time on-site monitoring.

He noted that the price per gallon, monitoring and inspections are a lot more expensive than you would think. I would caution you to check on all those costs. It is cheaper to go to Irving or Shell in the long run. All environmental issues are quite costly as you will note once you crunch the numbers and you will find it is better to utilize private concerns. You can also negotiate with private companies to give you a better deal on the cost of gas and diesel.

(LS) These are points well taken. (LK) noted that they really did not offer Town much time to do anything. I thought they were talking about at least a year and a half not October of this year.

Mr. Cyr also noted that it might be a good idea to contact Jack Barnes in this regard. Namely, did they notice you and did they consider public opinion in this matter as well as the enormous costs to Towns.

Close Public Input

(LS) Motion to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a) and (c). (JL) Second. Carried 5-0. Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:58 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:16 P.M.

(LS) Motion to seal Non-Public Minutes of May 20, 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Vote to approve Payroll previously motioned. Carried 5-0.


(DM) Motion: The Selectmen find good cause to grant your abatement request. As a result, the amount of interest owed for past due taxes for the Pittsfield Weaving and Windwalker Corporation properties in the Town of Pittsfield will be reduced from twelve (12) percent, as provided by
RSA 76:13 to five (5) percent per annum. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
(EV) Abstain.

(DM) Motion to accept drafted letter to Pittsfield Weaving Company to indicate “This abatement is conditioned upon all taxes currently due and payable for all properties owned by both companies, plus five (5) percent interest, being paid within Ten (10) days and finalization of the loan modification with Meredith Village Savings Bank no later than July 1, 2008. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0. (EV) Abstain.


(EV) Motion to adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M.

Approved: May 27, 3008

___________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date