May 21, 2008 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
May 21, 2008

1. Meeting called to order at 5:36.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), James Hetu (JH), Lyn Roberts (LR), Helen Schiff (HS), Susan Muenzinger
(SM), Ellen Barbasso (EB) and Matt Monahan (MM) representing CNHRPC. Also attending
Linda Small (LS).

3. Minutes from May 14, 2008 reviewed and approved.

4. CRDC update
A. Steve Heavener visited 4 companies
B. We want to know if he contacted any land owners about developing their property
C. MM will contact him about that

5.Pittsfield LDC
A. PCDC will not give permission to use the name Pittsfield Economic Development Corp (PEDC)
B. Several suggestions were made for alternative names
C. Voted and approved two names. (The second to be used if the first unavailable)
1. Pittsfield Economic Development Alliance (PEDA)
2. Economic Development Corp of Pittsfield (EDCOP)
D. A motion was made to use the name Pittsfield Economic Development Alliance as the first choice
for the LDC, and Economic Development Corp of Pittsfield as the second choice.
A. The motion was seconded and approved.
B. The LDC papers will be sent to the state with the revised name.

6. WiFi
A. We got an amended budget from Single Digits for the 3rd antenna
B. There was discussion about getting the 3rd antenna now or later-do we have enough money?
C. There was further discussion about where to put the 3rd one if we get it.
D. Do we want to extend the coverage down Main St or over to Carroll St?
E. It was decided to ask both Veronica (Wicked WiFi) and Single Digits to come to a meeting to
get a better idea of how to get the best coverage

7. A suggestion was made to get updates on certain topics by e-mail instead of using meeting time
A. PCDC – name change
B. YMCA – meeting postponed. They are still reorganizing.

8. Next meeting Wednesday June 4, 2008 at 5:30 P.M.

9. Meeting closed at 6:40 P.M.

Submitted by ____________________________________
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary